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Jingde Chen Wang X. Ming-Fu Li Lee S.J. Yu M.B. Shen C. Yee-Chia Yeo 《Electron Device Letters, IEEE》2007,28(10):862-864
This letter demonstrates reduction in effective work function of tantalum-nitride (TaN) metal gate with erbium-oxide-doped hafnium oxide. We report that TaN effective metal-gate work function can be tuned from Si midgap to the conduction band to meet the work-function requirement of NMOSFETs by incorporating ErO in HfO2 with an equivalent oxide thickness as low as 1.15 nm. Several other lanthanide-oxide doped hafnium oxides show similar characteristics. 相似文献
本文提出了一种新型的复合多晶硅栅LDMOS结构.该结构引入栅工程的概念,将LDMOST的栅分为n型多晶硅栅和p型多晶硅栅两部分,从而提高器件电流驱动能力,抑制SCEs(short channel effects )和DIBL(drain-induced barrier lowering).通过求解二维泊松方程建立了复合多晶硅栅LDMOST的二维阈值电压解析模型.模型考虑了LDMOS沟道杂质浓度分布和复合栅功函数差的共同影响,具有较高的精度.与MEDICI数值模拟结果比较后,模型得以验证. 相似文献
通常的EEPROM单元在应用于实际的存储卡时,因为进位而导致逻辑操作复杂,文中阐述了这种复杂性以及产生这种复杂性的原因,提出了一种新型的EEPROM单元结构,并详细分析了这种结构对逻辑操作的改善,通过该结构与常规EEPROM单元的应用加以比较,进一步说明了其优点。 相似文献
《Electron Device Letters, IEEE》2008,29(11):1226-1228
异质栅非对称Halo SOI MOSFET 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
为了抑制异质栅SOI MOSFET的漏致势垒降低效应,在沟道源端一侧引入了高掺杂Halo结构.通过求解二维电势Poisson方程,为新结构器件建立了全耗尽条件下表面势和阈值电压解析模型,并对其性能改进情况进行了研究.结果表明,新结构器件比传统的异质栅SOI MOSFETs能更有效地抑制漏致势垒降低效应,并进一步提高载流子输运效率.新结构器件的漏致势垒降低效应随着Halo区掺杂浓度的增加而减弱,但随Halo区长度非单调变化.解析模型与数值模拟软件MEDICI所得结果高度吻合. 相似文献
Kow Ming Chang Gin Min Lin Guo Liang Yang 《Electron Device Letters, IEEE》2007,28(9):806-808
In this letter, a novel structure of the polycrystalline silicon thin-film transistors (TFTs) with a self-aligned gate and raised source/drain (RSD) formed by the damascene process has been developed and investigated. Comparing with the conventional coplanar TFT, the proposed RSD TFT has a remarkable lower off-state current (177 to 6.29 nA), and the on/off current ratio is only slightly decreased from 1.71 times 107 to 1.39 times 107. Only four photomasking steps are required. This novel structure is an excellent candidate for further high-performance large-area device applications. 相似文献
《Electron Device Letters, IEEE》2008,29(7):688-690
《Electron Device Letters, IEEE》2006,27(10):802-804
Reduction in effective work function (EWF) of midgap-tantalum nitride (TaN) metal gate with gadolinium-oxide buffer layer on Hafnium-based high-$kappa$ gate stack has been demonstrated. EWF of 4.2 eV is achieved for TaN with a bilayer arrangement of$hboxGd_2 O_3/hboxHfSiO_x$ dielectric. By using Gd–Si cosputtered layer on$hboxHfO_2$ , a reduction in EWF to nMOS compatible value of 4.05 eV is obtained. Electrical and material characterization indicate that the conversion of gadolinium to gadolinium oxide and presence of silicon in the high-$kappa$ layer are responsible for the EWF shift. nMOSFETs with improved output current, transconductance, and channel electron mobility highlight the approach of using gadolinium in the gate stack. 相似文献
Cheng C.F. Wu C.H. Su N.C. Wang S.J. McAlister S.P. Chin A. 《Electron Device Letters, IEEE》2007,28(12):1092-1094
At a 1.2-nm equivalent oxide thickness, HfSix/Hf0.7La0.3ON n-MOSFETs showed an effective work function of 4.33 eV, a low threshold voltage of 0.18 V, and a peak electron mobility of 215 cm2/(Vldrs). These self-aligned and gate-first HfSix/Hf0.7La0.3ON n-MOSFETs were processed using standard ion implantation and 1000-degC rapid thermal annealing, making them fully compatible with current very large scale integration fabrication lines. 相似文献
In this letter, a novel structure of polycrystalline-silicon thin-film transistors (TFTs) with self-aligned raised source/drain (SARSD) and a thin channel has been developed and investigated. In the proposed structure, a thick SD and a thin active region could be achieved with only four mask steps, which are less than that in conventional raised SD TFTs. The proposed SARSD TFT has a higher on-state current and a lower off-state leakage current. Moreover, the on/off current ratio of the proposed SARSD TFT is also higher than that of a conventional coplanar TFT 相似文献
Wang X.P. Li M.-F. Yu H.Y. Yang J.J. Chen J.D. Zhu C.X. Du A.Y. Loh W.Y. Biesemans S. Chin A. Lo G.Q. Kwong D.-L. 《Electron Device Letters, IEEE》2008,29(1):50-53
For the first time, we demonstrate experimentally that using HfLaO high-kappa gate dielectric and vertical stacks of TaN/Ru metal layers, dual metal gates with continuously tunable work function over a very wide range from 3.9 to 5.2 eV, can be achieved after 1000 degC annealing required by a conventional CMOS source/drain activation process. The wide tunability of work function for this bilayer metal structure is attributed to metal interdiffusion during annealing and the release of Fermi level pinning between metal gates (Ru and TaN) and HfLaO. Moreover, this change is thermally stable and unaffected by a subsequent high temperature process. 相似文献
研究异质栅单Halo沟道SOI MOS器件的隐埋层中二维效应对器件特性,如电势分布、阈值电压等的影响,仿真结果表明,隐埋层中的二维效应会引起更明显的SCE及DIBL效应.在考虑隐埋层二维效应的基础上,提出了一个新的二维阈值电压模型,能较好地吻合二维器件数值模拟软件Medici的仿真结果. 相似文献
《Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE》2009,19(6):368-370
《Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE》2008,18(12):779-781
《Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on》2009,56(1):85-92
Yen F. Y. Hung C. L. Hou Y. T. Hsu P. F. Chang V. S. Lim P. S. Yao L. G. Jiang J. C. Lin H. J. Chen C. C. Jin Y. Jang S. M. Tao H. J. Chen S. C. Liang M. S. 《Electron Device Letters, IEEE》2007,28(3):201-203
This letter reports the engineering of effective work function (EWF) for tantalum carbide (TaC) metal gate on high-k gate dielectrics. The dependence of EWF on Si concentration in HfSiO as well as nitridation techniques is revealed. The EWF was extracted by both terraced oxide and terraced high-k techniques with the bulk and interface charges taken into account. The incorporation of Si in Hf-based dielectrics results in an increase of EWF, while the presence of N tends to decrease the EWF. Plasma nitridation is found to be more effective in lowering the EWF than a thermal nitridation. The phenomena can be explained by the modification of TaC/high-k interface dipole moment, which arises from the electronegativity difference for various interface bonds. Based on the above findings, we proposed a novel approach to reduce the EWF of TaC on HfSiON by using a thin HfO2 cap layer after optimizing the nitridation. The MOSFET results show that this technique is able to achieve a lower Vt without degrading the device performance 相似文献
《Electron Device Letters, IEEE》2009,30(9):925-927
随着超大规模集成电路技术的发展,CMOS器件的制备过程需要同时引入金属栅和超浅结等新的先进工艺技术,因此各种新工艺的兼容性研究具有重要意义.本文研究了超浅结工艺中使用的锗预非晶化对镍硅(NiSi)金属栅功函数的影响.对具有不同剂量Ge注入的NiSi金属栅MOS电容样品的研究表明,锗预非晶化采用的Ge注入对NiSi金属栅的功函数影响很小(小于0.03eV),而且Ge注入也不会导致氧化层中固定电荷以及氧化层和硅衬底之间界面态的增加.这些结果表明,在自对准的先进CMOS工艺中,NiSi金属栅工艺和锗预非晶化超浅结工艺可以互相兼容. 相似文献