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Hempseed products are projected to receive great potentials due to the rapid growth in the US market. Industrial hemp has been an important crop for food, fibre and medicine applications. Hempseed products can be used as nutraceutical supplements and functional foods for human and can be applied for animal feed. This review provides a comprehensive summary of nutritional quality and health benefits of hempseed which is attributed to high levels of essential fatty acids and other PUFAs in the oil, with a rich source of essential amino acids in highly digestible protein. This review examines the impact of extraction methods on oil yield and bioactive compounds, nutrition value, and food application of hemp protein-extracted products, including meal, protein isolate and protein concentrate. Recent research related to the understanding chemical composition, nutritional value, health benefits, processing impact, functional properties of hempseed products, and their application for food and feed is presented.  相似文献   


Processed foods, generally known as modified raw foods produced by innovative processing technologies alters the food constituents such natural enzymes, fatty acids, micronutrients, macronutrients and vitamins. In contrast to fresh and unprocessed foods, processed foods are guaranteed to be safer, imperishable, long lasting and consist high level of nutrients bioactivity. Currently, the evolution in food processing technologies is necessary to face food security and safety, nutrition demand, its availability and also other global challenges in the food system. In this scenario, this review consists of information on two food processing technologies, which effects on processed foods before and after processing and the impact of food products on human health. It is also very well established that understanding the type and structure of foods to be processed can assist food processing industries towards advancement of novel food products. In connection with this fact, the present article also discusses the emerging trends and possible modifications in food processing technologies with the combination of conventional and modern techniques to get the suitable nutritional and safety qualities in food.  相似文献   

Although several meta‐analysis studies have been published comparing the quality of food derived from organic and non‐organic origin, it is still not clear if food from organic production per se can guarantee product‐related added value to consumers. This paper aims to summarize the status quo in order to identify research gaps and suggest future research challenges. Organic food is described according to a quality model already published. The influence of organic production on food quality is structured in primary production and processing. Furthermore, organic food authentication is discussed. Organic food seems to contain fewer pesticide residues and statistically more selected health‐related compounds such as polyphenols in plant products and polyunsaturated fatty acids in milk and meat products, but the health relevance for consumers is not clear yet. Comparing food from organic origin with so called ‘conventional’ food seems not to be appropriate, because ‘conventional’ is not defined. In organic food quality research a system approach is needed from which systemic markers can be selected. Research on the impact of processing technologies on the quality according to organic principles seems of high relevance, since most of the food is processed. © 2014 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

脂质是食品中重要的营养物质之一,作为一类复杂的生物分子,在不同的生物分子加工过程中发挥着许多关键作用,脂质也影响着食品的品质、营养和安全,与许多慢性疾病的发生有直接的联系。脂质组学作为组学技术中的新兴学科,被广泛应用于食品科学等重要领域,随着检测技术手段的不断发展和完善,脂质组学技术也在不断地更新。本文主要介绍了脂质分类和功能与脂质组学技术及其在食品科学领域中的应用,以期为脂质组学技术在食品科学领域的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

国家食品安全科技计划经过"十五"、"十一五"和"十二五"的专项开展,以及"十三五"的发展规划,形成了食品安全科技领域的研究方向、重点内容和学科构架,构建了我国食品安全风险保障体系;同时,我国农产品质量安全监管和风险评估体系经过十几年自上而下的组织管理体系的构建和发展,形成了四级风险评估研究和监管体系,实现了对食用农产品从"农田到餐桌"的全程质量安全管理。这2个分别由卫生部门和农业部门牵头负责管理实施的质量安全风险控制体系构成了中国人餐桌上的安全保障。在保障安全的基础上,需要进一步开拓农产品质量与营养功能风险评估研究方向的探索,满足老百姓对营养和健康的需求。  相似文献   

大豆及大豆食品关乎国家的粮食安全,关乎大众的营养与健康,理顺和调控好大豆原料生产、食品加工利用和食品制造现代化之间的发展关系对建设中国特色的现代化强国十分重要。我国是重要的大豆生产国,总产量一直位居世界第四,每年有85%以上国产大豆用于食品加工,但是,目前我国大豆食品产业的发展在产业链、供应链和价值链构建方面还面临诸多问题。在原料利用方面,尽管国产大豆在需求量上保障了大豆食品产业的供给,但品质难以达到专用大豆原料的要求;大豆的混种、混收、混用仍是让大豆食品加工企业感到困惑的难题;国产食品专用大豆原料要在未来保持竞争地位,就要在品种选育、种植管理、产销品质控制方面有明确的定位;需建立统一协调的生产、加工、销售制度体系;完善我国大豆原料标准体系以及大豆品种名和加工产品商品名统一的原料标示推广系统。在产业加工方面,大豆食品加工现代化工作在近些年取得了很大的进步,但在传统工艺深度挖掘和新技术、新产品开发方面不足,针对增强营养健康和不同使用功能性诉求的产品市场细分尚需加强。今后,我国的大豆食品加工新技术、新产品、新装备等开发一定要走与数字化技术相结合的道路,不断地提升大豆食品加工的数字化、智能化水平,实现原料、储运、产品生产、制造和流通整个产业链的绿色制造和现代化。  相似文献   

Phenolic compounds have recently become one of the most interesting topics in different research areas, especially in food science and nutrition due to their health-promoting effects. Phenolic compounds are found together with macronutrients and micronutrients in foods and within several food systems. The coexistence of phenolics and other food components can lead to their interaction resulting in complex formation. This review article aims to cover the effects of thermal and non-thermal processing techniques on the protein–phenolic interaction especially focusing on the content and digestibility of phenolics by discussing recently published research articles. It is clear that the processing conditions and individual properties of phenolics and proteins are the most effective factors in the final content and intestinal fates of phenolic compounds. Besides, thermal and non-thermal treatments, such as high-pressure processing, pulsed electric field, cold plasma, ultrasonication, and fermentation may induce alterations  in those interactions. Still, new investigations are required for different food processing treatments by using a wide range of food products to enlighten new functional and healthier food product design, to provide the optimized processing conditions of foods for obtaining better quality, higher nutritional properties, and health benefits. © 2024 Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

近年来,伴随人们对全谷物健康关注度逐年提高,全谷物食品呈快速发展趋势.萌芽全谷物作为全谷物食品的重要配料,其关注度也在不断提高.萌芽技术可以进一步提高全谷物制品的营养价值和生物有效利用率,改善烘培类产品感官品质,并对慢性代谢综合症预防和控制具有积极作用.从萌芽全谷物定义、全谷物萌发分子机制、功能性成分及生理功效、抗营养...  相似文献   

我国肉品加工科技现状及趋势   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
我国是世界肉品生产和消费第一大国。2018年,我国肉品总产量8 624 万t,占世界肉品总产量的1/3。 1949—2019年的70 年发展历程里,我国肉品加工业一方面引进西方先进技术改造落后产能,另一方面加强中华传 统肉制品加工技术改革创新,经历了冷冻肉、高温肉制品、冷却肉、低温肉制品、传统肉制品工业化和营养肉制品 加工等发展阶段,在品质提升、营养保持、标准加工、安全控制及绿色制造等共性关键技术研发上取得长足进步。 当前,我国人民对肉品消费的需求已从数量安全到质量安全再到营养健康快速转变,初步建立了以市场需求为导 向,以畜禽宰后保鲜、物流、加工等为主体,相关服务业为支撑的全产业链新型肉品加工产业。基于我国肉品加工 产业现状和未来产业需求,智能化屠宰分级分割、生鲜肉智慧物流保鲜、梯次化绿色加工、共产物高值化利用、质 量与安全和营养健康是肉品加工科技发展新趋势。本文综述我国当前肉品加工产业现状、科技现状、存在问题以及 肉品加工科技趋势,为未来30 年肉品加工发展提出建议。  相似文献   

不同的加工步骤可能会影响肉品的物化性质及营养价值,甚至产生对人体健康有害的化合物。例如,已观察到某些热处理可增加自由基含量,降低抗氧化保护能力,促进蛋白质氧化。鉴于某些肉类加工保藏方法可能促进蛋白质氧化进而影响肉品食用品质乃至加速肉类劣变,本文探讨了常见肉品加工保藏方法及其相关新技术对蛋白质氧化的影响,及蛋白质氧化对肉品品质及人体健康的不利影响,旨在为加工保藏中有关蛋白质氧化及合理化食品加工技术提供相关参考。  相似文献   

The food processing industry generates an immense amount of waste, which leads to major concerns for its environmental impact. However, most of these wastes, such as plant‐derived byproducts, are still nutritionally adequate for use in food manufacturing. Extrusion is one of the most versatile and commercially successful processing technologies, with its widespread applications in the production of pasta, snacks, crackers, and meat analogues. It allows a high degree of user control over the processing parameters that significantly alters the quality of final products. This review features the past research on manufacture of extruded foods with integration of various plant food processing byproducts. The impact of extrusion parameters and adding various byproducts on the nutritional, physicochemical, sensory, and microbiological properties of food products are comprehensively discussed. This paper also provides fundamental knowledge and practical techniques for food manufacturers and researchers on the extrusion processing of plant food byproducts, which may increase economical return to the industry and reduce the environmental impact.  相似文献   


Extrusion technology has rapidly transformed the food industry with its numerous advantages over other processing methods. It offers a platform for processing different products from various food groups by modifying minor or major ingredients and processing conditions. Although cereals occupy a large portion of the extruded foods market, several other types of raw materials have been used. Extrusion processing of various food groups, including cereals and pseudo cereals, roots and tubers, pulses and oilseeds, fruits and vegetables, and animal products, as well as structural and nutritional changes in these food matrices are reviewed. Value addition by extrusion to food processing wastes and by-products from fruits and vegetables, dairy, meat and seafood, cereals and residues from starch, syrup and alcohol production, and oilseed processing are also discussed. Extrusion presents an economical technology for incorporating food processing residues and by-products back into the food stream. In contemporary scenarios, rising demand for extruded products with functional ingredients, attributed to evolving lifestyles and preferences, have led to innovations in the form, texture, color and content of extruded products. Information presented in this review would be of importance to processors and researchers as they seek to enhance nutritional quality and delivery of extruded products.  相似文献   

Dietary guidelines indicate that complex carbohydrates should provide around half of the calories in a balanced diet, while sugars (i.e., simple carbohydrates) should be limited to no more than 5–10% of total energy intake. To achieve this public health goal a collective effort from different entities including governments, food & beverage industries and consumers is required. Some food companies have committed to continually reduce sugars in their products. Different solutions can be used to replace sugars in food products but it is important to ensure that these solutions are more healthful than the sugars they replace. The objectives of this paper are, (1) to identify carbohydrates and carbohydrates sources to promote and those to limit for dietary intake and food product development, based on current knowledge about the impact of carbohydrates on the development of dental caries, obesity and cardio-metabolic disorders (2) to evaluate the impact of food processing on the quality of carbohydrates and (3) to highlight the challenges of developing healthier products due to the limitations and gaps in food regulations, science & technology and consumer education.  相似文献   

Oils and fats are widely used in the food formulations in order to improve nutritional and some quality characteristics of food products. Solid fats produced from oils by hydrogenization, interesterification, and fractionation processes are widely used in different foodstuffs for these aims. In recent years, consumer awareness of relation between diet and health has increased which can cause worry about solid fat including products in terms of their high saturated fatty acid and trans fatty acid contents. Therefore, different attempts have been carried out to find alternative ways to produce solid fat with low saturated fatty acid content. One of the promising ways is using oleogels, structuring oils with oleogelators. In this review, history, raw materials and production methods of the oleogels and their functions in oleogel quality were mentioned. Moreover, studies related with oleogel usage in different products were summarized and positive and negative aspects of oleogel were also mentioned. Considering the results of the related studies, it can be concluded that oleogels can be used in the formulation of bakery products, breakfast spreads, margarines, chocolates and chocolate-derived products and some of the meat products.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的不断发展,公众对于食品营养和健康也愈发重视,对于科普知识的需求随之增长,食品质量安全方面的科普工作受到越来越广泛的关注。本文聚焦现阶段公众食品安全意识现状和食品安全科普工作开展情况,梳理归纳了科学实验、实验科普剧、数字动画等热门科普形式,对科普工作创新形式进行探究。关注科普工作开展过程中仍面临的问题与挑战,为科普工作的高质量发展和科普知识的高效传播提出可行建议,提升公众科学素养水平,满足公众精神文化需求。  相似文献   

预制菜是将可食用原料经预加工制成的半成品或成品产品,具有一定的保质期,近年来该行业快速发展。该研究对预制菜的定义、分类、发展现状、技术难点、市场规模及主要企业进行了综述,并对预制菜的发展趋势进行了展望。目前的主要产业大省包括广东、山东、福建、江苏、河南等。预制菜技术难点主要有食品安全、感官品质、营养品质与保健功能、原材料质量控制及溯源体系、速冻及解冻技术、包装材料与技术、智能装备成套设备等方面。标准化、细分市场和高质量专业技术人才的培养与输送,将成为预制菜行业的发展方向。该综述可为预制菜领域科研攻关的方向、产业的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

本文从谷物加工、果蔬加工、肉类加工、乳制品加工四个研究领域对酶学技术在食品加工中的应用及其进展,从酶联免疫分析法(ELISA)与酶生物传感器法两个研究领域对酶学技术在食品质量检测中的应用及其进展进行了归纳和评述。糖苷酶类可应用于生产以抗性糊精、低聚果糖为代表的新型谷物营养食品,果胶酶及其复合酶制剂可以提高果汁的产量和质量,纤维素酶辅助提取技术提取果蔬中功能性成分,蛋白酶、脂肪酶应用于改良传统的肉制品、乳制品,以及制造更加营养均衡,符合保健需求的功能性肉制品、乳制品。酶联免疫分析法可以用于果蔬中农药残留以及食品中毒素的检测,可靠性更好、灵敏度更高的酶联免疫试剂盒是今后研究的重点。以酶电极为代表的酶生物传感器在食品中的有毒物、致癌物检测中也已经初步取得成功。同时,针对酶学技术在食品加工与食品质量检测中的应用存在的不足,本文也提出了相应的建议,比如通过固定化酶来降低酶制剂的使用成本,保证酶联免疫分析法的准确性,提高酶生物传感器的稳定性。  相似文献   

Consumer demand for clean-label food products is increasing. Moreover, the production of ready-to-cook products have begun to include clean-label efforts. Dried chilli, the raw material for chilli paste, is susceptible to contaminants such as mould dirt and pesticides that must be removed to maintain the safety and quality of products. In this review, trends related to processes involved in chilli paste production are highlighted. Improvements in preservation technology and the potential for using a clean-label approach to produce premium-quality chilli pastes were explored. Ultrasound washing and high-pressure processing could be combined as part of a hurdle technique for processing chilli pastes that align with consumer values. Ultrasound washing disinfects and removes dirt pesticides and chemical residues present on dried chillies. High-pressure treatments inactivate microorganisms and enzymes, which could extend the shelf-life of chilli pastes. Additionally, organic acid and garlic can be used as natural preservatives to improve the formulation without using artificial ingredients. This clean-label concept can be integrated into the hurdle strategy to produce chilli paste that fulfils the consumer demand for a safe, naturally nutritional product with an extended shelf-life.  相似文献   

食品中酶的微波钝化技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
食品中的酶对食品质量具有正反两方面的影响,因此在食品加工过程中,有效控制食品中酶的活性显得尤为重要。传统热处理是钝化食品中酶的主要方式,而近年来一些新型的钝化酶技术已成为新的研究热点。文中就微波钝化酶技术的原理与微波钝化酶的影响因素进行了综述,同时概述了微波钝化酶技术在食品中的应用状况,最后对微波钝化酶技术发展趋势提出了展望。  相似文献   

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