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This paper introduces a new algorithm for the compression of manifold hexahedral meshes topology, using vertex degree. The topology compression consists of two parts—the mesh’s boundary consisting of quadrilaterals is compressed first, and then the hexahedra are processed by the help of six commands. The topology compression algorithm has been matched against the best-known method to-date, and shows itself to be competitive.  相似文献   

In this work, we present a simultaneous untangling and smoothing technique for quadrilateral and hexahedral meshes. The algorithm iteratively improves a quadrilateral or hexahedral mesh by minimizing an objective function defined in terms of a regularized algebraic distortion measure of the elements. We propose several techniques to improve the robustness and the computational efficiency of the optimization algorithm. In addition, we have adopted an object-oriented paradigm to create a common framework to smooth meshes composed by any type of elements, and using different minimization techniques. Finally, we present several examples to show that the proposed technique obtains valid meshes composed by high-quality quadrilaterals and hexahedra, even when the initial meshes contain a large number of tangled elements.  相似文献   

Mitchell proved that a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a topological hexahedral mesh constrained to a quadrilateral mesh on the sphere is that the constraining quadrilateral mesh contains an even number of elements. Mitchell’s proof depends on Smale’s theorem on the regularity of curves on compact manifolds. Although the question of the existence of constrained hexahedral meshes has been solved, the known solution is not easily programmable; indeed, there are cases, such as Schneider’s Pyramid, that are not easily solved. Eppstein later utilized portions of Mitchell’s existence proof to demonstrate that hexahedral mesh generation has linear complexity. In this paper, we demonstrate a constructive proof to the existence theorem for the sphere, as well as assign an upper-bound to the constant of the linear term in the asymptotic complexity measure provided by Eppstein. Our construction generates 76 × n hexahedra elements within the solid where n is the number of quadrilaterals on the boundary. The construction presented is used to solve some problems posed by Schneiders and Eppstein. We will also use the results provided in this paper, in conjunction with Mitchell’s Geode-Template, to create an alternative way of creating a constrained hexahedral mesh. The construction utilizing the Geode-Template requires 130 × n hexahedra, but will have fewer topological irregularities in the final mesh.  相似文献   

Depending upon the numerical approximation method that may be implemented, hexahedral meshes are frequently preferred to tetrahedral meshes. Because of the layered structure of hexahedral meshes, the automatic generation of hexahedral meshes for arbitrary geometries is still an open problem. This layered structure usually requires topological modifications to propagate globally, thus preventing the general development of meshing algorithms such as Delaunay??s algorithm for tetrahedral meshes or the advancing-front algorithm based on local decisions. To automatically produce an acceptable hexahedral mesh, we claim that both global geometric and global topological information must be taken into account in the mesh generation process. In this work, we propose a theoretical classification of the layers or sheets participating in the geometry capture procedure. These sheets are called fundamental, or fun-sheets for short, and make the connection between the global layered structure of hexahedral meshes and the geometric surfaces that are captured during the meshing process. Moreover, we propose a first generation algorithm based on fun-sheets to deal with 3D geometries having 3- and 4-valent vertices.  相似文献   

Two of the most successful methods to generate unstructured hexahedral meshes are the grid-based methods and the advancing front methods. On the one hand, the grid-based methods generate high-quality hexahedra in the inner part of the domain using an inside–outside approach. On the other hand, advancing front methods generate high-quality hexahedra near the boundary using an outside–inside approach. To combine the advantages of both methodologies, we extend the receding front method: an inside–outside mesh generation approach by means of a reversed advancing front. We apply this approach to generate unstructured hexahedral meshes of exterior domains. To reproduce the shape of the boundaries, we first pre-compute the mesh fronts by combining two solutions of the Eikonal equation on a tetrahedral reference mesh. Then, to generate high-quality elements, we expand the quadrilateral surface mesh of the inner body towards the unmeshed external boundary using the pre-computed fronts as a guide.  相似文献   

Take a hexahedral mesh and an adjoining tetrahedral mesh that splits each boundary quadrilateral into two triangles. Separate the meshes with a buffer layer of hexes. Dice the original hexes into eight, and the tetrahedra into four hexahedra. Then I show that the buffer layer hexes can be filled with the geode-template, creating a conforming all-hex mesh of the entire model. The geode-template is composed of 26 hexahedra. The hexahedra have acceptable quality, depending on the geometry of the buffer layer. The method used to generate the geode-template is general, based on interleaving completed dual surfaces, and might be extended to other transition problems.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel algorithm for hierarchical random accessible mesh decompression. Our approach progressively decompresses the requested parts of a mesh without decoding less interesting parts. Previous approaches divided a mesh into independently compressed charts and a base coarse mesh. We propose a novel hierarchical representation of the mesh. We build this representation by using a boundary-based approach to recursively split the mesh in two parts, under the constraint that any of the two resulting submeshes should be reconstructible independently.
In addition to this decomposition technique, we introduce the concepts of opposite vertex and context dependant numbering . This enables us to achieve seemingly better compression ratios than previous work on quad and higher degree polygonal meshes. Our coder uses about 3 bits per polygon for connectivity and 14 bits per vertex for geometry using 12 bits quantification.  相似文献   

A semi-automatic block-structured grid generation technique for hexahedral meshing of porous open cell Kelvin foam structures for investigation of the pore scale fluid flow is presented. The performance of the algorithm is compared with a tetrahedral full automatic Delaunay meshing technique. In the first part of the paper the meshing strategies are explained. In the second part grid generation times, simulation times and the mesh quality are evaluated. For this Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations for both a diffusion-dominated case (Re = 0.129) and a convection-dominated case (Re = 129) are carried out and analysed on four different cell resolutions of each mesh type. For the quality evaluation three different a posteriori error estimates are studied for the two mesh types on the different mesh sizes. The results are: the block-structured grid generation technique is about 10–20 times faster than the tetrahedral full automatic technique. While the mean field error estimates are comparable for both meshes, the maximum field error estimates for the block-structured meshes are only half of those for the tetrahedral meshes. Reaching simulation results of the same quality the hexahedral mesh needs about 20–40% less iterations with comparable mesh sizes. The time per iteration for the hexahedral meshes are up to 94% smaller than for the tetrahedral meshes. This makes the semi-automatic block-structured grid generation technique especially suitable for parameter studies and for the investigation of micro-scale flows in foam structures consisting of large quantities of Kelvin cells.  相似文献   

Solving partial differential equations using finite element (FE) methods for unstructured meshes that contain billions of elements is computationally a very challenging task. While parallel implementations can deliver a solution in a reasonable amount of time, they suffer from low cache utilization due to unstructured data access patterns. In this work, we reorder the way the mesh vertices and elements are stored in memory using Hilbert space-filling curves to improve cache utilization in FE methods for unstructured meshes. This reordering technique enumerates the mesh elements such that parallel threads access shared vertices at different time intervals, reducing the time wasted waiting to acquire locks guarding atomic regions. Further, when the linear system resulting from the FE analysis is solved using the preconditioned conjugate gradient method, the performance of the block-Jacobi preconditioner also improves, as more nonzeros are present near the stiffness matrix diagonal. Our results show that our reordering reduces the L1 and L2 cache miss-rates in the stiffness matrix assembly step by about 50 and 10 %, respectively, on a single-core processor. We also reduce the number of iterations required to solve the linear system by about 5 %. Overall, our reordering reduces the time to assemble the stiffness matrix and to solve the linear system on a 4-socket, 48-core multi-processor by about 20 %.  相似文献   

Over the years, there have been a number of practical studies with working definitions of ‘mesh’ as related to computational simulation, however, there are only a few theoretical papers with formal definitions of mesh. Algebraic topology papers are available that define tetrahedral meshes in terms of simplices. Algebraic topology and polytope theory has also been utilized to define hexahedral meshes. Additional literature is also available describing particular properties of the dual of a mesh. In this paper, we give several formal definitions in relation to hexahedral meshes and the dual of hexahedral meshes. Our main goal is to provide useful, understandable and minimal definitions specifically for computer scientists or mathematicians working in hexahedral meshing. We also extend these definitions to some useful classifications of hexahedral meshes, including definitions for ‘fundamental’ hexahedral meshes and ‘minimal’ hexahedral meshes.  相似文献   

We describe algorithms for canonically partitioning semi‐regular quadrilateral meshes into structured submeshes, using an adaptation of the geometric motorcycle graph of Eppstein and Erickson to quad meshes. Our partitions may be used to efficiently find isomorphisms between quad meshes. In addition, they may be used as a highly compressed representation of the original mesh. These partitions can be constructed in sublinear time from a list of the extraordinary vertices in a mesh. We also study the problem of further reducing the number of submeshes in our partitions—we prove that optimizing this number is NP‐hard, but it can be efficiently approximated.  相似文献   

Over the years, there have been a number of practical studies with working definitions of ‘mesh’ as related to computational simulation, however, there are only a few theoretical papers with formal definitions of mesh. Algebraic topology papers are available that define tetrahedral meshes in terms of simplices. Algebraic topology and polytope theory has also been utilized to define hexahedral meshes. Additional literature is also available describing particular properties of the dual of a mesh. In this paper, we give several formal definitions in relation to hexahedral meshes and the dual of hexahedral meshes. Our main goal is to provide useful, understandable and minimal definitions specifically for computer scientists or mathematicians working in hexahedral meshing. We also extend these definitions to some useful classifications of hexahedral meshes, including definitions for ‘fundamental’ hexahedral meshes and ‘minimal’ hexahedral meshes.  相似文献   

Compressed progressive meshes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Most systems that support visual interaction with 3D models use shape representations based on triangle meshes. The size of these representations imposes limits on applications for which complex 3D models must be accessed remotely. Techniques for simplifying and compressing 3D models reduce the transmission time. Multiresolution formats provide quick access to a crude model and then refine it progressively. Unfortunately, compared to the best nonprogressive compression methods, previously proposed progressive refinement techniques impose a significant overhead when the full resolution model must be downloaded. The CPM (compressed progressive meshes) approach proposed here eliminates this overhead. It uses a new technique, which refines the topology of the mesh in batches, which each increase the number of vertices by up to 50 percent. Less than an amortized total of 4 bits per triangle encode where and how the topological refinements should be applied. We estimate the position of new vertices from the positions of their topological neighbors in the less refined mesh using a new estimator that leads to representations of vertex coordinates that are 50 percent more compact than previously reported progressive geometry compression techniques  相似文献   

We provide a comprehensive study of arbitrarily high-order finite elements defined on pyramids. We propose a new family of high-order nodal pyramidal finite element which can be used in hybrid meshes which include hexahedra, tetrahedra, wedges and pyramids. Finite elements matrices can be evaluated through approximate integration, and we show that the order of convergence of the method is conserved. Numerical results demonstrate the efficiency of hybrid meshes compared to pure tetrahedral meshes or hexahedral meshes obtained by splitting tetrahedra into hexahedra.  相似文献   

This paper describes an all-hexahedral generation method focusing on how to create interior surfaces. It is well known that a solid homeomorphic to a ball with even number of bounding quadrilaterals can be partitioned into a compatible hexahedral mesh where each associated hexahedron corresponds to the intersection of three interior surfaces that are dual to the original hexahedral mesh. However, no such method for creating dual interior surfaces has been developed for generating all-hexahedral meshes of volumes covered with simply connected quadrilaterals. We generate an interior surface as an orientable regular homotopy (or more definitively a sweep) by splitting a dual cycle into several pieces at self-intersecting points and joining the three connected pieces, if the self-intersecting point-types are identical, while we generate a non-orientable surface (containing Möbius bands) if the self-intersecting point-types are distinct. Stitching these simple interior surfaces together allows us to compose more complex interior surfaces. Thus, we propose a generalized method of generating a hexahedral mesh topology by directly creating the interior surface arrangement. We apply the present framework to Schneiders’ open pyramid problem and show an arrangement of interior surfaces that decompose Schneiders’ pyramid into 146 hexahedra.  相似文献   

Important engineering applications use unstructured hexahedral meshes for numerical simulations. Hexahedral cells, when compared to tetrahedral ones, tend to be more numerically stable and to require less mesh refinement. However, volume visualization of unstructured hexahedral meshes is challenging due to the trilinear variation of scalar fields inside the cells. The conventional solution consists in subdividing each hexahedral cell into five or six tetrahedra, approximating a trilinear variation by a nonadaptive piecewise linear function. This results in inaccurate images and increases the memory consumption. In this paper, we present an accurate ray-casting volume rendering algorithm for unstructured hexahedral meshes. In order to capture the trilinear variation along the ray, we propose the use of quadrature integration. A set of computational experiments demonstrates that our proposal produces accurate results, with reduced memory footprint. The entire algorithm is implemented on graphics cards, ensuring competitive performance. We also propose a faster approach that, as the tetrahedron subdivision scheme, also approximates the trilinear variation by a piecewise linear function, but in an adaptive and more accurate way, considering the points of minimum and maximum of the scalar function along the ray.  相似文献   

Hexahedral mesh generation constraints   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
For finite element analyses within highly elastic and plastic structural domains, hexahedral meshes have historically offered some benefits over tetrahedral finite element meshes in terms of reduced error, smaller element counts, and improved reliability. However, hexahedral finite element mesh generation continues to be difficult to perform and automate, with hexahedral mesh generation taking several orders of magnitude longer than current tetrahedral mesh generators to complete. Thus, developing a better understanding of the underlying constraints that make hexahedral meshing difficult could result in dramatic reductions in the amount of time necessary to prepare a hexahedral finite element model for analysis. In this paper, we present a survey of constraints associated with hexahedral meshes (i.e., the conditions that must be satisfied to produce a hexahedral mesh). In presenting our formulation of these constraints, we will utilize the dual of a hexahedral mesh. We also discuss how incorporation of these constraints into existing hexahedral mesh generation algorithms could be utilized to extend the class of geometries to which these algorithms apply. We also describe a list of open problems in hexahedral mesh generation and give some context for future efforts in addressing these problems.  相似文献   

This paper presents a general lossless connectivity compression scheme for manifolds in any dimension with arbitrary cells, orientable or not, with or without borders. Relying on a generic topological model called generalized maps, our method performs a region-growing traversal of its primitive elements while describing connectivity relations with symbols. The set of produced symbols is compressed using standard data compression techniques. These algorithms have been successfully applied to various models (surface, tetrahedral and hexahedral meshes), showing the efficiency and genericity of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

With the exponential growth in size of geometric data, it is becoming increasingly important to make effective use of multilevel caches, limited disk storage, and bandwidth. As a result, recent work in the visualization community has focused either on designing sequential access compression schemes or on producing cache-coherent layouts of (uncompressed) meshes for random access. Unfortunately combining these two strategies is challenging as they fundamentally assume conflicting modes of data access. In this paper, we propose a novel order-preserving compression method that supports transparent random access to compressed triangle meshes. Our decompression method selectively fetches from disk, decodes, and caches in memory requested parts of a mesh. We also provide a general mesh access API for seamless mesh traversal and incidence queries. While the method imposes no particular mesh layout, it is especially suitable for cache-oblivious layouts, which minimize the number of decompression I/O requests and provide high cache utilization during access to decompressed, in-memory portions of the mesh. Moreover, the transparency of our scheme enables improved performance without the need for application code changes. We achieve compression rates on the order of 20:1 and significantly improved I/O performance due to reduced data transfer. To demonstrate the benefits of our method, we implement two common applications as benchmarks. By using cache-oblivious layouts for the input models, we observe 2?6 times overall speedup compared to using uncompressed meshes.  相似文献   

We provide a case study for the generation of pure hexahedral meshes for the numerical simulation of physiological stress scenarios of the human mandible. Du to its complex and very detailed free-form geometry, the mandible model is very demanding. This test case is used as a running example to demonstrate the applicability of a combinatorial approach for the generation of hexahedral meshes by means of successive dual cycle eliminations, which has been proposed by the second author in previous work. We report on the progress and recent advances of the cycle elimination scheme. The given input data, a surface triangulation obtained from computed tomography data, requires a substantial mesh reduction and a suitable conversion into a quadrilateral surface mesh as a first step, for which we use mesh clustering and b-matching techniques. Several strategies for improved cycle elimination orders are proposed. They lead to a significant reduction in the mesh size and a better structural quality. Based on the resulting combinatorial meshes, gradient-based optimized smoothing with the condition number of the Jacobian matrix as objective together with mesh untangling techniques yielded embeddings of a satisfactory quality. To test our hexahedral meshes for the mandible model within an FEM simulation we used the scenario of a bite on a ‘hard nut.’ Our simulation results are in good agreement with observations from biomechanical experiments.  相似文献   

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