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测绘技术是实施土地开发整理项目的支撑技术,测绘工作贯穿于土地开发整理的全过程。该文介绍了土地开发整理和GPS测量技术的基本概念,分析了在土地开发整理项目各阶段测量工作的基本特点,结合GPS测量技术在临澧县高桥大坪土地整理项目中的应用情况,提出几点思考,并对土地开发整理项目测绘技术进行展望,以期为提高野外作业效率和土地开发整理工作水平提供参考。  相似文献   

杨艳艳 《山西建筑》2011,37(24):210-211
以晋城市土地开发整理测量工作为例,介绍了GPS技术在土地开发整理测绘中的具体应用,阐述了GPS控制测量的步骤及注意事项,以期为今后土地测绘工作提供指导。  相似文献   

测量贯穿土地开发整理项目始末,支撑着土地开发整理工程各个阶段的准确性及实施过程,简述RTK技术在土地开发整理测量中的运用,通过对RTK技术的原理结合RTK在土地开发整理中点位定测、工程点放样及地形测绘工作,本文指出了RTK技术在土地开发整理测量中的优势以及其在实际应用中应注意的一些问题。  相似文献   

邹烈国 《云南建材》2011,(15):477-478
通过近年来开展的土地开发整理测绘工作,结合自己多年经验和体会,重点阐述:土地测量与数字化成图的方法:土地勘测内容与土地规划相结合:测量技术与土地变更调查、土地登记工作相结合,并提出了搞好土地开发整理测绘的建议。  相似文献   

GPS已在测量行业得以广泛的应用,它具有快速、准确、操作简单等特点,尤其是与观测站之间无需通视,全天候作业,观测时间短等优点,是其它测量手段不具有的优势。本文对GPS技术使用状况及其特点在土地整理测量项目中的应用进行论述和分析,阐述GPS的优势。  相似文献   

土地资源是我国重要的发展资源之一。要想稳中求进,合理利用土地资源,必须运用现代先进技术。土地测绘技术促进了土地开发区整理项目的实施,提高项目的规模效益。  相似文献   

陈建军 《云南建材》2012,(7):143-144
近年来,随着经济的发展,城市建设的蓬勃兴起,土地资源显得愈发稀缺而重要。土地开发整理作为补充耕地、集约挖潜的有效手段,在国土资源管理工作中占有极大的比重。土地开发整理测绘工作贯穿了土地开发整理的全过程,它的应用不仅为开发整理提供了强有力的技术保证,还极大提高了工作效率。本文结合土地开发整理项目中的工程实践,对测绘技术在土地开发整理中的应用进行了简要分析和论述。  相似文献   

通过测量实例,介绍城镇土地调查中的控制测量,在不降低测量精度的前提下使用GPS测量方法,提出技术应用中的一些技巧,以供参考。  相似文献   

刘清悦 《山西建筑》2005,31(6):263-264
介龆了利用Excel进行土地开发整理项冒投资预算编制的思路和方法,阐述了Excel的功能和应用,指出运用Excel可提高预算的工作效率,减少手工编制预算耗时费力的麻烦,以确保预算工作质量。  相似文献   

基于已有的实验基础上,利用量子化学方法结合Genecp基组水平上研究了噻吩分子与3种过渡金属M=(Mo,Pd,Sn)的吸附微观行为。计算结果表明:不同的过渡金属原子对噻吩分子的吸附存在着不同的吸附位,过渡金属Mo吸附存在多种吸附位以β、θ位为主,且吸附后能量分别降低了328.795kJ/mol和327.868kJ/mol;过渡金属Pd吸附以δ位为主,吸附后能量降低了380.654kJ/mol;过渡金属Sn吸附以α、δ位为主,吸附后能量分别降低了272.514和512.130kJ/mol。吸附能量的计算应考虑零点能的校正,B3LYP方法在构型优化和能量计算上均具有较高的精度和优势。  相似文献   

建立了ARL-4460直读光谱仪对Cr12、Cr12MoV中铬、锰、钼元素的快速检测方法。使用基体铁作为内标元素,测定标准样品中铬、锰、钼元素的相对强度,减少了外界电压不稳对绝对强度稳定性的影响;由于标准样品中基体铁含量不同,为减少内标元素含量的变化对工作曲线相关系数和估计标准差的影响,使用相对含量校正工作曲线。在优化的实验条件下,试样中三种元素的相对标准偏差分别为0.68%、0.79%和1.7%(n=11)。测定结果与化学分析方法测定结果一致,可实现合金工具钢中铬、锰和钼的快速检测。  相似文献   

采用4200型微波等离子体原子发射光谱法(MP-AES)分析米粉中的镉和其它常量、微量以及痕量元素。对标准样品(CRM)的测定值与标准值十分吻合,检出限(MDL)足以满足分析需求,并且具有出色的长期稳定性。实验中无需使用改性剂或离子抑制剂,从而简化了样品前处理过程。4200 MPAES具有出色的分析性能,可分析火焰原子吸收法(FAAS)无法分析的磷元素、能够进行多元素无人值守操作、拥有更高的安全性和易用性,是期望获得新技术的FAAS用户的理想选择  相似文献   

建立了微波等离子体原子发射光谱法(MP-AES)测定地质样品中的常量和微量元素的方法,四酸(盐酸+硝酸+高氯酸+氢佛酸)消解样品,得出了使用4200 MP-AES仪分析地化认证参考物质中常规金属元素(Ag,Cu,Ni,Pb和Zn)的结果,测定样品结果的相对标准偏差落在±10%范围内,另外,IEC和FLIC模型可成功校正光谱干扰。MP-AES仪无需使用乙炔等危险气体,极大提高了实验室安全性并显著降低了运行成本。MP-AES仪已成功应用于地化样品的分析中,结果准确可靠。  相似文献   

<正>中华人民共和国教育部主管人民教育出版社主办中国教育学会传统文化教育中心推荐期刊中华炎黄文化研究会童蒙文化专业委员会推荐期刊国家社科基金"十二五"规划重点课题指定期刊"中华思想文化术语传播工程"指定期刊低年级本刊以关注当代少儿身心成长为核心,以优秀的蒙学经典为基拙,从"字""词""句""文"到人物故事,从待人接物到涵养情操,通过生动故事与趣味漫画等小学毛喜闻乐见的形式,根据教育部《完善中华优秀传统文化教育指导纲要》,以培育低年级小学生对中华优秀传统文化的亲切感为重点,开展启蒙教育,培养其对传统文化的热爱与亲切感。  相似文献   

何元才  俞跃平 《矿产勘查》2011,2(5):525-531
文章对浙东南火山岩地区燕山期金银铅锌矿床的控矿因素和成因进行了分析研究,认为浙东南燕山期金银铅锌矿属于浅成中低温热液矿床,其热液来源于雨水,成矿物质来源于围岩,水源和热源在成矿过程中起着决定性的作用,陆缘火山活动的地质背景决定了水在成矿作用中的特殊作用,决定了矿床的空间分布,含水的断裂构造和沉积建造是寻找大型矿床的最有利地段.  相似文献   

Subsurface transport of Cd, Cr, and Mo mediated by biosolid colloids   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The potential of biosolid colloids to transport metals associated with organic-waste amendments through subsurface soil environments was investigated with leaching experiments involving undisturbed soil monoliths. The monoliths (25 cm in height and 18 cm in diameter) were carved from the upper solum of an Alfisol, a Mollisol, and an Entisol in the Bluegrass region of Kentucky. Biosolid colloids were fractionated from two municipal wastes (lime-stabilized/LSB, and aerobically-digested/ADB), and a poultry-manure (PMB) organic waste and applied onto the monoliths at a rate of approximately 0.7 cm/h. Eluents were monitored for soluble and sorbed Cd, Cr, and Mo concentrations over 16-24 pore volumes of leaching. Colloid-free solutions with metal concentrations similar to those of the biosolid colloids were used as controls. The results indicated significantly (P<0.05) higher (up to 4 orders of magnitude) cationic and anionic metal elutions in association with the biosolid colloids in both, total and soluble fractions, over the control treatments. The elution of significant soluble metal loads in association with the biosolid colloids is attributed to increasing organic-metal complexation and exclusion processes, and emphasizes their importance as contaminant carriers and facilitators. Eluted metal loads varied with metal, colloid, and soil type, following the sequences Mo>Cd>Cr for the metals, and ADB>PMB>LSB (Cd and Cr) or ADB>LSB>PMB (Mo) for the colloids. Metal elution was generally enhanced by soil macroporosity and increasing OM content, while pH and Fe-Al oxides had significant, but opposite effects for the elution of cationic and anionic metal forms. Colloid and metal breakthrough curves were correlated well, being mostly asymmetrical with several maxima and minima caused by multiple clogging and flushing cycles. Soil- and colloid-metal sorption affinities were not reliable predictors of metal attenuation/elution loads, underscoring the dynamic nature of transport processes. The findings demonstrate the important role of biosolid colloids as contaminant carriers and the significant risk they pose, if unaccounted, for soil and ground water contamination in areas receiving heavy applications of biosolid waste amendments.  相似文献   

建立了氢化物发生-原子荧光光谱法测定1∶5万区域地质调查样品中的As、Sb、Bi、Hg等4种元素的分析方法,通过采用王水(1+1)分解样品,在盐酸(5%)介质中用硼氢化钾作为还原剂对As、Sb、Bi、Hg等4种元素进行氢化物发生-原子荧光光谱法测定。方法检出限为0.008 9(As)、0.008 1(Sb)、0.008 1(Bi)、0.001 7(Hg)μg/g,测定结果的相对标准偏差(RSD,n=12)为0.82%~7.6%,准确度△lgC=-0.01~0.02。方法简便、成本低,检测结果准确,检出限、准确度及精密度均能达到行业规范要求,适用于1∶5万区域地质调查样品水系沉积物、土壤中As、Sb、Bi、Hg等4种元素的测定。  相似文献   

The developmental changes in the concentration of 8 essential and non-essential heavy metals (Ag, Cd, Cu, Co, Fe, Pb, V, Zn) in the tissues (digestive gland, cuttlebone and whole animal) of the common cuttlefish Sepia officinalis collected in the bay of the river Seine were monitored from the end of the embryogenesis until the adult reproductive stage. Compared to embryos, juveniles after hatching displayed much higher concentrations of Ag, Cu, Fe and Zn, suggesting an efficient incorporation from seawater. Conversely, the amounts of Cd, Pb and V in hatchlings remained constant suggesting that these metals are barely bioavailable for juveniles. Once the juveniles start to feed, the digestive gland appears to play a major role in the storage of all metals. After only one month of benthic life, the digestive gland already contains up to 90% of the total metal body burden, indicating that it plays a major role in the storage and presumed detoxification of the selected metals. Metal concentrations in the digestive gland increase in a logarithmic fashion with age during the entire life of cuttlefish, except for Ag, which decreases as soon as cuttlefish migrate to open sea. This strongly suggests that (1) Ag is excreted from the digestive gland in relation to presumably lower exposure in less contaminated environments compared to coastal waters and (2) the digestive gland of cephalopods could be a very good indicator of Ag contamination in the marine environment.  相似文献   

In anodic stripping voltammetric studies using a thin film Hg electrode and an acetate buffered base solution containing NaCl, peak currents were found to be influenced by the presence of surfactants of different charge types. The addition of mg l−1 amounts of di-stearyl dimethyl ammonium chloride, lauryl dimethyl-benzyl ammonium chloride, sodium alkyl-benzene sulfonate, sodium salt of sulfonated lauryl alcohol polyoxyethylene condensate, coconut mono-ethanol-amide ethoxylate or octa-decylamine ethoxylate caused enhancement of Cu (20%) and Pb (10%) peaks and suppression of Cd response. The magnitude of the induced changes was not directly related to surfactant type, or experimental parameters, and as a result it is recommended that when analysing waters suspected of containing surfactants, extra care should be taken in the calibration stage.  相似文献   

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