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以江苏省某数据中心机房为研究对象,简要介绍了该中心机房空调系统空调方式、气流组织、新风系统、消防排烟系统、高密度制冷方案的的设计。通过CFD软件模拟分析数据中心主机房的气流组织情况,针对主机房出现的局部热点、气流组织不畅等问题,提出气流优化方案,模拟仿真结果验证了气流组织优化设计的有效性。  相似文献   

邓爱 《中国机械》2014,(11):227-228
热管是一种非常高效的传热原件,被用于回收空调系统排风中的能量。选择热管换热器分别在直流式空调系统和一次回风系统中做比较,阐述了暖通空调的节能在使用热管换热器后。证明了热管在暖通空调节能中的可行性。  相似文献   

通信机房空调节能探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对通信机房空调节能进行了分析;探讨了合理利用室外天然冷源的方法和原理.  相似文献   

周晋  曹晓林  马贞俊 《流体机械》2003,31(Z1):326-329
简要介绍了脉动热管的概念、原理以及国内外目前的实验和理论研究状况,对其中存在的一些问题进行了探讨,指出了对脉动热管的运行进行深入的理论分析是脉动热管技术进一步发展的方向.  相似文献   

振荡热管研究进展及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了目前空冷强迫对流解决微小空间高热流密度散热方案中一种极具前途的传热元件一振荡热管的原理、结构和特点,概括分析了国内外的理论研究和实验研究情况,同时列举了振荡热管在电子散热领域的一些实际应用,并在分析有关文献的基础上为进一步的研究做了展望。  相似文献   

为了降低数据中心空调系统的能耗,利用间接蒸发冷却性能测试平台,对数据中心用间接蒸发冷却空调机组在干工况、湿工况和混合工况3种不同工况下的性能进行测试及分析。研究结果表明:测试期间机组在干工况下运行时,平均冷却效率为60.2%,一次空气温降平均可达13.0 ℃;湿工况下运行时,二次空气经过湿膜等焓加湿冷却后温降平均可达1.9 ℃,平均冷却效率为60.5%,一次空气温降平均可达12.7 ℃;混合工况下运行时,此时压缩机开启,一次空气温降平均可达12.7 ℃,机组平均COP为3.8。同时通过计算间接蒸发冷却空调机组节电模式、节水模式的切换条件,就典型城市的全年运行小时数进行了分析,通过分析得到数据中心用间接蒸发冷却空调机组应因地制宜地选择运行模式以此降低数据中心空调系统能耗。  相似文献   

邱伟键 《装备制造技术》2009,(9):128-129,137
长期以来,电力企业用户对数据中心的规划,一直把焦点简单的聚集在电力电子层面,即IT设备的容量和处理能力是否满足企业本身要求,场地和UPS电力供应的精度和延时是否能满足IT设备的容量要求,却甚少真正的从系统全面的角度去考虑规划建设一个高可用性数据中心需要注意的全部问题,基于以上事实,本文对数据中心的规划过程中UPS及机房冷却系统技术应注意的一些重要问题进行了详细的论述.  相似文献   

新建民用建筑配置中小型数据中心愈加普遍,但其中大部分机房没有完善的空调通风设计。通过对中小型数据中心机房空调负荷特征、空调设计示例、新风通风和自控系统设计等方面进行分析阐述,以期为类似项目设计提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

为了使机房空调能够充分利用自然冷源,开发了一种可变风道自然冷源-压缩机机房空调,该机组通过可变风道的调节和压缩机的辅助制冷可以实现7种不同的制冷模式运行.本文就其中的3种模式(新风间接冷、间接蒸发冷、间接蒸发+机械制冷)进行了工程试验,对比了其和普通风冷机房空调的耗能,并对其进行了节能评价.结果表明:3种模式(新风间接...  相似文献   

叶大鼎  李刚 《压缩机技术》1990,(4):17-19,16
采用热管技术冷却2F-6.3型活塞式压缩机是利用热管的“热超导”性质使压缩机散热面积扩大数十倍,获得了满意的冷却效果。这样会大大地降低排气温度,减少功耗,提高单级压比,提高活塞环寿命,对中小型活塞式压缩机有重要的实用意义。  相似文献   

空调制冷换热器超大型胀管机   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我院多年开发胀管机的基础上 ,首次研制成功空调制冷换热器超大型胀管机 ,解决了大片距换热器由手工胀管转变为机械胀管的难题。  相似文献   

卢剑伟 《机械设计》2006,23(5):33-36
基于国内某空调制造企业的产品研发实践,对目前空调器配管几种主要的断裂失效形式进行了总结。分析了失效发生的原因,提出了相应的解决思路。通过案例对配管断裂的故障分析和应对策略进行了讨论,相关分析结论对提高配管工作可靠性具有一定的工程指导意义。  相似文献   

良好的测控手段和用户友好的测试软件是高精度的空调器性能测量装置的重要保证.本文分析了影响空调器测量精度的影响因素,设计了一套用于空调器性能测量的测控系统.测控系统以面向用户为设计原则,在保证测量精度的前提下,采用了高性能的测量传感器、自动控制器、人机对话的触摸屏等,编制了关键的控制采集软件,具有控制精度高、使用灵活、界面友好、性能稳定可靠等特点,在多套空调器性能测量装置上成功应用.  相似文献   

The leaking safety of air conditioner using R290 has been a research hotspot in recent years, one method to lower the risk of explosion after leakage is utilizing ventilation. For fresh air conditioner, it's common to use thermal anemometry and differential pressure flowmeters to measure ventilation flow rate. However, there is non-negligible error especially under low air volume flow rate conditions. In this paper, a novel integral-type air conditioner with heat recovery using R290 is proposed. And the relevant influencing parameters are analyzed and experimentally studied. The results show that tracer gas method is an effective way to measure ventilation flow rate, and the novel integral-type air conditioner can meet the needs of the ventilation standards. The air volume flow rates of indoor unit fan and outdoor unit fan are dominant factors affecting ventilation flow rate. The outlet area of exhaust air duct is more sensitive than the inlet area of fresh air duct in exerting influence on ventilation flow rate, while the indoor temperature has a mild impact on ventilation flow rate.  相似文献   

For environmental protection, flammable hydrocarbon refrigerants have been applied to domestic refrigerator and air conditioners. How to reduce refrigerant charge is the main problem for the safety use of hydrocarbons. A novel low charge microchannel condenser was proposed and investigated experimentally and numerically in domestic air conditioner system. Experimental results show that in comparison with normal microchannel condenser, cooling capacity of the novel condenser system increased by 1.6%, system refrigerant charge decreased by 28.3%. The optimum charge for R290 was reduced to 190 g, which meet the safety requirement of China National Standard GB 4706.32-2012. A numerical model of domestic air conditioning system (3.2 kW) with this new condenser was established. Parametric analysis of the new condenser and its impact on the system performance was studied. It was found that the reasonably reducing header inner diameter and flat tube hole diameter can cause more refrigerant charge reduction in condenser (−6.9% and −45.5% respectively) and almost no energy efficiency attenuation. Flow pass arrangement and its impact on refrigerant charge were also studied in this paper. If the novel condenser are fully optimized or other components of the air conditioning system (like compressor) are improved, the system charge may be reduced to 150 g, so as to meet IEC safety charge requirement.  相似文献   

Loop heat pipes often experience start-up problems especially under low thermal loads. A bypass line was installed between the evaporator and the liquid reservoir to alleviate the difficulties associated with start-up of a loop heat pipe with flat evaporator. The evaporator and condenser had dimensions of 40 mm (W) by 50 mm (L). The wall and tube materials were stainless steel and the working fluid was methanol. Axial grooves were provided in the flat evaporator to serve as vapor passages. The inner diameters of liquid and vapor transport lines were 2 mm and 4 mm, respectively, and the length of the two lines was 0.5 m each. The thermal load range was up to 130 W for horizontal alignment with the condenser temperature of 10°C. The experimental results showed that the minimum thermal load for start-up was lowered by 37% when the bypass line was employed. This paper was recommended for publication in revised form by Associate Editor Dae Hee Lee Joon Hong Boo received his B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Seoul National University in 1978. He then received his M.S.M.E. and Ph.D. degrees from Georgia Institute of Technology in 1984 and 1989, respectively. Dr. Boo is currently a Professor in the School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering at Korea Aerospace University, where he joined in 1989. His research interests include heat transfer, heat pipes, and energy systems. He conducted joint research with Texas A&M University and Waseda University in 1994 and 2008, respectively, as Visiting Professor. Dr. Boo is an active member of the International Heat Pipe Conference Committee. Eui Guk Jung received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering from Korea Aerospace University, in 2002 and 2004, respectively. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Graduate School at Korea Aerospace University. His research interests include applications of heat pipes and loop heat pipes.  相似文献   

姚丽华  沈国强  张国煊 《机电工程》2007,24(7):45-46,102
提出了一种新的与PDM集成的协同设计环境中的产品数据安全模型.该安全模型通过用户登录模块、用户管理模块、访问控制管理模块、协同冲突机制模块、审计日志模块等来解决与PDM集成的协同设计环境中的产品数据的安全问题,并在此基础上引入了数据加/解密技术.研究结果表明,该模型可以有效地应用于与PDM集成的协同设计环境中,解决产品数据在设计过程中的安全问题.  相似文献   

允差范围内变化的房间空调器测试结果算法修正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种求解干湿球温度在国家标准允差范围内变化的制冷量和能效比实测结果向名义工况值回归逼近的修正算法,并以制冷工况下的室内侧干湿球温度允差范围变化的房间空调器制冷量和能效比测试结果为实例进行算法修正。该算法基于制冷量和能效比实测结果,采用多元高次方程逼近求解两者的回归方程,并用贝塞尔公式验证其收敛性。运用层次分析法(Analytic hierarchy process,AHP)量化分析干湿球温度对制冷量和能效比的影响程度,进而得出在干湿球温度允差范围内制冷量和能效比的修正算法。该修正算法可对任意工况下制冷量和能效比的实测值进行修正,并以此为基础对房间空调器能效等级进行评判。修正算法能更加准确地评判房间空调器能效等级,可对现行房间空调器性能测试方法进行完善。  相似文献   

上海地区空调系统排风热回收节能效果探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
空调系统排风热回收作为建筑节能的一种重要途径,逐渐受到广大空调设计研究人员的重视.根据上海地区夏季高温高湿的气候特点,探讨了排风热回收的节能潜力,分析在上海地区夏季工况使用全热回收装置的能量回收情况,研究表明上海地区排风热回收装置节能效果明显.  相似文献   

唐任仲  唐文东  金伶 《机电工程》2012,29(7):745-749
为了保证汽车空调热交换器生产过程中的产品质量,针对汽车空调热交换器生产过程中质量检测方面存在着的问题,以汽车空调热交换器质量指标-散热性能为研究对象,提出了面向生产过程质量控制的汽车空调热交换器散热性能检测装置的设计原理,完成了热交换器散热性能检测装置的硬件和软件的设计与实现;最后对该检测装置进行了实验验证。实验及研究结果表明,所设计完成的检测装置能够用于判定热交换器生产过程是否发生异常情况,从而可以为汽车空调热交换器生产过程质量保证系统的构建奠定一定的基础。  相似文献   

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