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张李芳 《数据通信》2020,(4):45-50+54
随着APP软件数量的不断增加,用户在同一类型的不同APP软件中选择自己最满意的APP软件是十分重要的,但现有研究中大部分针对的都是网上购物的用户,从APP软件角度分析用户满意度是很少的。本文通过分析用户评论,首先利用总结的特征词和句式识别出反映APP软件用户满意度的评论,接着利用情感分析技术计算APP软件用户满意度子属性评分,采用主观赋权法确定权重,并计算APP软件的纯形容词情感评分,最后综合计算出APP软件用户满意度。本文通过实验最后验证了提出的APP软件用户满意度分析方法的有效性。  相似文献   

为了帮助用户选择适当的APP软件,提高APP软件开发质量和用户使用体验,基于用户使用APP软件的情况及反馈,选取7个针对APP软件的评价指标,提出APP软件客观评价指标体系。首先对APP软件评价指标值进行数据标准化;然后采用标准离差法、熵权法、CRITIC法三种客观赋权法组合计算,得出相应指标权重和APP软件的客观综合评价值。针对音乐类APP软件,应用以上方法计算APP软件综合评价值,并与应用商店APP软件排名进行对比。实验结果表明提出的APP软件客观评价方法是有效的,该评价体系可以为APP软件的设计和开发提供一定参考。  相似文献   

为了更好地帮助开发者理解用户需求,从而优化APP功能和体验,提高用户满意度,文中提出一种基于用户行为分析的APP用户知识图谱构建方法。首先从用户行为分析出发,通过APP用户评论细化用户行为;接着,通过APP用户行为与用户关系属性的映射抽取用户关系属性;最后,基于关系抽取结果构建APP用户知识图谱。通过相关算法进行APP用户知识图谱的构建,结果证明了该算法的有效性,能够创建出信息更为丰富的APP用户知识图谱。  相似文献   

在现有研究的基础上提出了一种基于用户满意度的移动终端评测方法。以用户群分类研究为基础,分析影响不同类型用户对移动终端满意度的关键因素。设计移动终端满意度评测模型,对新终端整体用户满意度及销售情况进行了预测。  相似文献   

近年来,由于通信行业市场竞争非常激烈,用户的满意度成为重要评价指标,和企业的发展息息相关。因此,运营商将竞争的重点转向了提升客户的满意度。文章针对上述问题,采用C-CSI模型研究品牌形象、感知服务质量、期望服务质量和感知服务费用这四个影响因素对顾客满意度和忠诚度的作用效果,从用户的感知角度,通过应用二阶结构模型进行变量概念简化,构建客户满意度的评测模型。利用二阶结构模型实现变量构念的优化,进而考查多种影响变量对客户的满意度的影响及客户的满意度与忠诚度之间的关系。实验结果表明,在众多因素中,对客户满意度影响最为显著的是客户的感知服务费用和客户的感知服务质量,顾客的满意度对顾客的忠诚度起着决定性的作用,此外,品牌形象的影响也很重要。  相似文献   

本文基于顾客满意度模型理论,以信息资源内容的权威性、完整性和及时性维度为研究对象,构建用户信息资源质量满意度模型,并且通过调研检验和修正概念模型.  相似文献   

文章基于用户体验的角度对新闻媒体APP的设计进行了相关研究,指出重视用户诉求、体现人性化设置以及投入情感关怀是未来新闻媒体APP设计需要重视的内容。  相似文献   

随着科技与互联网技术快速的发展,智能手机已然是日常生活中不可获取的工具,而智能手机中最为重要的一项内容便是APP.近年来我国老龄化的现象愈发严重,通过在用户体验模式基础上构建出一种APP界面,设计出一个能够使老年人在家便享受优质的护理服务,从而更好的满足用户的需求.对此本文主要对开发的APP中的界面作出用户体验方面的研究,使APP可以更好的满足老年人的使用需求.  相似文献   

文章主要是从用户体验出发,对APP设计的方式方法进行分析和阐述。在时代的迅猛发展之下,各种类型的APP层出不穷,在丰富我们生活文化的同时,还为我们带来了更直接与社会、与世界以及与陌生人接触的机会。  相似文献   

以苹果和安卓两大移动操作系统的应用市场为数据源,通过网络爬虫工具,将四种主流在线教育APP的用户反馈进行采集整理,并采用词频分析的方法对采集到的数据进行多维度的分析、探讨,从而得到当前用户体验设计中的优势与不足,进一步为在线教育APP的运营提供新的思路和建议。  相似文献   

The notion of user perception has grown in terms of its importance and complexity. This paper presents results of an experimental study focused on predictive modeling of the relations between the user perception, user satisfaction and objective technical parameters in data communication services. A new model for prediction of user satisfaction was devised using probability theory based on Markov chain. Two experiments were completed for web browsing scenarios. The results of the first experiment have confirmed that previous user experience has significant effect on the user perception of quality and should represent a vital element of future predictive user models. The result of the second experiment is a user satisfaction prediction model, which presents a novel insight and deeper understanding of user perception of quality. This model can significantly improve level of user satisfaction with services in telecommunications systems if implemented within advanced system design, optimization and quality assurance procedures.  相似文献   

朱颖 《电子测试》2016,(24):99-100
本文研究利用APP软件对微课程进行智能管理,实现课外课内的学习监控,自主进行学习,并通过各种激励手段引起学生的更大兴趣和关注,从而达到学而优的目的.  相似文献   

The analytical models commonly used for the evaluation of coverage and capacity in UMTS systems compute the BER probability at the radio interface. This approach is not in line with the ETSI guidelines, which state that the coverage and capacity of a UMTS system must be evaluated when the system is working with a given fraction of satisfied users. In this paper, we present an analytical model capable of taking into account user satisfaction. A comparison between analytical and simulation results confirms the validity of the proposed model. In addition, we discuss coverage-capacity curves as a function of the percentage of satisfied users, taking into account also the imperfections of the real power-control procedures. Paolo Giacomazzi received his degree in electrical engineering from the Politecnico di Milano, and the Master in information technology from Cefriel in 1990. From 1992 to 1998 he was Assistant Professor and now he his Associate Professor at the Politecnico di Milano. His research interests cover IP Differentiated and Integrated services, UMTS networks and fourth generation access networks. Luigi Musumeci joined the Electronic and Information Department of the Politecnico di Milano in 1991, where he is now Associate Professor. He received his degree in electrical engineering from the Politecnico di Milano in 1961. From 1968 to 1986 he was at Italtel where he was responsible for the design and implementation of Itapac, the Italian packet network. His research interests cover packet data networks, Internet, and wireless access networks. Giacomo Verticale is Assistant Professor at Politecnico di Milano. He graduated in Telecommunications Engineering in 1998. In 1999 he joined the CEFRIEL research center, where he worked on the Voice-over-IP and ADSL technologies. Verticale got his Ph.D. in 2003 from Politecnico di Milano defending a thesis on the performance of packet transmission in UMTS. His current interests focus on Quality of Service and on 4G wireless networks. He is member of IEEE and ACM.  相似文献   

为了探究情感化交互设计在个人用户APP中体现与的应用方式,文章以情感与用户行为之间的关系为切入点,通过理论论述、案例分析归纳等方法,从用户体验的要素出发,深入分析情感化交互设计在个人用户APP设计中具体的应用方式。基于满足基本功能需求的产品,只有充分考虑用户的情感交互,专注于更为感性的设计因素,才能进一步提高APP的用户数量,提升产品的用户体验满意度。  相似文献   

It is noted that user interface professionals contribute to a project by making sure that the design of both the input and output of any system takes users' needs into consideration. These professionals perform varied tasks. They analyze the job tasks of users, design and administer questionnaires, conduct user studies, make user interface design recommendations, design prototypes, perform statistical analysis, and interpret the results. In some projects, they are assisted in these tasks by software tools that generate interface code which can be reused by programmers, thus saving significant development time and enhancing the quality of the product. It is recommended that project managers assign user interface professionals to work on large projects throughout their life cycle  相似文献   

设计并实现了一种基于C4.5决策树算法用户行为分析的智能家居控制软件系统,该软件系统利用智能家居用户行为数据并分析,使家居系统能够根据用户行为习惯规律,安排合理的控制家居电器设备,通过web数据可视化使得用户清楚地掌握家中各种家电设备使用情况,为用户提供人性化和智能化的服务.测试结果表明:该软件系统能够帮助提高家居系统的人性化和智能化程度,数据可视化软件系统用户体验性好,具有重要的理论价值和现实意义.  相似文献   

Outsourcing is a term that encompasses a variety of approaches to contracting for information technology (IT) services. It is defined as a transfer of any particular IT activity or a combination of activities from an organization using them to one or more external service providers. IT outsourcing leads to significant changes in the management processes of the IT organization. For example, while IT managers have always had the responsibility for ensuring that users within their organization maintain a high degree of satisfaction, they now have to monitor the quality of service, even though they are no longer the providers of the service. This gets further complicated when only some parts of the IT functions are outsourced while others are provided by an internal IT department. Thus, developing a comprehensive set of measurement tools and mechanisms is an important step toward monitoring the quality of service provided by both an outside source and an IT department. This paper investigates the usefulness of an existing user-satisfaction measurement instrument for identifying problem areas in a multiprovider outsourcing environment, where an external service provider and an internal IT department each has different roles in the system. It discusses the rationale for measuring user satisfaction and the instruments to carry out the measurement procedure. It reports the results of implementing and testing a previously developed, documented, and validated user-satisfaction instrument in an outsourcing environment and draws practical conclusions from the results  相似文献   

范围 本标准规定了中文办公软件用户界面的各种元素.中文办公软件应用一般包括文字处理、电子表格和演示文稿. 本标准只统一办公软件的基本功能,不限制新的功能与功能组合;只统一名称,不统一外观;尊重用户已有的使用习惯,同时不阻碍产生新的使用方法;考虑三项应用界面之间的一致性;考虑不同平台用户的习惯及技术环境.  相似文献   

冯亚娜  刘星妍 《信息技术》2015,(4):206-207,210
移动互联网随着信息技术的发展而不断渗透到社会生活的各个角落,应运而生的各种APP也成为人们关注的焦点,为了保证这些APP能够正常、稳定地运行,测试是非常有必要的一种手段来验证其有效性、安全性。为此,简要介绍了移动平台下APP软件测试所要关注的五个方面。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,也带动了移动互联网的发展,在人们生产、生活中,网络已逐步地渗透.在这样的背景下,移动终端设备大范围地普及,而当前研究的重点即怎样保障移动终端的设备质量,本文对移动终端APP学习软件的设计与实现进行了探讨.  相似文献   

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