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In the developing visual cortex activity-dependent refinement of synaptic connectivity is thought to involve synaptic plasticity processes analogous to long-term potentiation (LTP). The recently described conversion of so-called silent synapses to functional ones might underlie some forms of LTP. Using whole-cell recording and minimal stimulation procedures in immature pyramidal neurons, we demonstrate here the existence of functionally silent synapses, i.e., glutamatergic synapses that show only NMDA receptor-mediated transmission, in the neonatal rat visual cortex. The incidence of silent synapses strongly decreased during early postnatal development. After pairing presynaptic stimulation with postsynaptic depolarization, silent synapses were converted to functional ones in an LTP-like manner, as indicated by the long-lasting induction of AMPA receptor-mediated synaptic transmission. This conversion was dependent on the activation of NMDA receptors during the pairing protocol. The selective activation of NMDA receptors at silent synapses could be explained presynaptically by assuming a lower glutamate concentration compared with functional ones. However, we found no differences in glutamate concentration-dependent properties of NMDA receptor-mediated PSCs, suggesting that synaptic glutamate concentration is similar in silent and functional synapses. Our results thus support a postsynaptic mechanism underlying silent synapses, i.e., that they do not contain functional AMPA receptors. Synaptic plasticity at silent synapses might be expressed postsynaptically by modification of nonfunctional AMPA receptors or rapid membrane insertion of AMPA receptors. This conversion of silent synapses to functional ones might play a major role in activity-dependent synaptic refinement during development of the visual cortex. 相似文献
Barrels of the PMBSF of the mouse somatosensory cortex become apparent in Nissl-stained tangential sections simultaneously, on the fourth postnatal day. At this time they are miniatures of those in the adult and are situated in the deepest sublamina of the trilaminar cortical plate. An early barrel appears as a patch of decreased cell density: the prospective hollow of the barrel. Septa become noticeable during the sixth postnatal day. From that period to adulthood, the relative contribution of the PMBSF to the total cortical surface area increases -- an increase that goes against one's expectation: the barrel related periphery matures very early and so does the central, lateral region of the cortex. Barrel growth parallel to the pial surface is greater along the major axes than along the minor axes. By using the barrels to identify prospective layer IV in immature cortex, we could determine that layers V and VI attain their adult height during the sixth postnatal day -- an age when prospective layers I-IV are only half their adult height. The onset of barrel formation coincides with the moment after which injury to the pertinent somatosensory periphery (the vibrissal papillae) no longer causes profound alterations in barrel morphology. 相似文献
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Many stroke models in rats are based on occlusion of the middle cerebral artery, which supplies a significant portion of multifunctional cortical and deep structures in the cerebral hemisphere. The purpose of this study was to develop a model for direct observation in real time of blood flow in and around focal ischemic regions of the cortex of known function. METHODS: Cranial windows were placed over the parietal cortex of adult Wistar and Sprague-Dawley rats anesthetized with ketamine and xylazine. Whisker barrel cortex responding to stimulation of the contralateral whiskers was identified by an intrinsic optical signal. Transits of vital dyes were recorded by videomicroscopy before and after ligation of three to six branches and major collaterals of the middle cerebral artery through the dura. Infarcts were demonstrated with triphenyl-tetrazolium chloride staining; their relation to barrel cortex was determined by Nissl and cytochrome oxidase histology. RESULTS: Reduced blood flow in small ischemic regions was outlined by patient blue violet in the surrounding nonischemic area; arteriovenous latencies increased more than four times in ischemic cortex. Infarcts,typically 3 mm or less, were seen at 24 hours in 8 of 16 Wistar and 9 of 9 Sprague-Dawley rats. The ministrokes were confirmed by histology to be in the somatosensory cortex. CONCLUSIONS: This model of local ischemia, produced deliberately in the functionally defined barrel cortex in rats, leads to ministrokes. Changes can be followed by videomicroscopy as they develop, and processes of recovery can potentially be monitored. Infarcts are confirmed by histology for their location and extent in the somatic representation. 相似文献
SVOP, an evolutionarily conserved synaptic vesicle protein, suggests novel transport functions of synaptic vesicles 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
We describe a novel synaptic vesicle protein called SVOP that is distantly related to the synaptic vesicle proteins SV2A, SV2B, and SV2C (20-22% sequence identity). Both SVOP and SV2 contain 12 transmembrane regions. However, SV2 is highly glycosylated, whereas SVOP is not. Databank searches revealed that closely related homologs of SVOP are present in Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila (48% sequence identity), suggesting that SVOP is evolutionarily ancient. In contrast, no invertebrate orthologs of SV2 were detected. The sequences of SVOP and SV2 exhibit homology with transport proteins, in particular with mammalian organic cation and anion transporters. SVOP and SV2 are more distantly related to eukaryotic and bacterial phosphate, sugar, and organic acid transporters. SVOP is expressed at detectable levels only in brain and endocrine cells where it is primarily localized to synaptic vesicles and microvesicles. SVOP is present in all brain regions, with particularly high levels in large pyramidal neurons of the cerebral cortex. Immunocytochemical staining of adjacent rat brain sections for SVOP and SV2 demonstrated that SVOP and SV2 are probably coexpressed in most neurons. Although the functions of SV2 and SVOP remain obscure, the evolutionary conservation of SVOP, its hydrophobic nature, and its homology to transporters strongly support a role in the uptake of a novel, as yet unidentified component of synaptic vesicles. Thus synaptic vesicles contain two classes of abundant proteins with 12 transmembrane regions that are related to transporters, nonglycosylated SVOP and highly glycosylated SV2, suggesting that the transport functions of synaptic vesicles may be more complex than currently envisioned. 相似文献
The organization of intrinsic connections in the mouse somatosensory cortex was studied by combining tract-tracing and immunocytochemical techniques. Injections of HRP or fluorescent beads were made into the supragranular or infragranular layers of the posteriomedial barrel subfield. Numerous cells were retrogradely labeled within a vertical column centered on each injection site. Retrogradely labeled cells were also found > 3 mm horizontal to the injection. Dual-label immunocytochemistry identified the population of inhibitory, GABAergic cells forming intrinsic horizontal connections. Double-labeled cells were found predominantly within a 200 microns radius horizontal to an injection site. These findings indicate that intrinsic inhibitory pathways in the barrel cortex do not provide a substrate for direct GABAergic interactions among barrel columns, and that inter-columnar interactions are primarily excitatory. 相似文献
This study tested the hypothesis that the receptive fields (RFs) of neurons in the adult sensory cortex are shaped by the recent history of sensory experience. Sensory experience was altered by a brief period of "whisker pairing": whiskers D2 and either D1 or D3 were left intact, while all other whiskers on the right side of the face were trimmed close to the fur. The animals were anesthetized 64-66 h later and the responses of single neurons in contralateral cortical barrel D2 to stimulation of whisker D2 (the center RF) and the four neighboring whiskers (D1, D3, C2, and E2; the excitatory surround RF) were measured. Data from 79 cells in four rats with whiskers paired were compared to data from 52 cells in four rats with untrimmed whiskers (control cases). During the period of whisker pairing, the RFs of cells in barrel D2 changed in three ways: (i) the response to the center RF, whisker D2, increased by 39%, (ii) the response to the paired surround RF whisker increased by 85-100%, and (iii) the response to all clipped (unpaired) surround RF whiskers decreased by 9-42%. In the control condition, the response of barrel D2 cells to the two neighboring whiskers, D1 and D3, was equal. After whisker pairing, the response to the paired neighbor of D2 was more than twice as large as the response to the cut neighbor of D2. These findings indicate that a brief change in the pattern of sensory activity can alter the configuration of cortical RFs, even in adult animals. 相似文献
S Shimohama S Fujimoto Y Sumida K Akagawa T Shirao Y Matsuoka T Taniguchi 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,251(1):394-398
We have previously reported the differential involvement of synaptic proteins in Alzheimer's disease (AD). As AD is an aging-associated disease, in the present study we examined the developmental and aging-related changes in synaptic proteins such as synaptophysin, synaptobrevin, synaptotagmin, synaptosomal-associated protein 25 (SNAP-25), syntaxin 1/HPC-1 and drebrin in the rat brain. Immunoblot analyses of brain extracts from embryonic day 19 (E19) to postnatal 96-week-old rats indicated that the protein level of synaptophysin and synaptobrevin increased after birth, being highest at 24 weeks, and then decreased with aging. Synaptotagmin was detected at E19, with levels increasing after birth to 96 weeks. SNAP-25 levels were highest at 4 weeks, and then decreased with aging. Syntaxin 1/HPC-1 levels were high at E19 and 1 week, decreasing rapidly from 2 weeks onwards, and drebrin levels were highest at E19 and 1 week, and decreased during aging. The present results suggest that the expression of each synaptic protein is differentially regulated in development and aging. 相似文献
The patterns of expression of eight multilocous isozyme systems were investigated in the differentiated adult tissues and the early embryonic stages (0-210 hours after fertilization) of the green sunfish, Lepomis cyanellus. Enzymes encoded by approximately 23 gene loci were resolved by starch-gel electrophoresis and detected by specific histochemical staining. The developmental patterns of these isozyme systems appear to be the result of the diffential expression of the multiple gene loci. Isozymic forms of glucoseophosphate isomerase (GPI-A2), malate dehydrogenase (MDH-A2), and creatine kinase (CK-C2) were present in most differentiated tissues, in the unfertilized eggs, and in all stages of embryonic development. Closely homologous forms of these isozymes (GPI-B2, MDH-B2, and CK-A2) were expressed predominantly in skeletal muscle and were first detected at around the time of hatching (38-42 hours). The similar temporal and spatial patterns of gene expressions for the GPI, LDH, MDH, and CK loci suggest that the duplicates loci encoding enzymes, diverged in their regulation to patterns of differential gene expression which are similar for each enzyme system. 相似文献
90Yttrium-labeled monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are likely to be important to radioimmunotherapy (RAIT) of a variety of cancers. The goal of this study was to select and evaluate a form of [90Y]mAb suitable for RAIT and determine conditions for high-yield, reproducible radiolabelings. 90Y-Labelings, at 2-40 mCi levels, of cdr-grafted versions of anti-B-cell lymphoma (hLL2) and anti-CEA (hIMMU-14) mAbs were optimized to >90% incorporations using the macrocyclic chelator DOTA as the metal carrier. In in vitro challenge assays, the stability of mAbs labeled with [90Y]DOTA was better than that of the corresponding [90Y]benzyl-DTPA conjugates. The retention of [90Y]DOTA-hLL2 on Raji tumor cells in vitro was similar to that of the same mAb labeled with [90Y]benzyl-DTPA and was about twice as much as with [125I]hLL2, indicating residualization of metalated mAb. Both [90Y]hLL2 conjugates, prepared using DOTA and Bz-DTPA, had similar maximum tolerated doses of 125 muCi in BALB/c mice and showed no discernible chelator-induced immune responses. Animal biodistribution studies in nude mice bearing Ramos human B-cell lymphoma xenografts revealed similar tumor and tissue uptake over a 10 day period, with the exception of bone uptake which was up to 50% lower for [88Y]DOTA-hLL2 compared to [88Y]Bz-DTPA-hLL2 at time points beyond 24 h. With [90Y]DOTA-hLL2 fragments, in vivo animal tumor dosimetries were inferior to those for the IgG, and kidney uptake was relatively high even with D-lysine administration. The ability of [111In]DOTA-hLL2 to accurately predict [90Y]DOTA-hLL2 biodistribution was established. These preclinical findings demonstrate that [90Y]DOTA-(CDR-grafted) mAbs are suitable for examination in clinical RAIT. 相似文献
Endocytosis and exocytosis were investigated in the synaptic terminal of retinal bipolar cells by monitoring the uptake and loss of the fluorescent dye FM1-43. Depolarization in the presence of Ca2+ stimulated a continuous cycle of exocytosis and endocytosis that was approximately balanced at rates up to 3800 vesicles per s. Vesicles became available for exocytosis within 1 min of endocytosis, and about 700,000 releasable vesicles were specifically localized to a region within 2 microm of the plasma membrane. Release of caged Ca2+ using NP-EGTA while simultaneously monitoring cytosolic Ca2+ with Fura-2 indicated that continuous exocytosis was stimulated by sub-micromolar levels of Ca2+. It has been suggested that the ribbon synapse of bipolar cells only supports transient exocytosis, but our results demonstrate that this synapse is specialized for the continuous secretion of neurotransmitter. 相似文献
M Kossut 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,123(1-2):110-116
Manipulations of sensory input to vibrissal mechanoreceptors can modify columnar functioning of the barrel cortex in adult animals. In mice, partial vibrissectomy sparing one row of vibrissae in young adults results 7 days later in an increase in the functional cortical column activated by the spared whiskers and visualized with 2-deoxyglucose autoradiography. The increase in the extent of the labelled area is visible in all cortical layers, but particularly in layer V, where the metabolic labelling is more intense in the representation of the spared vibrissae. Two months after vibrissectomy the enlargement of the labelled area is accentuated. Deprivation of a row of vibrissae results in a decrease in the areal extent of its cortical representation. Investigations of cortico-cortical connections carried out in living slices of the barrel cortex of mice 2 months after vibrissectomy sparing one row of whiskers, revealed elongation and increased branching of axons originating in the spared cortical column. The dendritic spine density was increased on the basal dendrites of layer V pyramidal neurons of the spared column and decreased on layer III apical dendrites of the deprived column. Thus, prolonged changes in functional activation of adult barrel cortex are accompanied by rearrangement of cortico-cortical circuitry. 相似文献
Cholinergic and serotonergic fiber systems invade the developing visual cortex several weeks before eye opening; both transmitters have been implicated in plasticity of neocortical circuits. These transmitters have been presumed to act predominantly through second messenger-coupled receptors, because fast cholinergic or serotonergic neurotransmission has never been observed in neocortex. However, acetylcholine and serotonin also act on ligand-gated ion channels; the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor and the serotonin 5-HT3 receptor, respectively. Here, using whole-cell patch-clamp techniques in developing ferret visual cortex, we pharmacologically isolated fast, spontaneous, and evoked cholinergic and serotonergic synaptic events in pyramidal cells and interneurons of all cortical layers. The number of cells receiving such inputs increased with the ingrowth of thalamic afferents, and the frequencies of the spontaneous events increased at eye opening. Thus, both acetylcholine and serotonin can mediate fast synaptic transmission in the visual cortex; the early onset of these mechanisms suggests a role during initial stages of circuit formation and during subsequent experience-dependent remodeling of cortical connections. 相似文献
The neurons of the cerebral cortex originate in the proliferative neuroepithelium and settle in the cortical plate during embryonic development. Interposed between these two sites is a large transitional field. We have earlier demonstrated experimentally in rats with 3H-thymidine autoradiography that this transitional field is a stratified structure composed of discrete layers of migrating and sojourning cells, and fiber bands. Here we show that the different layers of the stratified transitional field are identifiable without experimental procedures in the developing human cerebral cortex and that there are conspicuous regional differences in its stratification. At the peak of its development, the stratified transitional field contains three fibrous bands in an inside-out order: the commissural fibers of the corpus callosum, the thalamocortical and corticofugal projection fibers, and the expanding white matter. There are regional differences in the thickness of these fibrous layers as well as in the number and configuration of the perikaryal layers. This preview focuses on laminar differences of the transitional fields of the agranular frontal lobe and the granular parietal and occipital lobes. At the latter sites, but not in the frontal lobe, there is a distinctive multi-layered band, the honeycomb matrix, where radially oriented fiber columns are sandwiched between two perikaryal sublayers and are separated from one another by radially oriented cells. We postulate that the radial fiber columns of the honeycomb matrix are composed of topographically organized thalamocortical fibers and that the unspecified young neurons acquire their enduring topographic identity by making selective contacts with tagged fibers here before they resume their radial or tangential migration to the cortical plate. 相似文献
AC Flint US Maisch JH Weishaupt AR Kriegstein H Monyer 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,17(7):2469-2476
NMDA receptors play important roles in learning and memory and in sculpting neural connections during development. After the period of peak cortical plasticity, NMDA receptor-mediated EPSCs (NMDAR EPSCs) decrease in duration. A likely mechanism for this change in NMDA receptor properties is the molecular alteration of NMDA receptor structure by regulation of NMDA receptor subunit gene expression. The four modulatory NMDAR2A-D (NR2A-D) NMDA receptor subunits are known to alter NMDA receptor properties, and the expression of these subunits is regulated developmentally. It is unclear, however, how the four NR2 subunits are expressed in individual neurons and which NR2 subunits are important to the regulation of NMDA receptor properties during development in vivo. Analysis of NR2 subunit gene expression in single characterized neurons of postnatal neocortex revealed that cells expressing NR2A subunit mRNA had faster NMDAR EPSCs than cells not expressing this subunit, regardless of postnatal age. Expression of NR2A subunit mRNA in cortical neurons at even low levels seemed sufficient to alter the NMDA receptor time course. The proportion of cells expressing NR2A and displaying fast NMDAR EPSCs increased developmentally, thus providing a molecular basis for the developmental change in mean NMDAR EPSC duration. 相似文献
The neuronal and synaptic organisation of the cerebral cortex appears exceedingly complex, and the definition of a basic cortical circuit in terms of defined classes of cells and connections is necessary to facilitate progress of its analysis. During the last two decades quantitative studies of the synaptic connectivity of identified cortical neurones and their molecular dissection revealed a number of general rules that apply to all areas of cortex. In this review, first the precise location of postsynaptic GABA and glutamate receptors is examined at cortical synapses, in order to define the site of synaptic interactions. It is argued that, due to the exclusion of G protein-coupled receptors from the postsynaptic density, the presence of extrasynaptic receptors and the molecular compartmentalisation of the postsynaptic membrane, the synapse should include membrane areas beyond the membrane specialisation. Subsequently, the following organisational principles are examined: 1. The cerebral cortex consists of: (i) a large population of principal neurones reciprocally connected to the thalamus and to each other via axon collaterals releasing excitatory amino acids, and, (ii) a smaller population of mainly local circuit GABAergic neurones. 2. Differential reciprocal connections are also formed amongst GABAergic neurones. 3. All extrinsic and intracortical glutamatergic pathways terminate on both the principal and the GABAergic neurones, differentially weighted according to the pathway. 4. Synapses of multiple sets of glutamatergic and GABAergic afferents subdivide the surface of cortical neurones and are often co-aligned on the dendritic domain. 5. A unique feature of the cortex is the GABAergic axo-axonic cell, influencing principal cells through GABAA receptors at synapses located exclusively on the axon initial segment. The analysis of these salient features of connectivity has revealed a remarkably selective array of connections, yet a highly adaptable design of the basic circuit emerges when comparisons are made between cortical areas or layers. The basic circuit is most obvious in the hippocampus where a relatively homogeneous set of spatially aligned principal cells allows an easy visualization of the organisational rules. Those principles which have been examined in the isocortex proved to be identical or very similar. In the isocortex, the basic circuit, scaled to specific requirements, is repeated in each layer. As multiple sets of output neurones evolved, requiring subtly different needs for their inputs, the basic circuit may be superimposed several times in the same layer. Tangential intralaminar connections in both the hippocampus and isocortex also connect output neurones with similar properties, as best seen in the patchy connections in the isocortex. The additional radial superposition of several laminae of distinct sets of output neurones, each representing and supported by its basic circuit, requires a co-ordination of their activity that is mediated by highly selective interlaminar connections, involving both the GABAergic and the excitatory amino acid releasing neurones. The remarkable specificity in the geometry of cells and the selectivity in placement of neurotransmitter receptors and synapses on their surface, strongly suggest a predominant role for time in the coding of information, but this does not exclude an important role also for the rate of action potential discharge in cortical representation of information. 相似文献
Synaptic vesicles are concentrated in the distal axon, far from the site of protein synthesis. Integral membrane proteins destined for this organelle must therefore make complex targeting decisions. Short amino acid sequences have been shown to act as targeting signals directing proteins to a variety of intracellular locations. To identify synaptic vesicle targeting sequences and to follow the path that proteins travel en route to the synaptic vesicle, we have used a defective herpes virus amplicon expression system to study the targeting of a synaptobrevin-transferrin receptor (SB-TfR) chimera in cultured hippocampal neurons. Addition of the cytoplasmic domain of synaptobrevin onto human transferrin receptor was sufficient to retarget the transferrin receptor from the dendrites to presynaptic sites in the axon. At the synapse, the SB-TfR chimera did not localize to synaptic vesicles, but was instead found in an organelle with biochemical and functional characteristics of an endosome. The chimera recycled in parallel with synaptic vesicle proteins demonstrating that the nerve terminal efficiently sorts transmembrane proteins into different pathways. The synaptobrevin sequence that controls targeting to the presynaptic endosome was not localized to a single, 10- amino acid region of the molecule, indicating that this targeting signal may be encoded by a more distributed structural conformation. However, the chimera could be shifted to synaptic vesicles by deletion of amino acids 61-70 in synaptobrevin, suggesting that separate signals encode the localization of synaptobrevin to the synapse and to the synaptic vesicle. 相似文献
Munc18-1 is a neuronal protein that interacts with syntaxin 1 and is required for synaptic vesicle exocytosis. We have now identified two Munc18-1-interacting proteins called Mint1 and Mint2 that may mediate the function of Munc18-1. Mint proteins are detectable only in brain and are composed of an N-terminal sequence that binds Munc18-1, a middle phosphotyrosine-binding domain, and two C-terminal PDZ domains thought to attach proteins to the plasma membrane. In brain, Mint proteins are part of a multimeric complex containing Munc18-1 and syntaxin that likely functions as an intermediate in synaptic vesicle docking/fusion. The phosphotyrosine-binding domain specifically binds to phosphatidylinositol phosphates known to be produced during vesicle exocytosis (Hay, J. C., Fisette, P. L., Jenkins, G. H., Fukami, K., Takonawa, T., Anderson, R. A., and Martin, T. F. J. (1995) Nature 374, 173-177). Our data suggest a model whereby local production of phosphatidylinositol phosphates may trigger the binding of vesicles to the active zone via the Mint.Munc18-1 complex in conjunction with syntaxin 1. 相似文献