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A series of supported cobalt-based catalysts (Co-X, where X = Mn, V, W, Gd, Mo) has been investigated for the growth of single-walled carbon nanotubes via catalytic decomposition of CH4. At 850 degrees C, Mn, W and Gd promoted Co-catalysts produce SWNTs while Mo and V do not yield any SWNTs. Furthermore, Co-Gd catalysts produce high quality SWNTs with very few defects, and also narrow diameter and chirality distributions (approximately 1 nm). The growth of horizontally aligned SWNTs (approximately 1 mm long) using the Co-Gd catalyst is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

In this letter, it is reported for the first time that single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) can grow on mica substrate without additional catalyst by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) using ethanol as carbon source. The single-wall structure was characterized by Raman spectra and AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy) measurements. The growth of carbon nanotubes on mica surface contributes to the small amount of iron oxide in bare mica. The uniform dispersion and nanosized Fe particles formed from the reduction of iron oxide favor for the growth of SWNTs. Horizontally aligned superlong SWNTs arrays can be successfully generated on the mica surface, which is proved to be guided by the gas flow and under “kite growth mechanism”. The mica is a machinable material which can be easily cut and made a narrow slit on, thus the nanotubes can traverse the slit which can be in millimeter scale and long suspended SWNTs can be generated. This will provide an opportunity to manipulate individual SWNT for various purposes.  相似文献   

The influence of temperature on synthesizing single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) by catalytic chemical vapor deposition of methane over Mo-Co-MgO catalyst was studied by Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) and Raman scattering. The Mo-Co-MgO bimetallic catalyst was prepared by decomposing the mixture of magnesium nitrate, ammonium molybdate, citric acid, and cobalt nitrate. The results show that Mo-Co-MgO bimetallic catalyst is effective to synthesize SWCNTs. By using Mo-Co-MgO bimetallic catalyst, generation of SWCNTs even at 940 K was demonstrated. The optimum temperature of synthesizing SWCNTs over Mo-Co-MgO bimetallic catalyst may be about 1123 K. At 1123 K, the diameters of SWCNTs are in the range of 0.75–1.65 nm. The content of SWCNTs is increased with the increase of temperature below 1123 K and the carbon yield rate is also increased with the increase of synthesis temperature. Therefore, the amount of SWCNTs increases with the increase of temperature below 1123 K. However, above 1123 K, the content of SWCNTs is decreased with the increase of temperature; therefore, it is not effective to increase the amount of SWCNTs through increasing synthesis temperature above 1123 K.  相似文献   

In this study, we systematically investigated the influence of catalyst preparation procedures on the mean diameter of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) synthesized by the alcohol catalytic chemical vapor deposition (ACCVD) process. It was found that the SWNT diameter is dependent upon both reduction temperature and time, with lower reduction temperature and/or shorter reduction time resulting in smaller diameter SWNTs. The morphology of the SWNTs also changed from vertically aligned to randomly oriented when the reduction temperature was below 500 degrees C. We also found that introducing a small amount of water during the catalyst reduction stage significantly decreased the mean diameter of the SWNTs. Lastly, we report on the use of a new binary catalyst system in which rhodium was combined with cobalt. This new Co/Rh combination produced SWNTs of smaller diameter than the conventional Co/Mo catalyst.  相似文献   

We previously reported that the quantity of single-walled carbon nanotubes grown on Fe-coated sapphire by chemical vapor deposition depended on the crystallographic faces of sapphires. In this report, we show that the interaction of Fe, sapphire, and carbon depended on the sapphire faces. We deduce that the quantity of Fe available to catalyze the growth of single-walled carbon nanotubes was suppressed by the formation of Fe-Al alloys and whether the Fe-Al alloys were formed on Fe-coated sapphire or not depended on the sapphire-surface structure.  相似文献   

Single-walled carbon nanotubes were synthesized from graphite using the arc discharge technique. A nickel/yttrium/graphite mixture was used as the catalyst. After purification by sonication in a Triton X-100 solution, nickel-cobalt metal nanoparticles were deposited on the surface of the single-walled carbon nanotubes. The resulting material and/or the nanotubes themselves were characterized by physisorption, Raman spectroscopy, high-resolution transition electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. Raman spectroscopy indicates that the nanotubes, prepared by the arc discharge technique, are semi-conducting with a diameter centering at 1.4 nm. The average nickel-cobalt particle size is estimated to be in the region of 8 nm. The catalytic activity of the material was examined for the hydrogenation of unsaturated fatty acid methyl esters obtained from avocado oil. The carbon nanotube supported nickel-cobalt particles effectively hydrogenate polyunsaturated methyl linoleate to monounsaturated methyl oleate. In contrast to a conventional nickel on kieselghur catalyst, further hydrogenation of methyl oleate to undesired methyl stearate was not observed.  相似文献   

A series of experiments have been done to investigate the role of methane partial pressure in the synthesis of carbon nanotubes by catalyst chemical vapor deposition. It is supposed that there is a critical methane partial pressure (0.4 atm) for single-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) synthesis at 850°C. When the methane partial pressure is higher than the critical value, the whole rate is decided by the carbon diffusion rate on the catalyst surface or in the bulk, contrariwise, the synthesis rate is proportional to the methane partial pressure.  相似文献   

We report an application of nanoarea electron diffraction for structure determination of double-wall carbon nanotubes (DWNT) grown by catalytic chemical vapor deposition. The structures of 30 tubes were determined from experimental diffraction patterns. Among these tubes, the inner and outer wall structure of 18 tubes was precisely determined by comparison with kinematic electron diffraction simulations. For the structure of the DWNTs, our experiment revealed a mixture of semiconducting-metallic (S-M), S-S and M-M tubes. The spacing between the two walls ranges from 0.335 nm to 0.384 nm. Most DWNTs are incommensurate and chiral.  相似文献   

Carbon nanofibers are grown by direct current and hot filaments-activated catalytic chemical vapor deposition while varying the power of the hot filaments. Observations of these carbon nanofibers vertically oriented on a SiO2 (8 nm thick)/Si(100) substrate covered with Co nanoparticles (10-15 nm particle size) by Scanning Electron and Transmission Electron Microscopies show the presence of a graphitic "nest" either on the surface of the substrate or at the end of the specific nanofiber that does not encapsulate the catalytic particle. Strictly in our conditions, the activation by hot filaments is required to grow nanofibers with a C2H2 - H2 gas mixture, as large amounts of amorphous carbon cover the surface of the substrate without using hot filaments. From these observations as well as data of the literature, it is proposed that the nucleation of carbon nanofibers occurs through a complex process involving several steps: carbon concentration gradient starting from the catalytic carbon decomposition and diffusion from the surface of the catalytic nanoparticles exposed to the activated gas and promoted by energetic ionic species of the gas phase; subsequent graphitic condensation of a "nest" at the interface of the Co particle and substrate. The large concentration of highly reactive hydrogen radicals mainly provided by activation with hot filaments precludes further spreading out of this interfacial carbon nest over the entire surface of the substrate and thus selectively orientates the growth towards the condensation of graphene over facets that are perpendicular to the surface. Carbon nanofibers can then be grown within the well-known Vapor-Liquid-Solid process. Thus the effect of energetic ions and highly reactive neutrals like atomic hydrogen in the preferential etching of carbon on the edge of graphene shells and on the broadening of the carbon nanofiber is underlined.  相似文献   

Luo Z  Lim S  You Y  Miao J  Gong H  Zhang J  Wang S  Lin J  Shen Z 《Nanotechnology》2008,19(25):255607
The synthesis of vertically aligned single-walled carbon nanotubes (VA-SWNTs) by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) was achieved at 500-600?°C, using ethylene as the carbon source and 1?nm Fe film as the catalyst. For growth of high-quality VA-SWNTs in a plasma sheath, it is crucial to alleviate the undesirable ion bombardment etching effects by the optimization of plasma input power and gas pressure. The resistibility of synthesized VA-SWNTs against ion bombardment etching was found to be closely related to the growth temperature. At relatively low temperature (500?°C), the VA-SWNTs were very susceptible to ion bombardments, which could induce structural defects, and even resulted in a structural transition to few-walled nanotubes. For capacitively coupled radio frequency (rf) PECVD operating at moderate gas pressure (0.3-10?Torr), the ion bombardment etching effect is mainly dependent on the ion flux, which is related to the plasma input power and gas pressure.  相似文献   

催化化学气相沉积法制备螺旋形多壁碳纳米管(英文)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以乙炔为碳源、FeMo/MgO催化剂为模板,采用催化化学沉积法制备了螺旋状多壁碳纳米管(hs-MWC-NTs)。其中FeMo/MgO模板,由作为发泡和助燃剂的柠檬酸燃烧而制成。FeMo/MgO催化剂的XRD谱图揭示其具有微晶的通性。应用SEM、TEM和Raman光谱剖析了合成的炭材料。SEM和TEM观察表明获得了hs-MWC-NTs;Raman光谱的D峰和G峰确认了所获碳纳米管(CNTs)的结晶状态。结果表明:此法乃是合成直径10nm~20nm螺旋形多壁碳纳米管的最容易和简便方法。  相似文献   

化学气相沉积法快速生长定向纳米碳管   总被引:20,自引:16,他引:4  
利用化学气相沉积法,采用二甲苯为碳源,二茂铁为催化剂,氮气作保护气,在石英基底上催化裂解生长定向纳米碳管,试验结果表明:在775℃,120min的条件下,可生长出长达200μm厚的定向纳米碳管薄膜;在775℃,反应时间为60min~120min时,纳米碳管的长度为100μm~200μm,而纳米碳管的直径变化不明显。而无氢气,较高的反应温度和连续的催化剂供给对快速生长定向纳米碳管有重要的影响。  相似文献   

从理论和实验角度研究了金属-碳协同催化的化学气相沉积反应中碳纳米管的成核和生长过程.结果表明:多壁碳纳米管的成核和生长不仅受金属的催化作用,碳核一旦形成也会促进碳纳米管向轴向和径向的生长.金属催化剂颗粒仅仅在促进最内层碳核的形成及生长,碳原子向有序的石墨结构转化有催化作用.多壁碳纳米管和单壁碳纳米管形成的本质区别在于是否存在碳的自催化作用.  相似文献   

采用一种改进的化学气相沉积法在炭纤维表面制备碳纳米管。为了提高炭纤维表面的润湿性能,炭纤维在浸渍之前先在CVD设备中在真空下973 K的高温处理,然后在硝酸和浓硫酸体积比为3∶1的混合酸中酸处理30 min。而改进的化学气相沉积法关键在于让催化剂的还原步骤和碳纳米管的生长步骤同时进行。这样通过减小过渡金属元素与炭纤维之间的接触时间从而降低了它们之间的相互扩散,在确保了炭纤维本身的力学性能下降程度明显小于用普通化学气相法制备的情况下生长出长且茂密的碳纳米管阵列。另外,经过对工艺参数的优化发现当用乙醇作溶剂,Fe(NO3)3.9H2O溶度为100 mmol/L,氢气和碳源气体比值为4/1,而生长时间为30 min时得到最好的碳纳米管阵列。  相似文献   

Continued growth of single-walled carbon nanotubes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We demonstrate the continued growth of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) from ordered arrays of open-ended SWNTs in a way analogous to epitaxy. Nanometer-sized metal catalysts were docked to the SWNT open ends and subsequently activated to restart growth. SWNTs thus grown inherit the diameters and chirality from the seeded SWNTs, as indicated by the closely matched frequencies of Raman radial breathing modes before and after the growth.  相似文献   

Although carbon nanotubes (CNTs) with a variety of morphologies have been successfully synthesized, there is no clear physical picture of the growth process. Correspondingly, the growth mechanism is still not clear up to now. Here we suggest a VLS model for the growth process of CNTs, which involves a liquid or liquid-like state catalyst. The basic idea is that, due to the high thermal conductivity and nanometer size of the catalyst and the fast diffusion of carbon atoms in it, both the temperature and the carbon atom distribution across it are uniform. The supersaturation level can be expressed as a function of the carbon concentration and temperature, which determines the nucleation dynamics and growth kinetics. Based on this model, the growth rate equation was obtained to describe the growth kinetics of carbon nanotubes, which shows good accordance with the experimental results.  相似文献   

We report the dependence of growth yield of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) on heat-treatment time and catalyst film thickness by the alcohol catalytic chemical vapor deposition method. Three types of heat-treatment, synthesis of 30 min, synthesis of 30 min after annealing of 30 min, and synthesis of 60 min, were investigated. Thickness of Co catalyst film was varied from 1 to 10 nm. In the case of thinner Co film less than 3 nm, long synthesis time of 60 min is favorable for the effective SWNT growth, because of the small amount of Co catalyst. In the case of thicker Co film more than 3 nm, an amount of grown SWNTs by 30 min synthesis after 30 min annealing and by 60 min synthesis was much higher than that by 30 min synthesis without annealing, showing that total heat-treatment time of 60 min is important for the SWNT growth. Results suggest that the conversion from the thicker film of Co to nano-particle which acts as catalyst takes place during the first 30 min.  相似文献   

We report the dependence of growth yield of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) on heat-treatment time and catalyst film thickness by the alcohol catalytic chemical vapor deposition method. Three types of heat-treatment, synthesis of 30 min, synthesis of 30 min after annealing of 30 min, and synthesis of 60 min, were investigated. Thickness of Co catalyst film was varied from 1 to 10 nm. In the case of thinner Co film less than 3 nm, long synthesis time of 60 min is favorable for the effective SWNT growth, because of the small amount of Co catalyst. In the case of thicker Co film more than 3 nm, an amount of grown SWNTs by 30 min synthesis after 30 min annealing and by 60 min synthesis was much higher than that by 30 min synthesis without annealing, showing that total heat-treatment time of 60 min is important for the SWNT growth. Results suggest that the conversion from the thicker film of Co to nano-particle which acts as catalyst takes place during the first 30 min.  相似文献   

A series of mono-, bi- or tri-metallic Fe–Mo-Cu/MgO catalysts with the same metal loading of 6 wt% were prepared by impregnation method and used as catalysts for synthesis single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) via methane decomposition. XRD, H2-TPR, and nitrogen physisorption techniques were used to characterize the freshly calcined catalysts, while HRTEM, Raman spectroscopy and TGA were employed to investigate the morphology and microstructure of the SWCNTs product. The obtained results indicated that the introduction of Mo or Cu in the Fe/MgO catalyst enhanced the catalytic growth activity. TEM images showed that both bundles and isolated SWCNTs were obtained over Mo containing catalysts, whereas only SWCNTs bundles were grown over the Fe-Cu/MgO catalyst. The obtained SWCNTs having a diameter of around 0.9–2.4 nm. Raman analysis illustrated that all promoted catalysts produced high quality of SWCNTs compared to the unpromoted Fe/MgO catalyst.  相似文献   

Meng  Fanbin  Wang  Ying  Wang  Qiang  Xu  Xiaoling  Jiang  Man  Zhou  Xuesong  He  Ping  Zhou  Zuowan 《Nano Research》2018,11(7):3958-3958
Nano Research - The first author, Fanbin Meng, and the second author, Ying Wang, contributed equally to this work was unfortunately forgotten to write on the first pages of the main text and the...  相似文献   

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