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民营企业已经成为数量最多、比例最大的企业群体,推动民营企业技术进步和自主创新,不断提高企业核心竞争力,对于我国从根本上实现经济增长方式转变,走新型工业化道路,提高国家综合竞争力,具有十分重要的现实意义。当前民营企业自主创新基本状况改革开放以来,我国国民经济以年均9%的速度增长,而民营经济年均增长速度达20%以上,目前民营经济占国内生产总值的1/3,占全社会投资的比重已超过50%。民营企业在推动技术进步、发展高技术产业、实施知识产权战略等方面发挥着越来越大的作用。民营经济已成发展高新技术产业的重要力量。在2004年电子信…  相似文献   

对于民营企业信息化而言,自身的需求往往是其惟一的驱动力,而信息化的投入产出效益也是民营企业家最看中的,但同时民营企业在IT战略规划上大都有所欠缺。这是因为,相对其他经济体制的企业而言,民营企业在组织结构、管理模式、思维方式、运作流程上都有着不同的特点。不过,民营企业在信息化投入上到底有何特点?民营企业独特的管理体制对信息化有着怎样的影响?信息化是否是民营企业发展最关键的因素?民营企业信息化遇到的最大的障碍是什么?这些问题有必要进一步明确。为此,我们邀请到SAP中国副总裁黄骁俭、家族式企业的代表青岛金华工业集团副总经理金磊、台资民营企业代表联欣光电股份有限公司管理处经理赖国梁,以及信息化服务实施方代表方正科技集团信息技术部总经理米丹宁、联合安达咨询有限公司总经理周启光,一起进行探讨。  相似文献   

王双 《网友世界》2014,(15):99-100
民营经济是指除了国有和国有控股企业以外的多种所有制经济的统称,包括国有民营经济、集体所有制经济、个体经济、私营经济、外商经济和港澳台经济、混合所有民营经济和民营科技企业等类型。民营经济是具有中国特色的一种经济概念和经济形式。民营经济曾一度在中国消失,在中国经济体制改革和社会主义市场经济渐进发展中,民营经济得以复兴,成为中国经济高速发展的生力军。民营经济是我国国民经济中最有活力的部分。但民营经济在取得巨大成就的同时也存在着一系列制约其发展的严重问题。解决这些问题,需要实施一系列相应对策。  相似文献   

民营企业融资难是世界性的难题,更是制约我国民营经济发展的瓶颈,深圳市政府近日推出专项资金管理办法,政府财政每年拿出1亿元,专门用于民营担保机构担保风险补偿。该办法为国内首创,有关部门希望能够撬动100亿元的贷款投入到民营企业,《办法》规定,专项资金由年度预算安排的产业发展专项资金中统筹,专门用于民营担保机构担保风验的补偿,  相似文献   

作为保险企业的政工干部,要拥有较高的政治素质和业务技能,才能适应不断变化的形势,才能为新时期的保险企业工作起到服务与保障的作用。提高政工干部的政治素质和业务技能,调动他们的工作积极性、主动性和创新性,是增强保险企业思想政治工作关键。  相似文献   

信任 说有位曾经很有名的点子大师给各位民营企业家上课,他特别指出在民营企业当中财务管理的非正规化对企业发展的制约,并且号称自己有解决财务管理的安全性和正规性的最佳方案。于是各路民营企业家忙掏出小本,洗耳恭听。大师说,想知道?回头带支票去大师的公司,这是要收费的。 说老实话,当初看到这里,我都想找这位大师给指点一下。实不相瞒,当年兄弟自己开始做生意的时候就被自己的财务黑过一把。不过,很快报纸上就有记者写文章披露:原来这位点子大王自  相似文献   

在经济国际化背景下,中国民营企业一直处于发展环境亟待改善、融资难依然突出的困境中,产生这些的原因主要是由于民营 企业投资缺乏科学论证,经营投机倾向严重;企业管理缺乏团队模式,整体经营呈现无序;企业融资渠道有限,融资困难,发展资金供 给不畅。中国民营企业的出路必须整合社会资源,重视人力资本经营,加大科技创新力度,注重实施品牌战略,重塑民族企业文化,中 国民营企业才能做大做强。  相似文献   

9月8日,“2013首届中国民营美术馆发展论坛”在上海龙美术馆举办,全国各大民营美术馆馆长齐聚一堂,为中国民营美术馆未来走向把脉会症。随着经济形势快速良性发展,民营经济实力大幅度的增强,国家在政策上也逐渐开始鼓励民间资本参与文化艺术事业,  相似文献   

科技部:民营科技企业保持增长科技部近日公布了2003年对民营科技企业状况的调查。调查结果显示,我国民营科技企业一直保持快速、稳定增长:第一,民营科技企业数量继续增加;第二,民营科技企业资产状况良好,实力进一步增强;第三,民营科技企业经济效益和规模化程度进一步提高;第四,民营科技企业从业人员继续增加,为社会创造了大量就业机会;第五,科技活动经费和技术性收入都有一定增长。最新《中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》出炉中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC)刚刚发布的《第十四次中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》显示,截至6月30日,我国平均每周…  相似文献   

师范院校学生主流思想积极向上,但理想信念与困惑并存;对社会发展存在深层次疑虑,就业隐忧心态有所增加;农村生源和女生居多,经济困难和心理问题突出.师范院校增强思想政治教育实效性应该提高大学生的思想政治素质.培养正确的人生观;加强职业技能培训,培养正确的就业观;强化心理健康教育.培养健康的心理素质;加强团队意识,焕发大学生积极向上的青春热情.  相似文献   

由于人们所处的环境各不相同,个性化服务已经成为信息时代不可回避的课题。个性化服务通过收集和分析用户信息来学习用户的兴趣和行为,从而实现主动推荐的目的。本文针对个性化服务,阐述了一种金融服务案例的实现过程,即高尔夫场景下的个性化服务获取。通过该系统,用户可以为自己量身定制符合自身需求的优惠信息,并根据系统提供的理论最优决策建议做出相应的理财规划。  相似文献   

In contrast to the common view of blogging as a highly narcissistic activity, this study explicates how blogging is a communal activity and the emergence of a collective identity which drives collective action. 41 interviews with activist and nonactivist bloggers revealed that shared consciousness, distinctive blogging practices, and the articulation of a common adversary contribute to the development of a collective identity. Furthermore, identity multiplexity points to the emergence of “individualized collectiveness,” which extends beyond networked individualism and is reinforced by offline participation in activism and pre‐existing social ties with other activists.  相似文献   

当前图书馆只能向读者提供非常有限的图书推荐服务。本文提出可采用从网上书店获得的大量公开数据作为推荐参考标准的思路,使推荐不再依赖有限的本地数据,而是基于集体智慧。本文提出一个根据图书关联关系网络来评价图书的内容相关性及推荐价值的方法。初步实验结果表明,这一基于集体智慧的图书推荐方法能做出更全面和满意的图书推荐。  相似文献   

Task Modelling in Collective Robotics   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Does coherent collective behaviour require an explicit mechanism of cooperation? In this paper, we demonstrate that a certain class of cooperative tasks, namely coordinated box manipulation, are possible without explicit communication or cooperation mechanisms. The approach relies on subtask decomposition and sensor preprocessing. A framework is proposed for modelling multi-robot tasks which are described as a series of steps with each step possibly consisting of substeps. Finite state automata theory is used to model steps with state transitions specified as binary sensing predicates called perceptual cues. A perceptual cue (Q), whose computation is disjoint from the operation of the automata, is processed by a 3-level finite state machine called a Q-machine. The model is based on entomological evidence that suggests local stimulus cues are used to regulate a linear series of building acts in nest construction. The approach is designed for a redundant set of homogeneous mobile robots, and described is an extension of a previous system of 5 box-pushing robots to 11 identical transport robots. Results are presented for a system of physical robots capable of moving a heavy object collectively to an arbitrarily specified goal position. The contribution is a simple task-programming paradigm for mobile multi-robot systems. It is argued that Q-machines and their perceptual cues offer a new approach to environment-specific task modelling in collective robotics.  相似文献   

介绍钱学森先生在中国开创思维(认知)科学的历程及其主要学术思想, 概要介绍了思维学、思维系统工程的研究, 分析了形象思维、社会思维在思维(认知)科学研究中的重要作用, 探讨了思维科学与认知科学研究的互相关联并对其共同发展进行了展望.  相似文献   

A class of dynamic threshold models is proposed for describing the upset of collective actions in social networks. The agents of the network have to decide whether to undertake certain action or not. They make their decision by comparing the activity level of their neighbours with a time-varying threshold, evolving according to a time-invariant opinion dynamic model. Key features of the model are a parameter representing the degree of self-confidence of the agents and the mechanism adopted by the agents to evaluate the activity level of their neighbours. The case in which a radical agent, initially eager to undertake the action, interacts with a group of ordinary agents, is considered. The main contribution of the paper is the complete characterisation of the asymptotic behaviours of the network, for three different graph topologies. The asymptotic activity patterns are determined as a function of the self-confidence parameter and of the initial threshold of the ordinary agents. Numerical validation on a real ego network shows that the theoretical results obtained for simple graph structures provide useful insights on the network behaviour in more complex settings.  相似文献   

Peer Instruction is an active learning method widely used in higher education, whereby students answer a series of questions twice, once before and once after peer discussion. There is an ongoing debate as to whether a collective feedback should be given after the students' initial answer, and if so, how the frequently observed group conformity can be avoided. This study examined whether guiding on the use of this feedback can reduce group conformity and improve learning using an interactive learning environment to administer a new type of quiz using graphics, and delivering collective feedback to the whole class in a novel heatmap format. In the experimental group, the teacher told the students that the answer indicated by the heatmap was not necessarily the correct one; this information was not given to students in the control group. Results revealed that guided students were less likely to adopt the (incorrect) majority answer than the non-guided students, and consequently, they were more likely to improve their learning by reaching an agreement about the correct answer through discussion with their peers. These findings suggest that guiding students in their use of collective feedback may have a crucial role in Peer Instruction.  相似文献   

A coalition is a collaborative pattern inwhich people must work together to accomplish atask, but where organizational constraintsstand in the way of their making use of thecoordination techniques that typically enablecollaboration. Trinity is a software systemthat uses a virtual world to provide coalitionswith synthetic coordination capabilitiesfunctionally equivalent to those that occurnaturally in an organized collaboration. Thevirtual world functions as apseudo-collective object since it plays thecoordination role of a collective object. Thedesign philosophy underlying Trinity is heavilyinformed by some of the fundamental concepts ofActivity Theory. To illustrate these ideas, wewill examine below the case of coordinatingoperational information for the coalition ofpeople who maintain the stream of data coursingthrough a securities brokerage, describingalong the way the relevant Activity Theorybackground and the architecture of the virtualworld.  相似文献   

This paper studies social practices and the dynamics of their maintenance in precise mathematical and logical terms. Roughly, social practices (such shaking hands, going regularly to sauna, eating a certain kind of food at Easter, etc.) are recurrent collective activities based on collective attitudes (shared we-attitudes), and the central kind of social practice under study here, is one based on collective intention. Social practices are the building blocks of human societies, and also of artificial ones. In this paper, we present a mathematical model representing the dynamics of social practices, and some properties of the process are subjected to detailed mathematical study.  相似文献   

蓝艇  刘士荣 《机器人》2007,29(3):298-304
首先,介绍了生物社会中的群体智能.接着,讨论了群体机器人技术中的群体控制、群体通信和群体形态等主要研究内容及其发展趋势,并介绍了群体机器人系统的几个典型任务环境.最后,通过一个物体搜集任务的仿真实例来说明群体智能设计原则在多机器人系统中的应用.  相似文献   

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