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本文从农业生产的基本特征出发,分析了我国农业投资的现状,挖掘其存在的问题是:财政支农资金严重不足;农业投资环境差,农业的外资利用在逐年缩减;农业的比较利益低,农业资金的非农化倾向严重。提出了继续加大国家财政对农业的投资、培育新的投资主体、加强对农业资金的科学管理和建立农业投资的激励机制等对策建议。  相似文献   

我国信息化发展全局中,农业信息化摆在重要位置。经过多年发展,我们农业信息化取得丰硕成果,信息基础设施逐步完善,信息服务广泛开展,现代信息技术与农业生产融合正在加速。未来需要强化农业信息化的科学化、规范化,建立良好的发展机制,进一步提升农业生产经营及管理服务的信息化水平。  相似文献   

近年来中国农业合作社发展迅猛,但资金短缺、融资难导致其生产经营能力和抵御风险能力不强,成为制约其进一步发展和壮 大的“瓶颈”问题,不仅阻碍农业产业化进程,而且削弱农民生产经营的积极性,不利于农村经济发展。北美新一代合作社高额入股、股 金和交货合同可以转让、限制社员进入和退出等做法,在融资方面独具特色,再加上政府对合作社融资的帮助,有效解决了合作社融 资难题。学习借鉴北美新一代合作社经验,结合中国农业合作社的融资现状,可以对初创期的农业合作社采取完善内在制度、建立健 全管理制度、从合作金融机构获得贷款以及加大政府扶持力度等措施,对成熟期的农业合作社采取减少政府资金帮助、借助资本市场 来改善筹资方式等措施,解决融资难问题。  相似文献   

农业信息化是指将信息技术应用到农业生产、管理、经营的各个环节和领域,辅助开展农业生产经营管理,信息化建设的应用和设施对提高农业生产效率、规避农业生产风险、提高农业资源利用率具有非常重要的作用.我国农业信息化建设取得了一些成绩,但也存在很多问题,要针对性的解决,继续推进农业信息化发展进程,为实现农业产业化、现代化目标提供有力支撑.  相似文献   

金融促进农业发展,中国社会主义新农村建设离不开金融.由于城乡二元经济结构形成的城乡发展差距、农村信贷制度、统一标准的金融监管、支农资金风险高等原因,国家金融支持农业发展的力度不够,资金供给方向边缘化,农村金融主体自身服务与创新能力不足,民间信贷活跃但弊端多,农村金融服务和管理人才缺乏.提出要加强金融服务创新,优化农村金融服务,通过加强财政政策调控进一步促进农村发展;要根据农业贷款的特点,建立农业风险补偿机制,以降低和减少支农资金的风险和损失和促进信贷;同时完善<担保法>法规,加强农村金融管理和服务人才队伍建设,使金融更好地支持农业发展.  相似文献   

农业电子商务的应用与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,随着农业结构调整和高效生态农业的发展,我国农民对信息服务方式的需求发生了新的变化。一些种养大户.购销大户.农民专业合作社,农业龙头企业等农业生产经营主体特别需要通过电子商务手段及时获取市场行情.降低营销成本。提高生产经营效益。  相似文献   

莱州是中国月季和中国玉米良种之乡。如何发展农业生产规模、扩大市场空间?不少龙头企业、种养大户借助信息技术探索出农业生产经营模式,打造用户认可的品牌。[编者按]  相似文献   

徐萍 《软件世界》2002,(2):86-88
共同基金,在美国称为Mutual Fund ,其基本内涵在于将众多投资者的资金聚集起来,交由专门投资机构经营管理,投资管理专家将募集起来的基金,投资于各种公债、金融债券、上市公司股票、公司债券等有价证券,也可以投资于期货、期权、黄金或其他贵金属的买卖上,然后将投资收益按投资比例分配给原投资者,投资经营管理机构从中获取相应的报酬。实现投资资金与投资能力的有效组合。  相似文献   

运用陕西省1993~2007 年的面板数据,在已有文献对影响农户农业生产投资研究的基础上,选取农户纯收入、农户生活消费 支出、农产品销售收入、农业贷款、土地规模、农村公共投资为影响因素,用Eview5.0 计算分析这些因素对农户农业生产投资的影响 程度,找出可以激励农户农业生产投资的有效措施,提出加大农产品价格支持和直接补贴力度,加强农村道路和农田水利建设,增 加农村小额信贷和放松农村金融管制,建立健全农业生产的社会服务体系等建议,推动农户农业生产投资。  相似文献   

自20世纪八九十年代出现阶段性辉煌后,农业科普期刊逐渐走向低谷。40年老刊《新农业》杂志近几年积极探索发展新路,办 刊理念从服务农业生产向服务新农村建设转变、从服务传统农业向服务发展现代农业转变、从待时向聚势转变、从独立经营向合力经 营转变、从自我关门办刊向社会开放办刊转变,在刊物内容上拓展“面”,在报道方式上集中“点”,在环境营造上聚合“势”,在经营发行 上建设“渠”,在资源整合上开发“人”,扭转了刊物整体持续下滑的被动局面,刊物质量、主要经营性指标和社会影响实现了较大跨越。 实践证明,农业科普期刊传统的办刊理念已不适宜于农村政治、经济、社会的发展进程,这或许正是其衰落的根本原因。农业科普期刊 必须审时度势,从宏观环境着眼,以科学、理性的态度重新审视自己,转变办刊理念,捋清发展思路,才能伴随中国农业和农村经济发 展迎来新的上升期。  相似文献   

高新技术企业风险投资及投资风险评价   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文研究了风险投资的含义和基本特点,并且在全面分析风险投资特点的基础上 ,提出了高科技产业开发投资风险综合评判体系. 文中利用层次分析法和聚类分析法相结合的形式确定权数,以主观概率来描述风险, 从而建立了高科技产业开发投资风险的多因素层次模糊综合评判模型,采用模糊数学工具对高新技术项目的投资风险进行综合评价.进行了实证运算,实现了高新技术产业开发投资风险较为科学的评判与判断.  相似文献   

政府作为农业现代宏观投入主体的必要性在于现代农业需要政府施以“反哺” ;作为微观投入主体的企业和农户投入乏力 ;农业现代化的投入不能完全凭借市场力量的调节。目前政府的投入主要应在农业高新技术的研究推广、农业现代化示范园区的建设以及农业产业化发展的项目上。  相似文献   

水库建设方案的评价,涉及投入和效益两方面。投入包括资金和工期等,称为“输入”:效益包括工农业用水增加、防洪能力强增等。称为“输出”。分析这种多输入,多输出的系统,应用数据包络分析方法是非常有效的。  相似文献   

本文以个人投资者的视角,探索能源期货投资策略。以马科维茨均值-方差理论为依据,以4种能源期货为标的资产,运用MATLAB软件进行计算,构造了区间为第n日至n+252日的动态最佳投资比率策略,以第n+1日至n+253日作为检验区间,并对构造区间、检验区间滚动k次,验证了该投资比率策略的有效性及动态策略的平稳性。投资策略的有效性表明,它是投资者进行能源期货投资的一种可行思路。同时,也验证了马科维茨均值-方差理论可运用于数量较少的能源期货投资组合中。  相似文献   

The results of an empirical study on the current usage of capital budgeting techniques for evaluating, terminating, and auditing information system investments are presented. Findings based on 134 senior MIS personnel and management executives indicate that capital budgeting has little impact on IS investment, and simple techniques such as payback period and cost benefit ratio are preferred over more sophisticated discount cash-flow models. Problems with cost and return estimations are shown to be the key factors that limit their use. It is suggested that the decision authority varies according to the project value and the type of decisions being undertaken.  相似文献   

This paper presents a probabilistic defective vendor–buyer integrated inventory model with the consideration of quality inspection errors at the buyer's end and setup cost as function of capital investment. An integrated inventory model is established to find the optimal solutions of lot size, setup cost, and the total number of shipments from the vendor to the buyer in one production run, so that the joint expected total cost incurred has the minimum value. We consider three types of continuous probabilistic defective function to find the associated cost of the system. The expected total cost function is derived for each of these three distributions, its convexity is proved via differential calculus. An efficient iterative algorithm is designed to obtain the optimal solution of the model. The computational effort and time are small for the proposed algorithm and it is simple to implement. Numerical examples and sensitivity analysis are used to demonstrate the application and the performance of the proposed methodology. The computational results indicate that if we make decisions with the capital investment in reducing setup cost, it will help to lower the system cost, and we obtain a significant amount of savings to increase the competitive edge in business.  相似文献   

In most of the inventory models in the literature, the deterioration rate of goods is viewed as an exogenous variable, which is not subject to control. In the real market, the retailer can reduce the deterioration rate of product by making effective capital investment in storehouse equipments. In this study, we formulate a deteriorating inventory model with time-varying demand by allowing preservation technology cost as a decision variable in conjunction with replacement policy. The objective is to find the optimal replenishment and preservation technology investment strategies while minimising the total cost over the planning horizon. For any given feasible replenishment scheme, we first prove that the optimal preservation technology investment strategy not only exists but is also unique. Then, a particle swarm optimisation is coded and used to solve the nonlinear programming problem by employing the properties derived from this article. Some numerical examples are used to illustrate the features of the proposed model.  相似文献   

The paper studies the effects of an imperfect production process on the optimal production run length when capital investment in process quality improvement is adopted. The mathematical model is derived to determine the optimal production run length and capital investment under the assumption of logarithmic investment function such that the total annual cost is minimized. In addition, an efficient algorithm is provided to find both the optimal production run length and the optimal process quality. Therefore, the optimal lot sizing and capital investment are appropriately determined. A numerical example is provided to illustrate the results and to assess the cost savings realized by adopting capital investment. Furthermore, some managerial implications are also included.  相似文献   

Mean-variance model for fuzzy capital budgeting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In an uncertain economic environment, it is usually difficult to predict accurately the investment outlays and annual net cash flows of a project. In addition, available investment capital sometimes cannot be accurately given either. Fuzzy variables can reflect vagueness of these parameters. In this paper, capital budgeting problem with fuzzy investment outlays, fuzzy annual net cash flows and fuzzy available investment capital is studied based on credibility measure. One new mean-variance model is proposed for optimal capital allocation. A fuzzy simulation-based genetic algorithm is provided for solving the proposed optimization problem. One numerical example and an experiment are also presented to show the optimization idea and the effectiveness of the algorithm.  相似文献   

从农业发展的历史看,农业资本形成特点有:①农业自身的积累是农业资本的主要来源;②农业资本的积累伴随着工业化过程,使农业资本的流失成为必然;③增加劳动投入,可以在短期内弥补农业资本流失造成的资本不足,但从长远看是行不通的,必须逐步缩小农业资本的流失部分;④农业生产的特点和农业生产的环境决定农业资本的形成必须依赖外部流入。  相似文献   

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