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介绍了鲜菜的酱曲醅酿和成坯菜酱曲醅酿的传统工艺及醅香萝卜的制作,产品别具风味,醅香菜甜,是开胃进食的佳品.  相似文献   

酱腌菜是我国的传统佐餐食品,历史悠久,源远流长。早在马王堆西汉古墓的出土文物中就有酱萝卜做为陪葬品,迭说明在2000年以前,我国的酱腌技术已经很发达。 酱曲醅菜工艺是大有丰酱园的传统生产工艺,经过不断改进,现已发展成为具有独特风格的传统工艺技术。酱曲醅莱具有口味鲜美、  相似文献   

归德酱曲醅菜传统生产工艺概述刘德润,马勇(河南商丘大有丰酱园476100)传统的酱品行业,生产各类酱渍食品,其主要特色,就是风味醇美独特,目前,虽有所恢复和发展,但除了少数大城市、古城名店外,一般酱品厂只能以一般酱品维持市场急需。对名优产品多已停产很...  相似文献   

陈苍林 《中国调味品》2002,(1):47-47,33
介绍醅酿萝卜腐的传统加工方法,以萝卜为原料腌制,醅酿加工成的醅酿萝卜腐具有萝卜豉香,甘咸适口,并可助消化。  相似文献   

中国是酱腌食品的发源地,历史悠久,源远流长。在马王堆西汉古墓的出土文物中,就有酱萝卜做为陪葬品。这说明早在2000年以前,我国的酱胞技术已经很发达。酱渍食品的风味、质量也已经很优良精美。在人们日常生活中的七件大事,酱、醋就占其二。孔子在《论语》中说:“不得其酱不食”。这句话说明了酱在当时社会生活中的重要性。周灭商后,周王把徽子启封到商丘,国号来,称来国,都城商丘县城(从公元前十一世纪建立至公元前四百七十六年灭亡)。据风记·擅引篇记载:“宋襄公(公元前65O年即位)丧其妇人后(即醋)酪(即肉酱)百谷”。…  相似文献   

豌豆纳豆的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对利用豌豆加工纳豆的工艺条件进行了探讨,通过试验确定了豌豆纳豆的最佳工艺参数为:室温25℃下,豌豆水比为1∶3,浸泡12 h,在121℃,0.1 MPa下蒸煮20 min,接种后于39℃发酵18 h,4~5℃后熟24 h,NaCl加入量1.5%.同时还与传统纳豆进行了比较.  相似文献   

将豌豆蛋白粉作为营养强化剂加入小麦粉中以改善馒头的口感、风味,丰富馒头的种类,增加食用者对蛋白质的摄入。选取豌豆蛋白粉添加量、加水量、二次发酵时间和馒头坯揉制次数4个因素,设计单因素和L9(34)正交试验。结果表明:豌豆蛋白粉添加量为6%、加水量为54%、二次发酵时间为45 min、馒头坯揉制次数为12次,得到豌豆蛋白粉馒头品质较好。将豌豆蛋白粉馒头与小麦粉馒头比较,蛋白质、不饱和脂肪酸、膳食纤维、赖氨酸的含量高于小麦馒头,添加豌豆蛋白粉明显改善了馒头品质,感官评分检验在5%水平下t=5.582,大于t9(5%)=2.262,两者存在显著差异,豌豆蛋白粉馒头感官性状、营养价值均优于小麦馒头。  相似文献   

本文探讨了在黄酱的基础上,加入芝麻、辣椒等各种辅料,配制出芝麻香味浓郁、辣味适中的芝麻辣酱。本文对原材料的配方、主要生产设备、生产工艺流程、原材料处理、生产过程中的操作要点及质量标准等多方面进行了详细论述。  相似文献   

豌豆不同品种加工豆奶适应性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对不同豌豆品种加工豌豆豆奶的适应性进行了初步研究.选自河北科技师范学院培育的豌豆新品种宝峰东8号、须菜1号、须菜3号,及我省主栽豌豆品种中豌5号、中豌6号五个品种,在相同条件下进行浸泡、灭酶、磨浆、酶解、调配等处理,比较五个豌豆品种在各处理中的品质优劣.结果表明,宝峰东8号豌豆品种加工豌豆豆奶效果最佳.  相似文献   

黄和祥 《粮油加工》2004,(10):66-67
介绍了豌豆瓣、豌豆淀粉加工机械的主要结构与特点 ,阐述了其工作原理 ,分析了影响其加工质量的因素 ,确定了主要参数和整机参数  相似文献   

Extraction with 70% ethanol of chick pea, cow pea and horse gram yielded 7.1, 8.1 and 3.6%, respectively of free sugars, all showing the presence of galactose, glucose, sucrose, raffinose, stachyose and verbascose in varying proportions. Starch was isolated in 28 – 37% yields; whereas the unavailable carbohydrates were found to be 17.6, 14.5 and 24.2% respectively. All the fractions contained uronic acid, pentoses and hexoses in different proportions. No ethanol-soluble sugar or starch was detectable in the husk. The husk was rich in cellulose which still contained small amounts of pentose constituents, indicating probably its incomplete extraction or a strong macromolecular association.  相似文献   

余晓红  邵荣  许琦  汪志君  方维明 《食品科学》2007,28(11):638-642
以豌豆为原料经发芽后,糖化制汁,添加啤酒酵母发酵研制了豌豆芽汁啤酒。在单因素的基础上,经过L9(33)正交试验确定:豌豆啤酒的最佳发酵条件为主酵温度13℃、豌豆芽汁浓度11°P、酵母菌接种量1.5×107个/ml。在此工艺条件下发酵,后酵结束,高级醇含量为56.1mg/L,双乙酰0.05mg/L,酒精度3.94%(W/W),真正发酵度67.2%。酿制的啤酒不仅具有大麦芽啤酒的风味,并且还富含了豌豆芽中的VC、多种氨基酸和抗癌物质,不失为一种较好的功能性饮品。  相似文献   

豌豆豆腐的研制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以豌豆和大豆为原料,以葡萄糖酸-δ-内酯(GDL)为凝固剂,对豌豆、大豆复合豆腐的加工工艺进行了研究.探讨了浸泡条件、豌豆浆与大豆浆的复合比例、豆浆加热条件以及凝固条件对豆腐品质的影响.结果显示:豌豆最佳浸泡水温为20℃,浸泡17 h;在豌豆浆中加入一定比例的大豆豆浆可以提高豆浆的蛋白质含量,增加豆腐的凝胶强度和降低失水率,最低复合比例为豌豆浆:大豆浆按1:1比例混合;复合豆浆的最佳加热条件为95℃水浴加热15 min;最适凝固条件为GDL用量0.3%,CaSO4用量0.1%;凝固温度95℃,凝固时间40 min.  相似文献   

以豌豆为原料经发芽后,糖化制汁,添加啤酒酵母发酵研制了豌豆芽汁啤酒。经过L9(33)正交实验确定:豌豆啤酒的最佳发酵条件为主酵温度13℃,豌豆芽汁浓度11°P,酵母菌接种量1.5×107个/mL。该工艺条件下,后酵结束高级醇含量为56.1 mg/L,双乙酰0.05 mg/L,酒精度3.94%Vol,真正发酵度67.2%。酿制的啤酒不仅具有大麦芽啤酒的风味,还富含了豌豆芽中的维生素C,多种氨基酸和抗癌物质。  相似文献   

Starches were isolated in 36, 37 and 28% yields, from chick pea, cow pea and horse gram, respectively. Study of their properties revealed mixed granule population; single stage swelling with high solubility in water for cow pea and horse gram starches in comparison to chick pea starch; slightly higher solubility in DMSO for chick pea starch followed by cow pea and horse gram starches; a relatively high viscosity in alkaline solution of cow pea starch; and Brabender amylograms indicating a low slurry viscosity and low set back in the case of chick pea starch compared to the other two starches which exhibited considerable peak viscosity as well as retrogradation. All the starches contained amylose in the range of 32 – 34%. X-ray powder patterns showed chick pea and horse gram starches to be of B-type, whereas cow pea starch was of A-type.  相似文献   

Physicochemical properties of beans and starches extracted from triangular pea, white pea, spotted colored pea, and small white kidney bean grown in China were investigated. Results pointed out that each of the different legumes might be a good resource of starch and protein, which could be utilized for specific applications in food processing. Starches separated from different legumes differed significantly with respect to their protein content, amylose/amylopectin ratio, lipid content, ash content, swelling power, and solubility. The scanning electron micrographs revealed the presence of kidney or elliptical- to irregular-shaped granules and with a diameter ranging from 5 to 40 μm. All starches exhibited a C-type X-ray diffraction pattern. The pasting properties were tested in a Rapid Visco Analyser and thermal properties with a differential scanning calorimeter. Small white kidney bean had the highest peak, trough, breakdown, and final viscosity among various starches. Triangular pea starch showed the highest gelatinization transition temperatures (T o, T p, and T c) and enthalpy of gelatinization, while white pea starch showed the lowest transition temperatures and gelatinization enthalpy. The results obtained provide a technical basis for processing these legumes and starches.  相似文献   

利用台湾地区丰富的农产资源番茄为原料调制、加工制作番茄酱,该产品营养丰富、色泽鲜艳,深受消费者的青睐。  相似文献   

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