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露天矿设计规划计算机辅助设计系统   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
基于以有向图系统模拟理论为核心的综合优化法,采用系统模拟与数学规划相结合的方法,建立了适用于不同矿床埋藏条件的露天矿设计规划计算机辅助设计(SMCAD)系统.其功能覆盖了露天矿设计中采矿设计决策的基本内容,可进行一系列采矿模拟计算、优化决策和开采方案的对比寻优.该系统实现了微机化,具有多级菜单、模块结构、图文显示、动态跟踪、交互设计等特点.应用表明,SMCAD系统具有较强的通用性和实用性,运算结果准确可靠.  相似文献   

开采方案模糊优选的群决策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有限开采方案优选决策后果影响深远,需组成决策群进行决策。本文应用层次分析法、模糊数学、灰色系统理论等知识构建了矿业有限开采方案多评价指标层次结构及个体评判决策模型;并应用基于集值统计意义下的权威加权模型集结各决策者的个体评判决策,实现开采方案模糊优选的群决策。  相似文献   

主要对卡车运输露天矿定铲配车条件下的卡车调度决策方法进行了探讨。提出了用“煤岩货流量分配”与计算机模拟相结合的一种调度决策方法。该调度方法结合研究课题对霍林河露天矿进行了详细地开发研究,并可给出卡车调度决策方案。  相似文献   

在分析交叉口公交优先通行措施规划方案优化决策过程的基础上,对决策目标进行了探讨,并提出了可量化的决策指标,然后以决策指标为因素集,以被选方案为论域集,依据系统工程学原理,确定了道路规划方案评价指标体系,把层次分析法(AHP)与频率统计法组合起来确定评价指标权重,采用结合灰色理论的改进综合评价方法对规划方案进行评价,以此为判断依据确定交叉口公交优先通行措施最佳规划方案.最后进行了实例应用分析,并获得满意的结果,表明该方法实用可行.  相似文献   

本文对现有的确定露天矿开采境界的动态规划法进行了详细分析和评述;提出了确定露天矿开采境界的平面间接三维动态规划法、复合块段动态规划法;明确提出并建立了有关动态规划的块段支托模式。上述一系列工作有助于确定露天矿开采境界的动态规划法在理论上的完善和在实际中的应用。作者根据网络学的观点,揭示了确定露天矿最优开采境界二维动态规划法的实质,并在此基础上论述了确定露天矿开采境界平面间接三维动态规划法的基本思想,最优性质和计算方法。应用动态规划的基本原理,加之采用复合块段和块段支托模式等方法,使得用平面间接三维动态规划法确定的露天矿开采境界在空间上基本满足开采优化设计要求,在经济效益上得到提高。用动态规划确定露天矿最优开采境界是64年由著名学者Lerchs和Grossman首次提出的。此后,经历了一个由二维到三维的发展过程。现有的方法可分为直接法和间接法两类,间接法又可细分为两种:一是1971年由Johnson和Sharp首次提出的“三维动态规划法”;另一是1983年由朱贵芳提出的“新三维动态规划法”。根据各自计算方法的特点,不妨把两者分别称为纵断面间接三维动态规划法和横断面间接三维动态规划法,或简称纵断面法和横断面法。针对现有方法存在的不足,本文主要在计算方法上提出一种平面间接三维动态规划法。另外,还将提出与平面法配合使用的复合块段动态规划法和三维支托模式的二维动态规划法。这一系列方法将有助于动态规划法的实际应用。  相似文献   

介绍了利用灰色决策理论对部队营区建筑规划方案进行选优的方法,并以实例说明该方法的应用。  相似文献   

露天矿工艺系统可靠性对露天矿的主要技术经济指标有很大影响,特别是采用连续或半连续开采工艺时更是如此。故应在设计及生产管理等各个阶段,重视提高工艺系统的可靠性。本文依据国内外露天矿的经验,从理论与实践相结合的角度,对提高露天矿工艺系统可靠性的途径进行了综合分析。  相似文献   

分析了智能大厦系统规划方案的作用,提出采用模糊多属性群体决策法对系统规划方案进行评价,给出了模糊判断矩阵和隶属度的构造方法,详细介绍了模糊多属性群体决策法在智能大厦的系统规划方案决策中的计算步骤及方法。  相似文献   

青麦地石灰岩露天矿开采深度大,终了开采形成的采场边坡高度高,边坡角也陡,采场边坡的稳定性直接关系到矿山的正常运营,也影响到其深部延伸开采设计的合理性,因此其边坡稳定性分析评价至关重要。根据工程地质条件、地形特征、开采现状和岩体质量评价,采用极限平衡法边坡分析软件建立边坡稳定性计算模型对其各个边帮进行稳定性计算分析。分别计算了在自重、自重+爆破、自重+地震状态3种工况条件下的边坡安全系数,结果表明:该露天矿终了境界边坡处于稳定状态,满足安全等级的要求,说明该终了采场设计的边坡结构参数具有一定的可行性和合理性;同时也建议边坡靠帮时采用光面爆破、预裂爆破等减震技术措施,为该露天矿的持续安全开采提供指导依据。  相似文献   

利用模糊优选方法,采用多目标优化规划,获得电网规划的优化多解方案集,并计算出方案的定量目标及其特征值矩阵;对于定性准则,建立基于规划知识和经验的专家系统,获取方案的定性目标模糊评价矩阵.对定量和定性目标的两种矩阵,采用统一的决策目标相对优属度进行方案优选决策.当不满意决策优选的规划方案时,则修正和调整多目标间的权重及其隶属函数,重新进行优化规划方案的计算,直至获得满意方案.该方法既能计及定量、定性因素,又能体现系统的整体优化性能,将其应用于规划决策支持系统,可实现具有智能模拟的电网规划方案决策功能.  相似文献   

Accuracy in predictions leads to better planning with a minimum of opportunity lost. In open pit mining,the complexity of operations, coupled with a highly uncertain and dynamic production environment,limit the accuracy of predictions and force a reactive planning approach to mitigate deviations from original plans. A simulation optimization framework/tool is presented in this paper to account for uncertainties in mining operations for robust short-term production planning and proactive decision making. This framework/tool uses a discrete event simulation model of mine operations, which interacts with a goalprogramming based mine operational optimization tool to develop an uncertainty based short-term schedule. Using scenario analysis, this framework allows the planner to make proactive decisions to achieve the mine's operational and long-term objectives. This paper details the development of simulation and optimization models and presents the implementation of the framework on an iron ore mine case study for verification through scenario analysis.  相似文献   

论述了应用地质统计学法进行露天矿勘探网度优化的基本原理和方法,以某露天矿为例,建立了该露天矿的矿床模型,得出了该露天矿主采煤层的煤层厚度、灰分和硫分等地质变量的理论变差函数模型,并对其变异规律进行了分析和评价。根据估计方差是勘探网度和网型的函数这一原理,模拟得出了最佳勘探网度,并对该露天矿首采区和后续区的勘探网度进行了优化和评价,为采矿设计提供矿床地质条件的可靠性论证。  相似文献   

Near-surface deposits that extend to considerable depths are often amenable to both open pit mining and/or underground mining. This paper investigates the strategy of mining options for an orebody using a Mixed Integer Linear Programming(MILP) optimization framework. The MILP formulation maximizes the Net Present Value(NPV) of the reserve when extracted with(i) open pit mining,(ii) underground mining, and(iii) concurrent open pit and underground mining. Comparatively, implementing open pit mining generates a higher NPV than underground mining. However considering the investment required for these mining options, underground mining generates a better return on investment than open pit mining. Also, in the concurrent open pit and underground mining scenario, the optimizer prefers extracting blocks using open pit mining. Although the underground mine could access ore sooner, the mining cost differential for open pit mining is more than compensated for by the discounting benefits associated with earlier underground mining.  相似文献   

大冶铁矿申报为首批国家矿山公园,为了保证游客和采矿人员与设备的安全,合理分析和评价高陡边坡的危险性具有很重要的意义.在野外研究的基础上,根据岩体结构、地质构造等特征,将大冶铁矿东露天采场高陡边坡分为8个区,分析出影响东露天采场高陡边坡的稳定性因素主要有岩土类型和性质、岩体结构及地质构造、地形地貌、水、诱发因素等.利用层次分析法建立的递阶层次结构,采用专家打分平均法对每个影响因子给予主观定量赋值,通过公式计算,可以得出每个区的相对危险性程度.分析结果表明Ⅵ区是最不稳定区;Ⅰ区和Ⅲ区是不稳定区,Ⅴ区和Ⅶ区是欠稳定区.  相似文献   

青阳白云石矿原设计为山坡露天开采,爆破警戒范围为200m,矿山生产已影响矿区南侧300m爆破警戒线范围内村庄安全生产、生活,同时也对东西横贯矿区的318国道产生直接影响。本文在原开采方案设计基础上,将采场回采顺序进行优化,分两期进行开采,以减少及消除对矿区南侧318国道和村庄的影响,从而达到更加充分、合理、安全利用采矿权范围内矿产资源之目的。  相似文献   

本文对确定露天开采境界的理论作简要分析和评价,指出基于静态经济分析的现有理论的局限性,提出按动态经济分析确定露天开采境界的理论和方法,并分析了露天开采程序、工作帮坡角、露天矿开采强度、贴现率、以及矿石价格和开采成本变化对露天开采境界的影响。  相似文献   

Rockfalls are one of the hazards that may be associated with open pit mining. The majority of rockfalls occur due to the existing conditions of slopes, such as back break, fractures and joints. Constructing a berm on the catch bench is a popular method for the mitigation of rockfall hazards in open pit mining.The width of the catch bench and the height of the berm play a major role in the open pit bench design.However, there is no systematic method currently available to optimize the size of these parameters. This study proposes a novel methodology which calculates the optimum catch bench width by integrating the rockfall simulation model and genetic algorithm into a Simulation-Optimization Model. The proposed methodology is useful when used to determine the minimum catch bench width, or the maximum overall slope angle, insuring that a sufficient factor of safety of the slope is included while maximizing the overall profitability of the open pit mine.  相似文献   

Leaving ditches between adjacent mining areas can effectively reduce re-stripping in the latter mining area and simultaneously lead to an increment in internal dumping costs in the former mining area. This paper establishes calculation models for these two marginal costs. The optimizing model for slope cover height can be determined by including marginal cost models in the objective function. The paper has two main contributions: (a) it fully considers redistribution of dumping space in the model; (b) it introduces price fluctuations and cash discounts in the model. We use the typical open-pit mine as an example to test and prove the model. We conclude that a completely covered slope is reasonable in Haerwusu open pit mine; in addition to an increasing price index, the slope cover height can be reduced; and that price changes are one of the most important influencing factors of slope cover height optimization in an open-pit mine.  相似文献   

One of the most critical and complicated steps in mine design is a selection of suitable mining method based upon geological, geotechnical, geographical, safety and economical parameters. The aim of this study is developing a Monte Carlo simulation to selection the optimum mining method by using effective and major criteria and at the same time, taking subjective judgments of decision makers into consideration. Proposed approach is based on the combination of Monte Carlo simulation with conventional Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Monte Carlo simulation is used to determine the confidence level of each alternative’s score, is calculated by AHP, with the respect to the variance of decision makers’ opinion. The proposed method is applied for Jajarm Bauxite Mine in Iran and eventually the most appropriate mining methods for this mine are ranked.  相似文献   

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