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Motor unit action potentials (MUAPs) were recorded with a standard concentric needle electrode inserted into the right biceps brachii muscle with different angular orientations of the beveled recording surface to the muscle fibers. Contrary to the predictions from computer simulations, the MUAP duration remained constant during needle rotation. This finding is used to reexamine the previous assumptions regarding the concentric needle's spatial uptake recording territory and the implications with respect to MUAP duration measurements.  相似文献   

Epinephrine released during ventricular tachycardia (VT) or early fibrillation (VF) appears to be instrumental in stabilizing fibrillation. However, mechanisms remain unclear. Effects of epinephrine on refractory period at normal sinus rates depend on basic cycle length, but effects at short cycle lengths, typical of VT/VF, are unknown. Therefore, the goal of this study was to determine whether epinephrine shortens action potential duration and refractoriness at these short cycle lengths. To simulate early VT/VF, myocardial cell aggregates (n = 35) were paced using field stimulation (5 ms rectangular waveform) at cycle lengths of 200, 180, 160 and 140 ms, which occur during in situ fibrillation: normal sinus rhythm was simulated by pacing at 600 and 400 ms intervals. Action potentials and excitation threshold were recorded with intracellular microelectrodes under control conditions, with 0.9 microM/l epinephrine, and with 0.9 microM/l epinephrine and 0.5 microM/l propranolol. At short cycle lengths, epinephrine significantly shortened action potential duration and refractoriness compared to control. At a cycle length of 160 ms, action potential duration was reduced by 14 ms at 60% repolarization (P < 0.0002) and stimulation threshold by 18% (P < 0.02). Epinephrine also allowed pacing at a cycle length of 140 ms, not achievable under control conditions. Because epinephrine decreases action potential duration at short cycle length in situ, re-entry wavefronts are less likely to encounter refractory tissue: fibrillation is more likely to occur and to remain stabilised. Reduction in action potential duration and excitation threshold were reversed by propranolol, suggesting that epinephrine effects are produced by beta-stimulation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim was to study factors contributing to torsade de pointes in the acquired long QT syndrome. METHODS: Anaesthetised rabbits or cats were given a continuous infusion of methoxamine and the class III agent almokalant (at a rate of 5 or 25 nmol.kg-1.min-1, respectively) and the effects on incidence of torsade de pointes and QT dispersion were examined. Effects of almokalant on action potentials recorded from Purkinje fibres and ventricular cells of rabbits and cats were also studied. RESULTS: "High rate" infusion of almokalant prolonged the QTc interval [from 162(SEM 6.2) ms to 211 (5.3) ms, p < 0.001] and initiated torsade de pointes in 9/10 rabbits after a dose of 391(116.3) nmol.kg-1. During "low rate" infusion, 1/8 rabbits developed torsade de pointes (p = 0.0029) despite infusion of 900 nmol.kg-1 almokalant and QTc prolongation from 162(3.6) ms to 230(12.6) ms (p < 0.01). In eight separate rabbits given the high rate infusion of almokalant, seven developed torsade de pointes and the QTc dispersion increased from 15(1.7) ms to 32(5.6) ms (p < 0.05). In six rabbits given the low rate infusion, none developed torsade de pointes (p = 0.0023), and the QTc dispersion was unaltered. In six cats, high rate infusion induced a QT interval lengthening from 241(6.0) ms to 349(8.0) ms (p < 0.001), but in only one cat was torsade de pointes initiated and preceded by a marked increase in QT dispersion (from 22 ms to 78 ms). In vitro, almokalant caused a marked lengthening of the action potential duration and early afterdepolarisations in Purkinje fibres but not in ventricular muscle cells of the rabbit. In the cat, however, almokalant induced a homogeneous prolongation of the action potential duration in both cell types, and early afterdepolarisations were never observed. CONCLUSIONS: The rate of infusion of repolarisation delaying agents may influence the dispersion of repolarisation and play a decisive role in the initiation of torsade de pointes.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The present work was designed to test the effects of amiodarone therapy on action potential characteristics of the three cell types observed in human left ventricular preparations. BACKGROUND: The electrophysiologic basis for amiodarone's exceptional antiarrhythmic efficacy and low proarrhythmic profile remains unclear. METHODS: We used standard microelectrode techniques to investigate the effects of chronic amiodarone therapy on transmembrane activity of the three predominant cellular subtypes (epicardial, midmyocardial [M] and endocardial cells) spanning the human left ventricle in hearts explanted from normal, heart failure and amiodarone-treated heart failure patients. RESULTS: Tissues isolated from the ventricles of heart failure patients receiving chronic amiodarone therapy displayed M cell action potential duration (404+/-12 ms) significantly briefer (p < 0.05) than that recorded in tissues isolated from normal hearts (439+/-22 ms) or from heart failure patients not treated with amiodarone (449+/-18 ms). Endocardial cells from amiodarone-treated heart failure patients displayed longer (p < 0.05) action potential duration (363+/-10 ms) than endocardial cells isolated from normal hearts (330+/-6 ms). As a consequence, the heterogeneity of ventricular repolarization in tissues from patients treated with amiodarone was considerably smaller than in the two other groups, especially at long pacing cycle lengths. CONCLUSIONS: These findings may explain, at least in part, the reduction of ventricular repolarization dispersion and the lower incidence of torsade de pointes observed with chronic amiodarone therapy as compared with other class III agents.  相似文献   

Intracellular in vivo recordings of physiologically identified inferior colliculus central nucleus (ICc) auditory neurons (n = 71) were carried out in anesthetized guinea pigs. The neuronal membrane characteristics are described showing mainly quantitative differences with a previous report [Nelson, P.G. and Erulkar, S.D., J. Neurophysiol., 26 (1963) 908-923]. The spontaneous spike activity was consistent with the discharge pattern of most extracellularly recorded units. The action potentials showed different spike durations, short and long, and some of them exhibited hyperpolarizing post-potentials. There were also differences in firing rate. The ICc neurons exhibited irregular activity producing spike trains as well as long silent periods (without spikes). Intracellular current injection revealed membrane potential adaptation and shifts that outlasted the electrical stimuli by 20-30 ms. Both evoked synaptic potentials and the spike activity in response to click and tone-burst stimulation were analyzed. Depolarizing-hyperpolarizing synaptic potentials were found in response to contralateral and binaural sound stimulation that far outlasted the stimulus (up to 90 ms). When ipsilaterally stimulated, inhibitory responses and no-responses were also recorded. Although few cells were studied, a similar phenomenon was observed using tone-burst stimulation; moreover, a good correlation was obtained between membrane potential shifts and the triggered spikes (input-output relationship). These in vivo results demonstrate the synaptic activity underlying many of the extracellularly recorded discharge patterns. The data are consistent with the known multi-synaptic ascending pathway by which signals arrive at the ICc as well as the descending corticofugal input that may contribute to the generation of long duration post-synaptic potentials.  相似文献   

Na+ currents in adult rat large dorsal root ganglion neurons were recorded during long duration voltage-clamp steps by patch clamping whole cells and outside-out membrane patches. Na+ current present >60 ms after the onset of a depolarizing pulse (late Na+ current) underwent partial inactivation; it behaved as the sum of three kinetically distinct components, each of which was blocked by nanomolar concentrations of tetrodotoxin. Inactivation of one component (late-1) of the whole cell current reached equilibrium during the first 60 ms; repolarizing to -40 or -50 mV from potentials of -30 mV or more positive gave rise to a characteristic increase in current (tau >/= 5 ms), attributed to removal of inactivation. A second component (late-2) underwent slower inactivation (tau > 80 ms) at potentials more positive than -80 mV, and steady-state inactivation appeared complete at -30 mV. In small membrane patches, bursts of brief openings (gamma = 13-18 pS) were usually recorded. The distribution of burst durations indicated that two populations of channel were present with inactivation rates corresponding to late-1 and late-2 macroscopic currents. The persistent Na+ current in the whole cell that extended to potentials more positive than -30 mV appeared to correspond to sporadic, brief openings that were recorded in patches (mean open time approximately 0.1 ms) over a wide potential range. None of the three types of gating described corresponded to activation/inactivation gating overlap of fast transient currents.  相似文献   

The changes of monophasic action potential durations due to stellate stimulation for the period of 3 sec were studied in dogs with suction electrodes from the anterior surface of the right ventricle and the posterior surface of the left ventricle. Prolongation of monophasic action potential duration was observed from the period of 2 to 3 sec during stimulation to that of 10 to 20 sec after the termination of stimulation. Prolongation of monophasic action potential duration due to right stellate stimulation was predominant in the right ventricle and that due to left stellate stimulation was predominant in the left ventricle. The transient T wave change in the surface electrocardiogram occurring immediately after the beginning of stellate stimulation could be explained by this local difference in prolongation of ventricle repolarization. Since the onset of prolongation of monophasic action potential duration preceded increase in blood pressure following stellate stimulation, this prolongation of monophasic action potential duration did not result from the hemodynamic changes and could be a primary effect of the sympathetic nerve stimulation.  相似文献   

Aim of the study was to analyze the characteristics of motor action potentials recruitment during magnetic trans-cranial stimulation (TCS) of the brain. Coaxial needle recordings from hand and upper limb musculature, as well as surface electrodes were employed in 20 healthy controls during magnetic TCS with regular and figure-of-8 coil in different experimental protocols including: (a) simple reaction time paradigm during which TCS at subthreshold intensity for eliciting MEPs in relaxation was delivered at various intervals between the signal to move and the onset of the voluntary EMG burst; (b) suprathreshold TCS was randomly delivered while the subject was voluntarily firing at a regular rate one 'low' and/or 'high threshold' motor unit action potential (MUAP). The pre- and post-TCS MUAPs recruitment as well as their firing rates were compared; (c) recordings with two separate needles picking up individual MUAPs from the same or from two different muscles were obtained in order to test 'synchrony' of MUAP's discharge before and after TCS; (d) the influence of the time-interval separating the last discharged MUAP from TCS was evaluated. (e) differences between simultaneous surface and depth recordings were examined. The following results were obtained. (a) The same low-amplitude MUAP which is first voluntarily recruited at the onset of the EMG burst is the one initially fired by TCS in the pre-movement period. Latency shortenings and amplitude enlargement of surface MEPs were observed with faster reaction times. Such changes were coupled to the recruitment of high-threshold MUAPs being larger in amplitude and briefer in latency than the initial one. (b) When using suprathreshold TCS, MEPs followed by silent periods were found. The SP was followed by a rebound acceleration of the MUAPs firing rate compared with pre-TCS levels. Besides rebound acceleration, new MUAPs of larger amplitude than the original (= pre-stimulus) ones were recruited beyond the voluntary control. This phenomenon-together with longer SPs- was progressively more pronounced with stronger stimuli. (c) TCS was affecting the 'synchrony' of MUAPs. (d) If the latency difference between the last pre-stimulus spike and the TCS was exceeding the half-cycle of the MUAP 'natural' firing, the SP was longer in duration. (e) SPs not preceded by MEPs were clearly present in depth recordings. Surface recordings mainly reflected the behavior of high-threshold and large MUAPs.  相似文献   

To date the electrophysiological mechanism responsible for aberrant intraventricular conduction of critically timed premature supraventricular impulses has not been documented. Microelectrode techniques were used to measure in vitro action potential and refractory period durations of the canine proximal right and left bundle branches equidistant from the distal bundle of His. Both measurements in the right bundle branch were statistically significantly longer than these parameters of the left bundle branch. Transection of the bundle branches immediately distal to the distalmost recording sites effected no change in the proximal right bundle action potential but caused marked prolongation of proximal left bundle branch action potential and refractory period durations. We conclude that functional right bundle branch aberrancy is most likely due to the longer proximal right bundle action potential duration and refractoriness. Our data also suggest that the shorter proximal left bundle branch action potential durations and refractory periods may be due to the proximity of the low ohmic resistance Purkinje fiber-muscle junctions on the left septal surface, effecting electrotonic foreshortening of these proximal left bundle branch parameters.  相似文献   

Slow evoked cortical potentials from ten young normal-hearing subjects have been recorded as responses to linear frequency ramps of a continuous pure tone. Frequency changes from 10 to 500 Hz were studied; the rate of frequency change was varied from 0.02 to 50 kHz/s while the duration of the change was varied from 10 to 500 ms. The rate of frequency change was shown to have the greatest bearing on the responses except for frequency ramp durations below 50 ms and frequency changes below 50 Hz. The base frequencies (250-4000 Hz) and sound levels (20-80 dB HL) exerted an influence on the evoked responses that was qualitatively similar to their influence on behavioral thresholds. The direction of the frequency sweep had no significant influence on the evoked responses. A functional model is proposed in which the time derivate of the signal frequency is integrated with an adaptable integration time that is controlled by the rate of the frequency change.  相似文献   

The present experiment characterized conditioned nictitating membrane (NM) movements as a function of CS duration, using the full range of discernible movements (>.06 mm) rather than movements exceeding a conventional criterion (>.50 mm). The CS–US interval was fixed at 500 ms, while across groups, the duration of the CS was 50 ms (trace), 550 ms (delay), or 1050 ms (extended delay). The delay group showed the highest level of acquisition. When tested with the different CS durations, the delay and extended delay groups showed large reductions in their responses when their CS was shortened to 50 ms, but the trace group maintained its response at all durations. Timing of the conditioned movements appeared similar across all manipulations. The results suggest that the CS has both a fine timing function tied to CS onset and a general predictive function tied to CS duration, both of which may be mediated by cerebellar pathways. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Using an in vitro rat brain stem slice preparation, we examined the postnatal changes in glycinergic inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSCs) and passive membrane properties that underlie a developmental change in inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) recorded in hypoglossal motoneurons (HMs). Motoneurons were placed in three age groups: neonate (P0-3), intermediate (P5-8), and juvenile (P10-18). During the first two postnatal weeks, the decay time course of both unitary evoked IPSCs [mean decay time constant, taudecay = 17.0 +/- 1.6 (SE) ms in neonates and 5.5 +/- 0.4 ms in juveniles] and spontaneous miniature IPSCs (taudecay = 14.2 +/- 2.4 ms in neonates and 6.3 +/- 0.7 ms in juveniles) became faster. As glycine uptake does not influence IPSC time course at any postnatal age, this change most likely results from a developmental alteration in glycine receptor (GlyR) subunit composition. We found that expression of fetal (alpha2) GlyR subunit mRNA decreased, whereas expression of adult (alpha1) GlyR subunit mRNA increased postnatally. Single GlyR-channels recorded in outside-out patches excised from neonate motoneurons had longer mean burst durations than those from juveniles (18.3 vs. 11.1 ms). Concurrently, HM input resistance (RN) and membrane time constant (taum) decreased (RN from 153 +/- 12 MOmega to 63 +/- 7 MOmega and taum from 21.5 +/- 2.7 ms to 9.1 +/- 1.0 ms, neonates and juveniles, respectively), and the time course of unitary evoked IPSPs also became faster (taudecay = 22.4 +/- 1.8 and 7.7 +/- 0.9 ms, neonates vs. juveniles, respectively). Simulated synaptic currents were used to probe more closely the interaction between IPSC time course and taum, and these simulations demonstrated that IPSP duration was reduced as a consequence of postnatal changes in both the kinetics of the underlying GlyR channel and the membrane properties that transform the IPSC into a postsynaptic potential. Additionally, gramicidin perforated-patch recordings of glycine-evoked currents reveal a postnatal change in reversal potential, which is shifted from -37 to -73 mV during this same period. Glycinergic PSPs are therefore depolarizing and prolonged in neonate HMs and become faster and hyperpolarizing during the first two postnatal weeks.  相似文献   

We studied the refractoriness of Purkinje fibers with the intent of localizing critical sites of block of premature impulses. To preserve the ventricular conducting system (VCS) nearly intact in vitro, we used a modification of the Elizari preparation. This was superfused with a physiologic salt solution. Action potential durations increased progressively from the His bundle to the distal Purkinje fibers along three pathways: (1) the main right bundle branch and moderator band; (2) the anterior border fibers of the left bundle and anterior false tendons; (3) the posterior border fibers of the left bundle and posterior false tendons. The action potential durations near the terminations of the false tendons were the longest ones found. The interior fibers of the left bundle branch had action potentials of shorter duration and greater variability than those of simultaneously activated fibers in the right bundle branch or the border fibers of the left bundle branch. Similarly, on the right side, the septal branches of the right bundle had action potentials of shorter duration than those of the moderator band. We also found that the fibers with short action potential durations provided the quickest pathways to septal myocardium. When extrastimuli were applied to the His bundle, block in a bundle branch always occurred in the proximal 1 or 2 cm of the main bundle branch. Experiments performed in vivo in which extrastimuli were delivered to the atrium or His bundle and recordings made from the terminations of false tendons and the distal ends of the main right bundle branch confirmed the finding that the critical sites of block were located in the proximal main bundle branches.  相似文献   

The electrophysiological properties of oculomotor neurons were studied in neonatal rats aged 1-15 days. Action potentials were recorded from brainstem slices (frontal section) using the intracellular recording method at 35 degrees C. No significant age-dependent differences were detected in the resting potential (around -55 mV) and in the amplitude of the action potential (approximately 60 mV). However, the input resistance of oculomotor neurons declined with age from a mean of 60.8 M omega for rats 1-3 days old to 17.0 M omega for rats 14-15 days old. In addition, the duration of the action potential measured at the half-amplitude gradually decreased from 0.74 ms to 0.34 ms with increasing age. Increases were detected in the maximum rate of rise (from 117 V/s to 181 V/s) and the maximum rate of fall (from -67 V/s to -103 V/s) of the action potential. When long-lasting (500 ms) depolarizing current pulses were applied to oculomotor neurons, some neurons exhibited continuous repetitive discharge (i.e. tonic firing) while others showed transient discharge (phasic firing). The proportion of tonic-type neurons increased with age: the value was 9% for rats 1-5 days old, 37% for rats 6-10 days old and 54% for rats 11-15 days old. Concomitantly, the number of neurons showing a time-dependent inward rectification increased and the average maximum frequency of the discharge rose from 150 to 420 Hz, approximately, with age. Furthermore, it was found that the electrophysiological properties of oculomotor neurons of rats 14-15 days old were similar to those in adult rats. It is concluded that oculomotor neurons in neonatal rats show rapid alterations in their electrophysiological properties and that the ratio of tonic-type to phasic-type neurons changes during the early stages of development.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The ability to assess transmural changes in action potential duration during acute no-flow ischemia is essential to an understanding of the tachyarrhythmias that occur in this setting. The purpose of this study was to determine if activation recovery intervals determined from unipolar electrograms would provide this information. METHODS AND RESULTS: We recorded simultaneously transmembrane action potentials and unipolar electrograms from sites located as closely together as possible in the center and at the lateral margin of the ischemic zone during acute no-flow ischemia and correlated the changes in activation recovery intervals obtained from the unipolar electrograms to the changes in action potential duration. We found that the activation recovery intervals provided an accurate measure of the changes in action potential duration during acute no-flow ischemia provided the electrograms had a well-defined, single negative component to the QRS complex with a maximum negative dV/dt > 10 V/sec and a single positive component to the T wave having a maximum positive dV/dt > 1.6 V/sec. Electrograms meeting these criteria comprised 90% of the electrograms recorded at the margin of the ischemic zone throughout 60 minutes of no-flow ischemia. In the center of the ischemic zone, 75% of the recorded electrograms met these criteria for the first 20 minutes of no-flow ischemia. Thereafter, the percentage declined and after 40 minutes of no-flow ischemia, none of the electrograms recorded in the center of the ischemic zone met these criteria. CONCLUSION: Activation recovery intervals obtained from unipolar electrograms provide an accurate assessment of changes in action potential duration throughout the ischemic zone during acute no-flow ischemia, provided the characteristics of the electrograms meet specific predetermined criteria.  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Ocular fixation control as a function of age and exposure duration" by William Kosnik, Donald Kline, John Fikre and Robert Sekuler (Psychology and Aging, 1987[Sep], Vol 2[3], 302-305). In the aforementioned article, the following corrections should be made: 1. The title of Table 1 should be changed to Mean Bivariate Areas (min-arc2) and Mean Horizontal and Vertical Standard Deviations (min-arc) of Fixations of Older and Younger Groups. 2. The equation on page 304 should have used the natural log rather than the log base 10. The corrected equation is provided in the erratum. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 1988-01066-001.) In previous work we reported that fixation stability did not deteriorate in older adults over relatively long viewing durations. In the present study we reanalyzed the data to examine potential aging effects on fixational control for viewing durations typically used in psychological experimentation. Monocular eye movements were recorded in 12 older and 12 younger observers using a dual Purkinje image technique, while observers fixated a stationary target. The two-dimensional scatter of eye positions was measured during nine viewing durations ranging from 100 ms to 12.8 s. Fixational control of the two groups was comparable at all of the viewing durations. Both younger and older observers were able to maintain fixation within an area several times smaller than the size of the fovea. Implications for aging studies that use briefly presented visual stimuli are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

By using acetyl strophanthidin (AS) 0.2 mumol/L, the delayed after-depolarization (DAD) was induced in sheep cardiac Purkinje fibers and recorded with intra-cellular microelectrode. When beta-adrenoceptor was blocked by propranolol 1.0 mumol/L, phenylephrine 1.0 mumol/L increased the amplitude of DAD from 8.1 +/- 2.2 mV to 9.5 +/- 2.8 mV, prolonged the duration of DAD from 240 +/- 47 ms to 273 +/- 47 ms (n = 13, P < 0.01) and increased the up rising velocity of DAD from 0.039 +/- 0.023 V/s to 0.051 +/- 0.026 V/s (n = 13, P < 0.05). The DAD occurred earlier for 30 +/- 47 ms to preceding action potential (n = 13, P < 0.05). When triggered action potentials were induced by norepinephrine 1.0 mumol/L on the basis of DAD, propranolol 1.0 mumol/L could suppress the triggered beats while phentolamine 1.8 mumol/L showed little effect. The above results indicate that excitation of alpha-receptor had only slight augmentation effect on DAD. However, for the triggered activity induced by DAD, the inhibitory effect of beta-blockers are stronger than that of alpha-blockers.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Cytochalasin D in tissue bath superfusate inhibits the contraction of isolated thin trabeculae from canine right ventricle without affecting the intracellular action potential recorded with glass microelectrode. The purpose of this study was to test whether cytochalasin D could also be used to immobilize perfused wedges of ventricular muscle without affecting the action potential duration or propagation, and also to determine the optimal concentration and time duration of drug in the perfusate. METHODS AND RESULTS: Using a membrane potential sensitive dye, di-4-ANEPPS, and a high-resolution photodiode optical mapping system at a rate of 1,000 frames/sec, we recorded action potentials on the transmural surface of arterially perfused wedges of muscle from the canine left ventricular free wall. We also recorded arterial pulse pressure as a surrogate for tissue contraction. Cytochalasin D at > or = 20 micromol/L in the perfusate for > or = 6 minutes reduced the arterial pulse pressure to approximately one tenth of its initial value and significantly reduced or eliminated motion artifacts in the action potentials. A sustained concentration of 10 micromol/L cytochalasin D in the perfusate prevented contraction from recurring after the tissue was immobilized with an initial concentration of 25 micromol/L. Cytochalasin D had little effect on the action potential duration and on its transmural gradient, and did not slow the transmural velocity of excitation propagation. CONCLUSION: Cytochalasin D can be used to uncouple excitation and contraction in perfused canine cardiac muscle for the fluorescent-optical mapping of action potentials without affecting action potential duration or slowing transmural propagation.  相似文献   

Atrial action potential heterogeneity is a major determinant of atrial reentrant arrhythmias, but the underlying ionic mechanisms are poorly understood. To evaluate the basis of spatial heterogeneity in canine right atrial repolarization, we isolated cells from 4 regions: the crista terminalis (CT), appendage (APG), atrioventricular ring (AVR) area, and pectinate muscles. Systematic action potential (AP) differences were noted: CT cells had a "spike-and-dome" morphology and the longest AP duration (APD; value to 95% repolarization at 1 Hz, 270+/-10 ms [mean+/-SEM]); APG and pectinate muscle cells had intermediate APDs (180+/-3 and 190+/-3 ms, respectively; P<0.001 versus CT for each), with APG cells having a small phase 1; and AVR cells had the shortest APD (160+/-4 ms, P<0.001 versus other regions). The inward rectifier and the slow and ultrarapid delayed rectifier currents were similar in all regions. The transient outward K+ current was significantly smaller in APG cells, explaining their small phase 1 and high plateau. L-type Ca2+ current was greatest in CT cells and least in AVR cells, contributing to their longer and shorter APD, respectively. The E-4031-sensitive rapid delayed rectifier K+ current was larger in AVR cells compared with other regions. Voltage- and time-dependent current properties were constant across regions. We conclude that myocytes from different right atrial regions of the dog show systematic variations in AP properties and ionic currents and that the spatial variation in ionic current density may explain AP differences. Regional variation in atrial ionic currents may play an important role in atrial arrhythmia generation and may present opportunities for improving antiarrhythmic drug therapy.  相似文献   

Effects of orthographically and semantically related primes were compared with morphologically related primes in an immediate (Experiment 1) and a long-term (Experiment 2) lexical decision task. Morphological relatedness produced facilitation across a range of prime durations (32–300 ms) as well as when items intervened between prime and target, and its magnitude increased with prime duration. Semantic facilitation and orthographic inhibition arose only in the immediate priming task. Moreover, morphological effects were significantly greater than the sum of semantic and orthographic effects at a stimulus onset asynchrony of 300 ms but were not reliably different at shorter durations. The adequacy of an account that describes morphological relatedness as distinct from the composite effects of semantic and orthographic similarity must account for changes in additivity across prime durations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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