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年初。3D电视经历了技术转犁,从主动快门式3D到不闪式3D,3D技术更趋于成熟完善,家电厂商和配套企业也纷纷押宝3D,全面带动了消费者追逐3D电视的疯狂热潮。近来,不闪式3D作为3D电视的一个新的品类刚上市就受到了业界和市场的反响。  相似文献   

正3D打印社区3DHubs近日再次发布新的3D打印机使用情况报告。3DHubs社区类似淘宝的C2C模式,邀请拥有3D打印机的用户登记个人信息,而想打印3D模型却没有3D打印机的人可以找到这些信息,申请由别人3D打印物品并进行在线交易。3Dhubs已经有超过4000台3D打印机注册,并且基于这些注册信息和3D打印物品的交易信息发布了最新的3D打印机使用情况报告。3DHubs按照3D打印物品成交金额出具平均价格统计,最贵的是比例模型,达到了平均每单61.3美金。而DIY物品和家用物品相对便宜,平  相似文献   

自2010年以来,3D开始进入人们眼帘,如今,短短一年的时间,3D内容迅速丰富I3D产业蓬勃发展,相关产品层出不穷,3D风暴在2011年的夏天已经愈刮愈猛!走进影院,入眼皆是3D影片,3D不仅立足于娱乐产业,在电影之外,体育领域也开始以3D的形式展现,譬如欧锦赛、南非世界杯、英超等已进行过3D直播。走进家电卖场,3D电视琳琅满目,国际国内厂商不遗余力主推3D,更有国内多个品牌42英寸的3D电视直接做到5000元以内的2D电视价格水平。3D电视领域白热化的价格战,直接将3D推向普及步伐。  相似文献   

今年,伴随着一系列3D电影的热映,3D技术热极一时,无人不晓。在大众消费市场中,与3D有关的产品纷纷涌现:3D显示器、3D电视……与之相关的3D影片、3D游戏也日益丰富。目前,3D显示技术逐渐平民化,并从家庭影院和台式机电脑扩展到笔记本电脑上。虽然说在笔记本电脑上实现3D显示与在台式电脑上大致相同,但在一些细节上却存在不少的差异。在笔记本电脑上的实现3D显示需要怎样的条件,3D笔记本电脑未来的发展前景又将会怎样?答案就在本文中。  相似文献   

2009年7月7日,北京电信在3G放号近四个月后才公布了3G手机资费标准,同时推出八项3G业务。从7月8日起,用户可以申请3G手机上网日租套餐或3G手机上网月租套餐,并享受与2G套餐相同的语音资费。这实际上是中国电信全国首个完整版本的3G资费标准。而这个3G资费标准让人期待已久——中国联通5月17日试商用时就全部公布了3G手机和上网卡资费,中国电信更早于3月23日就开始3G放号,但当时只是3G上网卡商用,因此,中国电信的3G手机资费到底如何一直是个谜。至此,三大"不差钱"的运营商的3G资费标准全部大白于天下。  相似文献   

3维GIS空间建模方法评述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
3维(3D)空间建模方法是3DGIS研究的核心和难点之一,是建立3DGIS的基础。迄今为止,3D空间建模方法多种多样,建模对象不同,建模方法也随之不同。根据3D空间建模研究的对象,以地球表面为界分为地理空间建模和地学空间建模两大类,并通过现有3D空间建模方法的对比研究,提出了现有3D空间建模研究的关键问题。  相似文献   

拉风哥 《电脑迷》2011,(22):53-53
3DS以充满立体感的裸视3D效果吸引了游戏玩家的眼球,但高昂的价格让我等手持PSP主机的玩家们望而却步。其实,咱不用羡慕3DS的裸视3D,只要你有一副3D红蓝眼镜,然后给PSP装一个小小的3D插件,即可在PSP上享受立体到爆的3D游戏效果了。  相似文献   

近日,优派发布了全高清3D LED显示器V3D245、V3D231、V3D241wm-LED、3D数码摄像机VC3D2、3D短焦投影机PJD6381、3D LED投影机PLED-W500、以及首次亮相的3D数码相框等诸多产品。其中V3D245定位3D发烧友、疯狂的游戏发烧玩家和3D设计人员,采用目前业内公认效果最佳的nVIDIA快门式  相似文献   

冯亮 《微型计算机》2011,(34):75-75
要想在电脑上使用3G网络,或者多台电脑及手机共享3G网络,一台3G无线路由器必不可少目前3G无线路由器在尺寸上主要有普通型和迷你型两种,在使用方式上则分为外接式和插SIM卡式两种。外接式3G无线路由器本身没有3G模块,只能通过USB接口插入3G网卡使用;而插SIM卡式3G无线路由器集成了3G模块,直接插入3GSIM卡就能使用。海联达Ai,W300R就是一款迷你型的插SIM卡式3G无线路由器。  相似文献   

去年,3D电视惜势《阿凡达》等3D影片的热度迅速闯进消费者的视野,今年.3D功能几乎成为电视新品的标准配置,延伸至中高端产品。3D电视正在普及,许多消费奢对3D电视依然存疑,那么接下来我们为你一一解开3D电视的谜团。  相似文献   

The IC* project is an effort to create an environment for the design, specification, and development of complex systems such as communication protocols, parallel machines, and distributed systems. The basis of the project is the IC* model of parallel computation, in which a system is specified by a set of invariant expressions which describe its behavior in time. The features of this model include temporal and structural constraints, inherent parallelism, explicit modeling of time, nondeterministic evolution, and dynamic activation. The project also includes the construction of a parallel computer specifically designed to support the model of computation. The authors discuss the IC* model and the current user language, and describe the architecture and hardware of the prototype supercomputer built to execute IC* programs  相似文献   

Advancing IC and packaging technologies motivate and direct the future of failure analysis. The authors review current tools and techniques and discuss challenges and opportunities created by the industry's critical need for new diagnosis and failure analysis paradigms  相似文献   

由教育部、铁道部统一监制的学生购票优惠卡,是针对学生购票中存在的一些违规现象提出来的,尚存在一些问题。文章根据这一情况,基于教育政务信息化的基础设施试点工程教育信息数据中心和ASI提出了一个学生票IC卡管理系统。  相似文献   

DAC Highlights     
The 43rd Design Automation Conference presents leading-edge industry practices and academic research across IC, embedded-systems, and "beyond the die" design technologies and methodologies. The authors discuss the highlights, from keynote talks by reknowned personalities in the semiconductor industry to hands-on tutorials.  相似文献   

Due to increasing semiconductor design complexity, more errors are escaping presilicon verification and being discovered only after manufacturing. As an alternative to traditional manual chip repair, the authors propose the FogClear methodology, which automates the postsilicon debugging process and thereby reduces IC development time and costs.  相似文献   

This article takes a high level of the power-grid noise problem as it relates to the microarchitectural definition of an IC. Through a set of simulations, the authors relate the noise problem to the details of the circuit and clocking implementation giving insight into the possible method to reduce such noise.  相似文献   

As feature sizes decrease and clock frequencies increase, noise is becoming a greater concern in digital IC design. The authors describe a verification metric, noise stability, which guarantees functionality in the presence of noise, and a CAD technique, static noise analysis, for applying this metric on a chipwide basis  相似文献   

The information content (IC) of a concept provides an estimation of its degree of generality/concreteness, a dimension which enables a better understanding of concept’s semantics. As a result, IC has been successfully applied to the automatic assessment of the semantic similarity between concepts. In the past, IC has been estimated as the probability of appearance of concepts in corpora. However, the applicability and scalability of this method are hampered due to corpora dependency and data sparseness. More recently, some authors proposed IC-based measures using taxonomical features extracted from an ontology for a particular concept, obtaining promising results. In this paper, we analyse these ontology-based approaches for IC computation and propose several improvements aimed to better capture the semantic evidence modelled in the ontology for the particular concept. Our approach has been evaluated and compared with related works (both corpora and ontology-based ones) when applied to the task of semantic similarity estimation. Results obtained for a widely used benchmark show that our method enables similarity estimations which are better correlated with human judgements than related works.  相似文献   

Preventing IC Piracy Using Reconfigurable Logic Barriers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Editor's note:Hardware metering to prevent IC piracy is a challenging and important problem. The authors propose a combinational locking scheme based on intelligent placement of the barriers throughout the design in which the objective is to maximize the effectiveness of the barriers and to minimize the overhead.—Farinaz Koushanfar, Rice University  相似文献   

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