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The finite element method (FEM) and the boundary element method (BEM) are often adopted. However, they are not convenient to spatially vary thermal properties of functionally graded material (FGM). Therefore, the method of lines (MOL) is introduced to solve the temperature field of FGM. The basic idea of the method is to semi-discretize the governing equation into a system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) defined on discrete lines by means of the finite difference method. The temperature field of FGM can be obtained by solving the ODEs. The functions of thermal properties are directly embodied in these equations and these properties are not discretized in the domain. Thus, difficulty of FEM and BEM is overcome by the method. As a numerical example, the temperature field of a plane problem is analyzed for FGMs through varying thermal conductivity coefficient by the MOL. Foundation item: Project (90305023 and 59731020) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China  相似文献   

The finite element method (FEM) and the boundary element method (BEM) are often adopted. Howev er, they are not convenient to spatially vary thermal properties of functionally graded material (FGM). Therefore, the method of lines (MOL) is introduced to solve the temperature field of FGM. The basic idea of the method is to semi-discretize the governing equation into a system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) defined on discrete lines by means of the finite difference method. The temperature field of FGM can be obtained by solving the ODEs. The functions of thermal properties are directly embodied in these equations and these properties are not discretized in the domain. Thus, difficulty of FEM and BEM is overcome by the method. As a numerical example, the temperature field of a plane problem is analyzed for FGMs through varying thermal conductivity coefficient by the MOL.  相似文献   

The behavior of a Mode-I finite crack in functionally graded materials is investigated using the non-local theory. To make the analysis tractable, it is assumed that the shear modulus varies exponentially with coordinate vertical to the crack. The problem in this paper can be solved through the Fourier transform with the help of two pairs of dual integral equations, in which the unknown variables are jumps of dis- placements across crack surfaces. To solve dual integral equations, the jumps of displacements...  相似文献   

三维各向异性功能梯度材料的有限体积法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了研究三维各向异性功能梯度材料的线弹性问题,发展一种弹性结构的有限体积方法,该方法采用四面体网格,对不规则形状问题的适用性强.空间上采用交错非结构有限体积法进行离散,位移、速度、加速度定义在节点上,应力、材料属性定义在单元中心上且在单元内均匀分布,时间上采用欧拉格式进行离散.数值结果表明, 本方法计算结果与其他数值方法结果吻合良好,计算速度快且内存消耗少,可以有效模拟三维各向异性功能梯度材料的弹性问题.  相似文献   

An orthotropic functionally graded piezoelectric rectangular plate with arbitrarily distributed material properties was studied, which is simply supported and grounded(electrically) on its four lateral edges. The state equations of the functionally graded piezoelectric material were obtained using the state-space approach, and a Peano-Baker series solution was obtained for the coupled electroelastic fi elds of the functionally graded piezoelectric plate subjected to mechanical and electric loading on its upper and lower surfaces. The influence of different distributions of material properties on the structural response of the plate was studied using the obtained solutions.  相似文献   

In the proess of particle seeling in a dilute,a density graded distribution of the lipuid below paper a compositionally graded W-Mo composite was formed via the settling of the Wand Mo particles ,with a density gradient distribuded in the initial clear lipuid along the sttling direction.  相似文献   

The behavior of two parallel symmetry permeable cracks in functionally graded piezoelectric materials subjected to an anti-plane shear loading was investigated. To make the analysis tractable, it was assumed that the material properties varied exponentially with coordinate vertical to the crack. By using the Fourier transform, the problem could be solved with the help of two pairs of dual integral equations, in which the unknown variables were the jumps of the displacements across the crack surfaces. To solve the dual integral equations, the displacement on the crack surfaces was expanded in a series of Jacobi polynomials. The normalized stress and electrical displacement intensity factors were determined for different geometric and property parameters for permeable electric boundary conditions. Numerical examples were provided to show the effect of the geometry of the interacting cracks and the functionally graded material parameter upon the stress intensity factors of cracks.  相似文献   

分析了在热环境条件下受横向栽荷作用的、带压电功能梯度材料悬臂板的非线性动力学问题。基于vonKarman理论和Reddy一阶剪切变形理论,推导出了带压电功能梯度悬臂板的动力学方程。利用Galerkin法对偏微分方程进行离散,对离散后的方程进行数值模拟,分析中考虑了组分材料热物参数对温度变化的依赖性,讨论了材料组分指数、控制电压对系统非线性动力学行为的影响,结果表明正电压减小了板的振幅,负电压增大了板的振幅,而随着材料体积分数指数的增大,板的振幅也在变大。  相似文献   

提出一种可以分析任意梯度功能梯度材料的分层模型,并采用该模型研究功能梯度板条平面裂纹问题.采用Fourier变换和传递矩阵法将该混合边值问题化为奇异积分方程组,通过数值求解获得应力强度因子.考察了分层模型的有效性,还讨论了材料梯度变化形式、结构几何尺寸和材料梯度参数对裂纹应力强度因子的影响,发现结构几何尺寸、材料梯度变化形式、以及材料梯度参数均对应力强度因子有显著影响.  相似文献   

为了更有效地求解三维轴对称功能梯度材料瞬态热传导问题,对无网格自然单元法应用于此类问题进行了研究,并发展了相应的计算方法。基于几何形状和边界条件的轴对称性,三维的轴对称问题可降为二维平面问题。为了简化本质边界条件的施加,轴对称面上的温度场采用自然邻近插值进行离散。功能梯度材料特性的变化由高斯点的材料参数进行模拟。时间域上,采用传统的两点差分法进行离散求解,进而得到瞬态温度场的响应。数值算例结果表明,提出的方法是行之有效的,理论及方法不仅拓展了自然单元法的应用范围,而且对三维轴对称瞬态热传导分析具有普遍意义。  相似文献   

为分析复杂边界条件及截面属性对轴向功能梯度梁动力学特性的影响,采用Gauss-Lobatto节点与Chebyshev多项式对变截面轴向功能梯度梁变形场进行离散,利用Chebyshev谱方法和Lagrange方程推导了系统的离散控制方程,通过投影矩阵法施加经典及弹性连接边界条件,分析了材料梯度指数、截面变化率、弹性支撑边界条件、末端集中质量等因素对系统固有频率的影响.结果表明:截面变化率和材料梯度指数对固有频率的影响因边界条件不同而不同;悬臂梁的前一阶量纲一的固有频率随着截面变化率的增大而增大,其他情况下则随截面变化率的增大而减小;悬臂梁的一阶固有频率随材料梯度指数先增大后逐渐减小,而其余各阶频率均显示出增大的趋势,而两端固支梁的前两阶频率呈现减小趋势,后两阶频率则显示出增大的趋势;两端简支梁各阶固有频率皆随材料梯度指数增大而增大;随着弹性支承刚度的增大各阶固有频率均呈阶梯状增大,但当弹性支撑刚度较小时,旋转弹簧相较线性弹簧对系统固有频率影响更大;末端附加质量将使固有频率减小且对高阶固有频率的影响更大.  相似文献   

基于断裂力学的能量释放率理论 ,研究了平面应变条件下梯度功能材料的Ⅰ ,Ⅱ型复合裂纹问题 .讨论了裂纹尖端附近的应力场和应力强度因子 ,建立了具有一般性的梯度功能材料的断裂准则即能量释放率判据 .  相似文献   

为深入理解功能梯度材料的热断裂行为,研究了热载荷作用下任意热机械属性功能梯度材料板的裂纹尖端特性.利用解析方法推导了不含裂纹功能梯度板的温度场和热应力场,根据叠加法,把热应力场转化为裂纹表面载荷,采用基于非均匀单元的有限元方法计算分析了稳态热载荷下功能梯度板的裂纹尖端特性,并针对不同材料热机械属性分布形式,考察了热应力...  相似文献   

基于Timoshenko梁变形理论,建立功能梯度材料梁在均布载荷作用下的弯曲控制方程,寻找均匀梁和非均匀梁的控制方程的相似性,将功能梯度材料梁的弯曲求解转化为均匀梁的弯曲求解与相似转换系数的计算。通过理论推导和相似性分析证明,功能梯度Timoshenko梁的弯曲解与同样尺寸、边界条件和载荷条件下的均匀材料Timoshenko梁的弯曲解成正比,这个比例常数完全由材料的非均性质参数确定。  相似文献   

针对内外表面作用均布压力和电势的功能梯度径向极化无限长压电空心圆柱旋转问题,给出了其精确解.分析了旋转功能梯度压电空心圆柱内径向应力、环向应力及电势的分布情况,还研究了材料的非均匀特性、空心圆柱的内外径比率以及外加电势对机械场和电场的影响.通过设计合适的功能梯度形式、选择合适的内外径比率以及在内外表面施加恰当的外加电势能够达到改善旋转功能梯度压电空心圆柱的力学行为.得到的解可应用于沿径向按幂函数规律变化的旋转压电功能梯度空心圆柱构件的精确分析和优化设计中.  相似文献   

预应力型钢超高强混凝土梁抗弯延性试验   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为研究预应力型钢超高强混凝土梁的抗弯延性性能,进行了15根预应力型钢超高强混凝土梁和3根预应力超高强混凝土梁在静力荷载作用下的受弯性能试验.结果表明:内置型钢提高了试验梁承载力的同时,提高了试验梁峰值荷载后的持载能力;试件的位移延性系数随着有效预加力、型钢含钢率、普通纵筋和预应力筋配筋率的增大而降低,随着钢绞线和型钢在截面内位置高度的降低而降低.分析了考虑截面整体配筋情况的综合配筋指数ωc与位移延性系数的关系,通过数据线性回归,给出以综合配筋指数ωc作为单一变量的位移延性系数简化计算公式.  相似文献   

The phase composition, phase transition and phase structure transformation of the wire-cut section of functionally graded WC-Co cemented carbide with dual phase structure were investigated by XRD phase analysis. It is shown that the composition of η phase in the core zone is Co3W3C (M6C type). The structure of cobalt based solid solution binder phase is fcc type. At the cooling stage of the sintering process, the phase transition of η phase, i.e. M6C→M12C and the martensitic phase transition of the cobalt based solid solution binder phase, i.e. fcc→hcp are suppressed, which facilitates the strengthening of the alloy. Because the instantaneous temperature of the discharge channel is as high as 10 000 ℃ during the wire cutting process, the processed surface is oxidized. Nevertheless, the oxide layer thickness is in micro grade. In the oxide film, η phase is decomposed into W2C and CoO, and cobalt based solid solution binder is selectively oxidized, while WC remains stable due to the existence of carbon containing liquid organic cutting medium.  相似文献   

基于三维弹性理论给出了功能梯度材料厚板的基本方程,并用有限元软件-Ansys,采用三维各向同性有限单元,按照复合材料层合板模拟均布荷载下的厚板,讨论了四边简支的边界条件,梯度指数和板的厚宽比等因素对板的无量纲挠度以及无量纲应力的影响。三维数值模型给出的挠度和应力分布不同于基于Kirchhoff-Love直法线假设的经典层合板理论给出的挠度和应力分布。  相似文献   

为了提高压铸模的使用寿命,用有限元方法对涂层为功能梯度材料的压铸模进行分析.梯度材料涂层分为5层,沿模具表面法向氮化钛所占的比例逐渐增加,分别为20%、40%、60%、80%、100%.在不同厚度涂层的应力分析中,涂层中氮化钛的比例不变,只增加每一层的厚度,涂层总厚度分别为0.002 mm,0.004 mm,0.006 mm,0.008 mm,0.01 mm.功能梯度材料的性能参数采用简单混合物运算法则计算.应用有限元法对有功能梯度材料涂层的模具和没有功能梯度材料涂层模具的温度场、应力场进行比较分析,并对不同厚度功能梯度材料涂层的应力进行研究.结果显示:当功能梯度材料涂层的厚度为0.006 mm时温度场分布更合理,表面剪应力及压应力变化平缓,有效延长了模具寿命.  相似文献   

针对线性分布载荷作用下,材料属性在厚度上任意变化的功能梯度简支梁弯曲问题,利用应力函数法,对其解析解进行了研究.首先引入了一个应力函数Φ,根据平面应力状态的基本方程,得出了功能梯度梁的应力函数应满足的偏微分方程,并根据应力边界条件得出了应力函数及各向应力的表达式;进而根据功能梯度材料的本构方程和位移边界条件,得出了结构应变和位移的分布.通过将本文的解析解与有限元仿真结果进行对比,验证了计算结果的正确性;并求解了材料组分呈幂律分布的功能梯度梁的应力和位移分布,得到了上下表层材料的弹性模量比λ与组分材料体积分数指数n对应力和位移分布的影响.  相似文献   

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