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Using microsurgical technique, we have conducted relaxation of circular tensions on the surface of X. laevis embryo at the stage of late blastula. Results of these operations were examined by optical and scanning electron microscopy, heteroplastic marking, and morphometry. The most important outcomes of tension relaxation included disappearance of blastocoel, intermixing of cells of the animal part of the embryo and their local migration from the embryo surface. This was followed by the appearance of slit-like depressions and protuberances, some of the protuberances showed branching. Morphological abnormalities of several types were observed 1.5-2 days later. Some of the abnormal embryos resembled the embryos of lower chordates. We have noted sharp increase in the variation of absolute volumes and mutual volume ratios of axial rudiments. Incubation of the operated animals in a hypotonic solution restored the blastocoel and led to significant normalization of development. The results obtained demonstrate that at the stage of late blastula mechanical tensions play an important role in the maintenance of normal morphological and differentiational structure of amphibian embryos.  相似文献   

The patterns of embryonic expression and the activities of Xenopus members of the hedgehog gene family are suggestive of role in neural induction and patterning. We report that these hedgehog polypeptides undergo autoproteolytic cleavage. Injection into embryos of mRNAs encoding Xenopus banded-hedgehog (X-bhh) or the amino-terminal domain (N) demonstrates that the direct inductive activities of X-bhh are encoded by N. In addition, both N and X-bhh pattern neural tissue by elevating expression of anterior neural genes. Unexpectedly, an internal deletion of X-bhh (delta N-C) was found to block the activity of X-bhh and N in explants and to reduce dorsoanterior structures in embryos. As elevated hedgehog activity increases the expression of anterior neural genes, and as delta N-C reduces dorsoanterior structures, these complementary data support a role for hedgehog in neural induction and anteroposterior patterning.  相似文献   

Xenopus early embryos contain relatively low levels of S-adenosyl-methionine decarboxylase (SAMDC) and its mRNA. When SAMDC mRNA was injected into Xenopus embryos, it was preserved until the blastula stage and induced a large increase in SAMDC activity. The SAMDC-overexpressed embryos developed normally until the blastula stage but at the early gastrula stage cells which received the mRNA, dissociated autonomously and stopped synthesizing protein. In a hypotonic medium, the dissociated cells, and hence whole embryos, autolyzed. However, in isotonic media dissociated cells did not autolyze, although they did not divide and their DNA and RNA synthesis activity was greatly inhibited. The effects of SAMDC overexpression were abolished by coinjection of ethylglyoxal-bis(guanylhydrazone) (EGBG), a specific inhibitor of SAMDC. In SAMDC-overexpressed embryos the level of putrescine decreased and that of spermidine increased, though to limited extents, resulting in a considerable decrease in the putrescine/spermidine ratio. However, direct injection of spermidine did not mimic the effect of SAMDC overexpression, and putrescine coinjected with SAMDC mRNA to maintain the normal putrescine/spermidine ratio did not rescue the embryos. Conversely, the level of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) greatly decreased and coinjection of SAM, which restored the level of SAM, rescued the embryos. We concluded that in SAMDC-overexpressed embryos a SAM-deficient state was induced and this caused cell dissociation and inhibition of transition from the blastula to gastrula stage. We suggest that the SAM-deficient embryos obtained in the present study provide a unique system for studying the cellular control mechanism underlying the blastula-gastrula transition.  相似文献   

Patterning the vertebrate neuraxis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Neuraxial patterning is a continuous process that extends over a protracted period of development. During gastrulation a crude anteroposterior pattern, detectable by molecular markers, is conferred on the neuroectoderm by signals from the endomesoderm that are largely inseparable from those of neural induction itself. This coarse-grained pattern is subsequently reinforced and refined by diverse, locally acting mechanisms. Segmentation and long-range signaling from organizing centers are prominent among the emerging principles governing regional pattern.  相似文献   

Onchocerciasis is endemic on the island of Bioko, Equatorial Guinea, where it is transmitted by the 'Bioko form' of the Simulium damnosum complex, a cytospecies unique to the island. To determine the distribution of vector breeding, three dry season and two wet season expeditions were made in 1989, 1996 and 1997, and 226 of the island's 247 rivers (91.5%) were visited. Of these 226 rivers, 130 (58%) were flowing during the dry season, forty-five (20%) supported aquatic stages of Simuliidae of any species and twenty-five (11%) contained larvae or pupae of the S. damnosum complex. The twenty-one rivers not prospected were in the mountainous south of the island, where an additional seventeen rivers were reached but not satisfactorily prospected. Of these thirty-eight rivers, twenty-nine were considered highly likely to support vector breeding, bringing the total number of rivers which could harbour the vector during the dry season to fifty-four (21.9% of the island's total). Breeding was believed to be limited to river stretches below 1000 m altitude, and during the dry season the total length of those stretches which could support breeding on Bioko was estimated to be 1020 km. A combination of factors, including low river discharges during the dry season, the relatively low water temperature on Bioko, the suitability of limited stretches of most rivers as vector breeding sites and the close proximity of many rivers within a small geographical area, render the vector vulnerable to eradication by aerial treatment of rivers with insecticide. The isolation of the Bioko form of the S. damnosum complex suggests that reinvasion following treatment would be unlikely, and eradication of the vector might be achieved by a dry season larviciding programme in one or two years.  相似文献   

Patterning of the chick forebrain anlage by the prechordal plate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We analysed the role of the prechordal plate in forebrain development of chick embryos in vivo. After transplantation to uncommitted ectoderm a prechordal plate induces an ectopic, dorsoventrally patterned, forebrain-like vesicle. Grafting laterally under the anterior neural plate causes ventralization of the lateral side of the forebrain, as indicated by a second expression domain of the homeobox gene NKX2.1. Such a lateral ventralization cannot be induced by the secreted factor Sonic Hedgehog alone, as this is only able to distort the ventral forebrain medially. Removal of the prechordal plate does not reduce the rostrocaudal extent of the anterior neural tube, but leads to significant narrowing and cyclopia. Excision of the head process results in the caudal expansion of the NKX2.1 expression in the ventral part of the anterior neural tube, while PAX6 expression in the dorsal part remains unchanged. We suggest that there are three essential steps in early forebrain patterning, which culminate in the ventralization of the forebrain. First, anterior neuralization occurs at the primitive streak stage, when BMP-4-antagonizing factors emanate from the node and spread in a planar fashion to induce anterior neural ectoderm. Second, the anterior translocation of organizer-derived cells shifts the source of neuralizing factors anteriorly, where the relative concentration of BMP-4-antagonists is thus elevated, and the medial part of the prospective forebrain becomes competent to respond to ventralizing factors. Third, the forebrain anlage is ventralized by signals including Sonic Hedgehog, thereby creating a new identity, the prospective hypothalamus, which splits the eye anlage into two lateral domains.  相似文献   

An innovative processing technique that produces distinct, locally patterned microstructures within a single sample is introduced in this article. This technique alters the conventional heat-treatment process by applying a micropatterned external surface load to selected locations during the quench and anneal. In the aluminum-copper system (2 wt pct Cu), spatial control of Al2Cu precipitates within 50 μm features over an aggregate length scale of millimeters is achieved. Chemical interactions among the furnace environment, the alloy sample, and the loading device can affect the experiments adversely and steps used to ameliorate these effects are discussed. The precipitate patterning technique presented in this article is compatible with standard “heat and beat” processing and could be used potentially to develop new multifunctional metallic alloys.  相似文献   

Cortical neurons communicate with various cortical and subcortical targets by way of stereotyped axon projections through the white matter. Slice overlay experiments indicate that the initial growth of cortical axons toward the white matter is regulated by a diffusible chemorepulsive signal localized near the marginal zone. Semaphorin III is a major component of this diffusible signal, and cortical neurons transduce this signal by way of the neuropilin-1 receptor. These observations indicate that semaphorin-neuropilin interactions play a critical role in the initial patterning of projections in the developing cortex.  相似文献   

The lining of the gut, together with the pancreas, liver, gall bladder, and respiratory system, is formed from the endoderm. The gut also contains smooth muscle and connective tissue of mesodermal origin. The amphibian Xenopus laevis is potentially an excellent model organism for studying how the cells of the endoderm and mesoderm become programmed to produce these internal organs. However, the anatomical complexity of the coiled gut presents a problem in studying its development. In order to overcome this problem we here present a comprehensive guide to the anatomy and histology of the developing Xenopus gut. We use a simple dissection to display its anatomy and the expression of four endodermal markers (alkaline phosphatase, IFABP, XlHbox8, and endodermin). We present schematic diagrams that show how the gut is arranged in three dimensions and how this organisation changes during development. We also present drawings of histological sections of the gut which allow any region to be identified and so represent an atlas for working with sections. Finally, we describe the histology of the cells of the various organs of the gut. This histological identification may be necessary for the identification of parts following experiments in which the normal pattern is disturbed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The hedgehog (hh) family of secreted signaling proteins is responsible for developmental patterning in a variety of systems, including the neural tube, limbs and somites. Within the neural tube, at the level of the spinal cord, products of the vertebrate gene sonic hedgehog (shh) are proposed to function as a ventral patterning influence, with the capability of inducing floor plate and motor neurons. RESULTS: We report the isolation of tiggy-winkle hedgehog (twhh), a novel member of the zebrafish hh gene family. Both twhh and shh are expressed in the ventral midline of the embryonic zebrafish neural tube and brain, but twhh expression becomes limited to the neural tube, whereas shh is also expressed in the notochord. Both genes are expressed in the developing brain, in domains that include a discrete region in the floor of the diencephalon, located between the sites of the future optic stalks. Using pax-2 and pax-6 as markers of proximo-distal fate within the developing eye, we found that ectopic expression of either hh gene promoted proximal fates and suppressed distal fates. In contrast, proximal fates were lost in cyclops mutant embryos, which lack twhh- and shh-expressing forebrain cells. Both twhh and shh proteins undergo autoproteolytic processing in vivo; a fragment corresponding to the amino-terminal cleavage product was sufficient to carry out all signaling activities associated with twhh in eye and brain development. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that secreted signals encoded by members of the hedgehog gene family, emanating from the ventral midline of the neural tube, not only play important roles in dorso-ventral patterning of the brain but also appear to constitute an early patterning activity along the proximo-distal axis of the developing eyes.  相似文献   

Here we describe experiments detailing the developmental expression, and the inducibility by all-trans retinoic acid (RA) of six members of the Xenopus Hox-2 complex of homeobox-containing genes. We first report the cloning and characterisation of two novel Xenopus Hox-2 genes (Xhox2.7 and Xhox2.9), and provide evidence that the six genes studied are indeed closely linked in the same chromosomal complex. We next show that all six genes are expressed in a spatial sequence which is colinear with their putative 3' to 5' chromosomal sequence and that five of them are also expressed in a 3' to 5' colinear temporal sequence. The sixth gene (Xhox2.9) has an exceptional spatial and temporal expression pattern. The six genes all respond to RA by showing altered spatiotemporal expression patterns, and are also hyperinduced by RA, with a sequence of magnitudes which is colinear with their 3' to 5' chromosomal sequence and with their spatial and temporal expression sequences. Our data also suggest a pre-existing anteroposterior polarity in the embryo's competence to respond to RA. These results complement and extend previous findings made using murine and avian embryos and mammalian cell lines. They suggest a mechanism whereby an endogenous retinoid could help to provide positional information in the early embryo.  相似文献   

Xenopus laevis interphotoreceptor matrix (IPM) contains a relatively aqueous insoluble wheat germ agglutinin (WGA)-binding component containing unidentified sialoglycoconjugates (Wood et al [1984] J. Comp. Neurol. 228:299-307). The appearance of WGA-binding macromolecules in the IPM was assessed during late embryonic stages (32-45) and in retinal rudiment cultures, using lectin cytochemistry and Western blotting techniques. Metabolic labeling of the neural retina versus retinal pigment epithelium (RPE)-choroid of juvenile Xenopus with 35S-MET was also evaluated in vivo and in vitro. Lectin cytochemistry of eyes from developmental stages 32-42 demonstrated distinct WGA-ferritin-binding sites on the developing outer segment membranes and in the IPM compartment. At stages 44-46 extensive WGA-binding domains were present as an extracellular network with other randomly scattered domains near the retinal pigment epithelium. Retinal rudiments from stage 32-33 were isolated and allowed to differentiate in hanging drop culture (Hollyfield and Witkowsky [1974] J. Exp. Zool. 189:357-377) with or without an investing pigment epithelium. Cultures developing with RPE exhibited an elaborate IPM with an anastomosing meshwork of WGA-ferritin binding sites. In the absence of RPE only limited amounts of binding restricted to the immediate vicinity of the developing photoreceptor outer segment membranes was observed. When Western blots were probed with WGA-HRP, stage 32-45 retinas demonstrated a major WGA-binding band of 126 kD. Similar amounts of WGA-binding macromolecules were synthesized in preparations cultured in the presence or absence of the investing RPE. During development the major WGA-binding component is a 126-kD protein. Equivalent synthesis of this protein in the presence and absence of RPE suggests that the PE is not required for synthesis of this 126-kD component. These results suggest that the retina is the primary site of synthesis of the WGA-binding components of the Xenopus IPM, whereas the PE plays a principal role in their assembly and organization.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic telomeres are variable at several levels, from the length of the simple sequence telomeric repeat tract in different cell types to the presence or number of telomere-adjacent DNA sequence elements in different strains or individuals. We have investigated the sequence organization of Xenopus laevis telomeres by use of the vertebrate telomeric repeat (TTAGGG)n and blot hybridization analysis. The (TTAGGG)n-hybridizing fragments, which ranged from less than 10 to over 50 kb with frequently cutting enzymes, defined a pattern that was polymorphic between individuals. BAL 31 exonuclease treatment confirmed that these fragments were telomeric. The polymorphic fragments analyzed did not hybridize to 5S RNA sequences, which are telomeric according to in situ hybridization. When telomeric fragments from offspring (whole embryos) were compared to those from the spleens of the parents, the inheritance pattern of some bands was found to be unusual. Furthermore, in one cross, the telomeres of the embryo were shorter than the telomeres of the parents' spleen, and in another, the male's testis telomeres were shorter than those of the male's spleen. Our data are consistent with a model for chromosome behavior that involves a significant amount of DNA rearrangement at telomeres and suggest that length regulation of Xenopus telomeres is different from that observed for Mus spretus and human telomeres.  相似文献   

Like mammals, the amphibian Xenopus uses combinatorial joining of the immunoglobulin V, D and J elements and multiple rearrangements to generate its B cell repertoire. Xenopus larvae hatch 2 days after fertilization and individuals are under pressure to develop an immune repertoire when the number of available cells is small (approximately 5 and 200 IgM-positive cells on days 5 and 11 after fertilization, respectively). In the liver, in a first phase of differentiation spanning days 5-12 after fertilization before immunological competence, the heavy (H) chain locus starts rearranging followed by the light (L) chain locus 3 days later. By immunohistology the first B cells expressing H and L chain are detectable on day 10. Despite the small number of cells available and the lack of external antigen selection at these early stages, the repertoire is heterogeneous. The VH families are used stepwise, although their genes are interspersed in the genome. The earliest family used (VH1) is homologous to the VH3 family of human and to the VH7183 of the mouse which are also overrepresented in early mammalian development. In the second phase, from day 12-13 onwards, the spleen differentiates and the animal becomes immunologically competent. The V, D and J usage is similar to that of adults although VDJ junctions lack N nucleotides until metamorphosis. A preferential reading frame for D and one specific DJ junction are overrepresented during this second phase. The visible bias toward homology-based junction results in fact from selection after rearrangement.  相似文献   

An in vitro preparation of the lateral-line organ of the African clawed toad Xenopus laevis was used to evaluate the properties of the physiological stimuli which are most effective in evoking neural responses in this simple hair-cell system. Changes in the mean firing rate and the amount of modulation of the neural activity in the fibers innervating the hair cells were determined during the presentation of well-controlled pressure or water-movement stimuli in a specially designed chamber that prevented movement and deformation of the organ during stimulation. It was shown that the most effective stimulus for the preparation was a varying flow of fluid past the organ. Sinusoidally varying water movements over a frequency range of 1 to 100 Hz were effective in evoking neural responses at stimulus amplitudes less than 10 mu peak-to-peak; in addition, a small response to a constant-velocity flow was found. Since no movement or deformation of the organ was present during the water-movement stimuli, it was concluded that these aspects of normal physiological stimuli were not necessary to evoke neural responses. Finally, it was demonstrated that the preparation was sensitive to neither constant nor varying-pressure stimuli.  相似文献   

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