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We compared Bythotrephes population demographics and dynamics to predator (planktivorous fish) and prey (small-bodied crustacean zooplankton) densities at a site sampled through the growing season in Lakes Michigan, Huron, and Erie. Although seasonal average densities of Bythotrephes were similar across lakes (222/m2 Erie, 247/m2 Huron, 162/m2 Michigan), temporal trends in abundance differed among lakes. In central Lake Erie where Bythotrephes' prey assemblage was dominated by small individuals (60%), where planktivorous fish densities were high (14,317/ha), and where a shallow water column limited availability of a deepwater refuge, the Bythotrephes population was characterized by a small mean body size, large broods with small neonates, allocation of length increases mainly to the spine rather than to the body, and a late summer population decline. By contrast, in Lake Michigan where Bythotrephes' prey assemblage was dominated by large individuals (72%) and planktivorous fish densities were lower (5052/ha), the Bythotrephes population was characterized by a large mean body size (i.e., 37–55% higher than in Erie), small broods with large neonates, nearly all growth in body length occurring between instars 1 and 2, and population persistence into fall. Life-history characteristics in Lake Huron tended to be intermediate to those found in Lakes Michigan and Erie, reflecting lower overall prey and predator densities (1224/ha) relative to the other lakes. Because plasticity in life history can affect interactions with other species, our findings point to the need to understand life-history variation among Great Lakes populations to improve our ability to model the dynamics of these ecosystems.  相似文献   

Spring and summer open-water crustacean zooplankton communities were examined across all five Laurentian Great Lakes from 1997 to 2016. Spring communities were dominated by calanoid (lakes Superior, Huron and Michigan) or cyclopoid (lakes Erie and Ontario) copepods. Volumetric biomass of summer communities increased along an assumed trophic gradient (Superior, Huron, Michigan, Ontario; eastern, central and western Erie), as did dominance by cyclopoids and cladocerans. Over the time series of the study, summer communities in lakes Michigan, Huron and Ontario shifted towards greater dominance by calanoids and greater similarity with Lake Superior. Trajectories of changes were different; however, reductions in cladocerans accounted for most of the change in lakes Michigan and Huron while reductions in cyclopoids and increases in Leptodiaptomus sicilis were behind the changes in Lake Ontario. Shifts in the predatory cladoceran community in Lake Ontario from Cercopagis pengoi to occasional dominance by Bythotrephes longimanus, a species much more vulnerable to planktivory, as well as the appearance of Daphnia mendotae in a daphnid community previously consisting almost exclusively of the smaller Daphnia retrocurva, suggest impacts of reduced vertebrate predation. In contrast, strong correlations between cladocerans and chlorophyll in lakes Michigan and Huron point to the possible importance of bottom-up forces in those lakes. Large interannual shifts in cladoceran community structure in the central and eastern basins of Lake Erie suggest intense but variable vertebrate predation pressure. The zooplankton communities of lakes Huron, Michigan and Ontario may be approaching a historic community structure represented by Lake Superior.  相似文献   

Despite increasing recognition of the importance of invertebrates, and specifically crayfish, to nearshore food webs in the Laurentian Great Lakes, past and present ecological studies in the Great Lakes have predominantly focused on fishes. Using data from many sources, we provide a summary of crayfish diversity and distribution throughout the Great Lakes from 1882 to 2008 for 1456 locations where crayfish have been surveyed. Sampling effort was greatest in Lake Michigan, followed by lakes Huron, Erie, Superior, and Ontario. A total of 13 crayfish species occur in the lakes, with Lake Erie having the greatest diversity (n = 11) and Lake Superior having the least (n = 5). Five crayfish species are non-native to one or more lakes. Because Orconectes rusticus was the most widely distributed non-native species and is associated with known negative impacts, we assessed its spread throughout the Great Lakes. Although O. rusticus has been found for over 100 years in Lake Erie, its spread there has been relatively slow compared to that in lakes Michigan and Huron, where it has spread most rapidly since the 1990s and 2000, respectively. O. rusticus has been found in both lakes Superior and Ontario for 22 and 37 years, respectively, and has expanded little in either lake. Our broad spatial and temporal assessment of crayfish diversity and distribution provides a baseline for future nearshore ecological studies, and for future management efforts to restore native crayfish and limit non-native introductions and their impact on food web interactions.  相似文献   

A concurrent decrease in lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) condition and Diporeia spp. abundance in Lake Michigan has spurred investigations into possible links between the two phenomena. We examined female lake whitefish δ13C and δ15N stable isotopes, growth, reproductive investment, dorsal muscle total lipid and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) contents from lakes Erie, Michigan and Superior to determine whether differences in food source were correlated with measures of stock success. Stocks with higher somatic growth rates and mean reproductive potential had higher energy stores in terms of percent total lipid. Stocks with low muscle lipid concentration also had smaller egg sizes as egg number increased. Diet varied among stocks as evidenced by δ13C and δ15N stable isotope analyses; however, muscle total lipid and DHA were not correlated to apparent Diporeia spp. prey use. When compared to stocks from lakes Erie and Superior, Lake Michigan stocks had lower growth, reproduction, and lipid stores. While stocks in Lake Michigan with access to declining Diporeia spp. populations may still feed on the amphipod, it appears that they are unable to consume the quantities necessary to maintain historical growth and reproduction. Stable isotope analyses of lakes Erie and Superior stocks, with higher growth rates and lipid values, indicated different feeding strategies with no indication of reliance on Diporeia spp. While differences in prey resources may have an effect on lake whitefish stocks, differences in Diporeia spp. abundance alone cannot explain differences in lake whitefish condition observed among the Great Lakes included in this study.  相似文献   

With the large Diporeia declines in lakes Michigan, Huron, and Ontario, there is concern that a similar decline of Mysis diluviana related to oligotrophication and increased fish predation may occur. Mysis density and biomass were assessed from 2006 to 2016 using samples collected by the Great Lakes National Program Office's biomonitoring program in April and August in all five Great Lakes. Summer densities and biomasses were generally greater than spring values and both increased with bottom depth. There were no significant time trends during these 10–11 years in lakes Ontario, Michigan, or Huron, but there was a significant increase in Lake Superior. Density and biomass were highest in lakes Ontario and Superior, somewhat lower in Lake Michigan, and substantially lower in Lake Huron. A few Mysis were collected in eastern Lake Erie, indicating a small population in the deep basin of that lake. On average, mysids contributed 12–18% (spring-summer, Michigan), 18–14% (spring-summer, Superior), 30–13% (spring-summer, Ontario), and 3% (Huron) of the total open-water crustacean biomass. Size distributions consisted of two peaks, indicating a 2-year life cycle in all four of the deep lakes. Mysis were larger in Lake Ontario than in lakes Michigan, Superior, and Huron. Comparisons with available historic data indicated that mysid densities were higher in the 1960s–1990s (5 times higher in Huron, 2 times higher in Ontario, and around 40% higher in Michigan and Superior) than in 2006–2016.  相似文献   

In this paper new maps are presented of mean circulation in the Great Lakes, employing long-term current observations from about 100 Great Lakes moorings during the 1960s to 1980s. Knowledge of the mean circulation in the Great Lakes is important for ecological and management issues because it provides an indication of transport pathways of nutrients and contaminants on longer time scales. Based on the availability of data, summer circulation patterns in all of the Great Lakes, winter circulation patterns in all of the Great Lakes except Lake Superior, and annual circulation patterns in Lakes Erie, Michigan, and Ontario were derived. Winter currents are generally stronger than summer currents, and, therefore, annual circulation closely resembles winter circulation. Circulation patterns tend to be cyclonic (counterclockwise) in the larger lakes (Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, and Lake Superior) with increased cyclonic circulation in winter. In the smaller lakes (Lake Erie and Lake Ontario), winter circulation is characterized by a two-gyre circulation pattern. Summer circulation in the smaller lakes is different; predominantly cyclonic in Lake Ontario and anticyclonic in Lake Erie.  相似文献   

Benthic communities in the Laurentian Great Lakes have been in a state of flux since the arrival of dreissenid mussels, with the most dramatic changes occurring in population densities of the amphipod Diporeia. In response, the US EPA initiated an annual benthic macroinvertebrate monitoring program on all five Great Lakes in 1997. Although historically the dominant benthic invertebrate in all the lakes, no Diporeia have been found in Lake Erie during the first 13 years of our study, confirming that Diporeia is now effectively absent from that lake. Populations have almost entirely disappeared from our shallow (< 90 m) sites in lakes Ontario, Huron, and Michigan. In Lake Ontario, three of our four deep (> 90 m) sites still supported Diporeia populations in 2009, with densities at those sites ranging between 96 and 198/m2. In Lake Michigan, populations were still found at six of our seven deep sites in 2009, with densities ranging from 57 to 1409/m2. Densities of Diporeia in 2009 at the four deep sites in Lake Huron were somewhat lower than those in Lake Michigan, ranging from 191 to 720/m2. Interannual changes in population size in Lake Huron and Lake Michigan have shown a degree of synchrony across most sites, with periods of rapid decline (1997-2000, 2003-2004) alternating with periods of little change or even increase (2001-2002, 2005-2009). There has been no evidence of directional trends at any sites in Lake Superior, although substantial interannual variability was seen.  相似文献   

Signs of increasing oligotrophication have been apparent in the open waters of both Lake Huron and Lake Michigan in recent years. Spring total phosphorus (TP) and the relative percentage of particulate phosphorus have declined in both lakes; spring TP concentrations in Lake Huron are now slightly lower than those in Lake Superior, while those in Lake Michigan are higher by only about 1 μg P/L. Furthermore, spring soluble silica concentrations have increased significantly in both lakes, consistent with decreases in productivity. Transparencies in Lakes Huron and Michigan have increased, and in most regions are currently roughly equivalent to those seen in Lake Superior. Seasonality of chlorophyll, as estimated by SeaWiFS satellite imagery, has been dramatically reduced in Lake Huron and Lake Michigan, with the spring bloom largely absent from both lakes and instead a seasonal maximum occurring in autumn, as is the case in Lake Superior. As of 2006, the loss of cladocerans and the increased importance of calanoids, in particular Limnocalanus, have resulted in crustacean zooplankton communities in Lake Huron and Lake Michigan closely resembling that in Lake Superior in size and structure. Decreases in Diporeia in offshore waters have resulted in abundances of non-dreissenid benthos communities in these lakes that approach those of Lake Superior. These changes have resulted in a distinct convergence of the trophic state and lower food web in the three lakes, with Lake Huron more oligotrophic than Lake Superior by some measures.  相似文献   

We combined data from two laboratories to increase the spatial extent of a genetic data set for lake whitefish Coregonus clupeaformis from lakes Huron and Michigan and saw that genetic diversity was greatest between lakes, but that there was also structuring within lakes. Low diversity among stocks may be a reflection of relatively recent colonization of the Great Lakes, but other factors such as recent population fluctuation and localized stresses such as lamprey predation or heavy exploitation may also have a homogenizing effect. Our data suggested that there is asymmetrical movement of lake whitefish between Lake Huron and Lake Michigan; more genotypes associated with Lake Michigan were observed in Lake Huron. Adding additional collections to the calibrated set will allow further examination of diversity in other Great Lakes, answer questions regarding movement among lakes, and estimate contributions of stocks to commercial yields. As the picture of genetic diversity and population structure of lake whitefish in the Great Lakes region emerges, we need to develop methods to combine data types to help identify important areas for biodiversity and thus conservation. Adding genetic data to existing models will increase the precision of predictions of the impacts of new stresses and changes in existing pressures on an ecologically and commercially important species.  相似文献   

In the early 1990s, herring gulls (Larus argentatus) were collected in 15 breeding colonies throughout the Great Lakes basin and in two reference colonies on Lake Winnipeg and the Bay of Fundy. Organochlorine and metal concentrations, and stable isotope ratios (15N/14N and 13C/12C) were measured in their tissues, and we qualitatively assessed their diet. Breast muscle δ15N suggested that adults fed on planctivorous or insectivorous fish at six colonies, on piscivorous fish at four, and at a lower trophic level at the remaining three. The concentrations of Co, Ni, Al, Cr, Sn, Fe, and Pb in kidneys of adults suggested anthropogenic enrichment in the Great Lakes basin. Concentrations of contaminants were highest most often in tissues of gulls from Lake Ontario and northern Lake Michigan colonies. Concentrations of Pb in adults from Hamilton Harbour and the Detroit River, and of Se in adults from the southern Lake Huron colony, were similar to published toxicity thresholds. Tissue levels of Cd have increased, while those of Pb have decreased markedly since 1983. DDE, dieldrin, mirex, and ΣPCB concentrations in livers collected from nine of these colonies revealed declines of 16 to 87% at most locations since the early 1980s. 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin equivalents were highest in adults from the offshore colonies in western Lake Erie and northern Lake Michigan, where gulls feed on piscivorous fish, and were driven by non-ortho PCBs. There was evidence of an unusually high bioavailablity of organochlorines, especially dieldrin, near the northern Lake Michigan colony during the period of chick growth, and of an ongoing loading of mercury to eastern Lake Ontario. Tissues of adult gulls from colonies on Lakes Ontario, Erie, and Michigan best reflect local conditions whereas those from Lake Superior and northern Lake Huron reflect contaminants accumulated from time spent on the lower lakes.  相似文献   

We used the results of seventeen years of Great Lakes benthic monitoring conducted by the U.S. EPA's Great Lakes National Program Office to describe the spatial and temporal patterns of benthic communities, assess their status, trends, and main drivers, and to infer the potential impact of these community changes on ecosystem functioning. Benthic abundance and diversity were higher at shallow (<70?m in depth) stations with chlorophyll concentrations above 3?μg/L than at deeper sites (<1?μg/L). We infer that lake productivity, measured by chlorophyll was likely the major driver of benthic abundance and diversity across lakes. Consequently, benthic diversity and abundance were the highest in the most productive Lake Erie, followed by lakes Ontario, Michigan, Huron, and Superior. Multivariate analysis distinguished three major communities shared among lakes (littoral, sublittoral, and profundal) that differed in species composition and abundance, functional group diversity, and tolerance to organic pollution. Analysis of temporal trends revealed that the largest changes occurred in profundal communities, apparent in significant shifts in dominant taxa across all lakes except Lake Superior. In lakes Michigan, Huron, and Ontario, the former dominant Diporeia was replaced with Dreissena and Oligochaeta. Profundal species, with the exception of dreissenids, became less abundant, and their depth distribution has shifted. In contrast, density and diversity of native littoral and sublittoral communities increased. The invasion of dreissenids was among the most important drivers of changes in benthic communities. Continued monitoring is critical for tracking unprecedented changes occurring in the Great Lakes ecosystem.  相似文献   

A Great Lakes hydrologic response model was used to study the temporal effects of St. Clair River dredging on Lakes St. Clair and Erie water levels and connecting channel flows. The dredging has had a significant effect on Great Lakes water levels since the mid-1980s. Uncompensated dredging permanently lowers the water levels of Lakes Michigan and Huron and causes a transitory rise in the water levels of Lakes St. Clair and Erie. Two hypothetical dredging projects, each equivalent to a 10 cm lowering of Lakes Michigan and Huron, were investigated. This lowering is approximately half the effect of the 7.6 and 8.2 meter dredging projects. In the first case the dredging was assumed to occur over a single year while in the second it was spread over a 2-year period. The dredging resulted in a maximum rise of 6 cm in the downstream levels of Lakes St. Clair and Erie. The corresponding increase in connecting channel flows was about 150 m3s?1. The effects were found to decrease over a 10-year period with a half-life of approximately 3 years. The maximum effects on Lake Erie lagged Lake St. Clair by about 1 year.  相似文献   

Coastal wetlands of the Laurentian Great Lakes are diverse and productive ecosystems that provide many ecosystem services, but are threatened by anthropogenic factors, including nutrient input, land-use change, invasive species, and climate change. In this study, we examined one component of wetland ecosystem structure – phytoplankton biomass – using the proxy metric of water column chlorophyll-a measured in 514 coastal wetlands across all five Great Lakes as part of the Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Monitoring Program. Mean chlorophyll-a concentrations increased from north-to-south from Lake Superior to Lake Erie, but concentrations varied among sites within lakes. To predict chlorophyll-a concentrations, we developed two random forest models for each lake – one using variables that may directly relate to phytoplankton biomass (“proximate” variables; e.g., dissolved nutrients, temperature, pH) and another using variables with potentially indirect effects on phytoplankton growth (“distal” variables; e.g., land use, fetch). Proximate and distal variable models explained 16–43% and 19–48% of variation in chlorophyll-a, respectively, with models developed for lakes Erie and Michigan having the highest amount of explanatory power and models developed for lakes Ontario, Superior, and Huron having the lowest. Land-use variables were important distal predictors of chlorophyll-a concentrations across all lakes. We found multiple proximate predictors of chlorophyll-a, but there was little consistency among lakes, suggesting that, while chlorophyll-a may be broadly influenced by distal factors such as land use, individual lakes and wetlands have unique characteristics that affect chlorophyll-a concentrations. Our results highlight the importance of responsible land-use planning and watershed-level management for protecting coastal wetlands.  相似文献   

The threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) was not known to occur in the Great Lakes above Niagara Falls until 1980, when it was collected in South Bay, Manitoulin Island, in the Lake Huron basin. By 1984 this species had been found in tributaries of Lakes Huron and Michigan, and in the open waters of both lakes. All specimens identified were the completely plated morph that is most prevalent in fresh water along the east coast of North America. The status of this species in Lakes Huron and Michigan appears to be “Possibly Established.” If threespine stickleback increase in abundance they may eventually provide additional forage for large salmonids.  相似文献   

In recent decades, three important events have likely played a role in changing the water temperature and clarity of the Laurentian Great Lakes: 1) warmer climate, 2) reduced phosphorus loading, and 3) invasion by European Dreissenid mussels. This paper compiled environmental data from government agencies monitoring the middle and lower portions of the Great Lakes basin (lakes Huron, Erie and Ontario) to document changes in aquatic environments between 1968 and 2002. Over this 34-year period, mean annual air temperature increased at an average rate of 0.037 °C/y, resulting in a 1.3 °C increase. Surface water temperature during August has been rising at annual rates of 0.084 °C (Lake Huron) and 0.048 °C (Lake Ontario) resulting in increases of 2.9 °C and 1.6 °C, respectively. In Lake Erie, the trend was also positive, but it was smaller and not significant. Water clarity, measured here by August Secchi depth, increased in all lakes. Secchi depth increased 1.7 m in Lake Huron, 3.1 m in Lake Ontario and 2.4 m in Lake Erie. Prior to the invasion of Dreissenid mussels, increases in Secchi depth were significant (p < 0.05) in lakes Erie and Ontario, suggesting that phosphorus abatement aided water clarity. After Dreissenid mussel invasion, significant increases in Secchi depth were detected in lakes Ontario and Huron.  相似文献   

Management of a widely distributed species can be a challenge when management priorities, resource status, and assessment methods vary across jurisdictions. For example, restoration and preservation of coregonine species diversity is a goal of management agencies across the Laurentian Great Lakes. However, management goals and the amount of information available varies across management units, making the focus for management efforts challenging to determine. Genetic data provide a spatially consistent means to assess diversity. Therefore, we examined the genetic stock structure of cisco (Coregonus artedi) in the Great Lakes where the species is still extant. Using genotype data from 17 microsatellite DNA loci, we observed low levels of population structure among collections with most contributions to overall diversity occurring among lakes. Cisco from lakes Superior, Michigan, Ontario, and the St. Marys River could be considered single genetic populations while distinct genetic populations were observed among samples from northern Lake Huron. Significant within-lake diversity in Lake Huron is supported by populations found in embayments in northern Lake Huron. The Grand Traverse Bay population in Lake Michigan represents a distinct population with reduced levels of genetic variation when compared to other lakes. The different levels of within lake population structure we observed will be important to consider as future lake-specific management plans are developed.  相似文献   

As part of the U.S. Great Lakes Fish Monitoring and Surveillance Program (GLFMSP), more than 300 lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) and walleye (Stizostedion vitreum vitreum) collected from the Laurentian Great Lakes each year from 2004 to 2009, have been analyzed for total toxaphene and eight selected congeners. The analytical results show fish toxaphene concentrations are quite different among lakes. Between 2004 and 2009, Lake Superior lake trout had the highest concentration (119 to 482 ng/g) and Lake Erie walleye had the lowest concentration (18 to 47 ng/g). Combining these results with the historical total toxaphene data (1977–2003), temporal changes were examined for each lake. Because of different analytical methods used in the previous studies, the historical data were adjusted using a factor of 0.56 based on a previous inter-method comparison in our laboratory. Trend analysis using an exponential decay regression showed that toxaphene in Great Lakes fish exhibited a significant decrease in all of the lakes with t1/2 (confidence interval) of 0.9 (0.8–1.1) years for Lake Erie walleye, 3.8 (3.5–4.1) years for Lake Huron lake trout, 5.6 (5.1–6.1) years for Lake Michigan lake trout, 7.5 (6.7–8.4) years for Lake Ontario lake trout and 10.1 (8.2–13.2) years for Lake Superior lake trout. Parlars 26, 50 and 62 were the dominant toxaphene congeners accounting for 0.53% to 41.7% of the total toxaphene concentration. Concentrations of these congeners generally also decreased over time.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fixation (NFix) is an important, yet understudied, microbial process in aquatic ecosystems, especially in the Laurentian Great Lakes (LGL). To date, a dearth of nitrogen fixation rate measurements exists in the LGL, are from temporally isolated studies, and were collected primarily from near-shore and surface water environments. Evidence of nitrogen accumulation across the Laurentian Great Lakes suggest that we do not have a firm grasp on nitrogen cycling in large lakes. Thus, we sought to quantify the spatial variability of NFix in the LGL. We found lakes are significantly different in NFix rates from one another and that rates are depth dependent. Overall mean surface NFix rates of Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario were 0.024, 0.020, 0.069, 0.145, and 0.078 (nmol N2/L/hr), respectively. Likewise, we found the Western, Central and Eastern basins of Lake Erie are significantly different in NFix rates (0.1540, 0.1032, 0.0738 nmol N2/L/hr). However, we found no significant difference in NFix rates between near and offshore sites in Lake Erie, which may have been biased due to a cyanobacterial bloom containing a nitrogen-fixing Dolichospermum sp. Linear regression models indicate NFix is generally positively correlated with chlorophyll-a concentration and negatively correlated with oxidized nitrogen species concentrations. However, Lakes Erie and Huron exhibited a positive linear relationship with oxidized nitrogen, suggesting that NFix may persist to meet cellular and community nitrogen demands. Together, our data highlight NFix is important despite the presence of abundant nitrogen in all LGL.  相似文献   

From 1980 through 1985, waters of the Great Lakes were sequentially sampled for dissolved, paniculate, and total trace elements. Major sampling occurred in 1980 for Lake Huron, in 1981 for Lakes Erie and Michigan, in 1983 for Lake Superior, and in 1985 for Lake Ontario. Great care was taken during collection, storage, and analysis to prevent sample contamination and to document any contamination occurring. Trace elements measured by atomic absorption techniques were silver, aluminum, arsenic, boron, barium, beryllium, bismuth, cadmium, cobalt, chromium, copper, iron, mercury, lithium, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, lead, antimony, selenium, tin, strontium, vanadium, and zinc. All results were field and laboratory blank corrected. Excluding aluminum, barium, iron, and strontium, concentrations of trace elements in most of the Great Lakes were a few ppb or less, with many elements being below one ppb. Element concentrations were highest in Lakes Erie and Michigan and lowest in Lakes Huron and Superior. All five Great Lakes had more than 50% of their total iron, aluminum, and manganese associated with paniculate matter.  相似文献   

Compared to the Great Lakes, their connecting channels are relatively understudied and infrequently assessed. To address this gap, we conducted a spatially-explicit water quality assessment of two connecting channels, the St. Marys River and the Lake Huron-Lake Erie Corridor (HEC) in 2014–2016. We compared the condition of the channels to each other and to the up- and downriver Great Lakes with data from an assessment of the Great Lakes nearshore. In the absence of channel-specific thresholds, we assessed the condition of the area of each channel as good, fair, or poor by applying the most protective water quality thresholds for the downriver lake. Condition of the St. Marys River was rated mostly fair for total phosphorus (TP, 56% of the area) and mostly good (61% of the area) for chlorophyll a. Area-weighted mean concentrations of these parameters were intermediate to Lake Superior and Lake Huron. Unlike Lake Superior and Lake Huron, a large proportion (97%) of the area of the St. Marys River was in poor condition for water clarity based on Secchi depth. Area-weighted mean concentrations of TP and chlorophyll a in the HEC were more like Lake Huron than Lake Erie. For these indicators, most of the area of the HEC was rated good (81% and 86%, respectively). Interpretation of assessment results is complicated by variation in thresholds among and within lakes. Appropriate thresholds should align with assessment objectives and in the case of connecting channels be at least as protective as thresholds for the downriver lake.  相似文献   

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