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鞠哗 《网友世界》2014,(7):18-18
"人肉搜索"诞生于以互联网为核心的网络信息时代。在为网民获取信息、对网络环境进行舆论监督的同时,不适当的人肉搜索也在一定程度上侵犯了他人人格权,如隐私权、名誉权等。在侵权责任方面应当追究网络服务商及信息发布者的法律责任,并应从立法角度予以规制。  相似文献   

道德与法律作为社会调整方法与社会结构具有紧密联系,现代社会结构要求道德舆论监督不能突破法律的底线。“人肉搜索”具有一定的道德舆论监督作用,但是对于私人空间的舆论监督属于侵犯他人隐私权的侵权行为,要对"人肉搜索"进行规制就必须将其纳入法律的轨道。  相似文献   

“人肉搜索”和隐私权的保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“人肉搜索”是一种新型的搜索引擎,它在利用人工提纯机器搜索引擎提供的信息、给社会生活带来更多便利的同时,对个人的私人信息擅自公开,无疑构成了对隐私权的侵害。隐私权是一项基本的人格权,体现了人格尊严,是不可侵犯的。我们在使用“人肉搜索”时,要注意个人隐私权的保护,才能使该搜索工具更好地为我所用。  相似文献   

当一件又一件恶性事件频现,人们开始怀疑、恐惧进而斥责人肉搜索对隐私权的践踏。然而把一切的罪过都归咎于人肉搜索,无疑是极不公平的。  相似文献   

“人肉搜索第一案”判决法律效果较好,但是判决应该进一步明确:人肉搜索的发起者和违法网民是人肉搜索侵权的始作俑者;网站应该在明知和应知的情况下删除或者屏蔽侵权帖子;从人肉搜索的侵权情节、影响范围、侵权后果等因素出发,增加赔偿数额。在目前的法律体系内,隐私权的法律规定并未缺位。  相似文献   

“人肉搜索”中公开的个人信息,属于隐私权的范畴,但不必采“网络隐私权”和“非法隐私”的概念。受害人要求保护其隐私权,可以主张人格权请求权,此时应类推适用物权请求权制度,而不是禁令制度。此外,受害人主张人格权请求权时,其违法性的判断应当采结果不法说,并进行利益衡量。  相似文献   

阮娟 《福建电脑》2010,26(1):59-59,47
随着人肉搜索这些有可能深切影响社会认知的搜索领域不断衍生,越来越多的网络暴力不断产生。如何正确对待人肉搜索,如何认识网络道德的重要性,成了当今网络社会中刻不容缓的重任。  相似文献   

网络信息的发布,是公民在信息社会言论自由权实现的重要方式。因此,对网络信息发布的控制,实际上是对公民网络表达权的规范,目的在防止公民言论自由权的滥用,更好地保障其他公民的合法权益。但是,对于公民网络信息发布的控制要平衡公民言论自由与公共利益的关系。  相似文献   

<正>在2013年春节联欢晚会上,郭德纲、于谦的相声《败家子》里面有段一支胳膊上戴12只表的经典桥目,想必大家不难猜出这段包袱的原型人物,说的就是"表哥"杨达才吧!实际上,很多诸如此类的网络"扒皮"事件,都是经过网友的人肉搜索这一途径才得以揭露。可以说,一提到人肉搜索就到了谈虎色变的地步,这种说法一点都不为过。那么,什么是人肉搜索呢?我们又该如何看待人肉搜索呢?人肉搜索是指在网络上,针对其他网友提出的相关问题,由"应征者"提供解答的一种信息搜索与提供方式。我们平时所说的"人肉搜索",它是指由现实中的某一  相似文献   

不知道什么时候起,"人肉搜索"成为一个流行词,人工+搜索的模式能够八卦出当事人的几乎所有真实信息。大部分的网民仅将人肉搜索当作猎奇的手段,并没有意识到网络的传播性会给当事人带来巨大的影响。网络上五花八门的评论直接与当事人连接,给  相似文献   

It cannot be denied that the Internet continues to have a significant impact on the social, cultural, commercial and political aspect of everyday life. While it can be said that the impact is generally positive, a phenomenon has arisen where the technology can be used to publicly shame, harass and humiliate a person with devastating effects. This article examines the increasing use of human flesh search as a valve for the community in China to express dissatisfaction over local injustices and to enforce social norms and moral values. It then discusses such use can lead to an infringement of privacy. This article continues by analysing the landmark Beijing Court's decision in Wang Fei v. Zhang Leyi, Daqi.com and Tianya.com. The case is significant as in that not only is the case the first case that recognizes human flesh search and its impact on mainstream society but it also provides judicial recognition of Chinese citizens' right to privacy. Finally, this article considers the right to privacy and reputation as well as the liabilities that can arise under the recently enacted Chinese Tort Law.  相似文献   

网络时代,信息的“含金量”和对人类生活的影响力日益彰显。与此同时,公民所拥有的个人信息被他人或非政府组织不正当利用甚至非法窃取的危险性也越来越高。垃圾短信、人肉搜索、电信诈骗等个人信息安全问题日益引起政府和社会各界的广泛关注。个人信息安全亟待法律予以明确保护,另外,政府的监管、企业的自律也必不可少。  相似文献   

Like many nations, Australia is currently weighing numerous options regarding privacy legislation. The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) has released a 2,000-page review of Australian privacy law, in which it proposes several changes that would significantly shift the balance between freedom of speech and privacy in Australia because they would extend to the media and private individuals as well as governments and businesses - especially important because Australia has no express right of free speech.  相似文献   

互联网的发展使社交网络成为人们聊天、交友、发表言论的重要平台。在社交网络中会存在大量信息,其中涉及到个人身份,社交结构,属性联系等信息就构成了隐私信息,因此需对隐私信息进行有效的保护。分析发现,现有部分基于结构扰动的社交网络隐私保护方案存在对网络结构扰动大、信息丢失率高等弊端。为此,提出了一种基于节点重构的隐私保护方案,重点解决了边缘节点与受保护节点的相似性分析与选取,边缘节点的同构化改造,以及最优化扰动原隐私节点结构等问题。实验结果表明提出的方法在有效保护社交网络隐私的同时,还能确保信息的高可用性。  相似文献   

近来,互联网上频频爆发"人肉搜索"等网络暴力事件,把互联网中的内容安全问题暴露在公众眼前,内容安全管理已经成为最重要的网络信息安全研完课题.首先分析了目前网络信息内容存在的安全威胁,探讨了信息内容安全研究的意义,认为数据获取技术、协议分析技术、应用数据还原技术、内容分析与过滤技术是网络信息内容安全监测的关健技术.  相似文献   

网页搜索引擎(Web search engine, WSE)存储和分析用户的查询记录,从而建立用户资料来提供个性化的搜索服务。针对WSE中存在侵犯用户隐私的问题,提出一种基于P2P网络模型的WSE前端用户隐私保护方案。利用P2P网络架构来将用户根据他们的爱好进行分组,并构建多层隐私保护机制,通过节点转发来提交用户查询,WSE只能获得一组查询的简要特征并提供相应的服务。同时保护诚实用户不被WSE暴露,并将自私用户暴露给WSE。实验结果表明,该方案能够很好保护用户隐私,并提供良好的服务质量。  相似文献   

In this exploratory study, we examined undergraduates’ (N = 298) knowledge of their university’s social media policies, understanding of free speech and privacy protections, opinions about university monitoring and discipline for personal social media posts, and perceptions of fairness regarding recent cases of student discipline for personal social media use. The results of our study indicate that most undergraduates are highly underinformed as to whether or not their university has a social media policy, particularly if the students are early in their academic careers and do not engage in many online privacy protection behaviors. Most participants were also misinformed as to whether free speech and/or privacy protections will shield them from university discipline. In addition, most participants (78%) were opposed to the idea of universities monitoring students’ personal social media accounts, though significantly fewer (68%) were opposed to monitoring student athletes’ social media. Finally, when asked about several recent cases involving student discipline, most participants were generally opposed to a variety of university disciplinary actions regarding students’ social media posts. We discuss these findings as they relate to the need for better social media policy training for students, as well as the potential impact on students’ academic and future careers.  相似文献   

随着计算机技术的迅速发展,网络成为人们日常生活必不可少的工具,但因其网络的独特性,也给人们带来了很多的不方便,因此,网络实名制是依据人们对网络空间中一定社会事实的要求应运而生。它的存在虽然有一定的法理根据,但从它一出现就遭到了各方的反对与抵制,因此,它非常值得在法学领域内作进一步的研究和讨论。网络实名制牵涉到隐私权的保护和言论自由保护以及行政权力行为滥用等法律问题。这些问题的解决需要通过相关法律监察制度的制定和完善来实现,同时还需要依靠人们法治理念的提高来实现。本文主要阐述了建立网络实名制的必要性,并从法学的角度进行剖析,对网络实名制的实施计划提出了一些看法。  相似文献   

Pervasive and ubiquitous environments must handle the detection and management of users, devices and services, while guaranteeing the privacy of both the users and the environment itself. Current techniques for handling privacy found in the literature treating the subject in various ways, while concentrating on the device management, communication protocols, user profiles and environmental access. This paper examines a control model for privacy in pervasive environments from the perspective of the environment. A prototype was devised and tested to validate the generic model of privacy which was also used to compare taxonomic concepts in the literature. Moreover, the prototype was devised and tested to validate the generic model of privacy for control and manage various users, devices and environments and so on. The prototype was based on Percontrol (a system for pervasive user management), which was only intended to identify users using Wi-Fi, and now it is capable of managing temperature, luminosity and other preferences, measured by a WSN (wireless sensor network) embedded to Percontrol, and the data treatment is done by an ANN (artificial neural network). Results confirmed the viability of device detection with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and RFID (radio frequency identification) for an increases slight of the latency in registering new devices on the system.  相似文献   

无线体域网能够借助低能耗高精度传感技术实时采集并分析多种模态的人体健康体征数据,需要在数据传输过程中对关系到个人隐私的健康敏感数据进行保护.针对无线体域网数据融合过程中的隐私保护需求提出一种针对性更强的低能耗数据融合SMART-RR算法,利用人体健康数据存在周期重复性和健康数据冗余特点,提出不等长时间间隔、加入重复性归约因子的数据融合策略.仿真实验表明,SMART-RR算法是一种数据通信量小、高隐私保护性和高精确度的低能耗数据融合隐私保护算法,在面向无线体域网的人体健康体征数据采集分析领域具有一定应用价值.  相似文献   

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