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Application and Development of Pyrolysis Technology in Low-Carbon Economy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The efficient, clean and low carbon utilization is the leading direction of research and development of coal utilization technology. In China, the low rank coal, represented by lignite and subbituminous coal, is dominating in coal resources, accounting for more than 55%. Low rank coal is characterized with lower coalification degree, higher volatile matter and moisture content, which lead to low efficiency in direct combustion and gasification process. Therefore, a staged conversion technology based on coal pyrolysis, and the pyrolysis technology with the features of mild conditions, simple process, wider applicability of coal, higher energy efficiency, lower water consumption, especially pyrolysis bridged hybrid power generation technology is proposed as a promising trend in research field. The process takes full advantage of coal composition characteristic to extract gas, liquid fuel, chemicals, and combined hybrid power generation. This technology can realize the improvements in energy efficiency, coal-fired efficiency, power generation efficiency, and the reduction of coal consumption, by upgrading processing, clean coal-fired of industrial boilers, integrating highly efficient steam–gas turbine combined cycle power generation technology. It aims to enhance coal comprehensive utilization efficiency, decrease pollutant and CO2 emission, and in the end promote the development of science and technology of high efficient low-carbon utilization of low rank coal.  相似文献   

Shipping is undertaking 90 percent of international trade transportation. The emission in the shipping industry is its mobile, boundless, and transregional. As to energy consumption and carbon emission per unit volume, shipping is already the most economical and energy-efficient way for transportation, but the growth rate of energy consumption and carbon emission of shipping is greatly surpassing that of other industries. International Maritime Organization has made great efforts and also got lots of achievements in carbon reduction of shipping. In China, although many progresses are achieved in carbon reduction of shipping, a further improvement is to be made through the cooperation of related parties because of the weaker foundation, imperfect management mechanism, and insufficient technology accumulation. In order to boost the low carbon development and sustainable development of shipping, efforts are to be focused on policies and regulations, management systems, standards and codes, technology research and development, and safeguard measures. Meanwhile, the creativity and enthusiasm of the shipping enterprise must be stimulated, and training and public awareness should be increased.  相似文献   

李振宇 《工程研究》2011,3(2):105-112
低碳交通建设是应对全球能源危机和气候变化的重要内容.目前,我国的低碳城市交通建设刚刚起步,加上城市交通问题本身的复杂性,低碳发展的模式尚不十分清晰.本文首先给出了低碳城市交通的定义、内涵和特性,分析了我国低碳城市交通的发展现状和主要影响因素,最后提出了相应的发展策略和具体的实施措施.  相似文献   

The development and utilization of fossil energy including coal, oil, natural gas etc is closely related to global environmental change. The key to the solvency of the global environmental pollution and climate change is developing low-carbon and renewable energy. In this paper, we analyze in depth the relationship between the energy development and utilization and of energy resources the issue of low-carbon. This article first summarizes the history of the development of the energy revolution, described the impact of energy development on world civilization and human development; then, the article provides a detailed analysis of the progress in energy development and utilization, and the environmental problems caused by the process of development and utilization, such as air and water pollution; finally, some important measures for the development and utilization of energy resources are listed and the trend in energy development is discussed. This article puts forward 4 suggestions for China's energy development: (a) Improve energy efficiency by insisting on utilizing high-carbon energy with the model of low-carbon utilization; (b) Promote the use of low-carbon energy, and exert great efforts to develop unconventional oil and gas; (c) Strengthen international cooperation to develop overseas oil and gas market. (d) Make great efforts to develop new types of low-carbon energy and renewable energy. The development of low-carbon energy in China has great significance. The adjustment of energy structure and the development of low-carbon economy are the fundamental strategy of sustainable development of China’ s energy economy.  相似文献   

刘瑞强  张沛  李莎莎 《工程研究》2011,3(3):256-264
本文从西部地区城镇化发展面临的主要问题入手,探讨了基于全国主体功能区规划下的西部地区城镇化的主导模式选择与路径设计,架构了以主体功能区为基本空间单元的西部地区城镇化多维模式选择框架,并设计出西部地区的"1132"城镇化总体路径,即一个核心--迁转并重,一条主线--多元集聚,三个手段--市场组织、政府规划和环境创新,两支...  相似文献   

杨振山  蔡建明 《工程研究》2011,3(3):233-239
随着城市化水平提高到49.68%,我国城市建设已经步入关键时期,城市健康发展成为进一步推进城市化和保持经济快速增长的重要议题.审视过去我国城市发展中的问题,尤其是城市发展战略缺少全球化的视角,本文引入并阐述城市竞争力与健康城市发展之间的关系,指出认识二者关系能够帮助城市更好地参与竞争,创造发展优势,克服或减少发展问题,...  相似文献   

Based on the data of China Statistical Yearbook, this thesis analyzes and compares the economic situation and developmental dynamics of provincial administrative regions. On the basis of the available data, this paper unfolds the national economic situation by the total retail sales of social consuming goods and saving deposits. As the economic situation is largely depends on productivity, the paper further observes the productivity of different regions through local total output value, industrial output value and grain yield. It also observes the production environment from the perspectives of new fixed assets investment on infrastructure, energy consumption, gross import and export commodities, land transportation volume, water transportation volume and passenger cycle. For the convenience of regional comparison, the indicator is acquired by local per capita dividing national per capita. In order to observe the evolution dynamics, all these indicators make use of the data from any available year so as to show the rich information of the systematic regional pattern of the nation’s economy. The above 11 indicators form an eleventh dimensional space, which observes the differences in the degree of development between different regions. It also observes the different structures of different economic entities, which shows the main features of China’s economy in geographical distribution: Southern agriculture region and northern mining region provide the basic resources and cheap labor forces to support the running of coastal industry; while the products of the coastal industrial zone are exported through coastal port cities.  相似文献   

Du Shanshan  Han Fei 《工程研究》2011,3(3):280-287
This paper analyzes the theoretical connotation of urban agriculture and sustainable urban development, and their interactions. Based on the analysis, this paper proposes a series of policy optimization approaches and engineering optimization measures in coping with the urbanization problems and promoting the sustainable urban development.  相似文献   

The process of Informatization will have great impact on both macro economy and finance. In the respect of macro economy, informatization influences short-term economic fluctuation, the growth of total economic scale and economic structure in China. Firstly, it will influence short-term economic fluctuation by affecting labor market, pricing fluctuation, short-term investment and consumption, as well as the implementation of macroeconomic policy. Meanwhile, it will boost long-term economic growth by providing new production factors, upgrading production efficiency and pushing technology innovation. In addition, it will change economic structure by impacting industry structure, demand structure and regional structure. On the perspective of finance, informa-tization has changed the monetary form and function, which is the technological foundation of virtual currency and electronic payment. It exerts an extensive and far-reaching impact on the financial institutions, financial mar-ket, financial supervision and regulation through two ways: decreasing the transaction costs and alleviating the asymmetric information problems.  相似文献   

Informatization is the process of information revolution and its impact on economy and society. During the process, traditional labor force, labor tools, labor subject as well as the production mode and structure are changed. Informatization appeared under the background of the Second Industry Revolution and the Third Industry Revolution, when computer, Internet and artificial intelligence technology was introduced. China is undergoing tremendous economic and social transformation. Informatization will influence Chinese economy by transforming its economic mode, boosting long-term economic development, changing economic structure and reforming economic institution. Meanwhile, it will also affect Chinese society by pushing social progress, changing social structure, transforming social development mode and reforming social institution.  相似文献   

对波浪能发电装置进行更系统的分类总结,介绍了国外几种主要的波浪能发电装置(振荡水柱式、摆式、筏式、鸭式、振荡浮子式),阐述其基本工作原理与相应的最新技术应用情况.在优化现有技术的基础上,介绍国外在波浪能发电技术基础上研发的基于新原理的或改进的各种波浪能发电技术.重点揭示了波浪能开发利用技术所面临的三大关键性问题(发电效率与稳定性、生存可靠性、成本),并提出相应的解决方法.最后,总结得出波浪能发电技术的发展趋势是高效率、高可靠性、低造价;研发趋势是基于新原理的或改进的波浪能发电技术,考虑与其他能源发电技术集成与综合利用,由波浪能近岸应用向深海应用发展.  相似文献   

王国霞  程丽琳 《工程研究》2011,3(3):265-272
改革开放以来,我国城乡劳动力迁移在迁移数量、迁移人口学特征、迁移方式、迁移空间模式上都表现出不断变化的趋势并呈现出一定的规律性.本文试图在国内外学者比较成功的实证研究基础上,尝试对我国城乡人口迁移的规律进行总结.本文认为,迁移动机和空间迁移模式遵循经济主导法则;迁移者个体特征及其迁移行为遵循人力资本差异化法则;城乡迁移...  相似文献   

祝尔坚 《工程研究》2013,5(3):288-294
WTO《政府采购协议》(The Government Procurement Agreement,GPA)是WTO框架下的诸边协议之一,目的在于为政府采购制定更为透明的制度,以保证采购活动更加公平、公正和充分竞争。新版GPA文本在继承旧文本关于政府采购职能内涵的基础上,更加准确、完整、精炼地表达了GPA的职能和要求,使其成为国际经贸和国家经济发展的应用工具。GPA对均衡国际经济关系和促进发展的积极作用,主要体现在对成员方采购行为的有效约束和政策扶持上。GPA对中国经济社会发展是一把双刃剑,加入GPA既要积极也要慎重。研究GPA与中国建设发展的关系,充分利用好国际资源,不仅是国家经济发展的战略问题,也是国防安全战略的重大举措。  相似文献   

Breakthroughs in Key Technologies and Prospects of the Biomass Industry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The development of biomass industry demands that biomass become general industrial raw materials in biochemical engineering and that raw material structure, process conversion and product characteristics be organically combined. Refining techniques for selectively separating the components of the raw materials and multilevel directional conversation of biomass are important, for they not only produce product but also help to achieve clean conversion with minimum power consumption, optimum efficiency and maximum value. This paper analyzes the resource situation, industry prospects and the current predicament of biomass industry, and concludes that the fundamental approach to achieve industrialization of biomass is to break through key technical restriction and thus solve the technical-economical problems. The breakthrough of biomass industry key technology and process integration are the basis for bio-based product diversification from different raw material, which under the bio-refining ideas of multi-layered and multi-level integrated utilization. The spring of biomass industry develop-ment has arrived.  相似文献   

王兆春 《工程研究》2010,2(3):264-277
Based on the continual development of the military engineering and technology in different historical stages in ancient China, this article describes the evolving process of the corresponding management institutions and discusses its causes. The whole process is divided into several historical phases, including germinating, shaping, developing, systematizing and modernizing. The author thinks that the military engineering, the military technology and the management institutions depended on, mutually promoted and closely associated with each other and went ahead side by side in the long history. Through serious study of the history development of the management institutions, readers can understand its ensuring function for the military engineering and technology and acquire the consciousness and foresight which is necessary for building and reforming the similar institutions.  相似文献   

王斌 《工程研究》2013,5(3):318-326
1897年德国以武力占领胶州湾,1899年德国辛迪加成立山东铁路公司,负责胶济铁路的修筑和运营。筑路初期,德国人野蛮粗暴的行为方式导致与当地民众的多次暴力冲突。1900年袁世凯与山东铁路公司签订的《胶济铁路章程》有利于规范铁路公司的行为。义和团运动期间,筑路冲突达到顶峰。分析可知,引起筑路冲突的原因主要可归为文化因素(风水和坟墓文化)和利益因素(土地产权和农田排水)。山东铁路公司通过与山东官府和士绅合作,解决上述问题,并在一些重要城镇修建了通往火车站的公路。胶济铁路建设中的冲突与适应是殖民地与境下技术转移双方相互作用的表现和结果。  相似文献   

以中国深空网干涉测量信号处理中心建设为背景,论述了VLBI软相关处理系统的设计及初步实现。依据数据处理流程对软件模块化划分,一方面采用时间并行处理策略,将数据流按子积分周期分配给多个计算节点;一方面在相关计算节点内部应用多线程处理最大化提升效能。依托高性能集群系统,采用两级并行处理策略,实现了软件的设计开发,并在"嫦娥3号"(CE-3)任务中得到了首次应用。与事后精密轨道的比对分析表明,?DOR测量精度在1 ns量级,相当于90 nrad的角位置精度,等价于地月距离上37 m的位置误差。深空干涉测量信号处理中心VLBI软相关处理器有效支撑了CE-3的精密轨道测定。  相似文献   

Li Xue 《工程研究》2012,4(1):85-94
Telegraph is the result of the development of Western science and technology and the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century. After the second Opium War, telegraph technology was introduced to China as the tool of the capitalist colonial expansion. Due to the political, economic, cultural and other factors, Qing dynasty only realized the transfer of telegraph business management, but did not digest and absorb the manufacturing technology. This paper mainly analyses the factors that influenced the transfer of telegraph technology in late Qing dynasty from the perspectives of technical needs, power of civil and military governors, enterprise system, industrial level, and education level.  相似文献   

宋刚  王续琨 《工程研究》2014,(4):425-433
工程史在中国已经出现分立发展的良好势头,正在成为学科之林破土而出的一株“新苗”.技术史和包含着技术史的科学技术史,以及由工程史和技术史综合而成的工程技术史,都是与工程史有着极密切关系的亲缘学科.同样以工程活动作为研究对象的工程学、工程哲学,是工程史的并立同源学科,三者在基本内容、核心课题方面有相对明晰的区分,不能相互替代.构想中的工程史学科结构,将正在萌生和有待创建的分支学科归并为基础工程史、综合工程史、部门类别工程史、工程社会活动史、专项工程制度史、专项工程成就史等几个学科群组.  相似文献   

朱训  梁磊宁  雷新华 《工程研究》2013,5(4):327-334
阶梯式发展是物质世界运动和人类认识运动的重要形式,是自然界、人类社会和日常生活中常见的一种形式,也广泛存在于工程活动之中.矿产勘查工程、载人航天工程、“蛟龙号”潜水工程和地面建筑工程为阶梯式发展提供了很好的例证.遵循阶梯式发展规律是成功实施工程活动的前提和保证.  相似文献   

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