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Application and Development of Pyrolysis Technology in Low-Carbon Economy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The efficient, clean and low carbon utilization is the leading direction of research and development of coal utilization technology. In China, the low rank coal, represented by lignite and subbituminous coal, is dominating in coal resources, accounting for more than 55%. Low rank coal is characterized with lower coalification degree, higher volatile matter and moisture content, which lead to low efficiency in direct combustion and gasification process. Therefore, a staged conversion technology based on coal pyrolysis, and the pyrolysis technology with the features of mild conditions, simple process, wider applicability of coal, higher energy efficiency, lower water consumption, especially pyrolysis bridged hybrid power generation technology is proposed as a promising trend in research field. The process takes full advantage of coal composition characteristic to extract gas, liquid fuel, chemicals, and combined hybrid power generation. This technology can realize the improvements in energy efficiency, coal-fired efficiency, power generation efficiency, and the reduction of coal consumption, by upgrading processing, clean coal-fired of industrial boilers, integrating highly efficient steam–gas turbine combined cycle power generation technology. It aims to enhance coal comprehensive utilization efficiency, decrease pollutant and CO2 emission, and in the end promote the development of science and technology of high efficient low-carbon utilization of low rank coal.  相似文献   

针对中国钢铁工业布局中存在的"北重南轻"、"东多西少"和城市型钢铁布局较多等问题,指出现有的钢铁工业布局调整尚不能满足中国区域大气污染防治的要求。系统梳理中国近年来颁布的环境空气质量标准、钢铁工业污染物排放标准和环境保护规划方面针对钢铁工业提出的新要求,指出这些新标准、新要求为钢铁工业优化工业布局形成了重要环境保护约束性指标。同时结合这些约束性指标提出了执行特别排放限值、实行污染物减量置换、提高排污费标准、开展排污权交易和鼓励先进技术应用等推进钢铁工业布局优化的政策措施。  相似文献   

钢铁工业废气及PM_(2.5)排放特性与污染控制对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钢铁行业在新的发展时期须从战略发展的高度制定行业废气污染控制的对策和技术路线。本文收集国际先进钢企主要废气污染物排放因子,对比分析中国钢企的排放水平,并按照国家新颁布的环境空气质量标准和行业污染物排放标准要求,进行行业全工序各主要污染物大气等标污染负荷分析,系统判别主要污染工序和重点污染物,明确主要控制方向;通过国内外文献资料的综合分析,重点介绍主要生产工序的颗粒物及细颗粒排放特性。针对国家当前节能减排要求和行业废气污染控制存在的问题,提出行业废气污染控制应从行业发展的多种需求整体出发,综合考虑行业布局调整、加快技术升级、注重前端和过程控制及末端治理强化多污染物协同控制的技术路线,最大限度地减轻行业的废气污染,并就深化行业废气污染控制提出相关建议。  相似文献   

Population urbanization is closely related to carbon emission control, but the relationship between them is uncertain. Population urbanization makes carbon emit more greatly, which is the main cause of carbon emission increase. Therefore, population urbanization can also be the “key” to control carbon emission effectively. This article constructs the analysis framework of carbon emission control mechanism in the aspect of population urbanization, and identifies it preliminarily: the development of population urbanization will increase the number and scale of cities; the spatial distribution, the life and the production activities of the urbanized population con-stitute the three city depa rtments-life, traffic and production, which are also the three sources of carbon emission. It is the increase of number and scale of cities, different flow of migration to cities and the changes of the spatial distribution, the life and the production activities of the urbanized population that leads to different carbon emis-sion. This is not only the carbon emission mechanism of population urbanization, but also the clue to the scientific way to promote the low carbon of population urbanization.  相似文献   

Shipping is undertaking 90 percent of international trade transportation. The emission in the shipping industry is its mobile, boundless, and transregional. As to energy consumption and carbon emission per unit volume, shipping is already the most economical and energy-efficient way for transportation, but the growth rate of energy consumption and carbon emission of shipping is greatly surpassing that of other industries. International Maritime Organization has made great efforts and also got lots of achievements in carbon reduction of shipping. In China, although many progresses are achieved in carbon reduction of shipping, a further improvement is to be made through the cooperation of related parties because of the weaker foundation, imperfect management mechanism, and insufficient technology accumulation. In order to boost the low carbon development and sustainable development of shipping, efforts are to be focused on policies and regulations, management systems, standards and codes, technology research and development, and safeguard measures. Meanwhile, the creativity and enthusiasm of the shipping enterprise must be stimulated, and training and public awareness should be increased.  相似文献   

Controlling greenhouse gas emissions is of great significance for speeding up the transformation of economic development pattern, promoting sustainable economic and social development, advancing new industrial revolution. This paper chooses three typical regions at different development stages and with different carbon emission characteristics, namely Dongcheng District in Beijing on behalf of the developed metropolitan central city, Jiyuan City in Henan province on behalf of heavy industry city and Guangyuan City in Sichuan Province on behalf of the less developed cities. The study surveyed the status quo of the three city governments’ capacity building in controlling GHGs emissions. The survey finds that the common point of the three cities is their execu-tive power following “top-level design” to achieve energy-saving targets, while the difference lies in different in-dustrial stage and resource endowments. Based on these survey results, the paper suggests that the governments should enhance capacity building from four aspects including institution and policy, statistical system, performance appraisal and emission reduction measures to control GHGs emission.  相似文献   

闵恩泽  谢文华 《工程研究》2009,1(3):256-264
提高自主创新能力,建设创新型国家,是国家发展战略的核心。自主创新包括原始创新、集成创新、引进装置消化吸收再创新。笔者认为,在自主创新中,原始创新最为重要,原始创新的构思来自联想,联想源于博学广识和集体智慧;验证原始创新构思和实现工业化,道路曲折崎岖,必须要有各尽所能的团队精神以及战胜困难、坚持到底的奋斗精神。本文基于三个石化行业催化技术的创新案例,探讨了这些自主创新的科研思想和工作方法。  相似文献   

清洁发展机制及其面临的形势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
清洁发展机制(Clean Development Mechanism,CDM)是<京都议定书>下的三个基于市场的节能减排机制之一.由于我国是一个处于工业化发展阶段的国家,没有减排的具体额度,所以CDM机制可以很好地促进我国在经济高速发展的同时开展节能减排工作.本文主要介绍CDM的申报流程和实施步骤,综述我国CDM项目申...  相似文献   

张寿荣 《工程研究》2010,2(3):251-263
Ferrous metals have been the basic material used by human beings. In 600 BC, China started to enjoy the Iron Age, so in the long-term practice, iron-smelting had come to be a skillful technique. Accompanied with the economic development of human society, iron-smelting had been transformed into handicraft iron making workshops in addition to farming and stock-raising. The Industrial Revolution boosted the increasing demand for iron and steel products in society and the technological innovation had brought the birth of steel industry and had formed the ferrous metallurgical engineering. In the course of rapid growth of economy in the 20th century, driven by technological innovations, steel industry has made tremendous development. In the 21st century, iron and steel will still be the important materials for human society, and the development of steel industry will be continuing. The history of human society, as a whole, has been an everlasting course of evolution for the survival of human being and the needs for the development of human society. Human race has endeavored to improve economic growth. The evolution of ferrous metallurgical engineering has been just one constituent in the evolution course of utilization, application and fabrication of tools for human society.  相似文献   

钢铁制造流程的能量流行为和能量流网络问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为应对全球气候变化,钢铁工业在下一步技术转型中,应高度重视钢铁制造流程的能量流和能量流网络问题。本文从充分发挥钢厂三个功能的视角,阐述了钢铁制造流程中铁素物质流和碳素能量流的行为规律,提出了应注重与铁素物质流相关的碳素能量流的输入/输出特点和能量流网络构建以及相应的信息化集成调控的观点,剖析了钢铁工业节能减排的潜力,指出了提高钢厂综合竞争力和多方位服务于可持续发展的可能性,探讨了相关理论的建立、技术开发和工程化实施的策略等。  相似文献   

与分散处理相比较,大数据中心集中处理信息通信任务,在能效上已有巨大的提高。但大数据中心包括数以千万记的服务器,其能源消耗量甚至可以超过一座小型城镇。巨大的能源消耗、成吨的温室气体排放,使大数据中心在能效与减排方面面临诸多挑战,建立绿色高效的大数据中心势在必行。本文给出一个面向大数据的绿色IT框架,重点研究了能效分类问题,提出了一个基于度量模型的能效分类机制。根据工作量和能源消耗情况对设备和服务进行分类,无缝地划分为不同的资源池,将电力使用效率、数据中心工作效率和二氧化碳排放等综合计算衡量,制定可以实现并遵循的能效标准,使绘制大数据中心的碳足迹成为可能,并提供服务能效评估方案。  相似文献   

Deep ocean fishery is an integral part of a nation’s maritime power. A well-developed ocean fishing industry not only provides citizens with more nutrient diets, but also is a strong indicator of a country’s claim over the natural resources in oceans. China now has a relatively sizeable ocean fishing fleet, which gradually developed over a more than 20 year time period. However, China’s ocean fishery faces a set of problems calling for immediate responses. For example, both the unsystematic and loose collaboration with the resource-rich countries and the low level of organization among Chinese fishing companies are preventing the industry from being a continuous and sustainable one. Chinese fishing companies are mostly stuck in the production segment in the industry chain, due to international division of labor, lacking effective connections both with the domestic markets and with the foreign ones. The industry is also tormented by a low profitability, the expensive applicable technologies, a lack of information on natural resources, the ever-increasing oil price and fishing license fee, etc. To deal with those challenges, the author made a set of policy propositions, including, but not limited to, enhancing the level of organization among the fishing companies, allowing more favorable subsidies, and cultivating a well-rounded industry chain, etc.  相似文献   

17 世纪,欧洲耶稣会士来华,并以传播科学助力传教.他们为明清两朝的历法制订做出贡献,并将欧洲的天文仪器技术介绍到中国.为满足制订历法的需求,耶稣会士南怀仁及其中国合作者在1669-1674 年制造了赤道浑仪、黄道浑仪、地平经仪、象限仪、纪限仪和天体仪.这些仪器装备了清朝的北京观象台,完成了观象台的改造工程,满足了当时制订历法的需求.这些天文仪器的规划、设计、制造和使用表明了工程的若干特征:以需求为导向,制订系统的工程规划;追求高成功率,尽量采用可靠的技术;以有效的技术集成为工程创新奠定基础;工程团队由工程师、工匠和管理者等不同角色构成;现代工程将技术、科学与管理等知识整合并运用于人们的实践,实现更大规模的工程.  相似文献   

In the 20 years from the late 19th century to early 20th century, industry developed rapidly in Europe and the U.S. During this period new branches of engineering science came into being. In order to have deep understanding of engineering science, the author chooses American Institute of Chemical Engineers as her case study target. On the basis of important sources and literatures, the paper made a study on the history of the formulation of chemical engineering as a new discipline from the perspectives of historiography and sociology of science. The paper shows that in the rapid growth of the chemical industry in the U.S, chemical engineers has become a new profession, and chemical engineering as a discipline is gradually shaped by the interaction and intersection of chemistry and mechanical engineering. In 1888, Boston Institute of Technology (the predecessor of MIT) started to design chemical engineering courses and to train engineers needed in chemical industry. Chemical engineers paid more attention to the connection of their work with pure chemistry and mechanical engineering. They tried to find out their own professional and knowledge boundaries in industry. The chemical industry grew along with the formation of chemical engineer groups and institutionalization of chemical engineering education. In such a context, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers was established in 1908. The AIChE was a distinguished mark of the institutionalization of chemical engineering. It played an important role in the shaping and promoting of the new discipline: defining the professional identity of the chemical engineer; constructing a platform of academic communication; clarifying the boundary of chemical engineering and the relationship among chemical engineering, chemistry, mechanical engineering and other disciplines; reforming the education of chemical engineering at American universities, standardizing the curriculum of chemical engineering; promoting the connection among academic institutions, universities and enterprises.  相似文献   

Wu Jianping  Wu Qian 《工程研究》2013,5(2):124-134
In recent years, information and communication technology (ICT) has obtained sustained and rapid development in the world, and has become the main driver of economic growth in a global scope. ICT’s development level is closely linked to GDP. Information and communication industry enters the new stage in which integrated innovation promoting integration development, and in which new features are presenting, such as integration, groups and integrated innovation. Information security and information infrastructure security have become an important part of national security. The informatization construction in China still faces many problems and challenges, such as relatively lag-ging behind of our policies for promoting the development of informatization, the lack of original innovation and core technologies. Barriers in the development need be tackled, Cyberspace strategy research needs to be strengthened and national network and information security situation is severe. The rapid development of Internet put more severe challenges on network governance. So the suggestions to these problems are as follows: to pro-mote the next generation Internet as the core of the information infrastructure, continue to promote the depth of integration of information technology and industrialization, increase R & D investment, develop the core technol-ogy of information industry, improve people's quality of informatization, and focus on promoting the construction of education informatization.  相似文献   

方叶兵 《工程研究》2013,5(3):279-287
利用安徽省宿州市1999—2010年的统计数据,运用塞尔奎因-钱纳里标准法分析其城市化与工业化发展阶段,采用协整检验、Granger因果检验对其城市化与工业化的因果关系进行实证研究。结果表明:1)宿州工业化和城市化水平低于全国平均水平,均处于初期发展阶段;2)宿州城市化与工业化有高度相关关系,城市化滞后于工业化;3)宿州当前城市化发展是工业化发展的Granger原因,加快城市化发展有利于促进工业化水平提高;4)宿州城市化水平与第二产业增加值比重和第三产业增加值比重具有长期稳定的协整关系,但与非农就业人口比重不存在长期稳定的均衡关系;5)宿州城市化水平与第二产业增加值比重和第三产业增加值比重的弹性系数分别为0.21和0.86,说明其城市化水平对第三产业的拉动作用要比对第二产业的拉动作用更大一些。因此宿州市应促进人口向中心城区的集聚,发挥城市化对工业化的促进作用。  相似文献   

The development of new material industry, including structural materials and functional materials is the pilot force of industry development. There are some problems in China’s new material industry development. For example, no supply of some important material, fail to meet the quality requirement of existing material, under-developed researching equipment of new material and the high environmental cost of material producing process. The construction of new material industry system is the solution to these problems. The new material industry system refers to the production of middle and long term need new materials. It is a comprehensive system formed on certain orders and internal connection with different new material producing subsystems. There are ways to realize this system: sort out the existing new materials; set up several demonstration enterprises and testing bases; tackle several recognition problems; adhere to institutional innovation; research new materials that could industrialize; implement concrete measures, including engineering and industrial measures.  相似文献   

李卓 《工程研究》2011,3(1):26-31
砷化镓化合物半导体是目前研究最深入、应用最广泛的化合物半导体材料.基于自身材料和生产工艺的不同,砷化镓芯片生产项目在污染源及防治措施方面与硅半导体有很大区别.为有效控制砷化镓芯片生产项目的环境影响,有必要对砷化镓芯片生产项目的污染源及防治措施进行研究.本文首先对污染因子及相关环境标准进行筛选,其次根据生产工艺分析了污染...  相似文献   

Wang Yongzhi, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the recipient of the State Science and Technology Top Awards 2003, has dedicated greatly to Chinese aerospace industry. Utilizing the Engineering Selection and Construction Theory and Engineering Innovation Space Theory, the writers analyze Wang’s innovative practice and thinking. No matter as a freshman or a project leader, Wang has always innovated actively and has extended his innovation space gradually. According to the “national interests first” principle and the favoring to “faster, better, more abstemious and safer” technologies, Wang and his colleagues has realized a great many of aerospace engineering targets. His selection principles and innovation experiences are significant to Engineering Philosophy Study. Wang said, “Innovation originates in human nature; and to conduct innovation, one should possess innovation awareness, innovation motive force, innovation competence, innovation target and sat-isfactory innovation conditions. This innovation thinking, synthesized from practices, will amplify the theoretical research of innovation.  相似文献   

北京近期雾霾污染的成因及控制对策分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
彭应登 《工程研究》2013,5(3):233-239
通过对北京近期雾霾形成的原因、PM2.5的组分特征及其来源进行分析,提出了不利气象条件是北京2013年初雾霾天形成的主要原因而空气污染物只是雾霾天形成的次要原因的观点。此次雾霾PM2.5的主要组分为二次粒子(42%)和有机碳粒子(21%)。主要受外地传输的影响,贡献率为27.6%,其次为本地污染源中的机动车和燃煤,贡献率分别为21.5%和18.7%。目前,空气自动监测站在高湿条件下获得的PM2.5监测数据会出现失真现象,认清高湿条件造成自动监测站PM2.5监测值虚高的本质,可消除公众对城市高湿雾霾天空气质量的过度解读,并减轻由此造成的公众恐慌状况。在现阶段大气污染物的减排局面得不到根本扭转的情况下,加强重污染日应急措施的研究与制定,并启动相应重污染日的各类应急措施,可部分抵消气象条件的不利影响。本文有针对性地提出了治理北京雾霾污染的主要措施和建议,并认为治理城市空气污染要坚持标本兼治,且当前要以治标为主,为治本赢得时间。  相似文献   

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