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杨雪英 《工程研究》2013,5(4):382-394
在美国交通发展史上,发生过2次交通革命,分别是18世纪到19世纪的交通革命和20世纪90年代以来的新交通革命.前者完成了交通基础的硬件建设,后者实现了交通发展理念由重基础设施建设向可持续、综合协调的转变.期间,政府对交通的管理、国家对交通的管制不断演变.本文以美国交通行政管理体制的历史沿革为主线,再现其体制转变的历史背景,描述美国交通管理体制由分散向集中、政府管制由强化向放松的转变过程,分析现行体制的特点及运作效果,总结美国政府在交通管理中的价值管理、法律保障、政府与市场分工合作等主要做法和经验,以期为我国当前大部制下的交通运输发展提供经验借鉴和改革启示.  相似文献   

王楠  邢怀滨 《工程研究》2009,1(2):152-158
大庆油田作为中国工业企业的典范,在50年的开发建设历程中,不仅创造了巨量的物质财富,而且积累了宝贵的管理经验。本文通过梳理大庆油田管理的基本历程,总结出大庆油田管理经验的核心特征,即始终坚持马克思主义科学理论为指导的战略管理,始终坚持以“大庆精神”为核心的思想政治工作,始终坚持质量第一的生产管理理念,始终坚持以人为本的人力资源开发与管理,始终坚持自主创新的科技创新管理。大庆的管理经验对建设具有中国特色的工业企业管理体系具有重要的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

马新  陈涛  黄钧 《工程研究》2011,3(1):82-86
应对频发的自然灾害和非常规突发事件所带来的应急物资需求,必须充分动员和发动社会力量,建立国家储备和民间储备相结合的全社会应急物资储备体系。文章对应急物资社会储备体系中关于储备社会化的必要性及存储模式问题、各参与方的协调问题以及应急仓库的选址问题的国内外研究现状及存在的不足作了介绍。作者提出,结合我国的具体国情,在构建全社会的应急物资储备体系的过程中,应着重关注应急物资分类及储备模式选择、政府与企业联合存储应急物资的定价以及多种储备模式下的应急物资选址及库存配置等重要研究课题。  相似文献   

樊东方  石静远 《工程研究》2013,5(4):443-452
回顾了日本交通运输管理体制的演进历程,按每个发展阶段的特征将其分为分散管理时期、集中管理时期和协调发展时期,并结合国际形势、国内经济发展需求及日本国土资源条件,对每个时期交通运输管理的机构、职能、运行机制演变的背景和原因进行了分析.重点结合日本交通管理体制的基本现状,包括中央层面和道路、铁路、水路、民航等不同运输方式的管理体制,总结提炼了日本交通运输管理体制在管理方式、运行模式、中央与地方关系等方面的主要特征.同时,结合当前我国交通运输管理体制改革的阶段、方向和重点,探讨了对我国交通运输行政管理体制改革的启示.  相似文献   

中国勘察设计行业正面临着全球化、中国经济结构转型和国家实施“走出去”的开放战略等诸多机遇与挑战,所以对未来发展有一个相对准确的分析和预测有着很重要的意义.本文通过对近七年来ENR 发布数据的分析,找到了世界大型设计公司与国际化之间存在的一些联系,然后通过对不同国家和地区设计公司之间的比较,结合各自的国情和经济发展水平,给出了未来中国大型设计院可能的发展趋势预测,即中国大型设计院依靠巨大的国内市场,在体量上会很快跻身世界大型设计院的“第一梯队”,但与西方竞争对手相比,在国际市场仍然存在相当大的差距,如果不能尽快建立完善的全球网络和平台,中国大型设计院有可能止步于海外中高端市场.  相似文献   

互联网与农业的融合是我国农业与农村发展的大趋势。基于实地调研和访谈,阐明了山东省即墨市移风店镇互联网农业发展的基础和过程,具体分析了移风店镇互联网农业发展的基本模式,揭示了其中包含的从农产品生产到品牌塑造、再到销售和物流的互联网农业发展机制。在此基础上,通过与国内若干典型的互联网农业发展模式的比较分析,凸显了移风店镇互联网农业发展的深度和广度,并据此总结了移风店镇互联网农业发展的基本经验及其启发意义。  相似文献   

碳核查能够确保温室气体排放数据的可靠性和可信度,是碳排放权交易体系日常运行中最主要的一部分工作。诸多国际机构和国家已纷纷开展了碳核查政策制度研究与实践。国际机构的核查制度开发侧重于核查方法的科学性;重要国家均以本国国情为基础,借鉴ISO-14064系列标准,出台核查政策制度,重点同样在于核查方法需科学合理。国际上可以吸取的主要经验为核查政策制度体系的完备、核查程序的严谨规范、核查形式的多样化和核查中突出重点排放源。基于我国区域经济发展不平衡所导致的碳排放的特征差异,以及七个碳交易试点先行的碳核查工作开展状况,建议,加快通过应对气候立法,推进碳核查政策制度安排,统筹兼顾推动碳核查工作,规范重点温室气体的排放源,建立健全的碳核查监管,并加强国际的交流与合作。  相似文献   

随着城市基础设施的需求量不断增加,地方政府在基础设施建设方面融资难的问题日益凸显。因此,PPP模式被引入以吸引社会资本参与投资从而分担融资压力。然而,仅依靠传统的PPP模式,并不能最大程度地调动社会资本的参与度。在新的时代背景下,PPP模式和P2G模式的结合成为国家政策框架下的一种创造性解决方案,"PPP+P2G"融资模式的概念被提了出来。本文分析了这种新的融资模式的兼容性、可行性和优势,以及推广这种模式的必要性,并站在政府角度提出了推动"PPP+P2G"模式发展的相关建议,从而为地方政府解决融资难的问题提供新的参考意见。  相似文献   

李聪  王显光  孙小年 《工程研究》2013,5(4):395-406
从德国交通管理体制变迁及其现状、特点的角度系统研究了其交通运输的发展问题.结合德国关键的历史时间节点,回顾了自德意志帝国至现今的德意志联邦共和国期间,其交通管理体制的变迁历程;重点分析了德国现行交通管理体制的运作情况,在对德国联邦层级和地方层级的交通运输管理机构进行简要阐述的基础上,着重论述了德国联邦层级的交通运输管理机构——联邦交通、建设与城市发展部的组织形式和主要职责等;总结了德国交通管理体制的成效;并结合我国国情,探讨了德国交通管理体制对我国的启示,力求在新的交通运输大部制的背景下,对我国综合交通运输的发展提供借鉴.  相似文献   

中国高速铁路(简称高铁)在引进国外技术的基础上走上了自主创新的道路,在头型、车体气密性、弓网动态受流、转向架等许多技术方面取得了创新。高铁的发展是由其内在的动力机制和运行机制保证的,国内市场的刚性需求、国内外的技术推力、国家的规划和扶持、企业自我发展的追求等构成了高铁的动力机制,技术学习过程、员工队伍建设、全面创新管理、创新生态系统的相互作用等构成了高铁的运行机制。中国高铁的未来发展应重点关注:自身的技术储备、人才和氛围的培育以及技术、需求、产业链的交互作用。  相似文献   

Low carbon development is the key approach for the international community to address the global climate change. To practice low carbon life can effectively help achieve the long-term goals to address climate change. As a new style of living, low carbon life could be a revolution for human being’s living style. This revolution includes many aspects: values of low carbon, consumption concept of low carbon, cultural view of low carbon, etc. However, there are still three main barriers in practicing low carbon life: the lack of relevant policies, the recognition derivation of low carbon, and the shortage of relevant materials. Thus, in order to practice the low carbon life, the constructions of ‘hard’ environment and ‘soft’ culture should be strengthened: we should intensify the construction of low carbon policy and legal system, increase the publicity of low carbon life concept, accelerate the development of low carbon technology and low carbon economy etc.  相似文献   

Based on the micro-foundation of adverse selection, moral risk and principal-agent models, imperfect information can cause real economic fluctuation through imperfect market, price distortion and/or expectation, especially profoundly impacting microeconomic agents’ expectation, macroeconomic policy making and macroeconomic policy effect through expectation. In international economic relations, imperfect information is exhibited not only in information divide between developed countries and developing countries, but also in developed countries’ comparative advantage in product information. When meeting the needs of information economy and confronting asymmetric structure of international information, China’s macroeconomic management should attach more importance to information infrastructure, and improve formation and conduction mechanism of macroeconomic policies, so as to make full use of information guide to play active role in stabilizing economic fluctuation and preventing possible contagion of international crisis.  相似文献   

The financial security problems caused by financial informatization are showed as follows: organized internet attack threat financial security system; information concentration cause risk concentration; weakness of financial information security; the lagging of financial institution on information security infrastructure; with outsource business increasing, the risk of financial information technology outsource is increasing; developing country's core technology and equipment are constrained by western developed countries. Based on the analysis, this paper proposes several suggestions for China’s informatization and financial security from several aspects: Clearify the strategic position of financial information security and put importance on the integration of technology and business; Establish and perfect the standardization of financial information system; Establish prevention and assessment system to information security risk; Strengthen the legislative work of information security; Promote innovative strategy of financial information service; Improve the informatization level of finance macro-control and regulatory; Intensify personnel training on financial information security.  相似文献   

The process of Informatization will have great impact on both macro economy and finance. In the respect of macro economy, informatization influences short-term economic fluctuation, the growth of total economic scale and economic structure in China. Firstly, it will influence short-term economic fluctuation by affecting labor market, pricing fluctuation, short-term investment and consumption, as well as the implementation of macroeconomic policy. Meanwhile, it will boost long-term economic growth by providing new production factors, upgrading production efficiency and pushing technology innovation. In addition, it will change economic structure by impacting industry structure, demand structure and regional structure. On the perspective of finance, informa-tization has changed the monetary form and function, which is the technological foundation of virtual currency and electronic payment. It exerts an extensive and far-reaching impact on the financial institutions, financial mar-ket, financial supervision and regulation through two ways: decreasing the transaction costs and alleviating the asymmetric information problems.  相似文献   

Population urbanization is closely related to carbon emission control, but the relationship between them is uncertain. Population urbanization makes carbon emit more greatly, which is the main cause of carbon emission increase. Therefore, population urbanization can also be the “key” to control carbon emission effectively. This article constructs the analysis framework of carbon emission control mechanism in the aspect of population urbanization, and identifies it preliminarily: the development of population urbanization will increase the number and scale of cities; the spatial distribution, the life and the production activities of the urbanized population con-stitute the three city depa rtments-life, traffic and production, which are also the three sources of carbon emission. It is the increase of number and scale of cities, different flow of migration to cities and the changes of the spatial distribution, the life and the production activities of the urbanized population that leads to different carbon emis-sion. This is not only the carbon emission mechanism of population urbanization, but also the clue to the scientific way to promote the low carbon of population urbanization.  相似文献   

In recent years, with the emergence of new technologies, incidents caused by technology occur frequently, and it causes a high degree of public concern. The consequences brought by the application of new technologies cause extreme public panic and worry, mistrust of government, experts, businesses, research institutions and other serious impact on mutual exchange and communication. How to balance the relationship between the interests groups, eliminate the public concern on engineering and technical risk, and improve the level of public’s perception of risk, become the most urgent problem. Taking Liulitun incineration plant as an example, this paper surveys and analyzes the public’s understanding on relevant technical and engineering construction, and studies the factors that influence public’s perceptions of risk. It also explores ways of strengthening the communication channel beteween relevant department and the public so as to improve public’s overall perception of risk fundamentally.  相似文献   

Wen Hui 《工程研究》2012,4(2):157-162
Japan is a developed country with government guiding the market. And in its development, much attention has been paid to the role of planning in macro control. Taking the development plan of Hamamatsu city as an example, the paper summarizes the features of planning: Complete planning system, specific planning servicing objects, transparent social-economic development stage, clear target arrangement, combined long-term and short-term development aims, great attention attached to the feasibility and practicality of the planning. Based on the overall analysis of the comprehensiveness, prospective, hierarchy, and feasibility of the development plan, and combined the reality of China’s development planning, the paper puts forward the following inspiring ideas for China’s development planning: 1) Development planning should adjust timely to the changes of economy and society in China. 2) Development planning should lead the overall situation of social and economic development. 3) Development planning should attach importance to public participation. 4) The aims of the Development planning should accord with actual local conditions. 5) The implementation of the development planning should be continuous.  相似文献   

清洁发展机制及其面临的形势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
清洁发展机制(Clean Development Mechanism,CDM)是<京都议定书>下的三个基于市场的节能减排机制之一.由于我国是一个处于工业化发展阶段的国家,没有减排的具体额度,所以CDM机制可以很好地促进我国在经济高速发展的同时开展节能减排工作.本文主要介绍CDM的申报流程和实施步骤,综述我国CDM项目申...  相似文献   

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