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Electromagnetic scattering from thin resistive strips is formulated using an integral equation approach. Analytical expressions for the electric current density over wide and narrow strips are derived based on the physical optics and quasistatic approximation of the pertinent integral equations, respectively. The solutions are used to find closed form expressions for the echo width of the strip.  相似文献   

Electromagnetic scattering from thin resistive strips is formulated using an integral equation approach. The formulation is then specialized to strips of constant curvature and arbitrary size allowing the employment of the method of moments to solve the scattering problem.  相似文献   

Analysis and methodological generalization of available methods used for determining characteristics of intrinsic emission from electric propulsions (EP) in a radio-frequency range that can be the interference for the “Earth-spacecraft (SC)” channel of the space communication system are the subjects of this paper. Intrinsic emission from the electric propulsion in a radio-frequency range is examined in detail by the example of a measuring complex developed in RIAME MAI and the measurement results are presented. The electric field intensity distribution in a radio-frequency range for the vertical and horizontal polarizations of the received emission is considered as the main characteristics. Measurements performed for the EP intrinsic emission by using the developed complex and measurements performed in metal vacuum chambers are compared and comparative results are presented in the paper.  相似文献   

静止无功补偿装置广泛应用于电气化铁路、冶金、炼钢等工业用户,以减少无功冲击和电压波动,提高电能质量.但补偿装置中电力电子器件的开关过程会产生较高的电磁干扰,影响二次设备的正常工作.笔者以某轧钢厂的无功补偿装置为例,现场测量了不同工况下的电磁干扰水平,建立相应的仿真模型,分析了电磁干扰的产生机理和变化规律.最后提出了抗扰...  相似文献   

空气针尖负电晕放电的特征辐射谱   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为得到针尖负电晕放电的辐射特征,采用针-环结构对不同空气条件下负电晕放电的辐射谱进行了实验测试。结果表明,在给定电极件下,空气负电晕放电具有一定的特征辐射谱,频率〈100MHz。这种特征辐射谱的位置不随放电电压(电流)和气体等条件变化;特征辐射强度与放电电压无关,但与空气的气压和气流有关。空气负电晕放电的特征辐射与Trichel脉冲的形成过程相关,电流脉冲的上升沿决定特征频谱的位置和幅度。  相似文献   

Three-dimensional computation of light scattering from cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Using the finite-difference time-domain method, three-dimensional scattering patterns are computed for cells containing multiple organelles. The scattering cross section and average cosine of the scattering angle are computed for cells as a function of volume fraction of melanin granules and mitochondria. Results show that small organelles play a significant role in light scattering from cells, and the volume fraction of organelles affects both the total amount of scattered light and the angular distribution of scattered light  相似文献   

In this paper, the electromagnetic wave scattering is analysed by the efficient Krylov subspace iterative fast Fourier transform (FFT) technique in terms of the electric field integral equation (EFIE) for a dielectric body of general shape, inhomogeneity, and anisotropy. However, when the permittivity of the scatter becomes large, the convergence rate of Krylov subspace iterative methods slow down. Therefore, the inner–outer flexible generalized minimum residual method (FGMRES) is used to accelerate the iteration. As a result, nearly 10 times convergence improvement is achieved for high permittivity cases. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

用铁砂研制的铁氧体电波吸收材料   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
以铁砂为原料制备一种尖晶石型铁氧体电波吸收材料,在7-12Hz范围,发现有两个吸收峰,吸收量在9-13dB,将铁氧体吸收体和铁砂吸收体组成复合电波吸收材料,亦有两个吸收峰,一峰向低频区偏移,吸收量增至14.6dB;以复合吸收体为基础材料,在其中添加六角铁氧体和稀土元素,可改变吸收峰位置,提高吸收量,阳大可达27dB。  相似文献   

Contents  The like- and cross-polarized scattering coefficients of electromagnetic waves from random rough surfaces corrected by shadowing functions are studied in this paper. Due to the use of approximate tangential surface fields in the derivative of all the wave scattering from randomly rough surfaces, the shadowing functions should be added to correct the scattering especially from surfaces with large rms surface slope. For correct prediction to the scattering characteristics we apply the suitable angular shadowing function to the single and multiple scattering coefficients respectively. The comparisons of scattering coefficients with or without shadowing functions are shown in this paper to evaluate the conditions of angular shadowing functions and the effect of shadowing function for the scattering from random very rough surfaces. We also compare the shadow-corrected scattering coefficients with the measured data and find the good agreements between them. Received: 12 December 2000  相似文献   

换流站阀厅电磁骚扰强度的计算分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
赵志斌  崔翔  王琦 《高电压技术》2010,36(3):643-648
从时域和频域两个方面总结了应用矩量法计算阀厅内金属导体结构产生的电磁骚扰水平的方法。直接时域方法以电流为激励源进行计算,考虑因素少,计算简单;而直接频域方法由于可以同时考虑线路、金属架构等多种复杂结构的影响,模型更为准确,但是计算速度慢,建模复杂。考虑到常用的矩量法计算软件如NEC、FEKO等,不适合建立大量电流源模型,因此以电压源、导线、金属板和负载为基本元件的直接频域法就非常适合借助于成熟的软件进行工程计算。首先将±500 kV阀塔的元器件、金属导线和金属框架分别用阻抗、线天线和面天线模型进行等效。对一±500 kV换流站阀厅建立了电磁计算模型,研究了换流站在正常工作情况下由阀厅内金属导体结构产生的电磁骚扰特性,主要讨论阀厅墙体附近的辐射电磁场,阀厅外的无线电干扰水平。通过与测试结果和其它相关报告的结果对比验证了该计算方法和模型的有效性和正确性。应用该方法分析了±800 kV换流站阀厅内金属导体结构产生的电磁骚扰水平,并结合相关标准提出了阀厅墙体应具备的屏蔽效能。该研究既可以用来预测换流站内的电磁场分布,也可为阀厅的屏蔽设计提供依据。  相似文献   

为研究电爆炸丝开关切断时产生的强度在近距离内可对效应物产生严重破坏的电磁辐射,在TomaChan系统装置中用拉杆天线测得了所产生的电磁辐射信号波形并经FFT变换后得到其频谱也得到了通过电爆炸丝开关的电流。结果表明电爆炸丝开关所产生的信号是一个主频在75 MHz频谱较宽的电磁波。所测电流峰值约为19 kA,其随时间变化过程可以分为3个阶段。分析讨论了开关运行的辐射干扰现象以及产生机理,为辐射干扰进行屏蔽防护提供参考,可供带有电爆炸丝切断开关的脉冲功率系统产生辐射的研究参考。  相似文献   

雷云对地放电过程中的电磁波   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了雷云对地放电过程中的雷电流的特性 ,解释了非周期雷电流产生的电磁场的特性 ,并用一个雷电流实例进行了分析说明  相似文献   

A procedure is presented to evaluate the electromagnetic field generated by a digital transmission system on multiconductor power-line carrier channels. The vertical component of the electric field and the horizontal component of the magnetic field are defined by approximate formulaes of varying accuracy, depending on the frequency and the distance from phase conductors. Field sources are the currents traveling along the line, which are evaluated by means of an accurate simulation model of the transmission system and a rigorous wave propagation algorithm. Frequency spectra and lateral profiles of the field components are computed for single-phase and two-phase couplings on a horizontal power line. Digital channel capacity is shown to increase as the pulse repetition interval T decreases. However, if T increases, the harmonic content of the input signal code increases and, consequently, electromagnetic pollution rises for a given carrier channel. It is concluded that the EMI (electromagnetic interference) level is an important constraint which must be taken into account when choosing T and, more generally, in the design of the digital transmission system  相似文献   

本文分析了开关电源产生电磁干扰的主要原因。给出了相应的抑制措施,以提高开关电源的电磁兼容性。  相似文献   

本文给出了一种混合使用有限元和圆柱完全匹配层计算旋转对称目标散射的有限元算法。使用矢量棱边基函数表示横向场分量,用标量节点基函数表示角度场分量。矢量基函数的使用消除了伪解问题,圆柱坐标完全匹配层(PML)的使用缩减了有限元网格,从而避免了无用的计算。这种方法能够处理大型的实际雷达目标,同时与标准目标的计算结果符合得很好。  相似文献   

《Potentials, IEEE》2000,19(4):13-18
The author begins by discussing visualization in general terms before going on to discuss the visualization of computational electromagnetics and EM visualization theory. Frequency domain visualizations are considered in particular  相似文献   

A broad survey has been conducted of electrohydrodynamic phenomena in which the electric field may be simply static or electrodynamic in nature. Recent developments of new materials have made it possible for relatively high electromagnetic fields to penetrate flow tubes and containers, thus emphasising the need for an electrodynamic approach to the subject. Some engineering problems are introduced in which electromagnetic hydrodynamics plays an important role. The review of the current state of the art is intended to supplement earlier ones and to broaden the scope of the topic to include two-phase flow and electrodynamic field effects  相似文献   

Broadband light sources emitting in the terahertz spectral range are highly desired for applications such as noninvasive imaging and spectroscopy.Conventionally,THz pulses are generated by optical rectification in bulk nonlinear crystals with millimetre thickness,with the bandwidth limited by the phase-matching condition.Here we demonstrate broadband THz emission via surface optical rectification from a simple,commercially available 19nmthick indium tin oxide(ITO)thin film.We show an enhancement of the generated THz signal when the pump laser is tuned around the epsilon-near-zero(ENZ)region of ITO due to the pump laser field enhancement associated with the ENZ effect.The bandwidth of the THz signal generated from the ITO film can be over 3 THz,unrestricted by the phasematching condition.This work offers a new possibility for broadband THz generation in a subwavelength thin film made of an ENZ material,with emerging physics not found in existing nonlinear crystals.  相似文献   

Sadiku  M.N.O. 《Potentials, IEEE》1992,11(2):16-18
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is achieved when a device functions satisfactorily in its electromagnetic environment without introducing intolerable disturbances. Electromagnetic interference (EMI) is the degradation in a device's performance due to these fields which make up the electromagnetic environment. Sources of EMI are identified, and the three common means used to control or suppress it, namely, grounding, shielding, and filtering are discussed. Other useful techniques for minimizing and controlling EMI are outlined  相似文献   

废旧锂离子蓄电池正极材料回收研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦毅红  何汉兵 《电源技术》2006,30(8):660-664
从废旧锂离子蓄电池中回收钴酸锂有两种方法,即直接回收钴酸锂,以及先回收钴和锂然后再合成得到钴酸锂。比较了这两种方法所得产品的电化学性能。通过热重-差热分析曲线确定保温温度和时间,采用X射线衍射分析(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、嵌入-脱嵌循环曲线、循环容量曲线和效率-循环次数曲线进行分析,发现后一方法回收的钴酸锂样品循环性能良好,在0.1C和0.5C放电条件下首次放电比容量分别为130.3mAh·g-1和113.9mAh·g-1;当循环10次以后充放电比容量基本稳定在123mAh·g-1和112mAh·g-1;循环20次之后,放电比容量仍有122.85mAh·g-1和111.80mAh·g-1。  相似文献   

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