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INDEX是世界上大型非织造布展览会之一,INDEX’99展规模超过历届.笔者在参观了本届展览会后体会到:非织造布技术正从发达国家走向全世界,一些大公司在非织造布高新技术产品的生产中仍走在前列,而非织造布的加工技术并没有突破性的进展,各种技术的组合应用及后整理、深加工技术有进一步加强的趋势.  相似文献   

瑞士Oerilkon集团人造纤维部与意大利Teknoweb Materials公司结成战略合作伙伴,旨在扩大在非织造布领域的业务范围,将高增长的一次性非织造布纳入其中。两家公司原则上已经达成其识,将组建一家新的合资企业。通过这次合作,Oerilkon加强了其人造纤维部Oerilkon Neumag非织造布系统业务。还将业务扩展到颇具吸引力的一次性非织造布市场。  相似文献   

736高频焊接(High frequency welting)塑料制件在高频电磁场作用下引起介电损耗而加热,从而使接合面熔合粘接的一种焊接法。737脱层(Delamination)或称为分层,层压材料  相似文献   

<正>2011年12月18日,这一天对广东俊富集团和日照三奇医保集团都是具有非常意义的日子,在10年前的12月18日两家集团公司开始了合作,应日照三奇医保集团董事长王常申之约,广东俊富集团董事长赵民忠专程赶赴日照参加此次隆重的庆祝活动,双方在坦诚相待的气氛下回忆10年合作中的点点滴滴,并就未来10年的发展勾画了宏伟的蓝图。  相似文献   

每四年举办一次的ITMA被誉为纺织机械行业的奥林匹克,汇集了全球纺织行业最新的尖端技术,是全球纺织机械销售商和采购商交流的重要盛会。今年,这一盛事将迎来60华诞。  相似文献   

芦长椿 《纺织导报》2012,(6):111-115
高性能纤维材料及非织造布在过滤与分离领域占有重要位置。本文介绍了近年来陆续投放市场的一些新产品,如微细旦熔喷非织造布、纳米纤维等的技术特征,并就这些产品在水净化、隔音防噪、油过滤介质以及过滤与分离等领域的应用研究现状与趋势作了较为详尽的阐述。  相似文献   

田超 《生活用纸》2020,(3):32-32
2019年12月27日,恒安集团运营副总裁许清池、造纸总工室总经理张群富、研发部总经理林一速一行到访中国制浆造纸研究院有限公司(以下简称“造纸院”),与造纸院总经理孙波、日化院总经理耿涛、中轻集团董事会办公室主任邓欢以及相关技术人员交流会谈。造纸院总经理孙波代表造纸院对许清池一行的到访表示欢迎,并对造纸院的发展历程、主要业务、与恒安的合作情况做详细介绍。许清池对造纸院的科研实力和行业影响力表示了高度赞赏,并期待恒安与造纸院开展更进一步的合作。在随后的交流环节,造纸院和日化院技术骨干分别针对生活用纸纤维原料、环保型化学助剂、纳米材料、APG在卫生用品领域的应用等内容做主题报告。许清池一行还参观了制浆造纸国家工程实验室和国家纸张质量监督检验中心。  相似文献   

Starches of six diploid Ipomoea trifida (H. B. K.) DON. clonal strains were examined. Granule size, granule traits obtained by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction patterns and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) parameters of starches of the diploid strains were compared with those of two sweet potato cultivars. The granule sizes of the diploids were definitely smaller than those of cultivars. SEM showed that starches of the diploid strains were composed of predominantly angular granules having crater-like impressions. Starches of both the diploids and the cultivars showed typical X-ray diffraction patterns (C type) with diffuse maximum peak around 18.5° 26, but in the case of diploid strain “H3–28”, distinctive sharp peaks suggesting some differences in crystal structure were observed. DSC parameters, namely, onset temperature (To), peak temperature (Tp), conclusion temperature (Tc) and enthalpy of gelatinization (Δ) obtained from starch-water mixtures (ratio 1:3) were higher in the diploid starches compared to those of the two cultivars. Significant correlation coefficients were found between the gelatinization parameters and mean granule diameter of the starches studied.  相似文献   

Starch properties were studied of two sweet potato cultivars (Tamayutaka and Minamiyutaka, both 2n=6x=90), two diploid (2n=2x=30) clonal strains of Ipomoea trifida (H. B. K.) Don. and their three tetraploid (2n=4x=60) hybrids (A200, A201 and A202). Starch size, iodine-absorption spectra, amylose contents in GPC analysis, pasting properties and X-ray powder diffraction patterns of the starches were investigated. The two I. trifida strains had smaller starch granules than those of the cultivars. The wavelength of maximum absorption and the extinction coefficients at 550, 600 and 650 nm were quite similar to each other among the cultivars and diploid strains. Amylose contents of 27% and 29% in the diploid strains were higher than those of the two cultivars. Amylose ratios of the two amylose subfractions were also compared among the starches. Starches of the diploid strains showed higher pasting temperatures and lower viscosities than the sweet potato starches. A Cb pattern of X-ray diffraction was shown by the cultivars while the diploid strains showed a Ca pattern. Starches of the tetraploid hybrids exhibited the properties rather close to the respective sweet potato parents.  相似文献   

The growing demand for safe foods without preservatives has fostered research to investigate the effects of natural compounds on microorganisms. Accordingly, an in vitro study was carried out to determine physico-chemical characterization and investigate the antimicrobial effects of Brazil nut oil on toxigenic strains of Aspergillus. The antifungal activity testing was carried out isolating A. parasiticus by transferring the strains to the center of the plates containing treatments with different concentrations of Brazil nut oil. The plates were incubated for 8 days at 28 °C with subsequent extraction of toxins. The aflatoxins AFB1 AFB2, AFG1, and AFG2 were determined by thin-layer chromatography. The values found for acidity, refractive index, and density ranged from 0.3512 to 0.7092, 1.4670 to 1.470, and 9.2 × 102 to 16.7 × 102, respectively. The results obtained showed that the effect of Brazil nut oil on the growth diameter of the fungal colony was time and concentration dependent. After 8 days of incubation, all treatments showed better fungal growth inhibition compared with that of the control. Total inhibition of aflatoxin production by the strain (LOQ of the method: 2 g/kg) was also observed in the medium containing the oil, while in the control treatment, AFB1, AFB2, and AFG1 were produced by the inoculated strain A. parasiticus.  相似文献   

The identification and quantification of carotenoids has been carried out on tropical and non tropical fruits because of two important carotenoid's properties: as antioxidant compounds having a prevention role in some diseases, and as a source of provitamin A needed for a good human nutrition. This study aimed to identify carotenoids present during different steps for producing flour from Costa Rican peach-palm fruit (Bactris gasipaes H.B.K). Nine carotenoids were tentatively identified and quantified by HPLC-DAD in raw pulp, and 14 were detected in cooked pulp, the additional five being products of isomerization and hydroxylation of carotenoids in the raw pulp. The flour contained 13 carotenoids, one less (all-trans-??-criptoxanthin) than in cooked pulp, with the main one being all-trans ??-carotene. This carotenoid was also present in raw pulp at a concentration of 96.0 ± 1.7 ??g equiv. of ??-carotene g−1 dw. The concentration decreased significantly (P < 0.05) during cooking and drying to reach a final concentration of 33.3 ± 1.0 ??g equiv. ??-carotene g−1 dw in the flour. Flour production reduced (P < 0.05) the total carotenoid content from 373.4 to 237.7 ??g of ??-carotene g−1 dw, with a final retention rate of 63.7% by the end of the process. Moreover, 9 of the 14 carotenoids account for high levels of provitamin A, which, even so, had decreased from 2723 retinol equivalents (RE) 100 g−1 in raw pulp to 1614 RE 100 g−1 in cooked pulp and 1289 RE 100 g−1 in flour. Provitamin A level is still high when compared to other common provitamin A sources. Our study shows that while there is a change in the levels and profile of carotenoids during the peach-palm flour process, and a reduction of provitamin A value, peach-palm fruit is a great source of bioactive compounds.  相似文献   

The antioxidant capacities of ascorbic acid and phenolic compounds present in camu camu fruit were screened during ripening. Ascorbic acid decreased, and anthocyanin, flavonol and flavanol contents, and DPPH antioxidant capacity increased during ripening. Antioxidant compounds from camu camu were fractionated in two fractions: an ascorbic acid-rich fraction (F-I) and a phenolics-rich fraction (F-II). F-I was the major contributor to the DPPH antioxidant capacity (67.5–79.3%) and F-II played a minor role (20.7–32.5%). A total of 30 different phenolic compounds were detected by HPLC-PAD. The presence of catechin, delphinidin 3-glucoside, cyanidin 3-glucoside, ellagic acid and rutin was elucidated. Other phenolic compounds, such as flavan-3-ol, flavonol, flavanone and ellagic acid derivatives, were also present. For the three ripening stages the flavan-3-ols and ellagic acid group were the most representative phenolic compounds in this fruit. Acid hydrolysis of F-II revealed the presence mainly of gallic and ellagic acids, suggesting that camu camu fruit possesses important quantities of hydrolysed tannins (gallo- and/or ellagitannins). These results confirm that camu camu fruit is a promising source of antioxidant phenolics.  相似文献   

The effect of the maturation stages on the volatile constituents of the guayabita del pinar (Psidium salutare H.B.K.) fruit macerates was investigated during three different stages (unripe, partially ripe and ripe). Volatile compounds were isolated by continuous liquid–liquid extraction with pentane and analyzed by means of GC–FID and GC–MS. In unripe fruit macerate the fruit volatiles were predominantly the mono- and sesquiterpenes. During maturation, levels of the mono- and sesquiterpenes decreased drastically in macerates, whereas levels of some esters (ethyl nicotinate, ethyl malate, ethyl 3-phenylpropanoate, pentyl benzoate, benzyl benzoate and ethyl cinnamates) and cinnamic acid increased significantly.  相似文献   

A used sample of Hyflosupercel (H.F.S.C.) was separately treated with water, HCl, NaOH and HCl followed by NaOH in order to remove the adsorbed particles of proteins and noncarbohydrate compounds. All treatments did not led to the regeneration of the H.F.S.C. The calcination of the used H.F.S.C. highly increased its capacity for adsorbing the desired organic components from the glucose syrup. The calcinated H.F.S.C. gave a glucose syrup similar to that obtained by treatment with a fresh sample of H.F.S.C.  相似文献   

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