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Bone anchored hearing aids (BAHA) based on the concept of osseointegration offer the possibility of restoring hearing in cases of conduction or mixed deafness. The authors report on their experience with 42 implants in 35 patients, dived into two major groups, with bilateral agenesia on the one hand (15 cases) and problems of chronic otitis media (20 cases) on the other hand. The functional results are excellent, with 30 patients fitted with 32 HC200 or HC300 prostheses. The authors stress the necessity of strictly observing the audiometric criteria and the determinant factors of osseointegration, essentially the surgical technique.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this investigation was to compare real and perceived benefit for two currently marketed digital hearing aids, the Oticon DigiFocus and the Widex Senso. The hearing aids have different philosophies of design and fitting strategies; as a result, it was hypothesized that there would be performance differences. DESIGN: Twenty subjects with documented sensorineural hearing losses were fit with each of the two digital hearing aids. After 4 wk of use with each hearing aid, a battery of objective and subjective tests was completed to assess hearing aid benefit. RESULTS: No significant differences were found between the hearing aids as revealed by the objective testing of speech recognition and self-report inventories of hearing aid benefit. The DigiFocus was shown by real ear measurements to provide more high-frequency gain than the Senso. The Widex Senso was preferred by 13 of the 20 subjects (seven of 10 of the new hearing aid users). This may be explained, in part, by the increased high-frequency gain provided by the Oticon DigiFocus, which was perceived as having greater "harshness." CONCLUSIONS: Based on the results of this investigation, neither hearing aid processor was shown to be superior to the other. In addition, the least amount of objective benefit was shown in the presence of background noise.  相似文献   

This paper considers the factors of presbyacusis and age-related psychological changes in older adults in terms of their effects on the use or potential use of hearing aids as a means of improving aural communication. Data are presented on the prevalence of hearing impairment and the extent of hearing aid use in aging listeners. Four major classes of presbyacusis are described (sensory, neural, metabolic, and cochlear conduvtive) and a hearing aid prognosis is made for each type of disorder. It is shown that aging produces deficits in pure-tone thresholds, the speech reception threshold, and speech discrimination, but not all losses can be 'corrected' with a hearing aid. Binaural (stereophonic) devices are psychoacoustically superior to monaural devices; however, behavioral and personality changes in older patients often create problems of adaptation to the binaural aid. These changes may also affect the fitting of an aid and the patient's ability to learn to use it. Some practical suggestions are offered on the evaluation of hearing aids and it is emphasized that adequate orientation and counseling are typically required if hearing aid treatment is to be successful in presbyacusis.  相似文献   

The concept of bone conduction hearing is old. By the 16th century the conduction of sound by a rod or the staff of a spear was reported by a number of writers; however, these writers considered these phenomena as a curiosity rather than having practical value. In the 17th century, John Bulwer and George Sibscota, both interested in the deaf and their education, applied the bone conduction phenomenon as an aid to defective hearing. Soon, independent reports from Germany, France, and Italy also described bone conduction rod devices as aids to impaired hearing. In 1879, the Audiphone, a hearing fan that operated by bone conduction, was patented. The invention of the Audiphone triggered the development and sale of a number of similar devices that had considerable popularity until the invention of the carbon-electric hearing aid in the early 1900s.  相似文献   

We compared the results from the North American patient database on the Xomed Audiant Bone Conductor to those reported on the NobleBiocare (previously Noblepharma) HC200 bone-anchored hearing aid (BAHA) implant, using the literature and specific results provided by one of the authors. It has been proposed that the percutaneous coupling of the NobleBiocare implant transduces energy more powerfully than the Audiant transcutaneous coupling. If true, percutaneous coupling could provide greater amplification, helping patients experiencing both conductive and sensorineural hearing loss. Aided sound-field thresholds corresponding to bone-conduction thresholds were compared retrospectively through the speech frequencies. Both the BAHA and the Audiant devices amplified in the sound field to approximate preoperative bone-conduction thresholds. No statistically significant differences existed between the amplification of warble tones through the speech frequencies for either device. We conclude that amplification with the Audiant device offers as much gain as the HC200 device through the speech frequencies. While both devices can supply effective amplification for select patients suffering from conductive hearing loss, neither provides gain superior to preoperative bone-conduction thresholds to address the needs of select patients with a substantial sensorineural component.  相似文献   

In patients with some residual hearing and minor benefit from conventional hearing aids, the benefits of cochlear implantation have to be weighed carefully against eventual adverse effects. In this study, pre- and post-operative thresholds as well as functional results after cochlear implantation are reported; 17 of 44 implanted adults had residual hearing pre-operatively (mean threshold(250 to 4000 Hz): 106 dB HL) in the implanted ear. Residual hearing in the implanted ear could not, in general, be preserved post-operatively. Seventeen of 44 implanted children had some amount of residual hearing in the implanted ear pre-operatively (implanted ear: 114 dB HL; contralateral ear: 109.9 dB HL; mean thresholds(250 to 4000 Hz))). Contrary to the results in adults, residual hearing in the implanted ear remained statistically unchanged. Hearing in the contralateral ear increased significantly from 109.9 to 101.9 dB HL post-operatively. This increase was mainly attributed to maturation of the central auditory pathway. In adults with residual hearing, the monosyllable word recognition scores increased significantly from 9 per cent pre-operatively to 42 per cent post-operatively. Children with residual hearing tended to perform better on speech-related test material compared to children without prior auditory experience. Cochlear implantation is indicated in adults and children with residual hearing and minor benefit from conventional amplification. The contralateral ear in children should be considered for additional acoustical stimulation.  相似文献   

The principles of osseointegration defined by Branemark are reviewed. The authors describe the otological applications of titanium implants: bone anchored hearing aids (BAHA). The good results obtained depend on the selection of the patients and the observance of a rigorous surgical technique. The present paper summarizes our results with 32 BAHA implanted in 27 patients.  相似文献   

AIM: To provide the first extensive survey in New Zealand of hearing aid use and benefit and the accessibility of Hearing Association services. METHOD: A mail-out questionnaire was used to survey 197 Auckland adult hearing aid wearers regarding patterns of hearing aid use and benefit and the accessibility of Hearing Association aural rehabilitation services. RESULTS: Hearing aid benefit was moderate and was not related to age or hearing aid use variables. Knowledge and usage of local rehabilitation services was limited. Perceived functions of the Hearing Association included adult audiometry and counselling. Respondents wanted assistance with hearing aid management and assistive listening devices. Physical access, financial and time constraints were seen as barriers to using rehabilitative services. DISCUSSION: It appears that there is not a simple relationship between perceived benefit or satisfaction and the amount of time people wear their hearing aids. The low level of awareness and participation in Hearing Association services is consistent with the underutilisation of such services found previously.  相似文献   

Recent advances in miniaturization have provided clinicians with hearing aids that can be comfortably inserted as far as the bony portion of the ear canal. It is possible to take advantage of these deeply inserted hearing aids in new ways. For example, the physical vibrations of microphone and receiver components may be used to improve hearing aid gain through bone conduction. Three cases are presented that will introduce this phenomenon for two transcranial CROS fittings and for one unilateral otosclerosis fitting. In each case, functional gain measurements under headphones were obtained with the hearing aid receivers acoustically plugged. Considerable gain was still present. Potential benefits, ramifications, and side effects are discussed.  相似文献   

Conductive hearing loss (CHL) usually is amenable to surgical correction. At times, patients with CHL may not be candidates for surgical correction, or they may refuse to undergo the procedure. In such a situation, the patient should be encouraged to try hearing aids, either conventional or bone conduction, depending on the pathologic condition. After a discussion of bone-conduction implantable hearing aids, the article discusses congenital aural atresia, otosclerosis, and the management of CHL after infratemporal fossa approach and transtemporal approaches.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the possibility of measuring directional microphone hearing aids (DMHAs) using standard hearing aid test instruments in a sound field environment. The use of DMHAs is increasing and research has shown that under certain difficult listening situations, superior results are obtained by hearing impaired individuals with directional versus omnidirectional microphone arrangements. However, valid electroacoustic evaluation of the DMHAs cannot be accomplished using the conventional hearing aid test box. The ideal environment for such evaluations is an anechoic chamber, a facility not found in most audiological clinics. Results show that if the proper precautions are observed, the electroacoustic characteristics of DMHAs can be measured in a sound field environment using conventional hearing aid test instrumentation. Validation of this procedure was carried out by comparing sound field results with those obtained in an anechoic chamber.  相似文献   

The effect of drinking water fluoridation on the course of hearing of non-operated otosclerotic ears was assessed in an area where the natural waters have a very low fluoride content. The study population consisted of 150 patients with surgically proven otosclerosis. Patients having an additional known cause of hearing loss were excluded from the study. Every patient had a follow-up of at least 5 years, the mean follow-up period being 8.8 years. At last follow-up examination, air conduction thresholds of patients drinking fluoridated tap water were found to be significantly better than those of patients drinking fluoride-poor water, likewise there were significant differences in bone conduction thresholds at 1, 2, and 4 kHz. It was concluded that drinking water fluoridation has a beneficial effect on hearing levels of non-operated otosclerotic ears.  相似文献   

We developed two types of implantable hearing aids, a totally implantable hearing aid (TIHA) and a partially implantable hearing aid (PIHA) in 1983. In both types a piezoelectric ceramic bimorph was used as an ossicular vibrator which was coupled to the stapes to transmit sound signals to the inner ear efficiently. Due to technological immaturities, clinical application of the TIHA has not yet been realized. But the PIHA is available for clinical use at present. In the PIHA only the ossicular vibrator is implanted with inner link coil. The rest of components such as microphone, amplifier, battery, and outer link coil remain in their usual location behind the auricle. Since 1984, we have applied the PIHA to 37 patients with mixed deafness. Careful follow-up studies have been conducted on all of them to assess clinical and audiological results. We have confirmed that the device could function safely for more than 10 years affording natural quality of hearing without howling and wearing discomforts. Our studies suggest that the PIHA can be a choice of rehabilitation for mixed deafness due to middle ear diseases which cannot be rehabilitated satisfactorily by either surgical means or a conventional hearing aid. Functional principle of device, indications and surgical methods of implantation were described. Failures and delayed problems we experienced were also presented together with the preventive measures. We believe that an implantable hearing aid of this type will be an otologic breakthrough if substantial technological difficulties are cleared.  相似文献   

To assess whether hearing rehabilitation of older people can be improved by co-operation between the audiology and geriatric departments and the home service, 139 old and frail audiological patients were allocated to three groups with three different fitting procedures: 1) conventional fitting including verification of acoustical gain in the patient's ear; 2) home-fitting by hearing therapists, and 3) home-fitting by a specially trained geriatric nursing assistant, the home help also being present. Outcome was assessed by the ordinary questionnaire mailed to hearing aids users three to four months after fitting and by a geriatric evaluation procedure. The response rate in the conventionally fitted group was highly unsatisfactory (36%) and too small for further data-analysis. In the educational group a tendency was found towards better manipulation skills and significantly higher hearing aid use. However, the response rate was lower than in the geriatric group (71% compared to 81%), and no knowledge of hearing aid use was registered in the home service by this procedure. In the geriatric group a correlation was found between practical ability and use and satisfaction with the hearing aid. However, two thirds of the group were dependent on lasting help for the handling of the aid. Most patients in this group were already known by the hospital and home service, and the individual home help showed an interest in learning about hearing aid use. Home fitting by a joint audiological and geriatric effort in collaboration with the home help has proven feasible and valuable to both patient and home help. Extended co-operation is recommended between the health care and the social sector concerning hearing aid use.  相似文献   

The present investigation expanded on an earlier study by Miyamoto, Osberger, Todd, Robbins, Karasek, et al. (1994) who compared the speech perception skills of two groups of children with profound prelingual hearing loss. The first group had received the Nucleus multichannel cochlear implant and was tested longitudinally. The second group, who were not implanted and used conventional hearing aids, was tested at a single point in time. In the present study, speech perception scores were examined over time for both groups of children as a function of communication mode of the child. Separate linear regressions of speech perception scores as a function of age were computed to estimate the rate of improvement in speech perception abilities that might be expected due to maturation for the hearing aid users (n=58) within each communication mode. The resulting regression lines were used to compare the estimated rate of speech perception growth for each hearing aid group to the observed gains in speech perception made by the children with multichannel cochlear implants. A large number of children using cochlear implants (n=74) were tested over a long period of implant use (m=3.5 years) that ranged from zero to 8.5 years. In general, speech perception scores for the children using cochlear implants were higher than those predicted for a group of children with 101-110 dB HL of hearing loss using hearing aids, and they approached the scores predicted for a group of children with 90-100 dB HL of hearing loss using hearing aids.  相似文献   

Choice of outcome measure in reporting hearing results following otologic surgery, including the frequencies used and use of pre- or postoperative bone thresholds, varies from author to author. In this study, data from 550 ossicular reconstruction and pediatric tympanoplasty surgery patients were used to generate a variety of outcome measures, including pure-tone thresholds for frequencies from 0.5 kHz to 8 kHz and different frequency combination pure-tone averages (PTAs) and air-bone gaps. There were no significant differences between mean pre- and postoperative bone conduction thresholds for any of the frequencies from 0.5 to 4 kHz nor for a PTA of 1, 2, and 4 kHz. Mean postoperative air-bone gap differed by no more than 2 dB across six different frequency combination PTAs. If "success" is defined as a postoperative air-bone gap of less than 20 dB, the largest difference in success rate across the six frequency combinations was 5%. There was also little difference in mean postoperative air conduction PTAs for any of the combinations that include frequencies through 4 kHz. Choice of a more conservative or more liberal definition of success was more important than whether air-bone gap or air conduction PTA was used. The authors recommend that a standard reporting procedure be adopted that ensures presentation of the results in a format such that more direct comparisons can be made within the published literature.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To measure the prevalence of hearing aid use among older adults with hearing loss and to identify factors associated with those currently using hearing aids. DESIGN: Population-based cohort study. SETTING: The south-central Wisconsin community of Beaver Dam. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 1629 adults, aged 48 to 92 years, who have hearing loss and are participating in the Epidemiology of Hearing Loss Study and the Beaver Dam Eye Study. MEASUREMENTS: A hearing-related risk factor and medical history questionnaire, the Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly (screening version), screening tympanometry, pure-tone air- and bone-conduction audiometry, and word recognition tests were administered by trained examiners using standard protocols. RESULTS: The prevalence of current hearing aid use among those with a hearing loss (pure-tone average > 25 decibels hearing level over 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 Hertz, worse ear) was 14.6%. The prevalence was 55% in a subset of the most severely affected participants. In univariate analyses, current hearing aid use was associated with age, severity of loss, word recognition scores, self-reported hearing loss, self-perceived hearing handicap, and history of noise exposure. Factors associated with current hearing aid use in multivariate logistic regression models were age, severity of loss, education, word recognition scores, Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly (screening version) score, and self-report of a hearing loss. CONCLUSIONS: Few older adults with hearing loss are currently utilizing hearing aids. Improved screening and intervention programs to identify older adults who would benefit from amplification are needed to improve hearing-related quality of life for this large segment of the population.  相似文献   

Adults with severe or severe-to-profound hearing losses constitute between 11% and 13.5% of the hearing-impaired population. A detailed investigation of the speech recognition of adults with severe (n = 20) or severe-to-profound (n = 14) hearing loss was conducted at The University of Melbourne. Each participant took part in a series of speech recognition tasks while wearing his or her currently fitted hearing aid(s). The assessments included closed-set tests of consonant recognition and vowel recognition, combined with open-set tests of monosyllabic word recognition and sentence recognition. Sentences were presented in quiet and in noise at +10 dB SNR to replicate an environment more typical of everyday listening conditions. Although the results demonstrated wide variability in performance, some general trends were observed. As expected vowels were generally well perceived compared with consonants. Monosyllabic word recognition scores for both the adults with a severe hearing impairment (M = 67.2%) and the adults with a severe-to-profound hearing impairment (M = 38.6%) could be predicted from the segmental tests, with an allowance for lexical effects. Scores for sentences presented in quiet showed additional linguistic effects and a significant decrease in performance with the addition of background noise (from 82.9% to 74.1% for adults with a severe hearing loss and from 55.8% to 34.2% for adults with a severe-to-profound hearing loss). Comparisons were made between the participants and a group of adults using a multiple-channel cochlear implant. This comparison indicated that some adults with a severe or severe-to-profound hearing loss may benefit from the use of a cochlear implant. The results of this study support the contention that cochlear implant candidacy should not rely solely on audiometric thresholds.  相似文献   

A group of 72 children with hearing aids followed in 4 different clinical settings presented progressive increase in sensorineural hearing loss. The mean hearing loss over time, the duration of hearing aid use and the gain were studied to test the hypothesis that continued progression in hearing loss was due to overly powerful amplification. No correlation was found between the progressive increased gain levels were associated with less progression in hearing loss than at lower gain levels. Therefore, the use of hearing aids was not directly and significantly related to the increase in hearing loss in the population studied. However according to the above criteria a few cases (4%) of progressive hearing loss did seem to be associated with hearing aid use.  相似文献   

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