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提出了一种由基于红外上转换原理的短波红外阵列探测器设计方案,即利用电子俘获材料薄膜与普通CCD摄像机耦合组成复合式短波红外阵列探测器,通过电子俘获材料的波长转换功能,间接实现对短波红外激光的探测.分析和研究了复合式探测器的薄膜制备、泵浦光源设计、滤光装置设计、耦合方式设计及图像处理系统等关键技术问题,并对样机进行了短波红外激光探测实验.结果表明,复合式探测器在对1060 nm、1310 nm、1550 nm等短波红外波长激光的探测上均有良好表现.  相似文献   

InGaAs短波红外探测器   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
与InP衬底晶格常数相匹配的In0.53Ga0.47As材料能够制作出高质量的光电探测器,可工作在室温或热电制冷条件下,光响应谱范围为0.92~1.7μm,具有高达80%以上的量子效率.通过对InGaAs探测器芯片平面和平台式结构的分析,以及InGaAs芯片和HgCdTe芯片的性能测试、比较,充分证明了InGaAs材料芯片的优越性及研制在室温下工作的高性能InGaAs探测器的可行性.对InGaAs芯片相对光谱特性的测试表明,InGaAs材料温度响应重复性较好.  相似文献   

InGaAs短波红外探测器研究进展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
InxGa1 -xAs材料属于Ⅲ-Ⅴ族化合物半导体合金材料,随In组分含量的不同,其光谱响应的截止波长可在0.87~3.5 μm范围内变化,并具有高量子效率,加之成熟的MBE和MOVCD材料生长方式,很容易获得大面积高质量的外延材料,InGaAs材料因此成为一种重要的短波红外探测材料.InGaAs探测器可以在室温或近室温下工作,且具有较高的灵敏度和探测率,是小型化、低成本和高可靠性的短波红外探测系统的最佳选择,因此InGaAs短波红外探测器获得了飞速的发展和广泛的应用.同时对国内外InGaAs焦平面探测器发展状况和趋势进行了介绍.  相似文献   

短波红外焦平面探测器及其应用进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
曹扬  金伟其  王霞  徐超 《红外技术》2009,31(2):63-68
简要介绍短波红外焦平面阵列(SWIRFPA)的相关概念,从探测器材料、探测器制备工艺方面讲述国内外在短波红外焦平面探测器研究领域取得的进展,列举HgCdTe和InGaAs材料短波红外焦平面探测器产品,描述当前短波红外焦平面探测器的研究动向,最后列举了一些有代表性的短波红外焦平面阵列的应用.  相似文献   

石光 《半导体光电》1990,11(2):142-148
本文讨论应用于镶嵌焦平面列阵(FPA)的探测器/CCD 耦合技术。给出了大量最佳的耦合连接电路,简单介绍了耦合连接功能如:信号注入、阻抗匹配、信号调节、背景抑制、缓冲及前放等电路。  相似文献   

短波红外InGaAs焦平面探测器研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
短波红外InGaAs焦平面探测器具有探测率高、均匀性好等优点,在航天遥感、微光夜视、医疗诊断等领域具有广泛应用。近十年来,中国科学院上海技术物理研究所围绕高灵敏度常规波长(0.9~1.7 μm) InGaAs焦平面、延伸波长(1.0~2.5 μm) InGaAs焦平面以及新型多功能InGaAs探测器取得了良好进展。在常规波长InGaAs焦平面方面,从256×1、512×1元等线列向320×256、640×512、4 000×128、1 280×1 024元等多种规格面阵方面发展,室温暗电流密度优于5 nA/cm2,室温峰值探测率优于5×1012 cm·Hz1/2/W。在延伸波长InGaAs探测器方面,发展了高光谱高帧频1 024×256、1 024×512元焦平面,暗电流密度优于10 nA/cm2和峰值探测率优于5×1011 cm·Hz1/2/W@200 K。在新型多功能InGaAs探测器方面,发展了一种可见近红外响应的InGaAs探测器,通过具有阻挡层结构的新型外延材料和片上集成微纳陷光结构,实现0.4~1.7 μm宽谱段响应,研制的320×256、640×512焦平面组件的量子效率达到40%@0.5 m、80%@0.8 m、90%@1.55 m;发展了片上集成亚波长金属光栅的InGaAs偏振探测器,其在0 °、45 °、90 °、135 °的消光比优于20:1。  相似文献   

在用于封装长波QWIP-LED量子阱探测器的杜瓦研制中,详细阐明了一种用于封装长波QWIP-LED量子阱红外探测器的结构,结构采用侧罩式设计,光信号从红外窗口进入,近红外窗口透出,提出了一种探测器胶接在管座上,管座整体再螺接在冷头的方法,提高探测器的互换性,通过热适配设计,降低低温应力对探测器影响,选择低冷损的TC4材料,降低杜瓦漏热,基本解决了长波QWIP-LED量子阱探测器杜瓦组件的关键技术,性能指标达标,成像效果良好,达到工程封装要求。  相似文献   

中科院上海技物所近十年来开展了高性能短波红外 InGaAs 焦平面探测器的研究。0.9~1.7?m近红外 InGaAs 焦平面探测器已实现了256×1、512×1、1024×1等多种线列规格,以及320×256、640×512、4000×128等面阵,室温暗电流密度<5 nA/cm2,室温峰值探测率优于5×1012 cm?Hz1/2/W。同时,开展了向可见波段拓展的320×256焦平面探测器研究,光谱范围0.5~1.7?m,在0.8?m 的量子效率约20%,在1.0?m 的量子效率约45%。针对高光谱应用需求,上海技物所开展了1.0~2.5?m 短波红外 InGaAs 探测器研究,暗电流密度小于10 nA/cm2@200 K,形成了512×256、1024×128等多规格探测器,峰值量子效率高于75%,峰值探测率优于5×1011 cm?Hz1/2/W。  相似文献   

遥感应用中短波红外探测器系统的信噪比计算   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐蒙  冯旗  危峻 《红外技术》2006,28(10):588-590
短波红外探测器技术在空间遥感领域有着重要的应用.在焦平面系统中,信噪比是设计的一项重要指标.正确计算信噪比可以检验设计的正确性,衡量设计系统的整体性能,并对系统中器件和规格的选择做出指导.介绍了两种针对短波探测器系统信噪比的计算方法,并对其进行了分析比较.最后,分别使用两种方法对一个实例进行信噪比计算,并将结果进行了比较.  相似文献   

InGaAs焦平面阵列探测器是短波红外(SWIR)窗口获取目标信息的主流成像器件,具有灵敏度高、可室温工作的典型技术特征,作为一类重要的军民两用技术,在军事装备、安全防范、工业检测和空天遥感等领域需求明确,应用前景广阔.文章简述了短波红外InGaAs焦平面探测器的技术进展与主要应用概况,并对该技术的发展前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

围绕新一代遥感探测仪器应用需求,中国科学院上海技术物理研究所在短波红外InGaAs焦平面探测器领域取得了一系列进展.通过低缺陷外延材料、焦平面芯片制备工艺和低噪声读出电路技术研究,研制实现了最大规模达2560×2048元的10μm中心距1~1.7μm InGaAs焦平面探测器,峰值探测率优于1.0×1013 cmHz1...  相似文献   

This paper describes a new multi-heterojunction n +pp photovoltaic infrared photodetector. The device has been developed specifically for operation at temperatures of 200–300K in the long wavelength (8–14 μm) range of the infrared spectrum. The new structure solves the perennial problems of poor quantum efficiency and low dynamic resistance found in conventional long wavelength infrared photovoltaic detectors when operated near room temperature. Computer simulations show that devices with properly optimized multiple heterojunctions are capable of achieving the performance limits imposed by the statistical nature of thermal generation-recombination processes. In order to demonstrate the technology, multiple heterojunction devices have been fabricated on epilayers grown by isothermal vapor phase epitaxy of HgCdTe and in situ As p-type doping. The detector structures were formed using a combination of conventional dry etching, angled ion milling, and angled thermal evaporation for contact metal deposition. These multi-junction n +pp HgCdTe heterostructure devices exhibit performances which make them useful for many applications. D* of optically immersed multiple heterostructure photovoltaic detectors exceeding 108cmHz1/2/W were measured at λ=10.6 μm and T=300K.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a development of n-on-p structures for realizing very long wavelength infrared (VLWIR) detector arrays on mercury cadmium telluride (HgCdTe) epitaxial layers grown on Si substrates. It is shown from a comparative study of zero-bias resistance-area product (R0A) of diodes in n-on-p and p-on-n configurations that the n-on-p structure has promising potential to control contribution of dislocations, without actually reducing dislocation density below the current level (mid-106 cm−2) of HgCdTe/Si material technology. The resulting gain will be in terms of both higher numerical magnitudes of R0A and its reduced scatter.  相似文献   

Hg1-xCdxTe is an important material for infrared (IR) detection applications where the bandgap of the alloy varies from semimetal to 1.4 eV. The large variation in bandgap energy with HgCdTe composition causes difficulty in controlling detector-cutoff wavelength, particularly for the long-wavelength IR and very-long-wavelength infrared (VLWIR, greater than 12 μm) spectral bands. Our ability to control the HgCdTe composition and compositional profile during growth by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) is improved significantly by using automated feedback control from spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE) measurements, where the standard deviation in the error in composition has improved by a factor of 5, from σ=0.0081 to σ=0.0016. To improve our ability to predict cutoff wavelength from IR transmission measurements, we have used a model of the absorption in HgCdTe to revise our past empirical cutoff relationship to include the effect of compositional grading. We have achieved a mean detector-cutoff wavelength of 14.1 μm and standard deviation of σ=0.25 μm for a series of 19 processed layers with a target cutoff of 14 μm. The excellent control in VLWIR detector cutoff we have observed is attributed to automated compositional control and an improved cutoff-prediction model.  相似文献   

新型亚波长陷光结构HgCdTe红外探测器研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
综述了近几年来亚波长陷光结构Hg Cd Te红外探测器研究进展.系统介绍了一种结合有限元方法与时域有限差分方法对红外探测器的"光""电"特性进行联合模拟和设计方法,以及基于这种新的数值模拟方法对亚波长人工微结构Hg Cd Te红外探测器的模拟和分析结果.理论分析和实验研制数据均显示这种新型亚波长人工微结构结构具有很好的陷光特性,在提高长波红外探测器性能方面具有潜在应用前景.  相似文献   

测量了金属腔量子阱红外探测器在斜入射条件下的光电流谱,斜入射条件分为入射面垂直于器件长轴和平行于器件长轴两种情形.从实验和理论上研究了金属腔共振模对入射角度的依赖性.实验结果表明:入射面垂直于器件长轴时,腔模共振波长不随入射角度变化;入射面平行于器件长轴时,腔模共振波长随入射角度变大而向短波移动.测试结果和推导出的共振...  相似文献   

梁瑜 《电子测试》2016,(21):62-64
建立一种基于吸光度的波长筛选方法,以近红外光谱测定中成药制剂的多糖含量为例,对模型优化效果进行验证.考虑模型稳定性,在计算机平台上搭建一种新的样本集划分框架,基于吸光度筛选出最优波段为400~1882&2072~2364 nm,建立偏最小二乘(PLS)模型得到的SEPAve、RP,Ave分别为27.13 mg L-1、0.856,与全扫描谱区(400~2498 nm)的PLS模型预测效果做比较.结果表明,基于吸光度的波长筛选方法,可以优选出高信噪比波长,从而提高了近红外光谱定量模型的性能.  相似文献   

红外波段双线He-Ne激光两级合成波长组成方案的实验验证   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邓罗根 《中国激光》1993,20(2):89-92
利用红外拍波干涉仪验证了用于无导轨大长度测量的3.39μm波段双线He-Ne激光两级合成波长组成方案。介绍了验证该合成波长组成方案的红外拍波干涉仪的工作原理,给出并分析了所取得的部分实验结果。  相似文献   

近红外光谱分析技术在物质成分分析中的得到广泛的应用,在自主研发的滤光片型近红外仪器中应用基于波长优选的BP神经网络模型的方法。该方法是采用多元线性回归算法获取最优波长,将最优波长作为BP神经网络模型的输入,所得模型的拟合残差为8.768991×10-6,建模样品集相关系数和检验样品集相关系数分别为0.994和0.996。试验结果表明,基于波长优选的BP神经网络模型方法能够更快获得最优解,减少建模所用变量,建立稳健的定量模型。  相似文献   

We report the implementation of recent advances in metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) for in situ growth of four-layer HgCdTe mid wave/ long wave (MW/LW) simultaneous dual-band 64 × 64 infrared detector arrays. This independently accessed, simultaneous, double-heterojunction p-n-N-P dualband detector has two back-to-back stacked photodiodes grown on CdZnTe (100) substrates. The LW photodiode is a p-on-n heterojunction grown on top of an MW N-on-P heterojunction photodiode. Secondary ion mass spectrometry depth profiles of these 28 μ m thick p-n-N-P dual-band films show four well-defined regions of alloy composition and doping, and agree well with the device design. 64 × 64 arrays of dual-band detectors were fabricated from these films using electron cyclotron resonance dry etching and CdTe passivation, and hybridized to a dual-band readout chip. Two bump inter-connects in each unit cell provide independent electrical access to the back-to-back MW and LW photodiodes, and allow the MW and LW photocurrents to be separate and independent. The dualband infrared focal plane arrays (IRFPAs) spectral response data at 78K are well-behaved and are fully consistent with that observed in individual singleband LW p-on-n and MW N-on-P heterojunction devices of the same design. The hybridized 64 × 64 duai-band FPAs have MW and LW average in-band quantum efficiencies of 79 and 67%, and median D* values of 4.8 × 1011 and 7.1 × 1010 cm-√Hz/W, in the respective spectral bands at 78K. The data demonstrate that MOCVD has progressed significantly toward being a practical and viable vapor phase in situ growth technology for advanced bandgap-engineered HgCdTe detector arrays.  相似文献   

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