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利用超音速火焰喷涂技术在LZ50钢基材表面制备WC-27Cr Ni涂层。对WC-27Cr Ni涂层及其基体材料在干态不同角位移幅值下进行转动微动磨损试验,并利用扫描电子显微镜、能谱仪和3D轮廓仪对磨痕进行微观分析。试验结果表明:与基材相比,WC-27Cr Ni涂层在部分滑移区的运行范围向左移动,滑移区的运行范围增大。在部分滑移区,涂层的摩擦系数呈"跑和-爬升-稳定"3个阶段,明显低于基材,且损伤十分轻微;滑移区,涂层剥落的硬质颗粒使得稳定阶段摩擦系数高于基材,磨损机制为磨粒磨损、氧化磨损和剥层。 相似文献
超音速火焰喷涂碳化钨-钴涂层磨粒磨损行为 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用超音速火焰喷涂工艺在16Mn钢上制备了WC-12Co涂层,并测试了该涂层的力学性能特别是其抗磨粒磨损性能。结果表明:WC-12Co涂层的主相为碳化钨,显微硬度为(1341.0±134.3)HV,孔隙率为0.21%±0.04%。该涂层的磨损率随着磨粒硬度、磨粒粒度和加载载荷的增加而增加。当磨粒的硬度低于涂层硬度时,涂层的磨损机制以磨耗磨损为主,磨损率低;当磨粒的硬度超过涂层的硬度时,涂层的磨损以微切削为主,磨损率高。另外,WC-12Co涂层的耐磨性相对于16Mn钢也是随着磨粒的硬度变化而变化。 相似文献
A. Scrivani U. Bardi L. Carrafiello A. Lavacchi F. Niccolai G. Rizzi 《Journal of Thermal Spray Technology》2003,12(4):504-507
In the aerospace field as well as in the stationary gas turbine field, thermally sprayed coatings are used to improve the
surface properties of nickel-super-alloys materials. Coatings are commonly used as bond coat and antioxidation materials (mainly
MCrAlY alloys) and as thermal barrier coatings (mainly yttria partially stabilized zirconia). The purpose of the current study
was to assess the properties of thermally sprayed bond coat CoNiCrAlY alloys comparing the performance of three different
techniques: vacuum plasma spray (VPS), high velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF), and axial plasma spray (AxPS). The quality of the
deposited films has been assessed and compared from the point of view of microstructural (porosity, oxide concentration, unmelted
particles presence) and mechanical (hardness) characteristics. The surface composition and morphology of the coatings were
also determined. Specific efficiency tests were performed for the three examined technologies. The highest quality coatings
are obtained by VPS, but also high velocity oxygen fuel and AxPS sprayed films have interesting properties, which can make
their use interesting for some applications. 相似文献
目的 研究不同超音速火焰喷涂条件下WC-12Co粒子在45#碳钢基体上的沉积变形行为。方法 基于Johnson-Cook塑性材料模型与Thermal-Isotropy-Phase-Change热材料模型,采用LS-DYNA进行建模分析。结果 不同喷涂参数下,WC-12Co粒子在45#碳钢基体上的沉积行为存在明显差异。沉积过程中,粒子等效塑性应变幅度高于基体;粒子边缘位置等效塑性应变幅度高于粒子中心轴线位置;粒子初始速度与初始温度的增加有助于提升结合界面温度与粒子扁平化程度;粒子初始温度与粒子初始速度对接触界面能量变化影响程度基本一致,单位粒子初始速度与温度提升的能量贡献比 分别为0.78以及0.76,二者的能量贡献比近似相同;适度的基体预热( =500 K)可以促进粒子变形,加深沉积坑深度,增大粒子与基体的结合面积,有助于提升粒子与基体之间的结合强度。基体过冷( =300 K)将导致粒子“翘曲”,降低粒子与基体之间的结合面积,基体过热( =600 K)将导致二者结合处于不稳定状态,易引起粒子剥落,二者均不利于粒子与基体的有效结合。结论 一定范围内提升粒子初始速度、温度与基体初始温度,可以提高粒子扁平化程度,增大粒子与基体结合面积,提升粒子与基体的结合性能,进一步提高涂层质量。 相似文献
试验优化了一种高速电弧喷涂枪的结构.用SprayWatch-2i热喷涂监测系统测试了喷枪的雾化熔滴速度,并研究了Al涂层和3Cr13涂层的组织和性能.结果表明,丝材和导电嘴的存在,严重扰动了雾化气流流态,两丝夹角和丝交点离喷管出口距离也显著影响了喷管气流场的分布特征;改进设计喷枪的雾化熔滴速度显著提高,其3Cr13雾化熔滴的最高速度达到210 m/s;涂层组织和力学性能也得到改善,喷涂Al涂层和3Cr13涂层时,结合强度分别提高了55%和39%,硬度值也分别增加了26%和9%,涂层的显微组织更均匀致密,孔隙率更低. 相似文献
Interesting properties that intermetallics possess have made them to be promising materials to be used either as bulk materials or as coatings, both at medium or elevated temperature environments. This group of materials possesses a long-range order, which can be kept by some intermetallics until their melting point, which is the main reason why they possess a good stability at high temperatures. Some other properties can be summarized as follows: high thermal conductivity; low density; great strength, particularly at high temperatures; good oxidation resistance at high temperatures (because of the formation of oxide films); low ductility, brittle fracture at room temperature.FeAl coatings from powder of nominal composition Fe-40Al-0.05 Zr (at.%) with 50 ppm B and 1 wt.% Y2O3 have been prepared using high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) technique. Several standard spraying conditions have been assessed; some parameter variations from those standards intend to find optimal spraying conditions. The characterization has been carried out by DRX, EDS and Scanning Electron Microscopy. The results conclude that a major intermetallic FeAl phase has been obtained.Microhardness and wear properties have been evaluated for those coatings obtained with optimal conditions. Compared to room temperature sliding wear behaviour, the friction coefficient is reduced when the test is performed at 400 °C. 相似文献
Configuration optimization of high velocity arc spraying gun 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
In order to improve the in-flight characteristics of the atomizing droplets during high velocity wire arc spraying (HVAS), some changes have been operated on the original design of the HVAS gun configuration. A comparative study was carried out to investigate the microstructure and properties of the coatings produced by the original design spraying gun and the modified one, using 3Cr13 wires of 3 mm in diameter. The characteristics of their jets were examined during spraying. The results indicate that, the included angle between the two wires and the distance from the nozzle to the meeting point of the two vires may have a strong influence on the characteristics of the in-flight droplets and then the coatings. The jet divergence is found to be lower than that of the original one (about 12° against 25°). By modified gun, the adhesion strength, the microhardness and porosity of the coating deposited by modified gun are increased by 39% and 9% respectively. And the porosity of the coatings is decreased by 57%. 相似文献
An analysis of a low temperature high velocity air fuel (LTHVAF) thermal spray process is presented using computational fluid
dynamics (CFD). The originality of the process lies in the injection of liquid (water) upstream of the powder injection to
control to gas temperature and, therefore, the heat transfer to the injected particles. First, computation fluid dynamic techniques
are implemented to solve the mass, momentum, and energy conservation equations in the gas phase. A turbulence model based
on the renormalized group theory (RNG) is used for the turbulent flow field. The gas dynamic data are, then, used to model
the behavior of the liquid droplets and particles in the gas flow field. The calculated results show that the liquid flow
rate should range between 20 and 30 kg/h to achieve the optimal gas characteristics for particle treatment. They also show
that particle velocity and temperature are strongly affected by particle size. At the gun exit, the particle velocity and
temperature range between 700 and 300 m/s and between 900 and 400 K, respectively, for Cu and Ni particles with size distributions
of 1 to 50 μm. As expected, the smaller particles have higher velocity and temperature. The metal coatings (Nickel and copper)
produced by the LTHVAF spray process are characterized by low oxide content, low residual stresses, high deposition rates,
and good bonding to the substrate. 相似文献
超音速火焰喷涂合成TiC-Ni涂层滑动磨损性能研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用二次正交回归试验方法得到了喷涂工艺参数与反应超音速喷涂合成涂层滑动磨损性能的定量关系,研究了涂层的磨损失效机制,并分析了氧气流量、燃气流量和喷涂距离对超音速火焰喷涂合成TiC-Ni涂层滑动磨损性能的影响。结果表明:涂层的磨损机制以粘结相的优先磨损以及硬质相的剥落引起的磨粒磨损为主。氧气流量、燃气流量和喷涂距离对涂层滑动磨损性能有较大影响。适中的氧气流量、燃气流量有利于获得耐磨性较好的涂层,喷涂距离较小时,涂层的磨损失重量变化不明显.喷涂距离较大时,失重量较高。 相似文献
超音速火焰喷涂气固两相流的数值模拟 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
从两相流的基本理论和输运方程出发,建立超音速火焰喷涂过程的气固两相流场的数学模型,以FLUENT软件为计算平台,采用k-ε湍流模型模拟湍流流动,采用非预混燃烧模型设置反应过程,模拟气态流场的流动特性,研究喷涂过程中燃烧反应、燃烧物质含量比等参数对气态流场的影响;采用离散相模型中颗粒随机跟踪轨道模型计算喷涂颗粒的动力学飞行行为,研究颗粒大小与颗粒注射速度对颗粒动力学行为的影响,为以后喷涂工艺参数的选取和FLUENT在喷涂模拟中的广泛应用提供有用信息.结果表明:当煤油与氧气含量比为3时,焰流速度与温度场最好;随颗粒直径的增大,颗粒的加速度减小;速度为25 m/s以上的颗粒出现了与壁面的撞击行为. 相似文献
为开发出以航空煤油为燃料的新型高速燃气喷涂枪,需设计出高效的煤油雾化喷嘴.文中提出了一种双气流空气助力雾化喷嘴,并运用计算流体动力学(CFD)模拟技术计算了该喷嘴的气流场,分析了喷嘴主、辅气出口截面积比对雾化气流场分布的影响规律,发现主、辅气出口截面积比增大,气流的喷射锥角相应增大,最大速度减小.综合考虑喷射锥角和气流速度对雾化效果的影响,确定主、辅气出口截面积比在1.01~1.34范围内喷嘴雾化效果较好.利用高速摄像系统对优化喷嘴的喷雾形态进行了试验分析,发现拍摄到的喷雾形态和计算机模拟结果一致,具有良好的雾化效果. 相似文献
金属粉体高速压制成形过程的应力-应变曲线特征分析 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
基于高速压制成形的工艺原理,对金属粉体成形过程中的高应变率、粘性效应和硬化速率先上升后下降的变形特性进行分析.将非线性弹簧、线性弹簧和高应变率Maxwell单元并联构成复合非线性粘弹滞体,并用来描述压制过程中金属粉体的高应变率和粘性效应特征:将非线性弹簧的形变指数视为应变的函数,用形变指数在压制过程中的变化来描述金属粉体硬化速率先上升后下降的变形特征,构建金属粉体高速压制成形的本构关系.分别用线性、二次和三次函数来近似形变指数,分析相应的应力一应变曲线.结果表明:所构建的本构方程能描述金属粉体高速压制成形的变形特性. 相似文献
为研究CoCrW涂层的抗冷热冲击性能,采用JP5000型超音速火焰喷涂设备在高温合金表面制备了该涂层,分析了裂纹在热震过程中的扩展行为。结果表明,在800 ℃保温,25 ℃水淬的热循环条件下,经过40次热震后,涂层表面均匀地分布着网状裂纹,截面上存在垂直裂纹,但未出现涂层脱落现象;在裂纹与基体、涂层界面交汇处生成了弥散分布的以Al2O3为主要成分的氧化物。分析认为,热应力和组织应力是裂纹产生和扩展的主要驱动力,但裂纹吸收了热震过程中产生的能量,避免了应力集中,有利于提高涂层的抗热震性能。界面处弥散分布的氧化物降低了涂层与基体的结合强度,热震试验最终的失效形式可能是界面处涂层的剥离。 相似文献
The success of high temperature gas cooled reactor depends upon the safety and quality of the coated particle fuel. The understanding and evaluation of this fuel requires the development of an integrated mechanistic fuel performance model that fully describes the mechanical and physicochemical behavior of the fuel particle under irradiation. In this paper, a review of the analytical capability of some of the existing computer codes for coated particle fuel was performed. These existing models and codes include FZJ model, JAERI model, Stress3 model, ATLAS model, PARFUME model and TIMCOAT model. The theoretic model, methodology, calculation parameters and benchmark of these codes were classified. Based on the failure mechanism of coated particle, the advantage and limits of the models were compared and discussed. The calculated results of the coated particles for China HTR-10 by using some existing code are shown. Finally, problems and challenges in fuel performance modeling were listed. 相似文献
通过高速火焰喷涂技术(高速氧-燃气喷涂,HVOF)在水轮机叶片用06Cr13不锈钢表面喷涂WC/Co涂层。采用金相显微镜、硬度计、万能试验机分析了WC/Co涂层的孔隙率、显微硬度及其与基体的结合强度;并在高含沙水流环境中通过冲蚀、汽蚀试验测试WC/Co涂层的耐冲蚀性能和耐汽蚀性能。结果表明:WC/Co涂层的孔隙率、显微硬度及其与基体的结合强度分别为0.68%、1211HV、70MPa;WC/Co涂层具有优良的耐冲蚀性能,冲蚀后其磨损量仅为06Cr13不锈钢基体的0.18倍;WC/Co涂层具有良好的致密度、结合力及强韧性,因此涂层也具有优良的耐汽蚀性能。 相似文献
直线电机高速进给系统性能优化研究 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
高速切削技术越来越引起人们的关注。实现高速切削的关键技术之一,是开发具有高速能力的高性能数控机床。机床主轴的转速近年来有很大的提高,而机床进给系统大我仍采用滚珠丝杆传动的方式,使机床的最大进给速度受到限制,阻碍了机床高速性能的进一步发挥。本文介绍了一种采用直线电机直接驱动的机床高速进给系统。采用非线性系统稳定性分析的方法确定系统的参数,并对伺服系统性能进行实验研究。实验证明,用这种方法优化该类系统 相似文献
D. L. Gilmore R. C. Dykhuizen R. A. Neiser M. F. Smith T. J. Roemer 《Journal of Thermal Spray Technology》1999,8(4):576-582
Copper powder was sprayed by the cold gas-dynamic method. In-flight particle velocities were measured with a laser two-focus
system as a function of process parameters such as gas temperature, gas pressure, and powder feed rate. Mean particle velocities
were uniform in a relatively large volume within the plume and agreed with theoretical predictions. The presence of a substrate
was found to have no significant effect on in-flight particle velocities prior to impact. Cold-spray deposition efficiencies
were measured on aluminum substrates as a function of particle velocity and incident angle of the plume. Deposition efficiencies
of up to 95% were achieved. The critical velocity for deposition was determined to be about 640 m/s for the system studied. 相似文献