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In order to predict the fracture direction and fracture loadings of cracked materials under the general mixed-mode state, this paper presents a new general mixed-mode brittle fracture criterion based on the concept of maximum potential energy release rate (MPERR). This criterion can be easily degraded to the pure-mode fracture criterion, and can also be reduced to the commonly accepted fracture criteria for the mixed-mode I/II state. In order to validate the proposed criterion, we have carried out the experiments with aluminium alloy specimens under various mixed-mode loading conditions. The experimental results agree well with the predictions of the proposed criterion.  相似文献   

Analysis of a circular arc-crack in piezoelectric materials   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper is concerned with the development of a model for the treatment of a circular arc-crack in piezoelectric materials under antiplane shear and inplane electric field using the complex variable method. The problem is formulated in terms of the analytical continuation principle and complex series expansion, and as a result is reduced to two Riemann–Hilbert problems. The resulting closed form solution was then used to obtain the electroelastic field intensity factor and the energy release rate. Unlike the electric enthalpy release rate, the internal energy release rate is always positive and can thus be used as a more reliable fracture parameter in piezoelectric materials. It is also observed that the crack configuration has a significant influence upon the energy release rate. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Existing studies indicate that the commonly used electrically impermeable and permeable crack models may be inadequate in evaluating the fracture behaviour of piezoelectric materials in some cases. In this paper, a dielectric crack model based on the real electric boundary condition is used to study the electromechanical behaviour of interacting cracks arbitrarily oriented in an infinite piezoelectric medium. The electric boundary condition along the crack surfaces is governed by the opening displacement of the cracks. The formulation of this nonlinear problem is based on modelling the cracks using distributed dislocations and solving the resulting nonlinear singular integral equations using Chebyshev polynomials. Numerical simulation is conducted to show the effect of crack orientation, crack interaction and electric boundary condition upon the fracture behaviour of cracked piezoelectric media.  相似文献   

A new fracture mechanics theory is derived based on a new orthotropic-isotropic transformation of the Airy stress function, making the derivation of the Wu-“mixed mode I-II” fracture criterion possible, based on the failure criterion of a flat elliptic crack. As a result of this derivation, the right fracture energy and theoretical relation between mode I and II stress intensities and energy release rates are obtained.  相似文献   

This article provides a comprehensive investigation on the fracture behavior of cracked functionally graded piezoelectric materials (FGPMs). To account for the effect of dielectric medium inside the crack upon the fracture behavior of FGPMs, a dielectric crack model is used in this work, in which the electric boundary condition along crack surfaces is deformation-dependent and is nonlinear. The analytical formulations are developed using Fourier transform technique and solving the nonlinear singular equations using Chebyshev polynomials. A solution technique is developed to determine the desired deformation mode of the crack. Numerical simulations are given to show the effects of material gradient and the dielectric medium filling the crack upon the fracture behavior of FGPMs. The results obtained from this dielectric crack model clearly demonstrate how the transition between electrically impermeable and permeable crack models occurs with the change of crack opening displacement in response to the applied electromechanical loads. It is also observed that a critical state for the applied electromechanical loading exists for FGPMs that determines whether the impermeable (or permeable) crack model serves as the upper or lower bound for the dielectric crack model considering the effect of dielectric medium filling the crack.  相似文献   

In fracture mechanics, a number of real applications have intrinsically three-dimensional crack geometries, thereby requiring a means of extracting stress intensity factors under such circumstances. Two approaches to this end are examined here: one, a three-dimensional J-integral; the other, three-dimensional H integrals for each mode. The first integral is well accepted by the fracture mechanics community; the second integrals are newly developed herein. The two are compared on three-dimensional test problems with closed-form solutions that are constructed for this purpose. Analysis is via quarter-point elements on two successively refined grids for each test problem. The results demonstrate that both types of path-independent integral can furnish estimates of stress intensity factors which converge to good levels of accuracy in return for reasonable levels of computational effort. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In terms of crack opening, the present work studies the self-consistent, energetically consistent, and electrostatic traction approaches. In the self-consistent approach, crack will not open if no mechanical load is applied. The energetically consistent approach under a given electric field yields a threshold stress for crack opening and a bifurcation stress, which is higher than the threshold stress. Between the bifurcation and threshold points there are two solutions for crack opening. The electrostatic traction approach considers electrostatic tractions along crack faces and infinite boundaries. The electrostatic traction along infinite boundaries is equivalent to an additional mechanical load for a given electric field, which is tensile and promotes crack opening, if the dielectric constant of the infinite medium is smaller than that of the material. Energy release rate is also comprehensively analyzed in each of the three approaches.  相似文献   

The dynamic response of an electrically impermeable Mode III crack in a transversely isotropic piezoelectric material under pure electric load is investigated by treating the electric loading process as a transient impact load, which may be more appropriate to mimic the real service environment of piezoelectric materials. The stress intensity factor, the mechanical energy release rate, and the total energy release rate are derived and expressed as a function of time for a given applied electric load. The theoretical results indicate that a purely electric load can fracture the piezoelectric material if the stress intensity factor or the mechanical energy release rate is used as a failure criterion.  相似文献   

The dynamic fracture problems of the piezoelectric materials with antiplane moving crack are analysed by using function of complex variable in the paper. The results show that the coupled elastic and electric fields inside piezoelectric media depend on the speed of the crack propagation, and have singularity at the crack tip. The stress intensity factor is independent of the speed of the crack propagation, which is identical to the conclusion of purely elasticity. Moreover, independent of the electric loading, the dynamic energy release rate can be expressed by the stress intensity factor and enlarge with the increase of crack speed. High speed of the crack moving could impede the crack growth. At the same time, the crack can be propagated into either curve or bifurcation if the crack speed is higher than the critical speed.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional explicit elastic solution is derived for a brittle film bonded to a ductile substrate through either a frictional interface or a fully bonded interface, in which periodically distributed discontinuities are formed within the film due to the applied tensile stress in the substrate and consideration of a “weak form stress boundary condition” at the crack surface. This solution is applied to calculate the energy release rate of three-dimensional channeling cracks. Fracture toughness and nominal tensile strength of the film are obtained through the relation between crack spacing and tensile strain in the substrate. Comparisons of this solution with finite element simulations show that the proposed model provides an accurate solution for the film/substrate system with a frictional interface; whereas for a fully bonded interface it produces a good prediction only when the substrate is not overly compliant or when the crack spacing is large compared with the thickness of the film. If the section is idealized as infinitely long, this solution in terms of the energy release rate recovers Beuth’s exact solution for a fully cracked film bonded to a semi-infinite substrate. Interfacial shear stress and the edge effect on the energy release rate of an asymmetric crack are analyzed. Fracture toughness and crack spacing are calculated and are in good agreement with available experiments.  相似文献   

A new look at energy release rate in fracture mechanics   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The energy balance for fracture in elastic/perfectly plastic solids is examined using the finite element method. An extension-release procedure that gives numerically converged solutions is employed in the numerical simulation of crack extensions in elastic/plastic solids. Increments of work and energy during crack extension are calculated for various loading conditions. Several conclusions are obtained. First, the elastic separation work of creating new crack surfaces is shown to be negligible, indicating that the Griffith-type energy release does not exist. Second, as the yield stress increases, the plastic dissipation work rate associated with crack extension converges to the energy release rate in the limiting elastic solid. The latter result can be adopted to interpret the classical energy release rate in elastic solids as plastic dissipation work rate taken in the limit as the yield stress approaches infinity during crack extension. Lastly, it is shown that the energy release rate obtained according to Irwin's plastic zone adjustment approach is equal to the plastic dissipation work rate for the original crack, provided the plastic zone size is less than 10% of the original crack size.  相似文献   

This paper addresses a novel continuum damage‐based method for simulating failure process of quasi‐brittle materials starting from local damage initiation to final fracture. In the developed method, the preset characteristic length field is used to evaluate damage instead of element, which is used to reduce the spurious sensitivity. In addition, damage is only updated in the most dangerous location at a time for considering stress redistribution due to damage evolution, which is used to simulate competitive fracture process. As cases study, representative numerical simulations of two benchmark tests are given to verify the performance of the developed continuum damage‐based method together with a used damage model. The simulation results of the crack paths for two concrete specimens obtained from the developed method matched well with the corresponding experimental results. The results show that the developed continuum damage‐based method is effective and can be used to simulate damage and fracture process of brittle or quasi‐brittle materials. And the simulation results based on the developed method depend only the preset characteristic length field and not grid mesh.  相似文献   

A sandwich three-point bend specimen has recently been proposed to test mode-I interlaminar fracture toughness for fiber-reinforced composite materials. The test composite consist of a thin layer bonded by two lateral reusable steel bars (Sohn et al. 1995). Some time earlier this specimen configuration was used to test fracture toughness of adhesives (Zdaniewsk et al. 1987). However, formulae for analysing its fracture mechanics parameters such as stress intensity factor and energy release rate can not be found in the literature. The lack of adequate formulae may explain why suitable quantitative analysis using this specimen configuration has not been achieved. In this paper, a simple and effective homogenisation method is used to change the bi-material system, which represents the specimen, into single uniform test material. This physical homogenisation is carried out by geometric change of the cross section of lateral steel parts based on equal deflection rigidity. For the transformed specimen configuration of single uniform material, the corresponding stress intensity factor solution from handbooks is available. Two formulae of stress intensity factor for the sandwich three-point bend specimen are given as upper limit and lower limit respectively, they are plotted with varying elastic tensile modulus mismatch. Then the relation between stress intensity factor and energy release rate, with special consideration of orthotropy of the tested composite material, is used to derive its energy release rate. The specimen and its formulae can also be applied to test other materials such as wood, welded joints (Burstow and Ainsworth, 1995), as well as to test dynamic fracture toughness. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Dynamic antiplane behaviour of interacting cracks in a piezoelectric medium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this article, we examine the dynamic interaction between two cracks in a piezoelectric medium under incident antiplane shear wave loading. The theoretical formulations governing the steady-state problem are based upon the use of integral transform techniques and a self-consistent iterative method. The resulting dynamic stress intensity factors at the interacting cracks are obtained by solving the appropriate singular integral equations using Chebyshev Polynomials at different loading frequencies. Numerical examples are provided to show the effect of the geometry of the cracks, the piezoelectric constants of the material and the frequency of the incident wave upon the dynamic stress intensity factor of the cracks. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

When a plate glued to a compliant substrate is subject to indentation, cracks may initiate from its subsurface due to flexure. Upon increasing the load, the damage develops into a set of tunnel radial cracks which propagate stably under a diminishing stress field. This phenomenon is utilized here to extract fracture toughness K C for brittle materials in the form of thin plates or films. Experiments show that the SIF at the tip of the subsurface radial cracks is well approximated as K ~ P/c 3/2, where P is the indentation load and c the mean length of the crack fragments. Using a transparent substrate, c can be easily determined after unloading, from which K C is found. This simple and economic concept is applied to a wide variety of thin ceramic coatings, yielding toughness data consistent with literature values. Because the tip of the tunneling cracks are well removed from the contact site, the method circumvents certain complications encountered in common top-surface radial cracking techniques such as the effect of plastic deformation, residual stresses and crack extension after unloading. Although the present tests are limited to coating thicknesses >150 μm, it is believed that thinner coatings may be studied as well provided that the indenter radius is kept sufficiently small to insure that subsurface radial cracking dominates over all other failure modes.  相似文献   

通过构造新保角映射, 利用Stroh公式研究了远场受反平面剪应力和面内电载荷共同作用下无限大压电复合材料中幂函数型曲线裂纹的断裂行为。给出了电不可渗透边界条件下裂纹尖端场强度因子和机械应变能释放率的解析解。该解析解在幂函数的幂次为零时, 可退化为已有文献中无限大压电复合材料含直线裂纹的结果, 证明了其合理性。由解析解可知, 裂纹几何形状一定时, 电场分布将不受机械载荷的影响。最后, 通过数值算例讨论了幂函数的幂次、 系数及其在 x1轴上的投影长度对机械应变能释放率的影响。结果表明, 当压电体仅受 x2方向载荷作用时, 对于给定幂次与开口的曲线裂纹, 在 x1轴上的投影长度存在一临界值使其最容易开裂; 而对于给定投影长度与幂次的曲线裂纹, 开口越大裂纹越容易扩展。   相似文献   

针对组分材料体积分数任意分布的聚合物功能梯度材料,研究其在蠕变加载条件下Ⅰ型裂纹应力强度因子(SIFs)和应变能释放率的时间相依特征。由Mori-Tanaka方法预测等效松弛模量,在Laplace变换域中采用梯度有限元法和虚拟裂纹闭合方法计算断裂参数,由数值逆变换得到物理空间的对应量。分析边裂纹平行于梯度方向的聚合物功能梯度板条,分别考虑均匀拉伸和三点弯曲蠕变加载。结果表明,聚合物梯度材料应变能释放率随时间增加,其增大的程度与黏弹性组分材料体积分数正相关;材料的非均匀黏弹性性质产生应力重新分布,导致裂纹尖端应力场强度随时间变化,当裂纹位于黏弹性材料含量较低的一边时,应力强度因子随时间增加,反之,随时间减小。而且,材料的应力强度因子与时间相依的变化范围和体积分数分布以及加载方式有关,当体积分数接近线性分布时,变化最明显,三点弯曲比均匀拉伸的变化大。SIFs随时间的延长增加或减小、加剧或减轻裂纹尖端部位的“衰坏”,表明黏弹性功能梯度裂纹体的延迟失稳需要联合采用应力强度因子与应变能释放率作为双控制参数。  相似文献   

The catastrophe theory has established that the conservative systems have only a few ways to lose their stability. We sketch a similar classification for a class of dissipative systems. Although our scope is limited to the case of two dissipative variables, we find six elementary catastrophes. We present examples from discrete plasticity, crack and friction mechanics.  相似文献   

An elliptical piezoelectric inclusion embedded in an infinite piezoelectric matrix is analyzed in the framework of linear piezoelectricity. Using the conformal mapping technique, a closed-form solution is obtained for the case of a far-field antiplane mechanical load and an inplane electrical load. The solution to a permeable elliptical hole problem is obtained as a limiting case of vanishing elastic modulus of the inclusion. This enables the study of the nature of crack tip electric field singularity which is shown to depend on the electrical boundary condition imposed on the crack faces. The energy release rate of a self-similarly expanding slender crack in the presence of electric fields is obtained by using the generalized M-integral. The energy release rate expression indicates that the electric field has a crack-arresting influence. This effect is inferred to have a more fundamental physical origin in the interaction between the applied electric field and the induced surface charges on the crack faces. An experimental result contradicting the theoretical prediction on the crack-arresting effect is also discussed.  相似文献   

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