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本课题研究的对象是非织造炭(CN-),这些非织造炭是通过表面密度分别为0.4~1.6和0.1~1.8kg/cm~2的废弃的非织造人造丝(NW-)及高模量的人造丝热解处理获得。原始的非织造人造丝和人造丝纤维在热  相似文献   

多孔炭材料在电双层电容中的应用   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
炭材料具有优良的耐高温、耐腐蚀、导电等特性,长期以来被人们用作各种各样的电极材料和集电体,如食盐电解用人造石墨电极。电解铝用电极,炼钢用电极等。炭棒则早已在普通锰干电池中作电极导电材料。近年来,由于多孔质炭材料的特殊性能,它们在新型电子能源中的应用进一步得到开发,限于篇幅本文主要概述它们在电双层电容发展的现况,以期促进我国在这方面的应用开发。  相似文献   

一、引言工业上,粘合技术对炭材料非常重要。尽管炭材料耐高温、抗辐射,但由于受尺寸和形状限制,仍不能在大型构造和复杂结构中广泛使用。本研究的目的在于克服这些局限性。为此我们选用金属硅作为粘合剂,因为熔融硅  相似文献   

《新型炭材料》创刊于1985年,由中国科学院主管,中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所主办,科学出版社出版。主要刊载内容为有关炭材料及其分支学科的基础科学、技术科学和与炭材料有关的边缘学科领域研究的最新成果,设有研究论文、研究简报、综合评述等栏目。主要读者对象是从事与新型炭材料的研究、制造、应用、教学有关的广大科技工作者和高等院校师生。  相似文献   

浸玻璃炭材料是在炭材料的气孔中浸渍、充填熔融的玻璃而制得。在高温使用这种材料时,由于在材料表面形成了玻璃薄膜,使氧化消耗明显减少。另外,作为高速、高压下轴承使用时,因旋转温度提高,由于浸有玻璃,起到了减摩效果。因开发了具有这样新功能的炭材料,本文将记述其特性及今后的用途。  相似文献   

用不同的方法在石墨的表面包覆上一层酚醛树脂,然后在N2保护下1000℃炭化1h制得复合炭材料,并用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对其表面物理形态进行观察分析,研究了复合炭材料的恒电流充放电性能。包覆在石墨表面的具有无定形结构的酚醛树脂炭能够有效阻止石墨在充放电过程中发生层状剥落,从而提高复合炭材料的循环稳定性,其中通过常常法制香的复合炭材料(CPG-30)在十次循环后可逆容量为326mAh.g^-1,比  相似文献   

铅炭超级蓄电池是由铅酸电池和超级电容器通过创新组合而形成的新型电化学储能装置,具有高功率、长寿命的特点,在电动汽车与规模储能方面有良好的应用前景。其性能突破的关键是将炭材料用到铅炭超级电池负极中,降低负极硫酸盐化。在高倍率部分荷电态工况下,阀控铅酸电池失效的原因是在负极板表面生成致密、不导电的硫酸铅的绝缘层。炭材料添加剂能抑制负极不可逆硫酸盐化,显著提高在高倍率部分荷电态工况下电池的循环寿命、功率性能和充电接受能力。介绍了炭材料抑制负极不可逆硫酸盐化的内在作用机理,综述了最近几年炭材料在铅炭超级蓄电池中应用的研究进展。  相似文献   

目前,用合成共聚物和树脂制活性炭已成为普遍研究的课题。这种炭材料没有杂质,而且通过对原材料选择和处理的方法可控制其元素组成和孔结构。由于合成炭具有许多独特的优点,故被用于最危急的情况下,如在医学上用于碱液的吸附解毒。  相似文献   

炭材料高温抗氧化研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
综述了炭材料的氧化行为、抗氧化方法及其研究进展,并对炭材料高温抗氧化的未来研究重点进行了分析.  相似文献   

对新型炭材料的期待   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
日本炭素学会会长,原群马大学教授,现东海大学教授大谷杉郎先生于1991年10月在中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所进行了访问和讲学,在对“新型炭材料的期待”为题的讲演中,他从碳的同素异形体谈起,全面概括地介绍了新型炭材料的开发要点、最近日本在这方面的动向、从整体角度来观察炭材料工业以及新性能炭材料的开拓等、现将其部分讲稿译出以飨读者。  相似文献   

利用SEM和TEM考察了3D C/C复合材料在电弧加热器上烧蚀后的材料表层显微组织结构变化。发现炭纤维和基体炭中的石墨微晶经过烧蚀后都得到了明显的发展。在距烧蚀表面几个纳米的深度范围内形成了高度取向的带状石墨织构,同时,在带状织构中间也形成了许多孔洞和缝隙。在距烧蚀表面几个微米的深度形成了卷曲柱状结构,在这些柱状结构周围有许多缺陷。在纤维和基体炭的界面区域,靠近纤维一侧形成了带状织构,且织构间的缝隙变大。  相似文献   

炭材料贮锂机理研究的现状   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
对炭材料的各种贮锂机理进行了阐述,着重讲座了有机物或高聚物550℃-1000℃热解得到的无定形炭(软炭、硬炭)的高贮锂机理。认为石墨材料是石墨层间和纳米孔贮锂;无定形炭是孔隙贮锂,其贮锂能力与孔隙的大小、数量和分布有关。由此提出改善和制做高性能炭材料的措施。  相似文献   

The texture control of transparent oxide thin film, the crystalline orientation, is very important, because it is related to the electrical resistivity and the optical transparency. It is known that the crystal orientation could be controlled by varying precursor source, gas flow rate, and deposition temperature. We deposited fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) thin film on aluminoborosilicate glass by spraying water-based solution and ethyl alcohol-added solution. We showed in this research that (200) and (301) preferential orientation of FTO thin film can be controlled by the addition of ethyl alcohol to FTO coating solution. (200) oriented FTO thin film deposited from ethyl alcohol-added solution comprises of pyramidal crystallites with {111} polar faces, which contain {101} contact twin planes. {101} contact twin planes forms salient reentrant angle which provides nucleating sites and makes crystallites grow abnormally. (301) orientation is thought through Periodic Bond Chains of tin hydroxide which forms prismatic long crystallites. Prismatic crystallites are comprised of {110} crystal faces which contain {101} repeated contact twin. It is very helpful to control (200) or (301) oriented crystal formation in transparent conducting oxide film, because the texture affects the electrical and optical properties of transparent conducting oxide film. We suggest that ethyl alcohol addition plays a role to form crystallites with {111} polar faces corresponding to (200) preferential orientation. The crystal morphologies are changed by doping elements, precursor sources, deposition conditions like flow rate and temperatures, and solvents.  相似文献   

低温等离子体技术在炭材料改性方面的应用   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18  
介绍了低温等离子体的基本概念、发生方式及其在炭材料表面改性方面的特点,围绕炭纤维的表面改性讨论了低温等离子体对改怀炭纤维材料的表面性质以及相关复合材料性能的影响,展望了低温等离子体技术的发展前景。  相似文献   

Amorphic carbon films either 50 or 160 nm thick were deposited on Si(100) and glass substrates at room temperature in a high-vacuum environment using a Q-switched Nd-YAG pulse laser focused on a graphite target. These films were irradiated with Ti+ or C+ ions having kinetic energies of 35 and 75 keV, and the changes in internal stresses of the films with varying ion influence were investigated by measuring substrate bending using stylus profilometry. The ion energy and the film thickness were chosen such that the ion penetration depth, Rp, corresponded to either the film thickness or one half of the film thickness. The results indicate that there is an optimum ion fluence leading to a stress-free film for a given ion species and energy. Interpretation of the resulting stress behavior from ion irradiation was made based on the relaxation resulting from damage inside the film together with interfacial mixing. The scanning electron microscopy pictures and surface roughness measurements showed a very smooth surface for both as-deposited and ion-irradiated films. The ion-irradiated films had a Vickers hardness greater than 22 GPa, and were adherent to both Si and glass substrates. An investigation of the film characteristics using Raman scattering and electron-energy loss spectra has revealed that high-energy ion irradiation of an intermediate ion fluence can be utilized successfully to deposit an adherent and hard carbon film with controlled internal stress without changing the film structure significantly.  相似文献   

J. Luschitz 《Thin solid films》2009,517(7):2125-2131
The performance of CdTe solar cells as prototype of thin film solar cells strongly depends on film morphology. The needs for high solar cell performance using thin film materials will be addressed covering nucleation and growth control of thin film materials. In order to understand the basic growth mechanisms and their impact on cell performance, we have systematically investigated the growth of CdTe thin films by Close Spaced Sublimation (CSS) using the integrated ultra-high vacuum system DAISY-SOL. CdTe thin films were deposited on TCO/CdS substrates (transparent conductive oxide) held at 270 °C to 560 °C. The properties of the films were determined before and after CdCl2 treatment using X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy. In addition, solar cells were prepared to find correlations between material properties and cell efficiency. At low sample temperature the films tend to form compact layers with preferred (111) orientation which is lost at elevated temperatures above 450 °C. For CdS layers without (0001) texture there is in addition a low temperature regime (350 °C) with (111) texture loss. After activation treatment the (111) texture is lost for all deposited layers leading to strong recrystallisation of the grains. But the texture still depends on the previous growth history. The loss of (111) texture is evidently needed for higher performance. A clear correlation between cell efficiency and the texture of the CdTe film is observed.  相似文献   

炭材料惰性涂层方法分析   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
主要探讨炭材料惰性涂层和抗氧化涂层方法,分析了常用的包埋法、化学气相沉积、等离子喷涂法等三种方法的特点,着重分析了溶胶凝胶法、电化学、电子束喷涂等新方法在炭材料惰性涂层制备方面的可行性,认为涂层应该根据最终用途、使用环境、高的性能/价格比选择合适的涂层物质类型和方法。目前最有发展前途的是电子束喷涂涂层和 C V D 涂层。  相似文献   

F. Hu  K.C. Chan  T.M. Yue 《Thin solid films》2009,518(1):120-125
The growth of Cu2O thin films electrodeposited by a two-electrode system with acid and alkaline electrolytes under different values of direct current (DC) densities was investigated. The microstructure of Cu2O thin films produced in the acid electrolyte changes from a ring shape to a cubic shape with increasing DC density, and the microstructure of Cu2O thin films produced in the alkaline electrolyte has a typical pyramid shape. The X-ray diffraction results show that Cu2O thin films can be electrodeposited over a larger current domain than those deposited by a three-electrode system. The growth of Cu2O thin films is examined under this domain, and the electrocrystallization process of such films is discussed taking into consideration the effect of current density on nucleation, cluster growth, and crystal growth.  相似文献   

应用扫描电子显微镜及其动态拉伸台对高、中、低碳钢的拉伸形变过程,进行了全程跟踪观察,从微观的角度对碳钢的性能进行了探讨。结果表明,高碳钢的强、硬度主要取决于珠光体的片间距以及渗碳体的大小和分布。珠光体片层间距减小,铁素体、渗碳体变薄,相界面增多,高碳钢的强、硬度提高;中碳钢的强、硬度主要取决于珠光体团的直径、铁素体的大小和分布。较小、较弥散分布的珠光体、铁素体会使中碳钢的强度、硬度提高;低碳钢的力学性能主要取决于铁素体的晶粒大小,珠光体团的大小和分布对材料的力学性能也有一定的影响。铁素体的晶粒越小,珠光体团越小、分布越弥散,钢的强度、塑性越好。  相似文献   

复合材料用高性能炭纤维的发展和应用   总被引:39,自引:17,他引:22  
介绍了材料用炭纤维的发展,包括炭纤维进行了高速发展的新时间,大力发展大丝束炭纤维;T-700S将取代T-300成为最主要的炭纤维品种;大幅度降低炭纤维价格,扩大开辟新的应用范围。指出国内炭纤维的问题,提出了我国炭纤维发展的建议。  相似文献   

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