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A unique case of left ureteral opening into a seminal vesicle, ipsilateral renal hyperplasia and crossed ectopia of the seminal vesicles is reported. This 24-year-old white man underwent a nephroureterectomy for relief of symptoms of lower urinary tract infection. The embryological development of this abnormality is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Pelvic exenteration has usually been employed as salvage treatment for gynecologic malignancies which have failed primary radiotherapy. The therapeutic mainstay for vulvar melanomas has become wide local excision with or without concurrent regional node dissection. Patients with primary melanoma of the vagina who undergo exenteration as primary therapy may experience 50% 5-year survival if the pelvic nodes are free of metastases. However, the overall 5-year survival for vaginal melanoma is 15%. In our patient population, there have been four patients with vaginal or urethral melanomas treated primarily with pelvic exenteration. The purpose of this study was to report that patients with vaginal or urethral melanomas over 3 mm in thickness may benefit from primary pelvic exenteration. Four patients underwent pelvic exenteration at Indiana University Medical Center for malignant melanoma of the vagina or urethra between 1986 and 1992. The pathologic specimens of all patients were analyzed for thickness, growth pattern, and nodal metastases. Patient age ranged from 50 to 71. Thickness of the melanomas ranged from > 3 to 12 mm. All four patients underwent exenterations, three total and one anterior. All patients had negative pelvic and inguinal nodes at the time of surgery. None of the patients has experienced a recurrence. Three of four patients are alive without evidence of disease at 31 to 97 months following their exenteration. One patient died postoperatively of cardiopulmonary complications. Patients with melanomas of the vagina and female urethra, greater than 3 mm in thickness, may benefit from primary pelvic exenteration.  相似文献   

The authors report five new cases of unilateral implantation of the ureter into the posterior urethra in boys. Study of these cases confirms the classical data, i.e.: --The chief presenting symptom is infection. There is no urinary incontinence. --The principle examinations useful in diagnosis are the I.V.P. and urethroscopy. --The ectopic termination is in most cases associated with a double ureter, arising from the upper pelvis. However, the ureter may be single (1/5). --In three cases out of five the upper kidney was dysplasic, necessitating partial nephrectomy. In two cases out of five the kidney corresponding to the ectopic ureter was functional, making possible conservatrice surgery with reimplantation of the pathological ureter into the bladder.  相似文献   

Nine vulvar and three vaginal angiomyofibroblastomas from patients 23 to 71 years of age (mean, 46 yr) were analyzed. The tumors were well circumscribed and ranged from 0.9 to 11 cm (average, 4.7 cm) in maximal dimension. On microscopic examination, they had hypercellular and hypocellular areas. The neoplastic cells were spindle-shaped, plasmacytoid, or epithelioid; a variable number were binucleated or multinucleated cells. A focal storiform pattern was present in one tumor, and, in one tumor, the neoplastic cells formed a collar around a central area of dense collagen. There was no significant nuclear atypia, and there was less than one mitotic figure per 10 high-power fields. The tumors contained small- to medium-sized blood vessels, which were characteristically thin walled and, occasionally, ectatic and branching. The stroma was edematous, separated collagen fibers and contained a variable number of inflammatory cells, especially lymphocytes and mast cells. Three vulvar tumors contained a variable amount of fat. Ultrastructural study of three tumors showed intracytoplasmic, dilated, rough endoplasmic reticulum, moderate numbers of pinocytotic vesicles, and numerous filaments without dense bodies; rare intercellular rudimentary junctions were identified. Eleven of 11 tumors were immunoreactive for vimentin, 11 of 12 for desmin, three of 11 for muscle actin, one of 12 for smooth muscle actin, and four of 12 for CD34. There was no staining for factor XIIIa, keratin, S100 protein, Leu-7, glial fibrillary acidic protein, or CD68. Follow-up revealed no recurrences or metastases. Angiomyofibroblastoma is a distinctive benign tumor that arises most commonly in the vulva and vagina and has a diverse histologic and immunohistochemical profile.  相似文献   

Ten patients with patent urethral duplication are presented. Nine patients had two independent patient channels originating from the bladder or the posterior urethra. Both voiding cystourethro and retrograde urethrography are necessary to completely evaluate this anomaly. In each instance the ventral channel, regardless of the position of its meatus, proved to be the more functional urethra. In those patients whose dorsal channel was in an epispadiac position, the symphysis pubis was abnormally wide. A functionally and anatomically accurate classification is proposed, and the embryology of these anomalies is discussed.  相似文献   

Recurrent pseudomonal conjunctivitis, caused by poor soft contact lens care and the use of contaminated saline, is described. This problem can easily be avoided by proper sterilization, with boiling being the method of choice.  相似文献   

Protein changes occurred in callus cells of hypersensitive tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum var. Xanthi-nc) 72 hr after inoculation with tobacco mosaic virus and incubation on a minimal growth medium. Two protein bands, serologically related to viral coat protein, were obtained from extracts of infected cells following electrophoresis on 7% and 10% polyacrylamide gels. An additional, slower migrating protein, perhaps due to virus-induced stimulation of a host protein, also was detected. Although local lesions appeared on callus after 40 hr of incubation, four proteins previously reported in lesion-bearing hypersensitive tobacco leaves were not found. The possible significance of this and the usefulness of a callus-TMV system as a tool to study virus-induced protein changes are discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The contribution of ultrasonography to pretreatment morphological assessment of strictures of the anterior urethra and assessment of the risk of recurrence after internal urethrotomy. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 33 patients (16-89 years) operated by internal urethrotomy for stricture of the anterior urethra and followed for at least 6 months. Preoperative urethral ultrasonography, recording the number, length and degree of strictures and echostructure of the peristenotic fibrosis of the corpus spongiosium. RESULTS: Ultrasound visualization of all urethral strictures, with no false-positives and no false-negatives. 11 patients relapsed after a mean interval of 5.7 months (1-16 months), 22 patients did not present recurrence: mean interval: 15.5 months (6-36 months). Corpus spongiosum fibrosis associated with urethral stricture is isoechoic to the corpus spongiosum (19 cases) or hyperechoic to the corpus spongiosum (14 cases). No statistical correlation was observed between the echostructure of the fibrous tissue and the risk of recurrence after internal urethrotomy. CONCLUSION: Ultrasonography allows excellent analysis of the morphological characteristics of a stricture of the male anterior urethra. In our experience, and in contrast with the limited data of the literature, no correlation was observed between the echostructure of the peristenotic fibrosis and the risk of recurrence after internal urethrotomy.  相似文献   

Urethral prolapse represent a rare cause of urological consultation. Frequent in older women, it also happens in under 10-year-old little girls with a racial predominance. For most cases, medical treatment and follow-up are sufficient, but failure of these or possible complications may necessitate a surgical correction. Circumferential excision and muco-mucous suture are effective treatments with very few complications. About four case-reports, we are reviewing here the literature and discussing etiopathogenic mechanisms and therapeutic options for this disease.  相似文献   

Despite a rapid increase in disabled elderly in Japan, the burden of the caregiver has not been properly assessed due to a lack of objective measurements. Our study was aimed at adapting and validating the Zarit Caregiver Burden Interview (ZBI) in Japan, which is one of the most widely used measurements for caregivers' burden in the United States. Sixty-six caregivers answered the self-administered questionnaire, involving the Japanese version of the ZBI and questions regarding their caregiving situation. Our study demonstrated that the Japanese version of the ZBI had equally as high reliability and validity as the original version. The Japanese ZBI had a high test-retest reliability (r = 0.76) and internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0.93). The total score of the ZBI was highly correlated with the caregivers' score of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) score (r = 0.50), as well as a single global rating of burden (r = 0.71). It was also shown that demographic distribution of the score of the Japanese version had a similar trend to that of the original version. Caregivers who looked after patients with behavioral disturbances were found to have a significantly higher ZBI score than those who looked after patients without behavioral disturbances, which is consistent with previous findings. It is concluded that the Japanese version of the ZBI can be used to measure feelings of burden of caregivers in the Japanese population and can be used for cross-cultural comparison.  相似文献   

We reported a case of the biliary cystadenoma of the liver. The cystic mass had lobulation and septation and showed marked hyperintensity on T1-weighted images and hypointensity on T2-weighted images; MR findings were very unusual for cystadenoma. The content of the cystic mass was jelly-like, thick mucinous fluid without intracystic hemorrhage. We concluded that these unusual signal intensities of the cyst were due to hyperproteinous mucinous fluid.  相似文献   

Ten cases of malignant lymphoma of the female urethra have been reported. To our knowledge we report the first such case in a man who presented in acute urinary retention with a mass protruding from the urethral meatus. Multiple subcutaneous nodules developed over the anterior abdominal wall and a 3 x 3 cm. mass developed above the umbilicus. Wedge resection of this mass was consistent with large cell lymphoma. Treatment consisted of 2 courses of arabinoside C, doxorubicin and prednisone. Followup 6 months later showed no urethral or other recurrence. Local excision, radical excision, radiotherapy (external beam and intracavitary) and chemotherapy have been used with success in other cases.  相似文献   

A 26-year-old man went blind as part of a multifocal central nervous system disease. Bilateral optic nerve head pallor developed four weeks later. There had been no papilledema. In this setting, the appearance of optic atrophy without preceding papilledema in part led to the clinical diagnosis of severe disseminated encephalomyelitis. At autopsy multiple brain abscesses were found, including an area of inflammation within the chiasm.  相似文献   

We report two cases of primary malignant melanoma of the vagina explaining the essential clinical pathological and therapeutic features. They themselves, added those represented in literature, might constitute a further contribution to best definition of the unusual genital pathology, especially as regards prognostic and therapeutic aspects.  相似文献   

Murine plasma cell tumors share a number of common features with human multiple myeloma, suggesting their possible use as a model for this disease. However, one major difference between the two is the peritoneal localization of murine tumors as opposed to bone marrow residence of malignant plasma cells in early stages of multiple myeloma. We have thus examined the ability of murine plasmacytoma to produce disseminated growth similar to that seen in myeloma or other lymphoid neoplasias. Of four murine cell lines evaluated, all were demonstrated to effect highly metastatic disease involving multiple organs, although variation was observed between lines. A temporal analysis was accordingly performed with the S107 line to assess the pattern of cellular localization. Both light microscopy and PCR analysis revealed that engraftment of plasma cells occurs first in the bone marrow, followed by dissemination to other sites including the spleen, lung, and liver. Cells passaged in vivo through the bone marrow display an entirely different metastatic pattern with no homing preference to bone marrow or any other organ, suggesting the occurrence of a phenotypic change. Microscopic osteolytic lesions were observed adjacent to plasma cell tumor masses in the bone marrow, indicating early stages of bone disease. These findings demonstrate previously unrecognized similarities between the murine and human diseases and suggest the use of this in vivo model for experimental approaches to the treatment of human disease.  相似文献   

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