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Comments on the article by Fowers and Davidov, "The virtue of multiculturalism: Personal transformation, character and openess to the other," (see record 2006-11202-002). Fowers and Davidov offered a virtue-based approach to understanding and fostering multiculturalism in psychology. Fowers and Davidov argued that multiculturalism fulfills the classical components of being a virtue, being a worthy goal that requires the wise use of consistent and worthwhile goods. They concluded that the virtue of multiculturalism and its correlate, openness, provide a sound basis for transformative cultural dialogue. It appears that Fowers and Davidov may be caught in what Meiland (1980) has called "The Paradox of Cognitive Relativism." I would argue that the problem, rather than being a faulty argument on their part, is the intrinsic incoherence of an ethic of multiculturalism, which insists that we respect a diversity of cultural backgrounds, and yet insists. The virtue model of ethics is relevant to our cultural concerns as psychologists but certainly does not resolve them. Instead, because it is soundly based in the idea of personal character, its value lies in bringing to light the very dilemmas involving human similarity and difference that have troubled psychologists since the inception of the field. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Presents a reply by B. Fowers and B. Davidov to Islam's comments (see record 2007-14606-019) regarding their article (see record 2006-11202-002). Islam noted that virtues are often presented as universally valid character strengths, yet formulations of virtues are always embedded in a particular cultural context, a point we took pains to make in our article. We focus our response on Islam's important suggestion that this tension between universal human characteristics and the particulars of cultural context is indissoluble. Whereas he suggested this tension leads to contradiction and paradox, we see it as a fertile dialectic. The virtue of openness to the other is also subject to the same tension of abstract formulation and particular application. Although we formulated this virtue in a very general way, any instantiation of it would be shaped by the particulars of the cultural context and the situation in which it is exercised. We introduced the concept of dialogue because it is constituted not only by differences between individuals or groups but even more fundamentally by the dialectical relationship between those differences in cultural particularities and the universal human capacities for reason, curiosity, and social engagement, among others. Dialogue acknowledges the indissoluble otherness one finds in those culturally different from oneself, and yet real interchange can only occur because participants in dialogue exercise the cognitive flexibility characteristic of human beings and recognize a shared humanity with the other. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Can psychologists apply the same standards of moral conduct when treating patients from diverse cultural backgrounds as they do when treating European-American patients? The authors recommend options to exercise when patients from diverse backgrounds engage in behaviors that violate generally accepted Western standards of conduct. Psychologists need to determine if such a cultural conflict really exists, as many such conflicts are more apparent than real. If such a conflict does exist, the authors recommend analyzing the conflict from the perspective of soft universalism, which holds that all cultures share basic, universal values, although they may vary in how those values are expressed. The authors recommend a decision-making process based on principle-based ethics for guiding behavior when such conflicts occur. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The provision of ethical and responsive treatment to clients of diverse cultural backgrounds is expected of all practicing psychologists. While this is mandated by the American Psychological Association’s ethics code and is widely agreed upon as a laudable goal, achieving this mandate is often more challenging than it may seem. Integrating culturally responsive practices with more traditional models of psychotherapy into every practitioner’s repertoire is of paramount importance when considering the rapidly diversifying population we serve. Psychologists are challenged to reconsider their conceptualizations of culture and of culturally responsive practice, to grapple with inherent conflicts in traditional training models that may promote treatments that are not culturally responsive, and to consider the ethical implications of their current practices. Invited expert commentaries address how conflicts may arise between efforts to meet ethical standards and being culturally responsive, how the application of outdated theoretical constructs may result in harm to diverse clients, and how we must develop more culturally responsive views of client needs, of boundaries and multiple relationships, and of treatment interventions. This article provides additional considerations for practicing psychologists as they attempt to navigate dimensions of culture and culturally responsive practice in psychology, while negotiating the ethical challenges presented in practice. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined the possibility of a curvilinear relation between the creative time pressure employees experience at work and their creativity. The authors also examined whether this curvilinear relation was moderated by employees' scores on the openness to experience personality dimension and by the support for creativity employees received from supervisors and coworkers. Data were obtained from 170 employees and 10 supervisors of a manufacturing organization. Results showed an inverted U-shaped creative time pressure-creativity relation for employees who scored high on openness to experience while simultaneously receiving support for creativity. The authors discussed the implications of these results for future research and practice. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of computer-assisted communication on team decision-making performance as a function of the team's openness to experience. 79 teams performing a multiple-cue probability learning task were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 experimental conditions: (a) verbal communication or (b) computer-assisted communication (which combined verbal and computerized communication). The results indicated that access to computer-assisted communication improved the decision-making performance of teams, but only when the teams were high in openness to experience. This effect was observed using both global openness and more specific openness facets, as well as a variety of team-level aggregation strategies. Moreover, the beneficial effects of openness in computer-assisted conditions were mediated by the efficiency with which teams integrated verbal and computerized forms of communication. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Previous research has documented cross-cultural differences in personality traits, but the origins of those differences remain unknown. The authors investigate the possibility that these cultural differences can be traced, in part, to regional differences in the prevalence in infectious diseases. Three specific hypotheses are deduced, predicting negative relationships between disease prevalence and (a) unrestricted sociosexuality, (b) extraversion, and (c) openness to experience. These hypotheses were tested empirically with methods that employed epidemiological atlases in conjunction with personality data collected from individuals in dozens of countries worldwide. Results were consistent with all three hypotheses: In regions that have historically suffered from high levels of infectious diseases, people report lower mean levels of sociosexuality, extraversion, and openness. Alternative explanations are addressed, and possible underlying mechanisms are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study adopted an interactional approach to understanding how 2 of the Five-Factor traits, openness to experience and conscientiousness, are related to creative behavior in the workplace. Openness to experience is theorized to result in high levels of creative behavior and conscientiousness is theorized to result in low levels of creative behavior when the situation allows for the manifestation of the trait influences. More specifically, the authors hypothesized that openness to experience would result in high levels of creative behavior if feedback valence were positive and job holders were presented with a heuristic task that allowed them to be creative. The authors also hypothesized that conscientiousness would result in low levels of creative behavior if supervisors engaged in close monitoring and coworkers were unsupportive. The authors tested their hypotheses in a sample of office workers, and 5 out of the 6 hypotheses were supported. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Currently the second largest U.S. ethnic group, U.S. Latinas/os are projected to continue increasing as a proportion of the U.S. population over the next century. The culturally competent psychological evaluation of U.S. Latinas/os requires both the use of instruments that are adequately validated in that population and the adequate consideration of culturally linked factors known to influence the assessment process and its findings. This article makes foundational recommendations in this second area, organizing them along 4 stages of professional practice in psychological assessment. Consultation with qualified professionals is discussed as being important in ensuring the accurate and ethical psychological assessment of U.S. Latinas/os at all stages of professional practice. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article introduces the background and need for this special issue of the Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research on “Defining and Measuring Character in Leadership.” The introduction reviews some of the history of the concept of character in leadership, presents the major themes of the special issue, and briefly describes the 6 papers related to 3 models of character in leadership (ethical/virtuous leadership, authentic transformational leadership, and worthy leadership) and the specific elements of integrity, ethics, virtues, and moral potency. The introduction notes that each article in the special issue indicates how character in leadership can be defined, operationalized, and assessed. The implications of each model for the practice of consulting psychology are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A 5-study investigation of reactions of dominant group members (i.e., White Americans) to diversity (relative to racial minority reactions) provides evidence of implicit and explicit associations between multiculturalism and exclusion and of a relationship between perceived exclusion and reactions to diversity. In Study 1, Whites but not racial minorities were faster in an implicit association task at pairing multiculturalism with exclusion than with inclusion. This association diminished in Study 2 through a subtle framing of diversity efforts as targeted toward all groups, including European Americans. In Study 3, in a “Me/Not Me” task, Whites were less likely than minorities to pair multiculturalism concepts with the self and were slower in responding to multiculturalism concepts. Furthermore, associating multiculturalism with the self (Study 3) or feeling included in organizational diversity (Study 4) predicted Whites' endorsement of diversity and also accounted for the oft-cited group status difference in support for diversity initiatives. Study 5 showed that individual differences in need to belong moderated Whites' interest in working for organizations that espouse a multicultural versus a color-blind approach to diversity, with individuals higher in need to belong less attracted to organizations with a multicultural approach. Overall, results show that the purportedly “inclusive” ideology of multiculturalism is not perceived as such by Whites. This may, in part, account for their lower support for diversity efforts in education and work settings. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Bilingualism, multiculturalism, and second language learning: The McGill conference in honour of Wallace E. Lambert edited by Allan G. Reynolds (see record 1991-97762-000). Wallace Lambert has been a major figure in Canadian psychology since the mid-1950s. In a publishing career that has spanned almost 40 years, his work has influenced almost every aspect of the psychology of language, in particular the psychology of bilingualism and second language acquisition. This volume offers a fascinating and highly readable retrospect and update on the research and theoretical work of Lambert and his doctoral students, most of whom have also become leaders in their respective fields of psychological inquiry. This is a truly remarkable book. Unlike many edited volumes, all the chapters relate together coherently, and collectively they present a vivid picture of the evolution and current status of the mainstream of Canadian psychological research on bilingualism and cultural diversity. It would make an excellent graduate text in the area of social psychology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Persons with disabilities constitute the largest minority population within the United States, yet only recently has psychology entered the dialogue of treatment issues for this population beyond the traditional medical model. In this article the authors provide an overview of considerations for psychologists who work with clients presenting with disabilities. Specifically, we address conceptual models of disability and considerations for cultural competence for working with persons with disabilities. Within the cultural competence discussion, we include critical awareness and knowledge, skills development, and practice/applications; such as accessibility, consent forms and other handouts, the psychotherapy milieu, testing accommodations, and the importance of resources, which are provided in the Appendix. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study explored The Worthy Leadership Model's (Thompson, Grahek, Phillips, & Fay, 2008) “Character to Lead” construct, which encompasses three factors (Personal Integrity and Ethics; Organizational Integrity and Courage; and Humility, Gratitude, and Forgiveness) and nine dimensions (personal integrity, ethics, openness, organizational integrity, courage, power, humility, gratitude, and forgiveness). This article reports the results of an empirical test of the model's character construct using a behavioral measure of character in leadership. The measure (The Worthy Leadership Profile for Executives, WLPe) consisted of self-ratings by director and executive-level leaders (N = 275) along with ratings of these leaders by their managers, direct reports, peers, and others (N = 4,127 raters). Psychometric characteristics of the ratings are reported along with the relationship of ratings of character in leadership to selected personality variables. The article also examines the degree to which managers, peers, and direct reports perceived factors of character (as compared to factors of capacity and commitment) as being important to leaders' roles and to the likelihood of future success and/or failure. Finally, the study explored the degree to which ratings on the character construct were related to employees' perceptions of selected job-related outcomes (past job performance, failure to reach full potential, perceived support for the leadership efforts of others, and overall perceptions of worthy leadership). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Civic virtue refers to the willingness of an employee to speak up and make constructive suggestions, which is often critical for effective organizational change. Despite their best efforts, however, organizations are not always successful in generating their members' civic virtue. The authors examined whether the relationship between voice mechanisms and civic virtue would be mediated by the degree to which employees feel heard and whether one's generation moderations the relationship between being heard and civic virtue. Ss were 262 Canadian Forces members from the baby-boomer generation and Generation-X. Results showed that participants engage in civic virtue depending on whether procedures were available for them to provide voice, and whether they perceived that they were being heard by a superior officer. However, being heard was more critical in predicting civic virtue for baby boomers than for the younger generation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Multicultural experience is considered to be beneficial, but it remains a difficult construct to measure. We tested the validity of a new assessment tool, the Multicultural Experiences Questionnaire (MEQ), using an undergraduate sample (N = 164), and examined the relation of multicultural experience to moral judgment, closed-mindedness, growth, and fixed mindsets. We expected that greater multicultural experience would be related to lower levels of closed-mindedness and higher levels of moral judgment and growth mindsets. Higher MEQ scores were correlated with decreased closed-mindedness and higher moral judgment scores. In regression analyses, controlling for age and sex, higher MEQ scores positively predicted participant scores on postconventional moral judgment and growth mindsets, but negatively predicted use of less developed moral judgment and fixed mindsets. Overall, these results support the validity of the MEQ and suggest that multicultural experiences are positively linked to measures of moral judgment and growth mindsets. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The current Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct of the American Psychological Association (APA, 2002a) places increased emphasis on respect for different cultures. For example, culture has been added as an important factor in respecting the rights and dignity of those with whom psychologists work (Principle E). APA has also released guidelines meant to influence psychologists' sensitivity and behavior toward multicultural issues in various aspects of professional work (APA, 2002b). The purpose of this article is to discuss cultural issues in the context of rehabilitation practice. The authors focus on Latinos, the fastest growing minority group in the United States. The case example of Cesar Garza is used as a vehicle for discussing how to integrate consideration of cultural factors into rehabilitation practice, consistent with sound ethical decision making. The case illustrates missed opportunities, for which the authors offer concrete solutions that reflect appropriate ethical conduct. The authors also hope to demonstrate that integration of cultural issues is consistent with overall rehabilitation psychology practice. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Relatively little is known about aesthetic chills, the experience of goose bumps and shivers in response to the arts. The present study explored how often people report such experiences and what people who often experience them are like. After noting which domain of the arts they encountered most often in daily life, young adults (n = 188) rated how often they experienced aesthetic chills and related states. Latent variable models suggested three latent factors—aesthetic chills, feeling touched, and absorption—that shared a higher-order factor. As expected, people high in openness to experience and expertise in the arts consistently reported experiencing aesthetic chills more often. The Big Five personality factors accounted for about half of the variance, whereas cognitive and demographic variables were relatively unimportant. The individual-differences approach thus seems like a promising complement to experimental work on aesthetic chills. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The diversity of the refugee population in the United States requires practicing psychologists to respond by adapting clinical services to meet their mental health needs. However, the available literature on culturally adapted treatments is only a first step in guiding the process for adapting clinical services. This paper describes our experiences with designing and adapting a variety of clinical services for youth and families with refugee status. Guided by Sue's (2006) tenets for culturally competent service delivery, we discuss a therapeutic model of tiered service delivery used to deliver preventative services and treatment to refugee youth and adults. We discuss how we adapted treatments to help overcome access barriers to mental health treatment, and we provide specific examples of how existing treatments were used with refugee populations. In addition, we discuss information and approaches for how practicing psychologists can develop additional skills for working with refugee populations. We conclude by focusing on the need for our field to work toward improving access to mental health treatment for refugee youth and families and developing evidence-based treatments for this population. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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