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1 前言CTP是当今印刷界最热门的话题。CTP是Computertoplate的缩写 ,中文全称计算机直接制版。CTP技术最早出现于 80年代 ,这个时期是直接制版技术的初期阶段 ,无论是技术、设备方面 ,还是制版质量方面 ,都很不成熟。到 90年代 ,设备制造厂商与印刷厂、感光材料生产厂密切合作 ,加速了CTP技术的研究开发步伐 ,使CTP技术日臻成熟 ,达到了工业化应用的程度。在Dru pa 95展览会上展出了 4 2种CTP系统 ,立即在在全球掀起了CTP浪潮。到Drupa 2 0 0 0展览会 ,有关CTP的参展商就有近 70家 ,几乎…  相似文献   

印刷制版版材现状及未来发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
综述T20世纪90年代以来计算机直接制版版材(CTP),预涂感光版(PS),柔性版等版材现状和未来发展趋势,旨在对我国版材的研制及发展有所启发。  相似文献   

本文简明扼要地阐述了计算机直接制版用的银盐扩散CTP版的结构,特性和成像机理,并报导乐凯胶片公司第二胶片厂已研制成功这种CTP版,可达到5万印张以上。  相似文献   

CTP技术已经成为当今印刷业新的技术突破口和经济增长点。CTP版材正逐渐取代传统PS版。成为印刷版材结构变革的方向。[编按]  相似文献   

主要研究了一种计算机直接制版所用的感热版材。在其配方中主要包含3 类物质:酚醛树脂( 可熔性线性酚醛树脂和酚醛清漆树脂) ,红外吸收染料,潜布郎斯台德酸( 即质子酸) ,及一些添加成分。此版采用红外激光进行曝光,显影处理方便,并且可以用于阳图与阴图型两种版材。  相似文献   

对柯达热交联 C T P 版申请的有关专利进行了研究,对其设计思路及具体配方的改进作了介绍。柯达发明的热交联 C T P 涉及一种新型的光敏组成物,其基本组成为(1) 可熔性酚醛树脂,(2) 线型酚醛树脂,(3) 潜在的质子酸,(4) 红外吸收剂。用红外激光直接制版时,红外吸收剂和潜在的质子酸均分解并产生酸,在曝光后的预热处理过程中,酸起催化作用使两种酚醛树脂交联固化,形成不溶于碱性显影液的物质。对其存在的需要预热处理过程的不足以及今后的改进方向作了探讨。  相似文献   

该研究成果采用特殊工艺路线,性能优于国外类似产品,已获国家新闻出版署科技进步二等奖。它可以在国内各感光胶片厂的普通生产线上投产,全部原材料国产化。该版材用清水润版印刷,具有高感度、高光强条件下瞬时曝光直接制版的特性,是一种多功能、低银耗的数字化氦氖激光银盐直接制版版材,有良好的发展前景。  相似文献   

在第11届国际印刷信息交流大会上,记者得知有关我国CTP(计算机直接制版)运用现状统计的最新一组数据:至2008年9月,我国CTP装机总量为近1500台,CTP版材运用总量为1000万平方米,每台机器的平均制版量为14400张,平均每台机器每天的出版量为48张。深究数据,可以看出目前我国CTP运用现状有喜有忧。  相似文献   

制版技术是印刷产业的关键技术之一。目前的印刷制版技术主要有激光照排制版技术和计算机直接制版技术。这两项制版技术是基于感光成像原理,需要显影、冲洗等化学处理过程。基于纳米材料的绿色制版技术无需感光成像,省略了显影、冲洗等化学处理过程,是一项环境友好、低成本的制版技术。其中,版材的纳微米结构对印刷质量有重要影响。简要介绍具有纳微米结构的版材的制备过程,通过优化版基制备条件,可以有效提高印版的分辨率和印刷适应性。  相似文献   

Fluorescence imaging in the second near-infrared window (NIR-II, 1000–1700 nm) provides a powerful tool for in vivo structural and functional imaging in deep tissue. However, the lack of biocompatible contrast agents with bright NIR-II emission has hindered its application in fundamental research and clinical trials. Herein, a liposome encapsulation strategy for generating ultrabright liposome-cyanine dyes by restricting dyes in the hydrophobic pockets of lipids and inhibiting the aggregation, as corroborated by computational modeling, is reported. Compared with free indocyanine green (ICG, an US Food and Drug Administration-approved cyanine dye), liposome-encapsulated ICG (S-Lipo-ICG) shows a 38.7-fold increase in NIR-II brightness and enables cerebrovascular imaging at only one-tenth dose over a long period (30 min). By adjusting the excitation wavelength, two liposome-encapsulated cyanine dyes (S-Lipo-ICG and S-Lipo-FD1080) enable NIR-II dual-color imaging. Moreover, small tumor nodules (2–5 mm) can be successfully distinguished and removed with S-Lipo-ICG image-guided tumor surgery in rabbit models. This liposome encapsulation maintains the metabolic pathway of ICG, promising for clinical implementation.  相似文献   

近年来,数字成像技术不断提高和应用范围的迅速推广,也推动了UV固化技术在这一领域的融合和应用,取得了极大的成效,由于UV固化材料具有快速固化、高效、低污染、节能、优质等特点,很快发展成为一种新型的数字成像材料。目前实现产业化的主要有UV喷墨打印、印刷电路版数字化制作、计算机直接制版CTP、立体光刻等四种技术,作者拟分为四个专题予以阐述,本文主要讨论其第三个专题:UV固化技术在计算机直接制版(CTP)中的应用。  相似文献   

利用环己烷/正己醇、壳聚糖、Fe2+/Fe3+盐和Triton X-100组成的W/O微乳体系中加NaOH溶液沉淀剂,原位制备磁性壳聚糖纳米粒子,并经乙二胺改性(EMCN),用于吸附酸性橙12(AO12)和酸性橙10(AO10)。利用透射电镜、X-射线衍射、红外等对产物进行了表征。结果表明,EMCN分散良好,粒径15 nm~40 nm,饱和磁化强度25.6 emu/g。AO12和AO10最佳pH值分别为4.0和3.0;吸附速率很快,平衡时间40 min~60 min。吸附平衡用Langmuir模型拟合最好,饱和吸附容量分别为AO12 2.81 mmol/g,AO10 1.82 mmol/g。由D-R模型计算E值(14.95 kJ/mol~18.54 kJ/mol)表明以化学吸附为主。EMCN可用NH4OH/NH4Cl(pH10.0)溶液再生。  相似文献   

制冷系统板式冷凝器选型计算及技术经济分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文给出了板式冷凝器在制冷系统中的传热压降计算及技术分析方法 ,并对板式冷凝器在制冷系统中的工程应用进行了实例对比分析。结果表明虽其初投资较大 ,但综合效益优势明显 ,值得推广  相似文献   

Fluorescence bioimaging affords a vital tool for both researchers and surgeons to molecularly target a variety of biological tissues and processes. This review focuses on summarizing organic dyes emitting at a biological transparency window termed the near‐infrared‐II (NIR‐II) window, where minimal light interaction with the surrounding tissues allows photons to travel nearly unperturbed throughout the body. NIR‐II fluorescence imaging overcomes the penetration/contrast bottleneck of imaging in the visible region, making it a remarkable modality for early diagnosis of cancer and highly sensitive tumor surgery. Due to their convenient bioconjugation with peptides/antibodies, NIR‐II molecular dyes are desirable candidates for targeted cancer imaging, significantly overcoming the autofluorescence/scattering issues for deep tissue molecular imaging. To promote the clinical translation of NIR‐II bioimaging, advancements in the high‐performance small molecule–derived probes are critically important. Here, molecules with clinical potential for NIR‐II imaging are discussed, summarizing the synthesis and chemical structures of NIR‐II dyes, chemical and optical properties of NIR‐II dyes, bioconjugation and biological behavior of NIR‐II dyes, whole body imaging with NIR‐II dyes for cancer detection and surgery, as well as NIR‐II fluorescence microscopy imaging. A key perspective on the direction of NIR‐II molecular dyes for cancer imaging and surgery is also discussed.  相似文献   

计算机X线摄影(CR)系统使用的两种非银成像材料   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文简要地介绍了CR系统的特点,较系统地叙述了应用于CR系统的两种非银成像材料-IR成像板和医用干式影像胶片,分别介绍了它们的结构,成像原理,持性和应用方法。  相似文献   

李安娜 《光电工程》1992,19(1):44-48
本文报导了用微机测试压电陶瓷变形量的测试方法及工作原理,重点介绍了系统的硬、软件设计方案。  相似文献   

Organic dyes and pigments constitute a large class of industrial products. The utilization of these compounds in the field of organic electronics is reviewed with particular emphasis on organic field‐effect transistors. It is shown that for most major classes of industrial dyes and pigments, i.e., phthalocyanines, perylene and naphthalene diimides, diketopyrrolopyrroles, indigos and isoindigos, squaraines, and merocyanines, charge‐carrier mobilities exceeding 1 cm2 V?1 s?1 have been achieved. The most widely investigated molecules due to their n‐channel operation are perylene and naphthalene diimides, for which even values close to 10 cm2 V?1 s?1 have been demonstrated. The fact that all of these π‐conjugated colorants contain polar substituents leading to strongly quadrupolar or even dipolar molecules suggests that indeed a much larger structural space shows promise for the design of organic semiconductor molecules than was considered in this field traditionally. In particular, because many of these dye and pigment chromophores demonstrate excellent thermal and (photo‐)chemical stability in their original applications in dyeing and printing, and are accessible by straightforward synthetic protocols, they bear a particularly high potential for commercial applications in the area of organic electronics.  相似文献   

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