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We consider the following basic communication problems in a hypercube network of processors: the problem of a single processor sending a different packet to each of the other processors, the problem of simultaneous broadcast of the same packet from every processor to all other processors, and the problem of simultaneous exchange of different packets between every pair of processors. The algorithms proposed for these problems are optimal in terms of execution time and communication resource requirements; that is, they require the minimum possible number of time steps and packet transmissions. In contrast, algorithms in the literature are optimal only within an additive or multiplicative factor.  相似文献   

This paper considers the average consensus problem on a network of digital links, and proposes a set of algorithms based on pairwise “gossip” communications and updates. We study the convergence properties of such algorithms with the goal of answering two design questions, arising from the literature: whether the agents should encode their communication by a deterministic or a randomized quantizer, and whether they should use, and how, exact information regarding their own states in the update.  相似文献   

Fault-tolerant communication algorithms for k-ary n-cubes are introduced. These include: One-to-all broadcasting, all-to-all broadcasting, one-to-all personalized communication, and all-to-all personalized communication. Each of these algorithms can tolerate up to (2n-2) node failures provided that k>(2n-2) and k>3. Extensions of these algorithms with up to 2n-1 node failures are also described. The communication complexities of the proposed algorithms are derived when wormhole or store and forward packet routing is used  相似文献   

A computer network serves distributed applications by communicating messages between their remote ends. Many such applications desire minimal delay for their messages. Beside this efficiency objective, allocation of the network capacity is also subject to the fairness constraint of not shutting off communication for any individual message. Processor Sharing (PS) is a de facto standard of fairness but provides significantly higher average delay than Shortest Remaining Processing Time (SRPT), which is an optimally efficient but unfair algorithm. In this paper, we explore efficient fair algorithms for message communication where fairness means that no message is delivered later than under PS. First, we introduce a slack system to characterize fair algorithms completely and develop efficient fair algorithms called Pessimistic Fair Sojourn Protocol (PFSP), Optimistic Fair Sojourn Protocol (OFSP), and Shortest Fair Sojourn (SFS). Then, we prove that a fair online algorithm does not assure minimal average delay attainable with fairness. Our analysis also reveals lower bounds on worst-case inefficiency of fair algorithms. We conduct extensive simulations for various distributions of message sizes and arrival times. During either temporary overload or steady-state operation, SFS and other newly proposed fair algorithms support SRPT-like efficiency and consistently provide much smaller average delay than PS.  相似文献   

In this paper a proof outline logic is introduced for the partial correctness of multi-threaded object-oriented programs like in Java. The main contribution is a generalization of the Owicki& Gries proof method for shared-variable concurrency to dynamic thread creation. This paper also provides a formal justification of this generalization in terms of soundness and completeness proofs.  相似文献   

Two hidden-line elimination programs are described. One removes the hidden lines from vector-type projections of planar-faced 3D objects. This program implements the Loutrel algorithm which has been extended here to solids with multiply-connected faces. The other is applicable to solids bounded by sections of quadric surfaces (i.e. cylinders, cones, spheres, ellipsoids, paraboloids and hyperboloids) and represents an implementation of the Woon algorithm. The latter can be regarded as an extension of the Loutrel algorithm to curved-surface bodies. Both programs generate true, visible-line perspective projections for output on a digital plotter or a vector-type CRT display. The implementation of these algorithms for a variety of computer systems is described.  相似文献   

In this paper the algorithms for self-stabilizing communication protocols are studied.First some concepts and a formal method for describing the proposed algorithms are described,then an improved algorithm for achieving global states is presented.The study shows that the improved algorithm can be applied to obtain the global states in the case of a loss of cooperation of the different processes in th protocol,which can be used as a recovery point that will be used by the following recovery procdure.Thus,the improved algorithm can be used to self-stabilize a communication protocol.Meanwhile,a recovery algorithm for selastabilizing communication protocols is presented.After a failure is detected,all processes can eventually know the error.The recovery algorithm uses the contextual information exchanged during the progress of the protocol and recorded on the stable memory.The proof of correctness and analysis of complexity for these algorithms have been made.The availability and efficiency of the algorithms have been verified by illustrating the example protocols.Finally,some conclusions and remarks are given.  相似文献   

Speeding up two string-matching algorithms   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
We show how to speed up two string-matching algorithms: the Boyer-Moore algorithm (BM algorithm), and its version called here the reverse factor algorithm (RF algorithm). The RF algorithm is based on factor graphs for the reverse of the pattern. The main feature of both algorithms is that they scan the text right-to-left from the supposed right position of the pattern. The BM algorithm goes as far as the scanned segment (factor) is a suffix of the pattern. The RF algorithm scans while the segment is a factor of the pattern. Both algorithms make a shift of the pattern, forget the history, and start again. The RF algorithm usually makes bigger shifts than BM, but is quadratic in the worst case. We show that it is enough to remember the last matched segment (represented by two pointers to the text) to speed up the RF algorithm considerably (to make a linear number of inspections of text symbols, with small coefficient), and to speed up the BM algorithm (to make at most 2 ·n comparisons). Only a constant additional memory is needed for the search phase. We give alternative versions of an accelerated RF algorithm: the first one is based on combinatorial properties of primitive words, and the other two use the power of suffix trees extensively. The paper demonstrates the techniques to transform algorithms, and also shows interesting new applications of data structures representing all subwords of the pattern in compact form.The work by M. Crochemore and T. Lecroq was partially supported by PRC Mathématiques-Informatique, M. Crochemore was also partially supported by NATO Grant CRG 900293, and the work by A. Czumaj, L. Gasieniec, S. Jarominek, W. Plandowski, and W. Rytter was supported by KBN of the Polish Ministry of Education.  相似文献   

In this paper, a distributed selectsort algorithm and a parameterized selectsort algorithm are presented to be applied on distributed systems for cases when N P where N is the number of elements to be sorted and P is the number of processors in the system. The distributed system considered in this paper uses a broadcasting channel for communication between processors. We show that the number of messages required for the parameterized selectsort algorithm is independent of N and is of complexity O(P), which is optimal in a distributed system with P processors. Furthermore, the amount of communication required in terms of elements is N + O(P3) and the computation time complexity is O((N/P)lgN + P2lg(N/P)). Hence, when N P3, the computation time complexity is O((N/P)lgN), which is optimal using P processors. In addition, this parameterized algorithm provides us with a parameter K such that by choosing the value of K allows us to trade among processing requirement, memory requirement, and communication requirement. It is shown that this parameterized algorithm can reduce the communication requirements significantly while only slightly increasing the computation requirements.  相似文献   

电力线载波通信报文传输易受噪声干扰从而影响传输效率,扩频技术的采用避免了信号的衰减但同时也降低了通信速率,因此提出通过对报文数据的压缩来提高通信速率、降低误码率.然而由于电力线载波通信报文短小,不易从统计模型角度进行压缩,因此探索了通用的顺序压缩算法LZ77在电力线载波通信报文压缩中的应用.  相似文献   

We describe the architecture and the algorithms used in Columbia University'sXphone multimedia communication system. The system assumes a best-effort operating system and network and provides facilities for call management, intra-application scheduling for the support of continuous data flow and integration with the windowing system, and synchronized video/audio acquisition/playback (locally or across a network) with minimized and bounded end-to-end delay. An algorithm based on time-stamps and device-state information is used for synchronization. The effects of jitter (delay variation) are mitigated with silence detection; the end-to-end delay is kept bounded by a restart mechanism. Finally, for live video sources, we describe a source bit-rate adaptation algorithm that maximizes the video image quality to the available network bandwidth and video display window size.  相似文献   

There are two contributions of this note. First, it clarifies and unifies the two design approaches which will generate the general state observer and the identity state observer, respectively. Especially for the first approach, even a very recent paper failed to clarify it. Second, this note shows that due to computational error, the general state observer will have an estimation error while the identity state observer will have an error in its desired poles.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the problem of developing an efficient and reliable algorithm for the online prediction of the short term load demand of an interconnected power system. It is proposed that a suitable load model be first set up using a spectral representation of the periodic component of the weekly load profile and that a minimal order Kalman predictor be determined for the residual load component. Results of case studies are presented in order to illustrate the advantages of such decomposition compared to a simpler load decomposition.  相似文献   

In the last years, several combinatorial optimisation problems have arisen in the computer communications networking field. In many cases, for solving these problems it is necessary the use of meta-heuristics. An important problem in communication networks is the Terminal Assignment Problem (TAP). Our goal is to minimise the link cost of large balanced communication networks. TAP is a NP-Hard problem. The intractability of this problem is the motivation for the pursuits of Swarm Intelligence (SI) algorithms that produce approximate, rather than exact, solutions. This paper makes a comparison among the effectiveness of three SI algorithms: Ant Colony Optimisation, Discrete Particle Swarm Optimisation and Artificial Bee Colony. We also compare the SI algorithms with several algorithms from literature. Simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms. The results show that SI algorithms provide good solutions in a better running time.  相似文献   

Power control problems for wireless communication networks are investigated in direct-sequence codedivision multiple-access (DS/CDMA) channels. It is shown that the underlying problem can be formulated as a constrained optimization problem in a stochastic framework. For effective solutions to this optimization problem in real time, recursive algorithms of stochastic approximation type are developed that can solve the problem with unknown system components. Under broad conditions, convergence of the algorithms is established by using weak convergence methods.  相似文献   

《Computer Communications》2002,25(11-12):1085-1093
With the rise of mobile computing and an increasing need for ubiquitous high-speed data connections, Internet-in-the-sky solutions are becoming increasingly viable. To reduce the network overhead of one-to-many transmissions, the multicast protocol has been devised. The implementation of multicast in these low earth orbit (LEO) constellations is a critical component to achieving an omnipresent network environment. This paper examines the system performance associated with two terrestrial-based multicast mobility solutions, distance vector multicast routing protocol (DVMRP) with mobile IP and on demand multicast routing protocol (ODMRP). These protocols are implemented and simulated in a satellite LEO constellation. Results from the simulation trials show the ODMRP protocol provided greater than 99% reliability in packet deliverability, at the cost of more than 8 bits of overhead for every 1 bit of data for multicast groups with multiple sources. In contrast, DVMRP proved robust and scalable, with data-to-overhead ratios increasing logarithmically with membership levels. DVMRP also had less than 70 ms of average end-to-end delay, providing stable transmissions at high loading and membership levels.  相似文献   

The increasing availability of parallel hardware encourages the design and adoption of parallel algorithms. In this article, we present a study in which we analyze the impact that different communication policies have on the solution quality reached by a parallel homogeneous multi-colony ACO algorithm for the traveling salesman problem. We empirically test different configurations of each algorithm on a distributed-memory parallel architecture, and analyze the results with a fixed-effects model of the analysis of variance. We consider several factors that influence the performance of a multi-colony ACO algorithm: the number of colonies, migration schedules, communication strategies on different interconnection topologies, and the use of local search. We show that the importance of the communication strategy employed decreases with increasing search effort and stronger local search, and that the relative effectiveness of one communication strategy versus another changes with the addition of local search.  相似文献   

Both parallel and distributed network environment systems play a vital role in the improvement of high performance computing. Of primary concern when analyzing these systems is multiprocessor task scheduling. Therefore, this paper addresses the challenge of multiprocessor task scheduling parallel programs, represented as directed acyclic task graph (DAG), for execution on multiprocessors with communication costs. Moreover, we investigate an alternative paradigm, where genetic algorithms (GAs) have recently received much attention, which is a class of robust stochastic search algorithms for various combinatorial optimization problems. We design the new encoding mechanism with a multi-functional chromosome that uses the priority representation—the so-called priority-based multi-chromosome (PMC). PMC can efficiently represent a task schedule and assign tasks to processors. The proposed priority-based GA has show effective performance in various parallel environments for scheduling methods.  相似文献   

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