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在小麦中添加不同比例的发芽小麦,研究对小麦、小麦粉品质特性及食用品质的影响。选择发芽小麦按照不同比例(1%、5%、10%、15%、20%、25%、30%)与正常小麦进行混合,研究发芽小麦不同添加比例对小麦及小麦粉品质特性产生的影响,并对不同添加比例发芽小麦粉制作的馒头和面条食用品质进行评价。结果表明:随着发芽小麦比例含量的增加,混合小麦及小麦粉品质特性指标中除降落数值逐渐减少,其他特性指标与正常小麦相比较无明显变化。对馒头和面条进行蒸煮实验评价,可以看出当发芽小麦含量不超过15%时,对其食用品质无明显影响,但当发芽小麦含量超过20%时,馒头出现粘牙,当发芽小麦含量超过15%时,面条韧性下降,食用品质受到影响,评分值均在80分以下。  相似文献   

发芽对小麦品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小麦收获前后因天气原因及储藏不当,易产生发芽。针对发芽小麦加工品质和食用品质的变化,以及所造成的重大经济损失,阐述了芽麦形成的原因及发芽小麦的检测方法;综述了发芽对小麦粉品质所造成的影响及发芽小麦利用现状,同时提出了改善发芽小麦食品加工品质的方法及对发芽小麦的利用建议。  相似文献   

发芽能够提高小麦的营养价值,使γ-氨基丁酸、多酚类物质、以及阿拉伯木聚糖等生理活性成分含量增加,同时也会对小麦粉的加工特性产生影响.本文综述了发芽对小麦粉主要营养成分、面团流变特性、发酵特性以及面制品品质的影响.比较了发芽前后蛋白质、淀粉及膳食纤维、多酚、维生素和矿物质等营养组分的变化,分析了发芽使面团流变特性变差、发...  相似文献   

该文以百农307为原料,在20℃、85%湿度下发芽12 h,经干燥后磨粉并进行气流分级处理,通过对其蛋白质含量、面筋含量与指数、巯基与二硫键含量、面筋蛋白的功能特性、动态流变学特性、氨基酸含量等指标进行测定分析,探究气流分级对发芽小麦粉面筋蛋白特性的影响.研究发现:小麦发芽后面筋含量、品质与蛋白质结构稳定性变差,面筋蛋...  相似文献   

不同发芽状况对小麦烘焙品质的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对强面筋、中强面筋和弱面筋类型的3个小麦品种的烘焙品质进行分析。结果表明,随发芽程度加深,籽粒蛋白质含量降低,α-淀粉酶活性增强,面粉和面改变。小于41h发芽处理的强面筋、中强面筋泪科小于18h发芽处理的强面筋小麦,其面包烘焙品质与对照处同一水平。发芽面对包烘焙品质影响,弱面筋类型品种比强面筋类型品种更为敏感。  相似文献   

综述了小麦调质处理的机理和方式,探讨了目前研究中小麦调质处理对制粉特性和小麦粉品质的影响.调质既能显著改变小麦的制粉特性,同时对小麦粉的品质也会产生一定的影响.最后,对小麦调质处理的研究作了进一步展望,并提出了对国产小麦调质处理研究的新思路.  相似文献   

对发芽小麦粉面包配方进行了优化,得到最佳配方为:当混合粉(14%湿基)的总量为300 g时,发芽小麦粉添加量为12 g、酵母添加量为5 g、加糖量为30 g、加水量为175 ml。各因素对面包感官品质评价分值影响的主次顺序为:发芽小麦粉添加量、酵母添加量、加水量、加糖量。通过对普通面包和发芽小麦粉面包进行品质分析对比,发现添加发芽小麦粉可以改善面包的组织结构及某些质构品质。同时,发芽小麦粉面包较普通面包γ-氨基丁酸含量显著增加,因此可以通过添加发芽小麦粉制作面包,来提高人体对γ-氨基丁酸的摄入。  相似文献   

GB 1351—1999中规定,小麦生芽粒为芽或幼根突破种皮的颗粒,芽或幼根虽未突破种皮已有萌动的颗粒。在实践中各地小麦含生芽粒较为普遍,严重影响小麦加工品质[1]。为了合理、高效利用粮源,笔者对生芽程度不同的软质和硬质麦的小麦粉质量进行了测定。1试验方法小麦发芽试验,参照G  相似文献   

为了开发发芽小麦的合理利用途径,以小堰6号和陕225为试验样品,制备7种混合小麦,混和小麦中发芽小麦比例分别为0%、5%、10%、20%、30%、40%、100%,系统研究了混和小麦的品质特性。结果表明,随着发芽小麦比例的增加,混和小麦的籽粒品质、磨粉品质、小麦粉蛋白质品质和面团流变学特性均呈下降趋势,即发芽小麦含量越高,混和小麦的评价值越低,品质越差;小麦中发芽小麦含量小于10%时,其各项品质指标与正常小麦相比,均无显著差异。  相似文献   

发芽对小麦品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验以普通小麦为原料,研究了未发芽的小麦和发芽6、12、18、24、30、36、42、48 h不同时段小麦的品质(籽粒品质、营养品质、磨粉品质)的变化情况。结果表明,小麦发芽前后诸多成分都有明显变化:总淀粉、灰分及粗脂肪、千粒重、容重呈下降趋势,与未发芽小麦相比显著性下降;还原糖和部分矿物质、维生素类则有不同程度的升高,其中还原糖含量比未发芽小麦升高1.34%;粗蛋白的含量先增后减,到发芽24 h含量最高,发芽后总氨基酸明显上升。另外,抗营养因子植酸显著下降,功能因子γ-氨基酸含量显著升高。随着发芽时间的变化面团流变学特性发生明显变化:面团形成时间、稳定时间与粉质指数呈下降趋势,延伸度升高,拉伸阻力和拉伸比降低。发芽对小麦品质的影响明显。  相似文献   

While quantitative measurements of wheat (Triticum aestivum L) kernel hardness are important for market classification of cultivars, their genetic relationship to end-use quality in breeding populations is not well established. After verifying that divergent selection for hardness score (HS) based on near- infrared reflectance (NIR) spectroscopy was effective, the objective was to determine correlated selection responses in milling and flour quality of two hard red winter populations differing widely in parental origin. Selection was applied in the F3 generation using replicated field plots at two locations. Selection response was evaluated in the F4 generation at the same locations the following year. Selection for high HS (harder kernels) increased kernel protein concentration in both populations, while low HS selection decreased it. Selection for HS had no consistent and detectable impact on flour yield or physical dough properties (mixograph absorption, mixing time, and mixograph rating or tolerance). Selection for high HS decreased SDS sedimentation volume adjusted for flour protein concentration in both populations, but the magnitude of the response was small (?1.7 ml in actual units; ?0.3 ml after adjustment). Because correlative effects of NIR hardness were primarily expressed in protein quantity and not protein quality, milling and flour quality must be considered independently of NIR hardness if genetic improvement in those traits is desired.  相似文献   

小麦生芽不仅会造成不完善粒比例偏高、等级下降,还可能会影响食品加工品质。研究了不同萌发阶段的生芽粒对小麦馒头和面条加工品质的影响。结果表明:以胚芽或胚根是否突破表皮为划分依据的"发芽粒"和"萌动粒"对小麦粉和食品的影响各不同;一定程度的萌动会提高制粉品质,生芽对面筋品质影响相对较小,对淀粉品质影响较大,表现为生芽率高则降落数值和RVA黏度显著降低;明显出芽的小麦对馒头品质影响显著,对面条品质影响较小;萌动小麦对馒头和面条品质的影响均较小;通过测定小麦籽粒降落数值可以初步判断生芽对蒸煮食品加工品质的影响,降落数值不低于131 s或不低于175 s时,对面条或馒头品质不会有太大影响。  相似文献   

A flour fractionation-reconstitution procedure was used to study the substitution of a commercial soft wheat flour with gluten, water extractables, prime starch and starch tailing fractions isolated from patent and clear flour streams on dough rheology and semi-sweet biscuit characteristics. Substitution of soft wheat flour with increasing levels of the native patent and clear flour streams raised the dough consistency, hardness and elastic properties as well as the biscuit textural attributes (density, hardness). The dough stickiness of the base flour was also reduced and the biscuits were free of cracks. Gluten isolated from the patent flour had a greater impact on dough consistency, hardness and elastic properties than gluten obtained from the clear flour, likely due to the superior protein quality of the former. Additionally, with increasing gluten levels in the fortified flour there were moderate increases in biscuit density, hardness, and lower crunchiness. The addition of starch tailings produced the largest impact on consistency and hardness of the dough. This fraction also exerted a pronounced effect on biscuit density and hardness, while it lowered crunchiness, presumably due to its higher pentosan content. Overall, the dough rheological properties and biscuit characteristics were controlled by the amount-nature of the fractions added; i.e., besides gluten (amount and quality), other constituents such as pentosans and the overall composition of the flour blends can largely affect the quality of the semi-sweet biscuits.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Triticum mosaic virus (TriMV) is a newly discovered wheat virus. Information regarding the effect of wheat viruses on milling and baking quality is limited. The objective of this study was to determine the impact of TriMV infection on the kernel characteristics, milling yield and bread baking quality of wheat. Commercial hard winter varieties evaluated included RonL, Danby and Jagalene. The TriMV resistance of RonL is low, while that of Danby and Jagalene is unknown. KS96HW10‐3, a germplasm with high TriMV resistance, was included as a control. Plots of each variety were inoculated with TriMV at the two‐ to three‐leaf stage. Trials were conducted at two locations in two crop years. RESULTS: TriMV infection had no effect on the kernel characteristics, flour yield or baking properties of KS96HW10‐3. The effect of TriMV on the kernel characteristics of RonL, Danby and Jagalene was not consistent between crop years and presumably an environmental effect. The flour milling and bread baking properties of these three varieties were not significantly affected by TriMV infection. CONCLUSION: TriMV infection of wheat plants did not affect harvested wheat kernel characteristics, flour milling properties or white pan bread baking quality. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

在小麦制粉过程中,因出粉部位的不同而导致了各粉路粉品质存在差异。以金像面包粉为对照,选用新麦26品种小麦为原料,利用实验磨制粉得到3路皮粉和3路心粉,通过测定其主要成分、粉质参数、RVA糊化特性及其面包TPA参数,确定用于面包制作的粉路粉。结果表明皮粉蛋白质和湿面筋含量均高于心粉,前路皮粉低于后路皮粉,前路心粉高于后路心粉;各粉路粉的面团形成时间、稳定时间和峰值粘度、回生值以及面包的弹性和回复性都与其蛋白质含量变化规律一致;1M粉的灰分含量最小,3M粉的吸水率和脂肪含量最大,3B粉的面包硬度、咀嚼性、弱化度和稀懈值最小。通过与金像对照组比较分析可知,新麦26的后路皮粉和前路心粉均可用于面包粉的生产,皮粉中以3B粉最佳,心粉中以1M粉最佳。  相似文献   

不同粉路中的小麦粉及其淀粉性质测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了1T下、3M下、1Sf小麦粉及其淀粉的性质,测定了其淀粉、蛋白质、灰分、水分以及直链淀粉的含量,并对淀粉的粒径分布、溶解度和膨润力以及淀粉糊的透明度、冻融稳定性等特性进行了分析。实验结果表明:在小麦胚乳结构中,越接近麦心的部位,淀粉和直链淀粉含量越高,水分和蛋白质含量越低,灰分的差异不大;淀粉颗粒的大小顺序为3M下>1Sf>1T下,粒径呈正态分布;小麦淀粉随温度的升高,溶解度增大,膨润力上升;小麦淀粉糊的透明度较高,冻融稳定性较差。  相似文献   

小麦制粉过程不同出粉率的小麦粉粉质特性、营养组分含量都有明显差异。根据在线生产的各系统粉管的出粉率和流量比,按流量比例取不同粉管的小麦粉配成出粉率分别为35%,40%,50%,60%,70%,80%,90%、97%的小麦粉。对不同出粉率的小麦粉进行粉质特性和营养组分测定,研究出粉率对小麦粉品质和营养组分含量的影响,以期为生产中生产出加工品质、食用品质、营养品质均佳的小麦粉提出理论上的参考。试验结果表明微量营养素和粉质特性在出粉率80%左右达到最佳状态,但是灰分含量偏高。  相似文献   

利用多功能粉碎机、流化床式气流粉碎机与行星式球磨机对小米糠进行物理改性,以探究不同碾磨方式、不同添加量的小米糠对小麦面团特性及馒头品质的影响。结果表明,随小米糠粒径减小,持水力、水膨胀力、持油力均提高,其中气流碾磨的效果最明显,分别提高44.29%、41.67%、39.45%。馒头硬度、胶黏性、咀嚼性随添加量和粒径增大而增加,比容随添加量和粒径增大而减小,色差L*值随添加量的增加而下降,随粒度减小而上升。当普通碾磨米糠质量分数不高于5%,气流与球磨碾磨小米糠质量分数不高于10%时,综合感官评分最高。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Starch and gluten, the major components of wheat flour, greatly influence the structural characteristics of food products made with wheat flour. The effects of ball‐milling on the change in the semicrystalline structure of starch granules to the amorphous state have been reported. However, the effects of ball‐milling of native wheat flour on physicochemical changes in wheat flour constituents have not been elucidated. Therefore in this study the effects of ball‐milling on the glass transition of wheat flour constituents were investigated. RESULTS: Crude gluten, non‐gluten proteins and separated starch were obtained from wheat flour ball‐milled for 0–10 h, and the glass transition temperature (Tg) of these constituents was evaluated. The Tg of all wheat flour constituents decreased with increasing ball‐milling time. Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed that changes in band position and intensity did not occur for gluten but did occur for non‐gluten proteins. X‐ray diffraction revealed decreased crystallinity and greater plasticisation by water in separated starch as the ball‐milling time was prolonged. CONCLUSION: The results showed that the ball‐milling process decreased the Tg of wheat flour constituents as a function of milling time. The decrease in Tg was probably due to changes in conformation of protein subunits in gluten and depolymerisation of the non‐gluten protein fraction. The information obtained here about the physical alteration of wheat flour constituents may enhance the ability to successfully use ball‐milled wheat flour in food applications. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Wheat‐milling process generates different flour streams that differ in particle size, composition and functional and cake‐making properties. Particle size, composition and pasting properties of flour fractions (two from break and three from reduction system) obtained during milling of three wheats varying in protein content were determined. Shape, textural, colour and sensory analyses were performed on cakes prepared with the different mill streams. The final break and reduction streams had the highest protein and ash contents, pasting temperatures and the lowest starch percentage. Cakes prepared with the last streams showed higher batter density and lower volume. These results could indicate good air incorporation but deficient air distribution. Last streams cakes showed a darker, more reddish and yellowish crumb that was significantly related to flour colour characteristics. Because of these differences, such cakes obtained the lowest sensory scores. In this study, it has been verified that, to adapt flours to cake preparation, the final streams should be eliminated. The particle size of each stream is the most determinant parameter to obtain cakes with better volume and texture, being the flours with small particle size the most adequate.  相似文献   

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