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For problem solving in engineering education a human-computer loop is required. By emphasizing two aspects, namely, interactive usage of the computer and optimization of the total man-machine time (rather than the machine operating time only), the total time required for obtaining a mathematical model and a solution is minimized. This allows a high degree of programming ability to be achieved by students in a short time.  相似文献   

An approach to quantum theory tailored for those students whose backgrounds include relative strength in classical electromagnetic field theory but less in classical mechanics is described. Rather than building quantum theory by following the historical steps, as is often done, the technique is to approach the subject directly from a background knowledge of electromagnetic field theory. The approach uses the postulates that the Maxwell equations are always valid for point charges, that a form of steady-state cosmology is correct, and that the superposition principle is applicable to statistical processes. The model permits a direct transition from electromagnetic field theory to quantum theory. It is self-consistent and based upon currently acceptable physical postulates. It meets the epistemological objections against the orthodox interpretation that Einstein raised and that have never been adequately answered. It does not fall into the class of proposed interpretations that Wigner showed to be inconsistent with the wave theory.  相似文献   

Over the past years, the electrical engineering laboratory has developed from an apprenticeship into a stereotyped demonstration program. In general, this program has been held in low esteem by both faculty and students. An attempt is made here to present the beginnings of a program which will lead to a solution of the laboratory dilemma. A brief historical review of the development of the laboratory in electrical engineering curriculums is given, and the Projects Laboratory and the Undergraduate Research Participation Program that have evolved at the University of Oklahoma are described. Two examples of typical student work performed in these advance programs are presented. At the present time, these programs are restricted to upper-division students. These are usually seniors, though outstanding juniors may participate. As the program continues to grow, and faculty experience is gained, it is expected that the laboratory philosophy described here will make itself felt downward through the cirriculum.  相似文献   

Systems Engineering, including its subspecialties, has much to offer and is a needed component in electrical engineering education. Inclusion of efforts in systems engineering philosophy and methodology within the electrical engineering curriculum can do much towards the enhancement of student achievement of technical and management proficiency and, perhaps more importantly, towards achievement of appreciation of the vital role of the human element in resolution of large scale problems through technology. A framework for an introductory systems engineering course is described.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model curriculum as developed by an ad hoc group of five managers, each from a large industrial employer of electrical engineers. The model itself is the result of compromise between conflicting viewpoints, for, after all, there are many different job opportunities implying the need for a variety of educational emphases. The committee finds little fault in the electrical content of present-day curricula and recommends a broad EE education with strong laboratory content. There is general agreement that something like 140 semester hours is desired rather than lesser numbers. The committee recommends increased emphasis on communications skills, interdisciplinary subjects in mechanics, materials, and heat, specific courses in political and economic sciences, and more consideration of interpersonal relationships as a factor in career success.  相似文献   

The COSINE Committee was funded by the National Science Foundation to spearhead the introduction of computer engineering into the electrical engineering curriculum. This paper assesses the impact of the committee. During the early 1960's, electrical engineering departments in the United States lagged behind other engineering departments in the development of computer-oriented courses. The COSINE Committee, formed in 1965, recommended that electrical engineering departments develop computer engineering courses. Evidence from three surveys taken by COSINE shows the rapid growth of computer engineering since the formation of the COSINE Committee. Three studies made by the author and examination of texts for several EE courses also evidence COSINE impact. However, no exact implementation of COSINE recommendations is found, and no causal relationship is established.  相似文献   

Engineering educators have had to rely increasingly on theoretical models that represent broad abstract relationships or laws which preserve their validity despite technological change. Carefully produced films afford the opportunity to relate the abstract with the real world and to assist the instructor in presenting material to his students that he could, only with great difficulty, produce himself. Under a grant awarded by the National Science Foundation, the National Committee for Electrical Engineering Films (NCEEF) has completed or has in production films on a) fields, forces, and matter, b) traveling waves on transmission lines, c) harmonic phasors, d) linearity, and e) antenna and radiation patterns. Additionally, films on electrical instruments, computers, modulation transients, and stroboscopic techniques are in the planning stages. The Committee has also sponsored a compilation with reviews of existing films. Because of the difficulty of visualizing electric and magnetic fields, and circuit quantities such as voltage, current, charge, etc., the NCEEF has sponsored a conference and produced a film on computer animation of motion pictures, which will consist essentially of excerpts from existing films of both industrial and educational organizations. As a result of the work of the Committee, there now exists a coordinated national effort designed by electrical engineering educators to produce films which will serve as useful adjuncts to electrical engineering education.  相似文献   

Out of the needs of man brought about by automation, the population explosion, the expansion of human expectations, continued peace in the world, and scientific discovery are derived the influences on engineering practice and electrical engineering education for the next decade. Scientific discovery and the provision of quantitative models for environmental systems will have a profound effect on the profession. In engineering education, research in pedagogy, especially in terms of the expanded use of audio-visual methods and computer-aided instruction, will alter the teaching of engineering as it is known today.  相似文献   

This paper traces the history of development of technical education in India, with particular reference to electrical engineering. The structure of the present education system is outlined and an account is given of the facilities available for the education of craftsmen, technicians and technologists. Main features of the various educational programs and the requirements for the award of degrees in engineering are explained. The paper also focuses attention on some of the current problems in technical education in India.  相似文献   

The Hungarian People's Republic is an East European country whose conditions and educational systems are not well known to Western countries. This article presents an overview of Hungary's general background and her technical education system. The organization of the Budapest Technical University ("Hungary's greatest university") and the curricula of its Faculty of Electrical Engineering are discussed in detail. The growth and accomplishments of Electrical Engineering education, formally began only in 1949, have been impressive.  相似文献   

The Israeli engineering educational system, though essentially based on European and American traditions, is influenced by the country's geographical, ethnic, political, and economic conditions. Besides the well-established Technion, the newer Tel-Aviv University and Ben-Gurion University are also offering degree programs in electrical engineering. The article discusses both academic and non-academic programs, including continuing education for engineers, and describes some characteristics of the Israeli EE student and the professional environment of faculty.  相似文献   

The availability of electronic pocket calculators, at prices which the students can afford, has had a considerable impact on electrical engineering education. Not only has the drudgery from computations been eliminated but it is also possible now to give meaningful and nontrivial problems which test the students' understanding of the details and subtleties of the discipline. A number of topics from circuit and systems theory are used as illustrative examples to demonstrate how the advent of the pocket calculator has changed "formidable" and "tedious" problems to the category "straightforward," and provided a better grasp of the theory.  相似文献   

从省级精品课程电工技术建设的实践出发,对课程教学体系、教学方法和手段、师资队伍建设、实验教学、教材建设等方面进行了探讨.教学实践结果表明,通过精品课程建设,对学生知识、能力、素质的培养起到了重要作用.  相似文献   

This paper describes a laboratory course in electric machines and power systems that is under development at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute for senior electrical engineering students. The basic premise being followed is that students learn only by doing original work in which they are genuinely interested. Therefore, the assignments consist of original projects, selected by the individual students which require making and testing some novel assembly of machines and circuits. Examples of these projects are making a mercury electric pump, making and testing various forms of reactor with alnico, solid steel, or copper sections inserted in the ac flux path, developing a novel battery charging circuit for automobiles with ac power supply and a static current regulator in place of the usual voltage regulator, and testing a self-excited alternator of novel design with a static voltage regulator.  相似文献   

ICEE(1997)国际电气工程学术会议是由中、日、韩三国电机工程学会联合发起并由日本电机工程学会承办的,于1997年8月在日本中部海滨城市松江举行。这次会议是一次专业性的学术会议,会议的主题词是“走向未来的全球网络技术”。参加会议的人员主要来自中国、日本、韩国,另外还有来自巴西、加拿大、俄罗斯、英国、印度、伊朗、美国等国家和地区的科研人员(其中还有日本一些大公司的职员、大学教授和学生代表)。开幕式上日本电机工程学会主席、东京技术学院、美国IEEE学会、英国IEEE学会、俄罗斯热电设备研究院、中…  相似文献   

This paper presents the contents of a lecture for enhancing the interest of electrical engineering students in semiconductor device modeling and providing a deep appreciation of the conflicting requirements for an ideal model, of the sequence and interconnectivity of steps in the modeling procedure, and of the types of models existing in modern times. The lecture can be included in courses on semiconductor devices or device modeling. The lecture uses a resistor with 3-D effects and much simpler physics than a p-n junction for illustration, and coins mnemonics for key aspects. Objective assessment data confirm the need and efficacy of the proposed lecture. The work of this paper shows how proper introduction of a topic with carefully chosen illustrations and mnemonics can improve the teaching/learning process and how such improvements can be assessed  相似文献   

本以高等工科院校经济学专业为主要研究对象,通过对经济学专业人才市场需求的分析,研究对比了各类高等院校经济学专业优劣特点、办学模式及其差异性,指出了一般工科院校目前经济学专业办学理念、培养目标、课程设置框架等方面的误区和偏差,提出了高等工科院校经济学专业教学改革的初步设想。  相似文献   

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