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The recent application of laparoscopic resection techniques to malignant disease has raised safety concerns due to metastasis to surgical access wounds. The significance and incidence of this problem are controversial. In the present study a rat model, in which an implanted tumour was lacerated, was used to investigate whether application of laparoscopic techniques for malignant abdominal disease leads to an increased risk of tumour dissemination and implantation within the peritoneal cavity, and abdominal wall wounds. Malignant cells were implanted into the abdominal wall of 42 rats, resulting 7 days later in the growth of a tumour measuring 20-25 mm in diameter. There were three control groups: no surgery (n = 6); blunt manipulation of the tumour laparoscopically (n = 6); and blunt manipulation of the tumour at laparotomy (n = 6). Twenty-four rats underwent surgical laceration of the tumour capsule at either laparoscopy (n = 12) or laparotomy (n = 12). All rats were killed 1 week later, and examined for macroscopic evidence of tumour metastasis. The abdominal surgical wounds were excised for independent microscopic examination by a histopathologist. Growth of the primary tumour was greater in rats that had an operation than in unoperated controls, and was greater after laparotomy. However, wound metastases were five times more likely after laparoscopic tumour laceration than after the same procedure through an open incision (ten of 12 rats versus two of 12, P = 0.0033). Wound metastases following laparoscopic tumour manipulation are an important and real problem, with significant implications for the application of laparoscopic techniques to excise malignant disease in humans.  相似文献   

We investigated 303 diabetic patients in order to clarify the relationship between progression of diabetic polyneuropathy and conduction delay across the carpal tunnel. Distal latency ratio (DLR) was determined by comparison of distal motor latency of the median nerve with that of the ulnar nerve. Lower extremity polyneuropathy index (LPNI), expressed as a mean percentage of the normal for six indices over two nerves obtained by motor nerve conduction studies, was 82.9% on the average in the patients. Their DLR (1.44 +/- 0.24) was larger than the normal value (1.29 +/- 0.10). About 30% of the diabetics had abnormal DLR, especially in women its incidence was as high as 39%. The lower the LPNI level, the larger the incidence of abnormal DLR. In diabetic polyneuropathy patients peripheral nerves will become fragile, which might increase the incidence of conduction delay across the carpal tunnel. This phenomenon might also be called as 'double crush syndrome'.  相似文献   

Postoperative fatigue (POF) appears to be less following laparoscopic surgery but this has not been proven previously. This study compared a group of patients who had undergone open cholecystectomy with a group undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Postoperative fatigue was found to be decreased in duration in the patients having laparoscopic surgery, returning to pre-operative fatigue levels by 14 days, compared to 28 days for open surgery. Postoperative pain in the first 24 h and the early metabolic response to surgery were similar for both groups. The authors conclude that laparoscopic surgery is associated with decreased POF and that this is unlikely to be accounted for by a decrease in the early metabolic response to surgery.  相似文献   

Thromboembolic complications are a very important part of neoplastic diseases. In these complications specific processes participate which are the result of the action of substances produced by the tumour or they are formed as a consequences of the reaction to the neoplastic disease, its complications or treatment. A special role in this respect is played by the tissue factor and cancer procoagulant which are very important procoagulant proteins. Post-mortem evaluation reveals thromboembolic manifestations in as many as 50% of all oncological patients. Considerable attention is paid to the prevention of thromboembolic episodes or their progression and patterns for their prevention and treatment were elaborated. One of these provisions is the use of anti-thrombotic drugs, their introduction being motivated by an attempt to check coagulation and eliminate its tendency towards hypercoagulation. In this respect the importance of heparin is beyond doubt, i.e. of non-fractionated as well as low-molecular heparin.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Adhesion formation after abdominal operations causes significant morbidity. METHODS: Adhesion formation in pigs was compared after placement of prosthetic mesh during celiotomy (group 1), laparoscopy with large incision (group 2), and laparoscopy (group 3). After peritoneum was excised, polypropylene mesh was fixed to the abdominal wall, then to the opposite abdominal wall in the preperitoneal space followed by peritoneal closure. Adhesion area, grade, and vascularity were measured. RESULTS: More adhesions (p < 0.02) covered intraperitoneal mesh (7.57 +/- 1.89 cm2) than covered reperitonealized mesh (2.16 +/- 1.13 cm2), and adhesion grade was significantly greater (p < 0.02). Adhesion areas were significantly greater in groups 1 and 2 than in group 3 (p = 0.001 and 0.03, respectively). Adhesion grade was significantly greater in groups 1 and 2 than in group 3 (p = 0.02 and p = 0.04, respectively). Groups 1 and 2 had more vascular adhesions than group 3 (p < 0.01 and p = 0.02, respectively) CONCLUSIONS: A foreign body within the peritoneum stimulates more numerous and denser adhesions. Tissue trauma distant from the site of adhesions increases their formation. A major advantage of laparoscopic surgery is decreased adhesion formation.  相似文献   

JW Milsom  KA Hammerhofer 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1995,9(5):393-8; discussion 398-9, 403-4, 409
Laparoscopic intestinal resection is a relatively new application of endoscopic technology that has evolved as a direct result of the successes and benefits seen with laparoscopic gallbladder surgery. Currently acceptable and feasible laparoscopic intestinal resections include those for diagnostic procedures, fecal diversion, Crohn's disease, diverticulitis, familial polyposis, rectal prolapse, and palliative colorectal cancer surgery. However, the efficacy of laparoscopic resection for curative cancer surgery remains a topic of much debate. Issues surrounding curative laparoscopic oncologic resection include the ability to perform an acceptable oncologic resection, the question of morbidity and mortality compared to conventional surgery, and the problem of port site recurrences. Thus, at present, curative laparoscopic oncologic surgery must be conducted within the framework of a prospective, randomized clinical trial, which includes full informed patient consent.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To identify predicting factors for local failure and increased risk of distant metastases by statistical analysis of the data after breast-conserving treatment for early breast cancer. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Between January 1976 and December 1993, 528 patients with nonmetastatic T1 (tumors < or = 1 cm [n = 197], >1 cm [n = 220]) or T2 (tumors < or = 3 cm [n = 111]) carcinoma of the breast underwent wide excision (n = 435) or quadrantectomy (n = 93) with axillary dissection (negative nodal status [n-]: 396; 1-3 involved nodes: 100; >3 involved nodes: 32). Radiotherapy consisted of 45 Gy to the entire breast via tangential fields. Patients with positive axillary lymph nodes received 45 Gy to the axillary and supraclavicular area. Patients with positive axillary nodes and/or inner or central tumor locations received 50 Gy to the internal mammary lymph node area. A boost dose was delivered to the primary site by iridium 192 Implant in 298 patients (mean total dose: 15.2+/-0.07 Gy, range: 15-25 Gy) or by electrons in 225 patients (mean total dose: 14.8+/-0.09 Gy, range: 5-20 Gy). The mean age was 52.5+/-0.5 years (range: 26-86 years) and 267 patient were postmenopausal. Histologic types were as follows: 463 infiltrating ductal carcinomas, 39 infiltrating lobular carcinomas, and 26 other histotypes. Grade distribution according to the Scarff, Bloom, and Richardson (SBR) classification was as follows: 149 grade 1, 271 grade 2, 73 grade 3, and 35 nonclassified. The mean tumor size was 1.6+/-0.3 cm (range: 0.3-3 cm). The intraductal component of the primary tumor was extensive (EIC = IC > or = 25%) in 39 patients. Tumors were microscopically bifocal in 33 cases. Margins were assessed in the majority of cases by inking of the resection margins and were classified as positive in 13 cases, close (< or = 2 mm) in 21, negative (>2 mm tumor-free margin) in 417, and indeterminate in 77. Peritumoral vascular invasion was observed in 40 patients. Tamoxifen was administered for at least 2 years in 176 patients. At least six cycles of adjuvant systemic chemotherapy were administered in 116 patients. The mean follow-up period from the beginning of the treatment was 84.5+/-1.7 months. RESULTS: First events included 44 isolated local recurrences, 8 isolated axillary node recurrences, 44 isolated distant metastases, 1 local recurrence with synchronous axillary node recurrence, 7 local recurrences with synchronous metastases, and 2 local recurrences with synchronous axillary node recurrences and distant metastases. Of 39 pathologically evaluable local recurrences, 33 were classified as true local recurrences and 6 as ipsilateral new primary carcinomas. Seventy patients died (47 of breast carcinoma, 4 of other neoplastic diseases, 10 of other diseases and 9 of unknown causes). The 5- and 10-year rates were, respectively: specific survival 93% and 86%, disease-free survival 85% and 75%, distant metastasis 8.5% and 14%, and local recurrence 7% and 14%. Mean intervals from the beginning of treatment for local recurrence or distant metastases were, respectively, 60+/-6 months (median: 47 months, range: 6-217 months) and 49.5+/-5.4 months (median: 33 months, range: 6-217 months). After local recurrence, salvage mastectomy was performed in 46 patients (85%) and systemic hormonal therapy and/or chemotherapy was administered to 43 patients. The 5-year specific survival rate after treatment for local recurrence was 78+/-8.2%. Multivariate analysis (multivariate generalization of the proportional hazards model) showed that the probability of local control was decreased by the following four independent factors: young age (< or = 40 yr vs. >40 yr; relative risk [RR]: 3.15, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.7-5.8, p = 0.0002), premenopausal status (pre vs. post; RR: 2.9, 95% CI: 1.4-6, p = 0.0048), bifocality (uni- vs. bifocal; RR: 2.7, 95% CI: 2.6-2.8,p = 0.018), and extensive intraductal component (IC <25% vs. IC > or = 25%; RR: 2.6, 95% CI: 13-5.2, p = 0  相似文献   

The diagnosis of meningeal carcinomatosis hinges on the cytologic examination of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), which has a known low sensitivity for the identification of malignant cells. Often only 'suspicious' or 'atypical' diagnoses can be rendered, and specimens are commonly unsatisfactory for evaluation due to poor morphologic preservation. Telomerase is widely expressed in most brain metastases, medulloblastomas, lymphomas, oligodendrogliomas, and is expressed focally in glioblastomas. Little is known about the level of telomerase expression in these tumors, except for brain metastases, where a four-fold variation in telomerase levels exists. In our laboratory, as few as ten carcinoma cells can be detected by a sensitive polymerase chain reaction-based assay, the telomeric repeat amplification protocol (TRAP), for telomerase, but it was unclear whether varying levels of telomerase expressed by different types of metastases would influence detection. Using the TRAP protocol, we studied 281 CSF samples from a wide variety of patients with neurologic and non-neurologic conditions for telomerase expression. An adjusted specificity of 90% and a sensitivity of 64% were achieved for detection of malignant cells in CSF by telomerase expression. The TRAP assay for telomerase detection may serve as an adjunct to the traditional examination of CSF. Neither previously documented four-fold variation in the levels of telomerase expression in brain metastases, high CSF protein levels nor high white blood cell counts precluded detection of malignant cells in CSF.  相似文献   

Early diagnosis of local and distant recurrences of colorectal cancer remains difficult and there is no agreement on the effectiveness of follow-up in these patients. The aim of this study is to assess the value of our method of follow-up. We consider 239 patients with colorectal cancer and at least 2 years follow-up following radical resection. A local recurrence appeared in 26 patients (10.9%), a distant metastasis in 41 (17.1%), while in seven (2.9%) local and distant recurrences appeared simultaneously. Local recurrence was detected because of an increase in carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) level in 15 patients (57.7%), during a scheduled endoscopy in four (15.4%) and because of symptoms in seven (26.9%). In seven patients (26.9%) a radical resection was possible. Distant metastases were detected by CEA levels in 20 patients (48.8%), by ultrasonography (U.S.) in 12 (29.3%) and by chest X-ray in five (12.2%). In 13 of 26 patients with liver metastases a resection was performed. This study shows that few patients benefit from follow-up and only CEA levels and liver U.S. performed intensively between 15 and 36 months after surgery are useful in early detection of recurrences. A modification of the follow-up to the single patient, according to the stage, location and grading of cancer, could improve the results, so lowering the costs of this expensive practice.  相似文献   

The value of radical mastectomy in treating cancer of the breast has been questioned by some authors. With regard to the results published and on the basis of our own experiences limited operations without or with additional radiotherapy cannot be considered to be reliable procedures at present: it is only possible to approximately equal results by a strict case selection. With special cases such as in-situ carcinoma or small well defined cancers with beginning infiltration being expected there is no real basis for the indication to limited surgery in a single case. With the increase of small prognostically favourable cancers and border-line cases due to improvement of early detection more attention should be devoted to the problem of treating breast cancer by limited operations.  相似文献   

Functional activation of somatosensory cortex was studied in alpha-chloralose anesthetized rats by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), using both perfusion-weighted and T2*-weighted (blood oxygenation level dependent, BOLD) imaging. The sensitivity of functional activation was altered by ventilating animals for 3 minutes with 6% CO2. Before hypercapnic conditioning, electrical stimulation of the left forepaw at a frequency of 3 Hz led to an increase of signal intensity (relative to the unstimulated baseline condition) in the right somatosensory cortex by 6+/-2% (means+/-SD) in T2*-weighted images and by 45%+/-48% in perfusion-weighted images. After hypercapnic conditioning the signal intensity increase in perfusion-weighted images doubled to 91%+/-62% (P=0.034), whereas that of T2*-weighted images only marginally increased to 7+/-4% (not significant). This different behavior in both imaging modalities is interpreted as evidence for an increased flow response in combination with a higher oxygen extraction. Thus, the fMRI data reflect hypercapnia-induced resetting of the functional-metabolic coupling of the tissue during activation.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Total mesorectal excision (TME) and other technical surgical factors reduce local recurrence rate in rectal cancer. Scientific evidence of the positive effect of optimal surgery on survival is locking. Whether a reduction in the incidence of distant metastases can be achieved with optimal surgery is uncertain. We examine the effects of the quality of surgery, as reflected by local recurrence rate, on survival and the incidence of initial distant metastases. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between 1974 and 1991, 1,581 consecutive patients who underwent curative resection (RO) for rectal carcinoma were monitored for recurrence and survival. TME was introduced in 1985. No patient received adjuvant radiotherapy or chemotherapy. The median follow-up time was greater than 13 years. RESULTS: The local recurrence rate decreased from 39.4% to 9.8% during the study period (P < .0001). The observed 5-year survival rate improved from 50% to 71% (P < .0001). Three hundred six patients with local recurrence had a significantly lower observed 5-year survival rate (P < .0001). A total of 1,285 patients had no local recurrence, but 275 of them developed distant metastases (International Union Against Cancer [UICC] stage I, 8%; stage II, 16%; stage III, 40%). Better-quality surgery had no effect on the incidence of initial distant metastases, which remained constant (P = .44). CONCLUSION: Quality of surgery is an independent prognostic factor for survival in rectal cancer, but has no influence on initial occurrence of distant metastases. Local recurrence cannot be considered an outcome criterion of adjuvant treatment without consideration of the surgeon as a risk factor.  相似文献   

For the creation of a gastrostomy percutaneous endoscopic technique should be the method of first choice. If impossible a laparoscopic procedure should be preferred to a conventional one. Laparoscopic Janeway-gastrostomy might have some advantages compared to Kader-Stamm-Fistulas. We present the results with this method which we have used since 1993 in 12 patients. The postoperative course of these patients with mainly malignant diseases of ENT (n = 4), esophagus (n = 3) and thyroid gland (n = 3) as well as two non-malignant underlying diseases is presented and discussed in the light of recent publications. The Janeway-gastrostomy is an effective, easily feasable and safe procedure that ensures a good palliation also due to easy handling and care.  相似文献   

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