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While investing in foreign assets may bring additional benefits in terms of risk diversification, it may also expose the portfolio to a further source of risk derived from changes in the value of the foreign currencies. Hedging strategies for international portfolios have usually focused on the use of forward contracts to mitigate the currency risk. We propose an alternative formulation aimed at the reduction of the overall portfolio risk by assuming the returns are uncertain and maximizing the portfolio return for the worst possible outcome of the returns. This technique known as robust optimization provides a first guarantee on the portfolio value thanks to the non-inferiority property. We further complement our approach with forward contracts on the foreign exchange rates and options on the assets. Because the total return on any asset will be the product of its local return and currency return, the models proposed are bilinear and non convex. A reformulation of both the uncertainty set and the objective function as a semidefinite problem will yield an approximate tractable model. We compare the hedging alternatives proposed with simulated and historical market data and conclude on their relative benefits.  相似文献   

The contribution of this paper is twofold. First, we exploit copula methodology, with two threshold GARCH models as marginals, to construct a bivariate copula-threshold-GARCH model, simultaneously capturing asymmetric nonlinear behaviour in univariate stock returns of spot and futures markets and bivariate dependency, in a flexible manner. Two elliptical copulas (Gaussian and Student's-t) and three Archimedean copulas (Clayton, Gumbel and the Mixture of Clayton and Gumbel) are utilized. Second, we employ the presenting models to investigate the hedging performance for five East Asian spot and futures stock markets: Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Singapore and Taiwan. Compared with conventional hedging strategies, including Engle's dynamic conditional correlation GARCH model, the results show that hedge ratios constructed by a Gaussian or Mixture copula are the best-performed in variance reduction for all markets except Japan and Singapore, and provide close to the best returns on a hedging portfolio over the sample period.  相似文献   

A multivariate Markov-switching ARCH (MVSWARCH) model in which variance/correlations for futures and spot returns is controlled by a state-varying mechanism is introduced and used to design a state-varying stock index futures hedge ratio. Additionally, a conventional random-variance framework, the MVGARCH (multivariate GARCH) model with a time-varying technique is employed and subjected to a benchmark model. The feasibility of these proposed models is examined using two types of spot positions selected from the U.K. stock markets: (1) the FTSE-100 market index, representing a well-diversified market portfolio, and (2) ten sub-stock indices defined by the Data Stream database, representing the sub-set of the market portfolio. The empirical results are consistent with the following notions. First, when futures and spot returns are simultaneously (individually) based on low or high volatility states, the corresponding correlation measure between futures and spot returns is higher (lower). Second, consistent with prior studies, the in-sample hedging effectiveness tests demonstrated the superior performance of the stat-varying hedge ratio generated by the MVSWARCH model in all cases. However, our empirical results further indicate that the out-of-sample performance of the MVSWARCH-based hedge ratio is statistically marginal when investors hold a well-diversified market portfolio as their spot position and tranquil periods are experienced.  相似文献   

Based on intraday 5-min high-frequency dataset, this paper empirically analyzes the intraday dynamic relationships between China’s CSI 300 index futures and spot markets with vector autoregression (VAR) and multivariate GARCH (MGARCH) models. By comparing four VAR–MGARCH models (dynamic conditional correlation, constant conditional correlation, diagonal and BEKK), the VAR–DCC–MGARCH model is found to fit the data the best and be preferred over the other models. The results of this model show that although there are bidirectional price causal relationships between the CSI 300 index futures and spot markets, the index futures return shock affects the spot market more severely than the spot return shock affects the futures market, indicating that the index futures market dominates the price discovery process between the two markets. There are bidirectional volatility spillovers effects between the CSI 300 index futures and spot markets, and the spillovers effects from index futures to spot almost equal to that from index spot to futures. The time-varying conditional correlations between the CSI 300 index futures and spot markets change from 0.4787 to 0.9594 across time, showing there is a strong positive correlation and linkage effect between the two markets. These results indicate that after a period of time of development, the price discovery performance of the CSI 300 index futures market has begun to function well, and the impact of the CSI 300 index futures market on its underlying spot market has strengthened.  相似文献   

Asia is presently the most important market for the production and consumption of natural rubber. World prices of rubber are subject to not only to changes in demand, but also speculation regarding future markets. Japan and Singapore are the major future markets for rubber, while Thailand is one of the world's largest producers of rubber. As rubber prices are influenced by external markets, it is important to analyse the relationship between the relevant markets in Thailand, Japan and Singapore. The analysis is conducted using several alternative multivariate GARCH models. The empirical results indicate that the constant conditional correlations arising from the CCC model lie in the low to medium range. The results from the VARMA-GARCH model and the VARMA-AGARCH model suggest the presence of volatility spillovers and asymmetric effects of positive and negative return shocks on conditional volatility. Finally, the DCC model suggests that the conditional correlations can vary dramatically over time. In general, the dynamic conditional correlations in rubber spot and futures returns shocks can be independent or interdependent.  相似文献   

International financial portfolios can be exposed to substantial risk from variations of the exchange rates between the countries in which they hold investments. Nonetheless, foreign exchange can both generate extra return as well as loss to a portfolio, hence rather than just being avoided, there are potential advantages to well-managed international portfolios. This paper introduces an optimisation model that manages currency exposure of a portfolio through a combination of foreign exchange forward contracts, thereby creating a “currency overlay” on top of asset allocation. Crucially, the hedging and transaction costs associated with holding forward contracts are taken into account in the portfolio risk and return calculations. This novel extension of previous overlay models improves the accuracy of the risk and return calculations of portfolios. Consequently, more accurate investment decisions are obtained through optimal asset allocation and hedging positions. Our experimental results show that inclusion of such costs significantly changes the optimal decisions. Furthermore, effects of constraints related to currency hedging are examined. It is shown that tighter constraints weaken the benefit of a currency overlay and that forward positions vary significantly across return targets. A larger currency overlay is advantageous at low and high return targets, whereas small overlay positions are observed at medium return targets. The resulting system can hence enhance intelligent expert decision support for financial managers.  相似文献   

Accurate forecasting of volatility from financial time series is paramount in financial decision making. This paper presents a novel, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)-trained Quantile Regression Neural Network namely PSOQRNN, to forecast volatility from financial time series. We compared the effectiveness of PSOQRNN with that of the traditional volatility forecasting models, i.e., Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH) and three Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) including Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), General Regression Neural Network (GRNN), Group Method of Data Handling (GMDH), Random Forest (RF) and two Quantile Regression (QR)-based hybrids including Quantile Regression Neural Network (QRNN) and Quantile Regression Random Forest (QRRF). The results indicate that the proposed PSOQRNN outperformed these models in terms of Mean Squared Error (MSE), on a majority of the eight financial time series including exchange rates of USD versus JPY, GBP, EUR and INR, Gold Price, Crude Oil Price, Standard and Poor 500 (S&P 500) Stock Index and NSE India Stock Index considered here. It was corroborated by the Diebold–Mariano test of statistical significance. It also performed well in terms of other important measures such as Directional Change Statistic (Dstat) and Theil's Inequality Coefficient. The superior performance of PSOQRNN can be attributed to the role played by PSO in obtaining the better solutions. Therefore, we conclude that the proposed PSOQRNN can be used as a viable alternative in forecasting volatility.  相似文献   

The papers in this special issue of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation are substantially revised versions of the papers that were presented at the 2011 Madrid International Conference on “Risk Modelling and Management” (RMM2011). The papers cover the following topics: currency hedging strategies using dynamic multivariate GARCH, risk management of risk under the Basel Accord: A Bayesian approach to forecasting value-at-risk of VIX futures, fast clustering of GARCH processes via Gaussian mixture models, GFC-robust risk management under the Basel Accord using extreme value methodologies, volatility spillovers from the Chinese stock market to economic neighbours, a detailed comparison of Value-at-Risk estimates, the dynamics of BRICS's country risk ratings and domestic stock markets, U.S. stock market and oil price, forecasting value-at-risk with a duration-based POT method, and extreme market risk and extreme value theory.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the use of options and futures in minimizing the domestic currency cost of repaying a foreign currency debt. Because of the significant uncertainty in predicting the exchange rate at some future time, we develop a methodology for exploring the range of predictions for which it is optimal to hedge with futures, the range for which it is optimal to use options, and the range for which it is optimal to use a combination of both. Implementation of a nonlinear integer stochastic programming model is described and computational experience discussed.  相似文献   

Market is often found behaving surprisingly similar to history, which implies that correlation exists significant for market trend analysis. In the context of Forex market analysis, this paper proposes a correlation-aided support vector regression (cSVR) for time series application, where correlation data are extracted through a graphical channel correlation analysis, compensated by a parameterized Pearson’s correlation to exclude noise meanwhile minimize useful information lost. The effectiveness of cSVR against SVR is confirmed by experiments on 5 contracts (NZD/AUD, NZD/EUD, NZD/GBP, NZD/JPY, and NZD/USD) exchange rate prediction within the period from January 2007 to December 2008.  相似文献   

This paper presents an efficient currency option pricing model based on support vector regression (SVR). This model focuses on selection of input variables of SVR. We apply stochastic volatility model with jumps to SVR in order to account for sudden big changes in exchange rate volatility. We use forward exchange rate as the input variable of SVR, since forward exchange rate takes interest rates of a basket of currencies into account. Therefore, the inputs of SVR will include moneyness (spot rate/strike price), forward exchange rate, volatility of the spot rate, domestic risk-free simple interest rate, and the time to maturity. Extensive experimental studies demonstrate the ability of new model to improve forecast accuracy.  相似文献   

In this research, we work with data of futures contracts on foreign exchange rates for British pound (BP), Canadian dollar (CD), and Japanese yen (JY) that are traded at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) against US dollars. We model relationships between exchange rates in these currencies using linear models, feed forward artificial neural networks (ANN), and three versions of recurrent neural networks (RNN1, RNN2 and RNN3) for predicting exchange rates in these currencies against the US dollar. Our results on forecast evaluations based on AGS test the tests of forecast equivalence between any two competing models among the entire models employed for each of the series show that ANN and the three versions of RNN models offer superior forecasts for predicting BP, CD and JY exchange rates although the forecast evaluations based on MGN test are in sharp contrast. On the other hand forecast based on SIGN test shows that ANN and all the versions of RNN models offer superior forecasts for BP and CD in exception of JY exchange rates. The results for forecast evaluation for all the models for each of the series based on summary measures of forecast evaluations show that RNN3 model appears to offer the most accurate predictions of BP and RNN1 for JP exchange rates. However, none of the RNN models appear to be statistically superior to the benchmark (i.e., linear model) for predicting CD exchange rates.   相似文献   

International integration of financial markets provides a channel for currency movements to affect stock prices. This paper applies a four-regime double-threshold GARCH (DTGARCH) model of stock market returns to investigate empirically the effects of daily currency movements on five stock market returns, namely in Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea, Japan and the USA. The asymmetric reactions of the mean and volatility stock returns in five markets to stock market and foreign exchange news are investigated using linear and nonlinear models. We discuss a four-regime DTGARCH model, which allows for asymmetry in both the conditional mean and conditional variance simultaneously by using two threshold variables to analyze stock market reactions to different types of information (that is, positive and negative news) that are generated from stock and foreign exchange markets. By applying the four-regime DTGARCH model, this paper finds that the interactions between the information of stock and foreign exchange markets lead to asymmetric reactions of stock returns and their associated variability. The empirical results show that international fund managers who invest in newly emerging stock markets need to evaluate the value and stability of domestic currencies as part of their stock market investment decisions.  相似文献   

The first goal of this paper is to clarify the implications of the no arbitrage assumption in the context of several countries and extend to a general setting of continuous-time finance and stochastic interest rates results which were more or less present in classical finance models such as the international APT (see Solnik (1983)). In particular, the remarkable relationship between the risk premia in two different countries and the sole volatility of the exchange rate is easily derived. Secondly, we examine the pricing and hedging of cross-currencies options when interest rates are stochastic in all countries. The dependence of risk neutrality arguments on the reference numéraire as developed in Geman (1989) becomes particularly clear in the case of several currencies.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model for analyzing international plant location and financing decisions under uncertainty. The model diverges from the usual plant location problem in that location and financing decisions are considered simultaneously. This approach is necessary since subsidized financing as well as preferential tax treatment can be significant influences on international location decisions. In addition, financing in different currencies can be used to hedge uncertain price and exchange rate movements.Risk aversion enters via a mean-variance objective function in firm profit. The resulting problem is mixedinteger quadratic and would generally present severe computational difficulties. However, we show that a multifactor approach can be used to transform this problem into one which can be solved fairly readily. The result is a model which is computationally feasible for problems of reasonable size while still including the effects of uncertainty, financial subsidies and hedging strategies on international location decisions. Computational experience is discussed for two solution procedures. One approach uses the quadratic programming package of LINDO coupled to a branch-and-bound procedure. The other approach used a gradient search procedure plus branch-and-bound.  相似文献   

Although the rapid expansion in derivative market in previous decades has drawn research in both theory and practice of hedging against commodity risk, recent volatile fluctuations in crude oil prices in world market have renewed profound interest in examination of existing and development of new hedging models and strategies. In this paper, we propose and develop a methodological framework for applying individual and ensembles of polynomial projection models to hedge against oil commodity price risk. The study also comparatively evaluates the hedging performances of these projection models and benchmarks them against naïve hedging, VEC–GARCH model, and the case of no hedging. In addition, the empirical analysis considers a trader’s level of risk aversion in commodity hedging as well as the adoption of transaction cost. Our findings indicate promising out-of-sample hedging capability by polynomial projection models. Also, different forms of integrated ensembles of projections outperform individual polynomial projections, suggesting the usefulness of ensemble structure in enhancement of hedging in an uncertain environment.  相似文献   

For the calibration of the parameters in static and dynamic SABR stochastic volatility models, we propose the application of the GPU technology to the Simulated Annealing global optimization algorithm and to the Monte Carlo simulation. This calibration has been performed for EURO STOXX 50 index and EUR/USD exchange rate with an asymptotic formula for volatility or Monte Carlo simulation. Moreover, in the dynamic model we propose an original more general expression for the functional parameters, specially well suited for the EUR/USD exchange rate case. Numerical results illustrate the expected behavior of both SABR models and the accuracy of the calibration. In terms of computational time, when the asymptotic formula for volatility is used the speedup with respect to CPU computation is around 200 with one GPU. Furthermore, GPU technology allows the use of Monte Carlo simulation for calibration purposes, the computational time with CPU being prohibitive.  相似文献   

本文研究了期货市场创新(Innovation)的最优设计问题,分析了保值者和投资者市场结构和交易均衡条件,建立了具有保值性,流动性,价格引导和交易费用的模型,设计了期货市场的单个创新,并发创新(Simultaneous Innovation)和顺序创新(Sequential Innovation)的最优决策,运用模拟退火方法,进行了期货市场创新的仿真研究。  相似文献   

This paper identifies and analyzes BitCoin features which may facilitate BitCoin to become a global currency, as well as characteristics which may impede the use of BitCoin as a medium of exchange, a unit of account and a store of value, and compares BitCoin with standard currencies with respect to the main functions of money. Among all analyzed BitCoin features, the extreme price volatility stands out most clearly compared to standard currencies. In order to understand the reasons for such extreme price volatility, we attempt to identify drivers of BitCoin price formation and estimate their importance econometrically. We apply time-series analytical mechanisms to daily data for the 2009–2014 period. Our estimation results suggest that BitCoin attractiveness indicators are the strongest drivers of BitCoin price followed by market forces. In contrast, macro-financial developments do not determine BitCoin price in the long-run. Our findings suggest that as long as BitCoin price will be mainly driven by speculative investments, BitCoin will not be able to compete with standard currencies.  相似文献   

The use of neural networks trained by a new hybrid algorithm is employed on forecasting the Greek Foreign Exchange-Rate Market. Four major currencies, namely the U.S. Dollar (USD), the Deutsche Mark (DEM), the French Franc (FF) and the British Pound (GBP), versus the Greek Drachma, were used as experimental data. The proposed algorithm combines genetic algorithms and a training method based on the localized Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), in order to evolve the structure and train Multi-Layered Perceptron (MLP) neural networks. The goal of this effort is to predict, as accurately as possible, exchange-rates future behavior. Simulation results show that the method gives highly successful results, while the diversification of the structure between the four currencies has no effect on the performance.  相似文献   

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