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论文基于自然与设计相结合的角度,在住区组团设计阶段,针对寒冷地区建筑所处的具体环境气候特征,对太阳辐射、日光、风等自然因素分析,把其气候因素加以充分利用和改善,来做到满足人类舒适度的前提下最小消耗自然界的能源,给寒冷地区住宅建筑节能设计提出一些应对策略和建议。  相似文献   

为通过改变寒冷地区不同开敞空间过渡季的景观要素,提高住区微气候及舒适度,文章以郑州市工程技术学院金河校区家属院为典型案例,进行六处不同节点景观空间的风、湿、热微气候环境测试,探究住区开敞空间景观要素、微气候及使用舒适度三者之间的关系,推荐增加水体和绿化作为住区室外景观空间微气候与人体舒适度改善的最有效方法.  相似文献   

本文综合运用WBGT指标和TS-Givoni指标计算湿热地区风景园林微气候舒适度值,结合国家热环境WBGT指标和TS-Givoni指标假设微气候舒适度评价标准,并通过实地监测和调查问卷,分析使用主体行为与微气候舒适度值的相关性,从而验证假设的评价标准.由此,得到湿热地区风景园林微气候舒适度评价参数、评价指标、评价标准和微气候舒适度等级划分指标.这种评价方法将客观的物理参数和主观的人体热舒适感结合,既是对热环境的客观评价,又考虑使用主体的热感受,评价的结果相对简明、完善、实用.  相似文献   

滨水地区是住区建设热点区域之一,提高寒冷地区滨水住区室外空间的人体环境舒适感是设计者需要重点考虑的内容.本文以天津天嘉湖住区设计方案为例,分析寒冷地区滨水住区微气候适宜空间模式,根据与水域的关系将住区场地划分成"湾"式组团、"岛"式组团和"岸"式组团,通过软件模拟3种组团的微气候,按照计算得出的人体舒适度参数值提出3种...  相似文献   

国外微气候舒适度研究简述及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈睿智  董靓 《中国园林》2009,25(11):81-83
园林规划设计中营造舒适的微气候环境不仅体现人性化设计,也能降低能耗,为使用者提供自然、安全、舒适的空间环境.本文对国外微气候舒适度的研究发展,微气候舒适度的评价研究和应用研究进行初步概述,并提出在国内园林规划设计中的研究重点,即加强园林微气候舒适度研究,完善评价标准,园林规划设计中重视营造微气候舒适度,重视多学科融合及实地测试.以期推动国内对微气候舒适度的研究.  相似文献   

文章以湿热地区的广州为例,通过两代表性城市住区夏季晴日的现场测试,得到其微气候参数的分布图。结合住区在建筑、绿化和水景等方面的设计,分析住区微气候与设计之间的关系,为湿热地区城市住区的微气候优化设计提供指导和建议。  相似文献   

基于老年人的生理和心理需求,探讨了城市住区适老化中的微气侯特征,并通过调查研究,对某居住区微气侯与住区环境适老化影响机制进行了分析,旨在为我国适老化的住区景观与外部空间设计研究方法提供依据。  相似文献   

城市街道是使用频率较高的公共户外空间,良好的物理环境是提高室外行人舒适度的前提条件.以广州4条不同等级和朝向的街道作为模拟对象,利用微气候软件ENVI-met对街道微气候进行模拟计算,发现街谷易形成局部高温区域,优化建筑界面形态可提高街谷风环境.通过提高街谷高宽比、优化建筑界面、增加通风廊道、加强路面透水性、提高绿化遮阳效率等多项城市设计策略协同作用,可以全面地提升街谷及附近街区的环境品质,改善街区整体微气候.  相似文献   

唐燕  运迎霞 《新建筑》2004,(6):77-79
阐述了适宜技术的概念内涵及本质特点,论证说明我国生态住区建设走适宜技术道路是我国国情和住宅自身特点双重选择的结果。并针对当前我国的生态住区建设状况,结合实例探讨了什么是真正适宜的生态技术,如何评价技术的适宜性等关键问题。  相似文献   

金振山  杜晓宇 《住区》2021,(3):113-118
随着中国城镇化的快速推进,高层高密度住区成为中国大中城市的一个重要的空间现象.但在既有研究成果中,很少关注基于不同标准层形态的高层高密度住区的住户热舒适度研究.针对此问题,本文首先对重庆市近5年高层高密度住区的住宅标准层形式进了行总结,然后以不同形式标准层为研究对象,以住户满意度为核心,对采光通风情况、夏季遮阳情况和室...  相似文献   

探求适宜居住的生态人居环境的设计是当今主流的设计思潮之一,就南方地区的居住建筑,分析了人居生态性建设的可能与措施,力求能对南方地区的居住建筑在生态适宜性的建设上提供一些思路。  相似文献   

C. Voelker  H. Alsaad 《Indoor air》2018,28(3):415-425
This study aims to develop an approach to couple a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solver to the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) thermal comfort model to accurately evaluate thermal comfort. The coupling was made using an iterative JavaScript to automatically transfer data for each individual segment of the human body back and forth between the CFD solver and the UCB model until reaching convergence defined by a stopping criterion. The location from which data are transferred to the UCB model was determined using a new approach based on the temperature difference between subsequent points on the temperature profile curve in the vicinity of the body surface. This approach was used because the microclimate surrounding the human body differs in thickness depending on the body segment and the surrounding environment. To accurately simulate the thermal environment, the numerical model was validated beforehand using experimental data collected in a climate chamber equipped with a thermal manikin. Furthermore, an example of the practical implementations of this coupling is reported in this paper through radiant floor cooling simulation cases, in which overall and local thermal sensation and comfort were investigated using the coupled UCB model.  相似文献   

通过搜索舒适性研究的中外文献,梳理了研究的数量、学科、热点,以城市街道为研究对象,从街道空间对小气候要素的影响、舒适感受评价、街道空间与舒适感受的相互作用3个方面对研究内容进行了总结。结果表明,空间要素是风景园林小气候尺度影响舒适感受的重要因素,热舒适为目前主要的舒适性研究主题。提出风景园林小气候舒适性研究,以城市街道为例,需要建立整合空间要素、小气候要素、人的感受的具有风景园林专业特色的舒适性评价体系,为未来城市宜居环境规划建设提供舒适性设计经验与参考。  相似文献   

Mosques have intermittent operational schedules with short-term occupancy during the five daily prayers. The occupancy level of the daily prayers is a fraction compared to the mandatory Friday prayers with full occupancy. Usually, the same thermal control mechanism is operated within the same large prayer hall to maintain the thermal comfort of the occupants. Yet, the comfort requirements are often not met due to the short span of operation during prayer times. Nevertheless, mosques have a very high energy usage as the same energy-intensive system is operated even during minimal occupancy profiles. The current research aims at using a passive approach towards design to achieve the comfort conditions during the low occupancy daily prayer times without employing mechanical intervention. Numerical simulations are carried out on a validated model of the case study building to investigate the impact of the west-facing Qiblah wall as the congregation stands in proximity to this wall. The design alternatives are tested in conjunction with ventilation strategies to holistically assess the thermal comfort of the occupants. Results show that as much as 4–6°C reduction in indoor wall surface temperature can be achieved with a suitable Qiblah wall design, which reduces the mean radiant temperature of the occupants by 2–4°C. Combined with ventilation strategies, thermal comfort can be significantly improved by at least 40% for the prayers during the hottest times of the day, and as much as 80% for night-time prayers. Results suggest that suitable comfort conditions can be achieved without the need for air-conditioning for at least two or three of the five daily prayers.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the present situation of the settlement and the influence of tourism development and construction. It discusses the attitude toward the conservation and development of the settlement as well as the way to maintain the production, life, and culture of the Mosian and the way to promote the sustainable development of the settlement by tourism. __________ Translated from Architecture Journal, 2007, (11): 76–78 [译自: 建筑学报]  相似文献   

陕西关中地区乡村旅游组织规划浅析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
马杰  肖莉 《山西建筑》2009,35(21):28-29
对关中地区乡村旅游资源优势进行了充分调研,对关中村落旅游空间发展的几种趋势进行了探讨,最后从优化空间布局、关中乡村景观与乡村旅游规划协调等几方面提出了几种关中乡村旅游空间组织规划的模式,从而促进农村经济持续发展。  相似文献   

Outdoor spaces are important to sustainable cities because they accommodate pedestrian traffic and outdoor activities, and contribute greatly to urban livability and vitality. In the global context of climate change, outdoor spaces that provide a pleasurable thermal comfort experience for pedestrians effectively improve the quality of urban living. The influence of thermal comfort on outdoor activities is a complex issue comprising both climatic and behavioral aspects; however, current investigations lack a general framework for assessment. This paper presents a review of research over the past decade on the behavioral aspects of outdoor thermal comfort. The article focuses on perceptions of outdoor thermal comfort and the use of outdoor space in the context of urban planning. We further discuss a general framework for assessing outdoor thermal comfort based on behavioral aspects and the need for predicting tools in the design and planning of outdoor thermal comfort.  相似文献   

范颖 《山西建筑》2014,(24):11-13
以四川省兴文县周家镇天星村在新农村建设背景下的乡村旅游开发途径为例,通过对天星村乡村资源分析、新农村建设指引下发展模式的探索,探讨了乡村旅游开发指引下的聚落景观衍变途径与打造方式,以供参考。  相似文献   

杜娟 《山西建筑》2007,33(15):200-201
对国内乡村旅游发展的理论模式进行了总结,并结合成功的实践经验进行分析与对比,阐述了乡村旅游发展对于反贫困的意义,以期能够对我国未来乡村旅游发展提供思考及发展导向。  相似文献   

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