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BaTiO3陶瓷以其优异的铁电、压电和绝缘性能广泛应用于体积小、容量大的电子器件材料,但其在一定的工作温度区间介电常数却呈现不稳定变化。对其常用的改性方法进行了分类和阐述,同时对Nb2O5掺杂改性对BaTiO3陶瓷介电性能的影响作了简单介绍,最后讨论了Nb2O5在多层陶瓷电容器制备领域的应用和重要性。 相似文献
Nb2O5 loaded on the supports and mixed with oxides was studied to investigate the activity and acidity for Friedel-Crafts benzylation of anisole. From the study on the loaded catalysts, a preliminary conclusion for the selection of metal oxide was obtained; namely, such an acidic oxide as silica was suitable for the support of Nb2O5. Then, MoO3 and WO3 were mixed with Nb2O5, and prominent high catalytic activity and acidities were observed. Both oxides of Nb2O5-MoO3 and Nb2O5-WO3 showed almost similar behavior with respect to characterization and catalytic activity. Surface area increased, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman bands were lost, acid sites, both Brønsted and Lewis characters generated, and surface acid site density was as high as 2–4 nm−2. The acid sites were generated on the amorphous metal oxides consisting of Nb and Mo or W oxides, different in nature from those of Nb2O5 calcined and un-calcined, and active for Friedel-Crafts benzylation. 相似文献
通过高温固相反应合成了铌酸盐KCa2Nb3O10及Cr^3+和Mo^6+掺杂(摩尔分数5%)的KCa2Nh3O10,并通过离子交换反应制备出HCa2Nb3O10及Cr^3+和Mo^6+掺杂的HCa2Nb3O10采用X射线衍射、原子吸收光谱、扫描电镜等对所制得的样品进行了表征.在甲醇为电子给体、Pt为助催化剂的情况下,研究了催化剂HCa2Nb3O10及Cr^3+和Mo^6+掺杂的HCa2Nb3O10在紫外光辐射下分解水产氢的光催化活性,并讨论了引起催化剂活性差异的原因, 相似文献
Marcelo M. Pereira Evandro B. Pereira Lam Yiu Lau Martin Schmal 《Catalysis Today》2000,57(3-4):291-296
Nickel was impregnated in two Nb2O5/SiO2 samples. The first one contained small crystallites of niobia dispersed over silica and the second one a niobia monolayer distributed quite uniformly over the silica substrate. These systems were submitted to different treatments (calcination and water vapor) in order to obtain different interactions between the nickel and niobia. A preferential interaction of the nickel with niobia was observed in both niobia–silica samples. The hydrogenation of benzene and dehydrogenation of cyclohexane were used to characterize the reduced surface nickel. Suppression in the catalytic activity was observed due to a strong metal-support interaction (SMSI) and nickel niobate formation. The extension of SMSI and nickel niobate formation depend on the niobia–silica interactions, which are a function of sample preparation and treatment. 相似文献
Luciana T. Santos Evandro B. Pereira Narcís Homs Jordi Llorca Pilar Ramírez de la Piscina Marcelo M. Pereira 《Catalysis Today》2003,78(1-4):459-465
Niobia-modified silica was used as support for nickel-based catalysts. Catalysts with different nickel loading were prepared by successive incipient-wetness impregnation of toluenic nickel octanoate solutions. The samples were characterised after both calcination and reduction by TEM-EDX techniques and tested in the ethane hydrogenolysis. Their catalytic behaviour was compared to that of related silica-supported nickel catalysts. A high suppression of hydrogenolysis activity (93–99%) was determined for the niobia-modified silica-supported nickel catalysts which do not show nickel particles on silica. 相似文献
Rodolfo de Andrade Schaffner Elson Oliveira Roberta Carolina Pelissari Rizzo Domingues Leandro da Conceição Carlos Itsuo Yamamoto Graciela Inêz Bolzon de Muniz Helton José Alves 《加拿大化工杂志》2024,102(2):738-747
Niobium pentoxide (Nb2O5) is a polymorphic ceramic with semiconductor characteristics applied in various fields of study. In this work, the Nb2O5 synthesis by the spray pyrolysis route was compared to the hydrothermal technique. The obtained materials were characterized by N2 physisorption (BET-N2), average particle size distribution by dynamic light scattering (DLS), X-ray diffractometry (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy. The material synthesized by the spray pyrolysis technique presented high specific area and pore volume, high crystallinity, homogeneity, and nanometric particles, thus representing a potential technique for the Nb2O5 synthesis. 相似文献
采用油菜花粉为模板制备了一种具有多孔中空结构的催化剂——五氧化二铌/二氧化钛(Nb2O5/Ti O2),它在光照下的醇氧化反应中表现出良好的活性。反应可以在无溶剂下进行,以O2作为氧化剂,2,2,6,6-四甲基哌啶-N-氧自由基(TEMPO)作为助催化剂,反应过程绿色环保,对环境友好。该体系下,10 m L苯甲醇可以得到31mmol苯甲醛,收率为33%,选择性达98%。与单纯用Ti O2作催化剂相比,该文所制催化剂具有多孔结构及Nb2O5,反应的选择性提高。 相似文献
Ning Chen Fei Wang Xu Li Yining Xie Jingwen Xi Shangyi Guan Wei Shi Hao Chen Jie Xing Jianguo Zhu 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》2022,105(10):6207-6216
CaBi2Nb2O9 (CBN), one of the bismuth-layered structural ferroelectrics, with high Curie temperature (TC), has great potential in high-temperature applications. In this work, high Curie temperature and piezoelectric constant (d33) are realized in modified CaBi2Nb2O9 ceramics with Ce-substitution. Ce-substitution changes the crystal structures and domain structures of CBN-based ceramics, so as to improve the piezoelectric properties. The optimal performances are obtained with a high d33 value (∼18.0 pC/N) and a TC value (∼930°C), together with a low tan δ value (∼0.028 at 500°C). Moreover, the thermal stability is also enhanced, where the d33 value maintains 93.9% of its original value after annealing at 900°C for 2 h. Thus, these findings play a meaningful role in devices manufacturing, where the apply temperature is often more than 500°C. 相似文献
Gilberto Falk Mario Borlaf Tatiana Bendo Antonio Pedro Novaes de Oliveira João Batista Rodrigues Neto Rodrigo Moreno 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》2016,99(6):1968-1973
A detailed study of a novel synthesis via colloidal sol–gel route for obtaining nanoparticulate Nb2O5 was performed. Parameters such as temperature and H+:Nb5+ and Nb5+:H2O molar ratios were controlled in order to determine the best conditions of synthesis. Moreover, particle size distribution, zeta potential, structure by X‐ray diffraction, and the photocatalytic activity of the particulate sols were also evaluated. The obtained results indicate that the colloidal sol–gel synthesis is a good alternative for obtaining Nb2O5 either as stable nanoparticulate sol or as a nanosized powder. Nb2O5 amorphous nanoparticles with an average size of 20 nm were obtained by controlling the synthesis variables. The heat‐treatment process allowed the formation of Nb2O5 with orthorhombic structure that transforms at higher temperatures to monoclinic phase. The highest photocatalytic activity was observed under λ = 365 nm, the smallest UV energy used in the experimental tests. 相似文献
使用Nb2O5纳米线(W-Nb2O5)和介孔Nb2O5(S-Nb2O5)两种载体负载金属Pd,制备了Pd/W-Nb2O5和Pd/S-Nb2O5两种催化剂对肉桂醛(CMA)进行催化还原,考察了催化剂的活性和选择性。以乙醇为反应溶剂,催化剂用量0.10 g,80 oC,2MPa H2压力下反应6 h,Pd/W-Nb2O5对CMA的转化率为99%,HCMA的选择性为65%。Pd/S-Nb2O5在相同条件下反应, CMA转化率为98%,HCMA选择性为84%。W-Nb2O5表面酸性过强,导致HCMA选择性变低。继续考察Pd/S-Nb2O5在不同条件下对CMA加氢反应的影响。结果显示温度,H2压力,催化剂载体Nb2O5的晶化温度对反应均有影响。 相似文献
共沉淀法合成一种新型的水合镍锰复合氧化物NiMnO3·H2O 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过共沉淀NaOH溶液和含等浓度的Ni2+、Mn2+的NH3·H2O-NH4NO3缓冲溶液的方法,在加热、搅拌的条件下,合成了一种新型的水合镍锰复合氧化物NiMnO3·H2O.采用TG-DTA、XRD、SEM、EDAX、XPS、IR、重量分析以及化学滴定等方法对合成产物的形貌和化学组成进行了表征,可以确定产物的化学组成为NiMnO3·H2O.XRD分析表明合成产物为一种文献上没有报道过的新物质,SEM图片显示合成产物的颗粒是由大量形貌不规则的纳米粒子组成的. 相似文献
采用固相烧结法合成了Nb掺杂的LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4正极材料.通过XRD测试和充放电测试表征了材料的晶体结构和电化学性能.结果表明Nb掺杂容易产生LiNbO3杂质,并影响其放电能力,少量Nb掺杂获得的LiNi0.425Nb0.03Mn1.5O4展示出良好的大电流放电性能. 相似文献
以五正丁氧基铌为前驱体,通过溶胶-凝胶法制备出稳定的Nb2O5聚合溶胶,详细考察了溶胶制备过程参数(体系酸度、水解比、反应温度、反应时间和螯合剂用量)对溶胶尺寸、稳定性以及制备重复性的影响。采用平均粒径为4.8 nm的Nb2O5溶胶,通过浸浆法在平均孔径为3 nm的γ-Al2O3中孔膜上制备出Nb2O5微孔膜。利用TG、XRD、NH3吸附-脱附、CO2吸附、吡啶吸附傅里叶变换红外光谱(Py-IR)和单组分气体渗透实验等手段对Nb2O5粉体及微孔膜的性能进行了表征,结果表明:在200℃、0.3 MPa条件下,350℃烧成的微孔Nb2O5膜对H2的渗透率和H2/CO2的理想分离因子分别为3.1×10-9 mol·m-2·s-1·Pa-1和21。此外,微孔Nb2O5膜经150 kPa的水蒸气处理8 h后,膜的渗透性能以及H2/CO2理想选择性基本保持不变。 相似文献
The dielectric constants (K) of ceramics composition (Nb2O5)(1-x): xTiO2, (x = 0.05, 0.08, 0.11) have been measured over the temperature range from -180 °C to 180 °C in the frequency range 100 Hz-IMHz. For all three samples, the temperature dependence of the dielectric constants at various frequencies shows the dielectric dispersion and the frequency dependent dielectric losses are observed, suggesting the several relaxation phenomena. Dielectric loss data are analyzed by Arrhenius formalism indicating the presence of relaxation type dielectric mechanisms in (Nb2O5)(1-x): xTiO2 ceramics. 相似文献
利用离子交换法将Nb~(5+)引入坡缕石(Nb~(5+)/PG),经300℃培烧后得坡缕石负载Nb_2O_5的固体酸(300-Nb_2O_5/PG),运用X射线衍射、X射线光电子能谱、紫外漫反射、N_2吸附-脱附(BET)、ICP、NH_3-TPD对其结构、金属含量、酸强度进行表征。在催化合成偏苯三酸三辛酯(TOTM)中,当偏苯三酸酐与异辛醇的摩尔比为1∶4,300-Nb_2O_5/PG用量为酸酐质量的5%,210℃,反应5 h后,偏苯三酸三辛酯酯化率可达到95.3%,催化剂重复使用10次后,酯化率89.2%。 相似文献
报道了含稀土量少的掺锰复合钇铁石榴石的制备。探讨了替代材料中铁位上锰的掺入对材料特性的影响。结果表明:锰掺入后的材料具有YIG相同的结构,并具有良好的施磁性质。该材料适用于制备磁隔离器。 相似文献
Wen Zhu Huanhuan Guo Zong-Yang Shen Fusheng Song Wenqin Luo Zhumei Wang Yueming Li 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》2023,106(6):3633-3642
Exploring environment-friendly energy storage ceramics simultaneously featuring large recoverable energy storage density (Wrec), high-energy storage efficiency (ƞ), and excellent temperature stability is highly desirable for the application of pulsed power systems. Herein, Nb2O5 was introduced to modify BNBST-based lead-free relaxor ferroelectric ceramics in an effort to enhance the dielectric temperature stability. (Bi0.5Na0.5)0.65(Ba0.3Sr0.7)0.35(Ti0.98Ce0.02)O3 (BNBSTC) + x wt%Nb2O5 (0 ≤ x ≤ 4) ceramics were prepared by a solid-state reaction method. The phase structure, microstructure, dielectric, and energy storage properties of the ceramics have been systematically studied. It was found that the εr–T curve was flattened, and the dielectric temperature stability was effectively improved due to the addition of Nb2O5. A noticeable Wrec (1.44 J/cm3) with high η (84.1%) was obtained in BNBSTC + 2 wt%Nb2O5 ceramics at a low electric field of 90 kV/cm, which was mainly due to a refined P–E loop induced by Nb2O5. In addition to excellent frequency and anti-fatigue cycle stability, this ceramic provides a new solution for designing pulsed power capacitors with high energy density and high temperature stability under low voltage driving conditions. 相似文献