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In this study, the influence of Li substitution on the piezoelectric performance of lead‐free K0.5Na0.5NbO3 (KNN)‐epoxy composites is explored. KNN piezoceramic particles modified with 0‐12 mol% of Li are prepared via a double calcination technique, resulting in a perovskite particulate which transitions from an orthorhombic to tetragonal crystal structure between 6 and 9 mol% of Li, and contains a minor nonperovskite second phase from 6 mol%. A cuboid particle morphology is evident in all cases, though tetragonal KNN‐based particles have formed with serrated edges and fractures. The particles are dispersed at 10 vol% in an epoxy matrix to develop both random and dielectrophoretically structured (K,Na,Li)NbO3‐epoxy composites. The dielectric constant of the composites appears almost independent of Li content, while the piezoelectric charge constant of structured composites peaks before the polymorphic phase transition, at 3 mol% of Li. The peak in performance can be attributed to the increased primary particle size of the composition in combination with its single phase orthorhombic crystal structure. The enhancement of the energy harvesting figure of merit, derived from substituting 3 mol% of Li in the KNN particulate, makes these composites an interesting choice for flexible energy generators.  相似文献   

One of the key challenges in the development of high-temperature energy harvesting (HTEH) technology is to clarify the relationship between temperature-dependent material parameters and device power generation capabilities. However, at present, the research on temperature stability of piezoceramics mainly relies on thermal annealing technology, which cannot follow the actual temperature dependence of the piezoelectricity, and it is even more difficult to predict the temperature stability of HTEH. To shed light on this field, here, (1−x)BiScO3xPbTiO3 system was chosen for building HTEH material, and the temperature-dependent electrical parameters, such as d33, εr, and g33, have been measured by multiple in situ techniques. It was found that the synergistic effect of d33 and εr with temperature helps to obtain a stable g33 value in a wide temperature range. Moreover, in the mode of the cantilever-type energy harvester, a stable output voltage was obtained at x = 0.64 harvester with <20% change over a broad temperature range of 100-250°C, and it was verified that the temperature stability of g33 is crucial to the operation stability of HTEH devices.  相似文献   

The strength of piezoelectric ceramics differs greatly in tension and bending tests. This effect, which is known to occur for specimens with a natural flaw population, also occurs in tests that involve Knoop-cracked specimens. In such samples, the linear-elastically computed bending strength is ∼35% higher than the tensile strength. Computation of the actual stress distribution in the bending bars has shown that these differences are predominantly caused by the nonlinearity and nonsymmetry of the deformation behavior.  相似文献   

A procedure was used that made it possible to determine the R -curve for piezoelectric ceramics from tensile strength tests conducted with Knoop-damaged specimens. The resulting crack-tip toughness K I0 was 0.6 MPa·m1/2, and the R -curve starting from this value increased to 1.4 MPa·m1/2 within a 0.7 mm crack extension.  相似文献   

(Pb1−xySrxBay)(Zr0.976−zTizNb0.024)O3 solid solutions have been investigated to understand the relationship between structural changes caused by isovalent strontium and barium substitution on the A-site and dielectric and piezoelectric properties. As strontium and barium were substituted for lead, the zirconium:titanium (Zr:Ti) ratio was modified so that all compositions had an optimized piezoelectric coefficient (d33). The value of d33 was at a maximum in the tetragonal phase near, but not at, the morphotropic-phase boundary (MPB). The real MPB was taken as the Zr:Ti ratio at which X-ray diffraction patterns appeared either pseudocubic or a mixture of rhombohedral and tetragonal. As strontium content increased, optimized d33 also increased from 410 pC/N (x= 0) to 640 pC/N (x= 0.12), commensurate with a decrease in the paraelectric-to-ferroelectric phase transition temperature (TC) from 350°C (x= 0) to 175°C (x= 0.12). However, for ceramics where x > 0.12, optimized d33 decreased even though the phase-transition temperature was ∼150°C. Low strontium concentration ceramics (x= 0–0.08) contained 80 nm ferrroelectric domains typical of PZT, but high strontium concentration ceramics (x= 0.12–0.16) contained fine-scale domains (20 nm) in some regions of the microstructure. In addition, [110] pseudocubic electron diffraction patterns revealed superlattice reflections at 1/2{hkl} positions associated with rotations of the octahedra in antiphase. Co-doping ceramics with strontium (x= 0.06) and barium (y= 0.06) resulted in the disappearance of the 1/2{hkl} reflections. Optimized d33 (∼520 pC/N, TC∼ 205°C) for this composition was similar to that of ceramics where x= 0.08, y= 0, which had a TC of ∼250°C.  相似文献   

Porous ceramics of lead zirconate titanate (PZT) were prepared by sintering powder compacts consisting of PZT and stearic acid powders in an air atmosphere; stearic acid was added as a pore-forming agent (PFA). The dielectric, elastic and piezoelectric properties of uniformly porous PZT ceramics were investigated as a function of the porosity volume fraction. Furthermore, a beam-shaped PZT actuator sample with a graded porosity content across its thickness was fabricated by sintering PFA-graded powder compacts. The electric-field-induced bending displacement characteristics of the actuator samples were measured by using strain gauges and were found to be in good agreement with the theoretical predication based on a classical lamination theory.  相似文献   

Flexible piezoelectric energy harvesters (PEHs) have attracted extensive interest because of their ability to transform mechanical energy into electric power. Here, PEHs were fabricated using P(VDF-TrFE)-based piezoelectric composite films containing lead zirconate titanate (PZT) powder and –OH-functionalized graphene (HOG) nanosheets (HOG-P/P). Among all composites, a high open-circuit voltage (Voc) of approximately 50 Vp-p and a maximum power density of 1.4 μW/cm2 were obtained from a HOG-P/P PEH with 0.10 wt% HOG nanosheets and 15 wt% PZT under bending–releasing mode. Moreover, the PEH exhibited a stable voltage output after 3000 bending–releasing cycles. In addition, the PEH harvested mechanical energy from human body movements and generated an output voltage and current of 60 V and 8 μA during the finger bending–releasing process, lighting up 30 commercial white LEDs. The enhanced piezoelectric performance can be attributed to the introduction of HOG nanosheets and PZT powder. This work provides an effective strategy for improving the output performance of P(VDF-TrFE)-based PEHs.  相似文献   

High-density lead zirconate titanate (PZT) ceramics were fabricated for the first time at a temperature as low as 800°C via the hot isostatic pressing (HIP) of a PZT powder with a modified composition of 0.92Pb(Zr0.53Ti0.47)O3—0.05BiFeO3—0.03Ba(Cu0.5W0.5)O3 that contained 0.5 mass% MnO2. The resultant PZT ceramics exhibited a microstructure that was denser and finer than that of PZT sintered at 935°C, which is the lowest temperature for the densification of the same composition via normal sintering. The relevant dielectric and piezoelectric properties of the HIPed PZT ceramics were as follows: coefficient of electromechanical coupling ( K 31), 31.8%; mechanical quality factor ( Q m), 1364; piezoelectric constant ( d 31), −73.7 × 10−12 C/N; relative dielectric constant (ɛ33T0), 633; dielectric loss factor (tan δ), 0.5%; Curie temperature ( T c), 285°C; and density (ρ), 8.06 g/cm3. In addition to these reasonably good piezoelectric properties, the HIPed PZT exhibited better mechanical properties—particularly, higher fracture strength—than the normally sintered PZT.  相似文献   

For the first time, potassium sodium niobate (KNN)‐based lead‐free piezoelectric ceramic coating with strong piezoelectric response was fabricated on stainless steel substrates by thermal spray process, after introducing NiCrAlY and yttria‐stabilized zirconia (YSZ) intermediate layers. A large effective piezoelectric coefficient (d33) of 125 pm/V was obtained with the thermal‐sprayed KNN‐based ceramic coating on the steel substrates. The mechanisms of improving the structure and enhancing the properties of the KNN‐based piezoelectric ceramic coatings by introducing the intermediate layers were analyzed. Ultrasonic transducers were designed and fabricated from the KNN‐based coatings directly formed on a steel plate structure, and the feasibility for generation and detection of ultrasonic waves for structural health monitoring using the thermal‐sprayed lead‐free piezoelectric ceramic coating was demonstrated.  相似文献   

High-durability lead zirconate titanate (PZT) ceramics were developed in the present study to prevent time-dependent deterioration of displacement, as well as failure under operation. Current leakage in PZT was decreased by adding elemental manganese, changing the zirconium content from 54.0 to 54.2 mol%, and decreasing the antimony content. Displacement was improved by adding both manganese and indium to the PZT. The present investigation resulted in the development of PZT compositions with high displacement and low time-dependent displacement degradation. These results were confirmed by analyzing stack actuators made from enhanced PZT compositions.  相似文献   

x% mol MnO2‐doped Ba0.925Ca0.075TiO3 ceramics (abbreviated as BCT‐Mnx, x=0‐1.5) were synthesized by conventional solid‐state reaction method. The effects of MnO2 addition and (Ba+Ca)/Ti mole ratio (A/B ratio) on the microstructure and electrical properties of the ceramics were investigated. The internal bias filed Ei was determined from the asymmetrical polarization hysteresis loops and found to increase with the doping concentration of MnO2. High mechanical quality factors (Qm>1200) and low dielectric loss (tanδ<0.5%) were found in the BCT‐Mn0.75 and BCT‐Mn1.0 ceramics with Ei>3 kV/cm, meanwhile, the piezoelectric and electromechanical properties were found to decrease compared with the pure BCT, exhibiting a typical characteristic of “hard” behavior. Of particular interest is that the microstructure of BCT‐Mn0.75 ceramics could be controlled by changing the A/B ratio, where enhanced piezoelectric coefficient d33 on the order of 190 pC/N was obtained in the BCT‐Mn0.75 ceramics with A/B=1.01 due to its fine‐grained microstructure, with yet high Qm, being on the order of 1000. The high d33 and Qm in MnO2‐doped BCT ceramics make it a promising candidate for high power piezoelectric applications.  相似文献   

This work investigates the role of crystallization layers’ periodicity and thickness on functional response in chemical solution‐deposited lead zirconate titanate thin films, with periodic, alternating Zr and Ti gradients normal to the surface of the film. The films were processed with a range of layer periodicities and similar total film thickness, in order to relate the number of layers and compositional oscillations to structural and functional response changes. Trends of increased extrinsic contributions to the dielectric and ferroelectric responses are observed with increasing layer periodicity, but are counterpointed by simultaneous reduction in intrinsic contributions to the same. Transmission electron microscopy reveals in‐plane crystallographic discontinuity at individual crystallization interfaces. Samples with smaller periodicity, and thus thinner layers, potentially suffer from grain size refinement and subsequent reduction in domain size, thereby limiting extrinsic contributions to the response. The strong compositional oscillations in samples with larger periodicity result in deep fluctuations to the tetragonal side of the phase diagram, potentially reducing intrinsic contributions to the response. Conversely, piezoresponse force microscopy results suggest that large chemical oscillations in samples with larger periodicity also result in closer proximity to the morphotropic phase boundary, as evidenced by local acoustic softening at switching, signaling potential field‐induced phase transitions.  相似文献   

PbZr0.53Ti0.47O3 (PZT) thin films with various preferred crystallographic orientations were synthesized on various substrates using pulsed laser deposition techniques. Larger piezoelectric displacement, which involved the bending vibration of the PZT film/substrate, was observed in randomly oriented PZT thin film than that in (100)- and (111)-preferred texture films. This result was discussed by correlation with the number of effective spontaneous polarization axes in the morphotropic phase boundary of the PZT system. Moreover, polarization fatigue was found to lower the electric-field-induced displacement significantly, indicating a large contribution of ferroelectric domain motion to the piezoelectric response of PZT thin films under bipolar drive.  相似文献   

CuO‐added (1‐x)KNbO3x mol%BaZrO3 ceramics with 0.0≤x≤7.0 were sintered at 960°C. Large double polarization vs electric field (P‐E) and sprout‐shaped strain vs electric field (S‐E) hysteresis curves were obtained from the specimens with x≤2.0. They exhibited large polarizing electric fields (EP) owing to the presence of a large number of defect dipoles (PDs) that formed between Cu2+ ions and oxygen vacancies. Small double P‐E hysteresis curves were observed for the specimens with x≥3.0 with reduced EP because of the decreased number of PDs and the presence of a polymorphic phase structure containing both orthorhombic and pseudocubic structures. In particular, the specimen with x=5.0 exhibited a large strain of 0.16% at 8.0 kV/mm with a small EP of 1.2 kV/mm and good fatigue property: this specimen maintained a strain of 0.13% at 6.0 kV/mm after 106 cycles of 3.0 kV/mm.  相似文献   

The antiferroelectric/ferroelectric (PbZrO3/PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3) bilayer thin films were fabricated on a Pt(111)/Ti/SiO2/Si substrate using sol‐gel method. PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3 layer acts as a buffered layer and template for the crystallization of PbZrO3 layer. The PbZrO3 layer with improved quality can share the external voltage due to its smaller dielectric constant and thinner thickness, resulting in the enhancements of electric field strength and energy storage density for the PbZrO3/PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3 bilayer thin film. The greatly improved electric breakdown strength value of 2615 kV/cm has been obtained, which is more than twice the value of individual PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3 film. The enhanced energy storage density of 28.2 J/cm3 at 2410 kV/cm has been achieved in PbZrO3/PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3 bilayer film at 20°C, which is higher than that of individual PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3 film (15.6 J/cm3). Meanwhile, the energy storage density and efficiency of PbZrO3/PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3 bilayer film increase slightly with the increasing temperature from 20°C to 120°C. Our results indicate that the design of antiferroelectric/ferroelectric bilayer films may be an effective way for developing high power energy storage density capacitors with high‐temperature stability.  相似文献   

Lead‐free 0.955K0.5Na0.5Nb1‐zTazO3‐0.045Bi0.5Na0.5ZrO3+0.4%MnO ceramics (abbreviated as KNNTaz‐0.045BNZ+0.4Mn) were prepared by a conventional solid‐state sintering method in a reducing atmosphere (oxygen partial pressure of 1 × 10?10 atm). All ceramics with a pure perovskite structure show the two‐phase coexistence zone composed of rhombohedral and tetragonal phase. Ta5+ ions substitute for Nb5+ ions on the B‐site, which results in a decrease in the R phase fraction in the two‐phase coexistence zone. The R‐T phase transition temperature moves to room temperature due to the substitution of Nb5+ ions by Ta5+ ions. A complex domain structure composed of small nano‐domains (~70 nm) formed inside large submicron domains (~200 nm) exists in KNNTa0.02‐0.045BNZ+0.4Mn ceramics, which can induce a strong dielectric‐diffused behavior and improve the piezoelectric properties. The temperature stability for the reverse piezoelectric constant for the KNNTaz‐0.045BNZ+0.4Mn ceramics can be improved at = 0.02. Excellent piezoelectric properties (d33 = 328 pC/N, and  = 475 pm/V at Emax = 20 kV/cm) were obtained for the KNNTa0.02‐0.045BNZ+0.4Mn ceramics.  相似文献   

In the present work, it is shown how the controlled porosity can be exploited to obtain a compromise between a reduced permittivity down to a few hundreds and maintaining a high tunability level as in the dense material, to fulfill requirements for tunable applications. Nb‐doped Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 ceramics with porosity in the range 5%‐30% have been prepared by direct sintering method. X‐ray diffraction analysis and Rietveld refinement indicated a co‐existence of tetragonal and monoclinic phases in the porous ceramics. Dielectric properties revealed a gradual reduction in permittivity when increasing the porosity level, while maintaining low dielectric losses below 3%. The ferroelectric switching behavior is also influenced by the porosity level: a continuous reduction in the saturation and remnant polarization is observed with increasing porosity. The nonlinear dielectric properties of all the investigated ceramics preserve a high level of tunability in comparison with one of the dense material, irrespective of the porosity level, while zero field permittivity was decreased below 1000. An optimum behavior is found for the ceramic sample with 25% porosity, which shows a high tunability, smaller losses, and moderate dielectric constant (ε ~600).  相似文献   

Niobium‐doped, {100} textured, gradient‐free, lead zirconate titanate (PZT) films were fabricated from solutions with different lead contents. Film lead content was controlled through changes in the average solution lead excess from 14.7% to 17 at.%. The low field dielectric response as well as the polarization‐electric field hysteresis loops were not a strong function of lead content. However, films with lower lead contents in the precursor tended to withstand higher poling fields than films prepared from more lead‐rich precursors. Although no residual PbO was observed at the grain boundaries, films prepared from more lead‐rich solutions had higher levels of grain‐boundary porosity, lower breakdown strengths, and lower threshold electric fields at which cracking was observed.  相似文献   

The material coefficients of "soft" and "hard" lead zirconate titanate (PZT) ceramics were determined as complex values by the nonlinear least-squares-fitting of immittance data measured for length-extensional bar resonators. The piezoelectric d -constant should be a complex value to obtain a best fitting between observed and calculated results. Because the elastic, dielectric, and piezoelectric losses determined in this process were not "intrinsic" losses, a calculation process to evaluate the "intrinsic" losses was proposed. It was confirmed that the intrinsic losses were smaller than the corresponding extrinsic losses. The intrinsic piezoelectric loss existed in both soft and hard PZTs; ∼50% of the loss of piezoelectric d -constant was derived from the elastic and dielectric losses. The most notable difference between the soft and hard PZTs was observed in their elastic losses.  相似文献   

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