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林国成 《建筑电气》2013,32(1):38-43
多角度阐述感烟探测器在大型地下汽车库的实际使用状况及存在的缺陷,特别是江南地区特有的黄梅天,在地下车库产生的水雾对感烟探测器的影响.比较感烟探测器和感温探测器的特点,对火灾探测器在大型地下车库的使用提出建议.  相似文献   

从相关规范要求和技术措施两个方面分析了在地下车库中应用感烟探测器的可行性。通过对比感烟探测器与感温探测器的特性,显示出感烟探测器具有报警早、保护面积大、可提高报警的准确性和灵活性、节约投资成本等优势,并应在地下车库中大力推广使用。  相似文献   

论述了高层建筑一般属于Ⅲ类的地下汽车库不需设置火灾自动报警系统、设感烟型探测器优于设感温型探测器、对防火卷帘的控制提出应引入水流指示器信号或多个烟感探测器动作的信号等问题。  相似文献   

为了降低核电站地下综合管廊在一些潮湿环境中因水汽导致感烟火灾探测频繁误报问题,对现场情况及当前感烟火灾探测技术做了充分的调研分析。现基于双波长感烟探测及烟雾算法识别等技术开发一套适用于高湿环境下的双波长感烟火灾探测器,并通过相关试验验证该探测器在高湿环境中的适用性及稳定性。结果表明该感烟探测器在高湿环境中烟雾识别算法可成功剔除水汽产生的干扰信号,避免误报情况的发生,实现可靠稳定的运行效果。  相似文献   

离子感烟火灾探测器现状及发展动向研究上海易通安装工程有限公司总工程师花铁森提要:感烟探测器是一种应用最广泛的火灾探测器。本文简要阐述离子感烟火灾探测器的国内外现状及发展动向。关键词:离子感烟探测器,单源双室电离室,模拟量探测器。火灾探测与报警技术作为...  相似文献   

本文主要阐述了一般最常用的离子感烟探测器、光电感烟探测器、定温探测器、差温探测器、差定温探测器等的工作原理及其特点,以及应当怎样合理地选择和恰当地设置这些火灾探测器等问题。  相似文献   

红外火焰探测器;紫外火焰探测器;红紫外复合火焰探测器;三波段红外火焰探测器;极早期吸气式感烟探测器;线型光束感烟火灾探测器;  相似文献   

单源离子感烟火灾探测器工作原理及其特点分析北京市消防科学研究所边久荣北京前门饭店张超元感烟式火灾探测器是目前世界上应用最普遍的探测器。据统计,感烟式火灾探测器可以探测70%以上的火灾。感烟式火灾探测器中应用最多的是离子感烟探测器。离子感烟探测器按其电...  相似文献   

对美国、欧洲、日本点型光电感烟火灾探测器(以下简称光电感烟探测器)标准所规定的火灾灵敏度试验和响应阈值试验的试验方法及要求进行比较,提出了改进光电感烟探测器灵敏度的方法。  相似文献   

线型光束感烟探测器与点型光电感烟探测器在工作原理和实际应用方面都存在着很大的区别。虽然二者都采用红外光源感烟或探火,但其工作原理极不相同。线型光束感烟探测器通常是由分开安装的、经调准的红外发光器和收光器配对组成的;其工作原理是利用烟减少红外发光器发射到红外收光器的光束光量来判定火灾,这种火灾探测方法通常被称做烟减光法。点型光电感烟探测器的红外发光元件与光敏元件(光子接收元件)在其探测室内的设置通常是偏置设计,二者之间的距离一般在20—25mm,在正常无烟的监视状态下,光敏元件接收不到任何光,包括…  相似文献   

This study chronicles the development and integration of a smoke detector activation algorithm (known as the SDAA) that describes the response time of a smoke detector into a large eddy simulation (LES) fire model [Roby RJ, Olenick SM, Zhang W, Carpenter DJ, Klassen MS, Torero JL. Smoke detector activation algorithm version 1 technical reference guide. NISTIR Report; 2006, in press]. Although the SDAA could be used with any CFD smoke movement model, the results here address specifically its application to the fire dynamics simulator (FDS). The fire model predicts the smoke concentration and velocity adjacent to the detector while an algorithm based on characteristic velocity-based lag times describes the transport of smoke into the sensing chamber of the smoke detector. The experimental data from a multi-room compartment fire were used for comparison and a series of benchmark studies provide a mechanism to establish the sensitivity of the model to the different input parameters. The SDAA was found to be very accurate in determining detector activation times for both high- and low-velocity smoke flows.  相似文献   

A statistical study was conducted to compare the performance of different residential smoke detector technologies when exposed to different fire types. In order to facilitate comparisons between different fire and smoke growth rates, a non-dimensional smoke detector activation relative time was employed. Data from four major experimental studies was analyzed utilizing the relative time approach. The Common Language Effect Size, a measure of the probability that a particular detector technology will be the first to detect a fire of a particular type, was used to assess detector performance. The analysis confirmed previous results that ionization detectors, on average, respond faster to flaming fires, and that photoelectric detectors, on average, respond faster to smoldering fires. More importantly, this study also determined that the responses of ionization, photoelectric, and combination technologies are statistically equivalent for any given future residential fire That is, it cannot be determined with confidence which detector technology will alarm first to the next fire. Additionally, the analysis found that this statistical equivalence between detector technologies has not changed in the last 35 years despite increased fire growth rates associated with changes in furniture materials over that same time span.  相似文献   

开发了红外光对典型烟雾颗粒0°~180°可变散射角感烟实验装置,以确定峰值波长为(900±100)nm红外光适宜和最佳的前向、后向散射感烟角.研制了一种实用新型光电感烟火灾探测器.通过试验研究4种试验火典型烟雾对此传感器的响应规律,确立了甄别黑烟或白烟的火灾探测报警算法处理技术.试验证明探测器对于可燃物阴燃或明火产生的不同粒径、不同颜色、不同温度的广谱烟雾达到了良好的均衡灵敏响应性能.  相似文献   

Spot and Aspirated Laser Smoke Detection in Telecommunications Facilities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Full-scale, in-situ comparison tests of spot and aspirated laser detection systems in an active telephone switch center were conducted to compare the response times of spot and aspirated smoke detection systems when exposed to a variety of smoke sources and ventilation conditions. The report documents the performance of multiple systems varying in detector type, detector spacing and detector locations (i.e., mounted on the ceiling versus on return air grills). The work provides data intended to guide system designers in the selection and use of very early warning smoke detection systems.  相似文献   

线型光束感烟火灾探测器在大空间建筑的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周全会 《建筑电气》2009,28(2):52-54
针对大空间建筑火灾烟气流动性状特点,介绍了线型光束感烟火灾探测器的原理及类型,对其在大空间建筑中的应用及其布设方式进行了探讨。并提出线型光束感烟火灾探测器应用于大空间建筑的建议。  相似文献   

本文通过对离子感烟火灾探测器的放射性物质^241Am放射性 特性的,离在生产、储运、销售、 维修、清洗、使用等多个不节中离子感烟火为探测器的放射性污染程度,针对其污染程度提出相应的放射性防护对策。  相似文献   

概述了点型感烟火灾探测器灵敏度现场检测的必要性,经过大量的实验和测试工作,解决了现场检测用标准烟源和小尺寸光学密度计量两项关键技术,为开发点型感烟火灾探测器灵敏度现场检测设备提供技术支持。  相似文献   

A series of UL/EN based test fires was conducted in a two room/corridor enclosure to investigate the viability of methods for determining whether a smoke detector sounded under a variety of smoke conditions and to see if this methodology could be applied to a detector with a different horn configuration. The presence of enhanced deposition in the form of a black or orange-brown ring and agglomerates around the central opening of a smoke detector horn was found to be a reliable indicator that the horn sounded when it was exposed to smoke from eight standardized, single-substrate fuel sources including hydrocarbon pool, flaming polyurethane foam, and smoldering polyurethane foam fires. Determinations could generally not be made for detectors exposed to white or gray smoke generated by flaming paper, smoldering paper, flaming wood, smoldering wood, and smoldering cotton wick due to a general lack of visible soot deposition within the detector. Therefore, it is not recommended to use the absence of a black or orange-brown ring of enhanced deposition, in and of itself, as an indicator that the horn did not sound. Nevertheless, this conclusion can be reached when the absence of enhanced deposition is combined with evidence supporting the presence of flaming fuels that produce black, sooty smoke. Test series were conducted using two different smoke detector brands, each having a different horn configuration. Findings suggest that the same type of methodology for determining whether the detector sounded is applicable to both models. Chladni figures were not found on any of the smoke detectors, whether they sounded or not; hence, the absence of a Chladni figure was not an indicator that the detector did not sound. A smoke flow visualization technique was used to determine the mechanism that caused the observed enhanced deposition and agglomerates on horns that sounded during a smoke exposure. Additionally, a smoke box test series showed that the extent of observed soot deposition increased with increasing smoke exposure.  相似文献   

宋珍  刘凯  余广智 《建筑电气》2007,26(3):54-57
针对常规的线型光束感烟火灾探测器抗环境光干扰能力较差,在白炽灯、氙灯以及太阳光等干扰下易误报或丧失火灾探测能力的问题,在对国内外十余厂家生产的线型光束火灾探测器产品的性能、特点,以及在大型公共建筑的工程应用情况进行了详细调研后,建立了该探测器数据采集系统及试验平台,采取了一系列软、硬件有效技术改进措施,经试验和示范工程验证,克服了环境光干扰对线型光束感烟火灾探测器的影响.  相似文献   

基于4种标准试验火开展缩尺度试验火烟气特性实验,研究试验火烟气特性在其尺度逐渐缩减过程中的变化规律,分析火灾烟气减光系数随时间的变化以及货架火灾探测器、吸气式感烟火灾探测器、点型感烟火灾探测器对各尺度试验火的报警响应特性。给出适用于高灵敏火灾探测器检测和评价的缩尺度试验火做法建议。  相似文献   

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