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This paper discusses issues in building a conceptual modeling approach that has sufficient semantic power to represent the complexities of decision making in CIM systems. To express the information in a conceptual model we make use of an amalgam of powerful paradigms: a hybrid methodology, that integrates the concepts of object-oriented programming, messagepassing semantics, and temporal logic. We further illustrate an example incorporating some of these concepts.  相似文献   

Image processing allows the automation of the business transaction, turning “paper factories” into “image factories.” This burgeoning new area of computerization needs new paradigms, theories, and methods to maximize its effectiveness at cutting time and costs. This paper investigates what this new area of computerization can gain from CIM technology. It examines the similarities between the processing of computer images in a paperless business environment and the processing of materials into products in the manufacturing plant. These similarities will allow us to apply mature, well-tested CIM techniques to emerging image factories.  相似文献   

Many web databases can be seen as providing partial and overlapping information about entities in the world. To answer queries effectively, we need to integrate the information about the individual entities that are fragmented over multiple sources. At first blush this is just the inverse of traditional database normalization problem—rather than go from a universal relation to normalized tables, we want to reconstruct the universal relation given the tables (sources). The standard way of reconstructing the entities will involve joining the tables. Unfortunately, because of the autonomous and decentralized way in which the sources are populated, they often do not have Primary Key–Foreign Key relations. While tables may share attributes, naive joins over these shared attributes can result in reconstruction of many spurious entities thus seriously compromising precision. Our system, SmartInt is aimed at addressing the problem of data integration in such scenarios. Given a query, our system uses the Approximate Functional Dependencies (AFDs) to piece together a tree of relevant tables to answer it. The result tuples produced by our system are able to strike a favorable balance between precision and recall.  相似文献   

Integration with external systems, such as problem solvers, is becoming increasingly important for ontology development and knowledge-modeling tools. The author's JessTab extension lets you write Jess programs that manage Protege ontologies and knowledge bases. Protege is a popular, modular ontology development and knowledge acquisition tool.  相似文献   

首先介绍了混合信号集成电路的分类方法和应用概况;接着评述了混合信号电路的设计准则和低电压低功耗混合信号电路技术及当前混合信号电路设计的EAD工具;最后评述了模拟电路和混合信号电路的各种工艺技术,包括CMOS、双极、BiCMOS、SiGeHBT和GaAsIC等技术。  相似文献   

模型转换在MDA软件开发方法中扮演着非常重要的角色,尤其是从CIM到PIM的转换。本文给出了一种从CIM转换到PIM的方法。在CIM中,我们通过特征模型来组织需求,同时用软件体系结构来组织PIM中的各个要素。这个转换中的核心内容是模式的应用。在CIM的需求模型中,本文将特征分层,从而将需求分为不同的层次。同时模式也被分为不同的层级,其中包括体系结构模式和设计模式。针对不同层级的特征模型,应用不同层级的模式进行变换,从而得到分层的体系结构。当需求发生变化时,首先确定这种特征的变化是在哪个层级上的,然后在不同的体系结构层级上变换相应的功能,从而实现PIM的相应变化。本文最后以自行开发的Object-Z的支持工具为例来说明所给出的方法。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new approach to mine multirelational databases. Our approach is based on the representation of multirelational databases as sets of trees, for which we propose two alternative representation schemes. Tree mining techniques can thus be applied as the basis for multirelational data mining techniques, such as multirelational classification or multirelational clustering. We analyze the differences between identifying induced and embedded tree patterns in the proposed tree-based representation schemes and we study the relationships among the sets of tree patterns that can be discovered in each case. This paper also describes how these frequent tree patterns can be used, for instance, to mine association rules in multirelational databases.  相似文献   

A knowledge-based system, called the Knowledge Extraction System (KES), is presented which performs the process of reverse engineering of relational databases. KES generates an extended entity-relationship (EER) model from a relational database. Within its extraction procedure, domain semantics are obtained by analyzing the data schema and data instances of an existing database, by using heuristics, or asking the user. Relations and attributes are classified into several categories and then converted into the corresponding modelling structures of the EER model. KES demonstrates how knowledge-based system technology can be applied to ease the work of database reverse engineering. It also illustrates that the reverse engineering process can be implemented at a high level of automation. To do so, KES is integrated with the target database management system so that data can be analyzed directly through dynamic SQL queries.  相似文献   

This paper adds counterfactuals to the framework of knowledge-based programs of Fagin, Halpern, Moses, and Vardi [3,4]. The use of counterfactuals is illustrated by designing a protocol in which an agent stops sending messages once it knows that it is safe to do so. Such behavior is difficult to capture in the original framework because it involves reasoning about counterfactual executions, including ones that are not consistent with the protocol. Attempts to formalize these notions without counterfactuals are shown to lead to rather counterintuitive behavior.Received: 15 November 2001, Accepted: 15 April 2004, Published online: 13 July 2004Joseph Y. Halpern: Work supported in part by NSF under grant IRI-96-25901, IIS-0090145, and CTC-0208535, by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research under grant F49620-96-1-0323 and F48620-02-1-0101, and by ONR under grants N00014-00-1-03-41, N00014-01-1-0795, and by the DoD Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) program administered by the ONR under grant N00014-01-1-0795.)A preliminary version of this paper appeared in the Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge (TARK), 1998.  相似文献   

基于仿真的生产计划与调度系统集成   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对航天制造企业和产品生产特点,描述了一个生产计划、仿真和调度集成系统.分析了该类型企业在生产管理上存在的主要问题,描述了集成系统的框架及主要组件的功能,以及集成系统的运行机制.该系统利用仿真技术将企业的生产计划与作业调度紧密集成,实现了计划部门与生产部门在信息和流程上的紧密关联.最后通过实例验证了该集成系统的可行性与有效性.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in three selected states in Malaysia to determine the preparedness of vocational and technology teachers to integrate computer technology in their classrooms. The study showed that teachers did not have a high level of general knowledge about computers (mean=6.3, sd.=2.97). They were not very knowledgeable in some computer software. They thought that they were not skillful in using computer software such as electronic spreadsheet (57.1%), word-processing and desktop publishing (50.8%), and database management (67.9%). Almost two-thirds of the respondents cannot do programming. Realizing that they did not have the necessary knowledge and skills, the majority of the teachers would like to attend training in using computers for instruction.  相似文献   

Information technology creates a very fast increase in the demand for new skills, competencies and knowledge in all types of organisations and in society as a whole. We know how important learning and knowledge development are, but we do not understand how we should bring it about in a rational and effective way. The objective of this analysis and review is to suggest methods and ideas about how to make optimal use of the intellectual capital in companies, regardless of whether it is carried by people or by information technology. Three models for management of change are presented: (1) allocation of functions, (2) business development, (3) web based learning. Finally the concept of competence ergonomics is introduced to decrease 'learning stress'. The ergonomic design of new technology and its related tasks fit the skill, competence and learning potential of the available personnel.  相似文献   


Information technology creates a very fast increase in the demand for new skills, competencies and knowledge in all types of organisations and in society as a whole. We know how important learning and knowledge development are, but we do not understand how we should bring it about in a rational and effective way. The objective of this analysis and review is to suggest methods and ideas about how to make optimal use of the intellectual capital in companies, regardless of whether it is carried by people or by information technology. Three models for management of change are presented: (1) allocation of functions, (2) business development, (3) web based learning. Finally the concept of competence ergonomics is introduced to decrease 'learning stress'. The ergonomic design of new technology and its related tasks fit the skill, competence and learning potential of the available personnel.  相似文献   

To solve structural optimization problems, it is necessary to integrate a structural analysis package and an optimization package. Since most structural analysis packages suffer from closeness of system, it is very difficult to integrate it with an optimization package. To overcome the difficulty, we propose a possible alternative, DAMDO, which integrate Design, Analysis, Modeling, Definition, and Optimization phases into an integration environment as follows. (1) Design first generate many possible structural design alternatives. Each design alternative consists of many design variables X. (2) Analysis employ the structural analysis software to analyze all structural design alternatives to obtain their internal forces and displacements. They are the response variables Y. (3) Modeling employ artificial neural networks to build model Y = f(X) to obtain the relationship functions between the design variables X and the response variables Y. (4) Definition employ the design variables X and the response variables Y to define the objective function and constraint functions. (5) Optimization employ the optimization software to solve the optimization problem consisting of the objective function and the constraint functions to produce the optimum design variables X*. Optimization of truss structures was used to validate the DAMDO approach. The empirical results show that the truss optimization problems can be solved by the DAMDO approach, which employ neural networks to integrate the structural analysis package and optimization package without requiring direct integration of the two packages. This approach is promising in many engineering optimization domains which need to couple an analysis package and an optimization one to obtain the optimum solutions.  相似文献   

《Information Systems》1999,24(2):113-129
Object-oriented (OO) systems development theory has rapidly evolved. Generally, there is a concern about the current inconsistent state of OO theory. There is a lack of a shared understanding of the basic concepts and of a common vocabulary for discussing them. Although recent efforts have contributed to organizing OO concepts, a complete model of OO based on the areas of analysis, design and programming is still lacking. This study develops and applies an approach to build such a definition of OO concepts using metamodeling. Metamodels of existing OO methodologies were created and then integrated into a single metamodel that defines OO concepts and their relationships. A number of useful applications of this OO metamodel are proposed, including in methodology development and selection. The main contribution of this approach is its focus on bridging the gap that exists between the OO analysis and design area and the area of OO programming.  相似文献   

A pervasive application domain today is one in which independently developed real-time components participate in a dynamic and decentralized way from distributed environments. Several challenges arise from this domain, related with participant heterogeneity, transient behavior, scalability or quality of service. The use of standards is important here, where a multidiscipline approach is required. We propose ServiceDDS, a framework that combines different standard technologies to solve the problems related with the integration of components into the described environment. ServiceDDS is based on DDS to support dynamic distributed interactions, XMPP to provide Web access, and RTSJ for real-time performance.  相似文献   

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