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唐绍基 《轴承》1998,(4):38-40
介绍一种新研制的符合有关标准规定的外球面直径及其变动量测量仪器的原理,并对原以端面定位的测量方法易发生误判的原因做了分析.附图2幅,表1个。  相似文献   

王宝林 《轴承》1992,(6):43-43
双沟沟位及其变动量是两个可变参数之差及其变动量,应用和差演算方法测量较为理想,文中叙述了测量原理、设计要点及G802、G803和G804型推力轴承垫圈沟径测量仪改装的可能性。附图1幅。  相似文献   

3200ATN系列轴承内套双沟车削加工时,由于内径垂直度的影响,造成第二沟道壁厚差超出工艺要求。针对以上问题,采取双端面软磨平面和翻面加工沟道的方法,解决了出现的问题。  相似文献   

当特大型圆锥滚子轴承内圈外径超过 4 0 0mm时 ,无法用仪器测量内圈大挡边厚度 ,本文提出用“夹球法”间接测量内圈大挡边厚度 ,给出了计算公式 ,并进行了实例计算。附图 3幅。  相似文献   

陈江杰  刘金邦 《轴承》2011,(7):46-47,63
针对冲压滚针轴承外圈滚道壁厚差的检具精度低,外表面垂直差的测量缺少专用检具等问题,研制了冲压滚针轴承外圈多参数测量仪,并阐述了测量原理和方法。经使用验证,该仪器具有操作简便、精度高、测值准、重复性好的特点,适用于冲压滚针轴承外圈工序间Ke和SD的测量。  相似文献   

某型号斯贝轴承(如图1所示)为带四边形安装边的细长桶形双列圆柱滚子轴承,此轴承安装边直径为Ф5.57mm,最窄处宽度55.88mm,套圈外径为Ф8.235mm,基准安装边距一端面的距离达41.91mm,高度64.14mm。滚道直径为Ф40.487mm,两滚道间的距离为42.545mm。精度等级为P5级。  相似文献   

为了与轴承标准规定的测量方法一致,设计制造了以内圆定位的G903Z测量仪,用来测量轴圈滚道对底面厚度的变动量。附图2幅。  相似文献   

本文介绍了壳体高精度轴承孔端面与轴承孔公共轴线的垂直度测量装置的结构、液性塑料芯棒的构成和工作原理、薄壁套的设计、芯轴与塞柱的设计以及装置的使用效果。  相似文献   

由于缺乏有效的试验设备及试验方法,行业内缺少针对大功率风电机组主轴轴承的测试研究,为此,研究了轴承载荷、运行温度和运行转速对轴承油膜厚度、寿命的影响。首先,利用Romax软件建立了轴承三维测试台仿真模型,并根据GL2012规范计算了主轴承175 000 h寿命,接触应力不大于1 650 MPa载荷;然后,根据计算的载荷及轴承的额定转速,研究了轴承载荷、温度及转速对轴承的接触应力、滚子油膜厚度和寿命的影响;最后,以轴承油膜厚度及轴承滚子的接触应力为目标,确定了合理的轴承测试载荷。研究结果表明:为了避免轴承滚子出现应力集中现象,轴承测试载荷须小于8 822 kN;为实现轴承测试过程中处于弹流润滑状态,轴承测试温度须小于65℃;轴承转速由10.5 r/min增加至30.6 r/min时,轴承最小油膜厚度提升188%;根据轴承175 000 h疲劳寿命测试要求,轴承测试转速为12 r/min,载荷为8 500 kN工况下,轴承等效测试为2 984 h;以上仿真分析结果可为实际轴承测试提供理论支持。  相似文献   

张成芝 《哈尔滨轴承》2011,32(1):55-56,60
以前测量关节轴承内圈外球面直径尺寸,只是测出某一截面直径尺寸,无法测出真值;使用该仪器后,可测出球面直径尺寸的真实值。  相似文献   

为了减小自由落体式光学干涉型绝对重力仪中光束垂直度对重力测量准确度的影响,提出了一种基于双层液体光楔对光束的可变偏折实现光束垂直性自校正的快速调节方法。当光束偏离铅锤方向时,利用液面天然水平的特性,使液体在重力的作用下形成可变液体光楔,自上而下的光束经双层液体光楔时光束传播方向发生偏转,合理地匹配双层液体的折射率,使它偏离铅锤方向的夹角得到实时修正。搭建光束垂直性自校正装置并进行实验验证,结果表明,装置的角度抑制比优于18.0,当装置倾斜角度不大于2.7′时,出射光束偏离铅锤方向不超过9.0″,对应于重力加速度的测量误差小于1 μGal (1 μGal=10-8 m/s2)。将本方案用于自由落体式的重力加速度测量,仅通过条式水平仪调平便可实现光束垂直性的快速准确调节,同时还能抑制测量过程中光束垂直性缓变带来的影响。  相似文献   

高速电主轴用陶瓷轴承套圈内表面磨削试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用金刚石砂轮对热等静压氮化硅(HIPSN)陶瓷轴承套圈进行精密磨削试验,通过磨削表面粗糙度和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)照片,分析不同磨削参数对工件磨削表面质量的影响,获得陶瓷轴承套圈内表面精密磨削加工的最佳工艺参数.试验还进行了磨削过程中磨削力的测试和比磨削能的计算,分析了陶瓷材料的去除机理.  相似文献   

针对传统电梯导轨垂直度检测方法误差大、检测器件分离、不利于一体化检测等不足,用一种全新的检测方法,设计了一款基于倾角检测的电梯导轨垂直度检测机器人。文中分析了新方法的检测原理,详细介绍了检测机器人的机构设计方案。经过验证,该检测方法效率高、检测精确,具有很好的实用价值。  相似文献   

原检测方法规定使用样板和专用仪器测量调心滚子轴承外圈滚道的尺寸、形状和位置误差,该方法人为因素影响大,仪表调整困难。对原检测方法进行了改进,使测量方便,保证了滚道尺寸、形状和位置严格控制在公差范围内。  相似文献   

Lumber size control is an essential element in maximising yield and productivity because a small reduction in rough green target size could lead to substantial savings in wood fibre. One of the key components of rough green target size is sawing variation. In this study, the optimum side clearance of band saw teeth leading to a minimum saw teeth deflection and minimum lumber thickness variation of stellite-tipped and swage-set saws when processing Triplochiton scleroxylon a tropical hardwood were examined. It was observed that the accuracy of kerf width was best with stellite-tipped saws. However, Analysis of variance (ANOVA) at 5% level of significance indicates that there was no significant difference between the accuracy of kerf width of stellite-tipped saws and swage-set saws. It also was observed that at 5% level of significance, the mean kerf width of stellite-tipped saws, which was 4.2 mm, was significantly greater than the mean kerf width of 3.06 mm of the swage-set saws. Sawing variation as indicated by standard deviation of lumber thickness was best for the swage-set saws. A quadratic relationship between sawing variation and side clearance of stellite-tipped saws was established. As the side clearance of the saw increases, the sawing variation decreases until it reaches a minimum value and thereafter, further increase in side clearance of the saw teeth results in an increase in sawing variation. It was observed that an optimum side clearance of 0.69 mm under a saw blade thickness of 1.3 mm was required to produce on the average, a minimum value of 0.42 mm for within-board standard deviation, and 0.59 mm for the total standard deviation. An error margin of less than 1% was achieved when the experimental results for the optimum side clearance was compared with a theoretical assertion.  相似文献   

短圆柱滚子轴承内圈滚道宽度的测量一般采用样板测量,本文着重介绍使用仪器测量短圆柱滚子轴承内圈滚道宽度的原理。通过一系列结构连接,先用标准件对表,最后由仪表显示出被测轴承内圈滚道宽度尺寸。  相似文献   

Like in the case of macro deep drawing, the sheet thickness of mini drawn parts, with dimensions smaller than 20 mm and made from very thin sheets, is unevenly distributed and varies from minimum values resulted in the zone of part edge radius to maximum values in the upper zone of part vertical walls. Such variation of sheet thickness can cause for the resulted drawn parts some geometric deviations from their theoretic geometry or it can determine the parts failure. Hence, the main objective of the mini scale deep drawing processes is to obtain an increased accuracy by reducing the sheet thickness variation, or in other words to minimize the values of sheet thinning and thickening. The present paper analyses the results of investigations made by experiment and simulation concerning the use of different geometries of the tool components that permit to control and minimize the sheet thickness variation in the mini cylindrical drawn part zones where this phenomenon can generate negative effects and determine the part inaccuracy. The new geometries of tools were obtained by modifying the state of stress in the deformed sheet using adequate geometries of active surfaces of the die cavity and blank holder plate.  相似文献   

轴承套圈有效壁厚其选材和热处理工艺的制定具有重要意义。而类似于圆锥滚子轴承之有效壁厚往往不能一目了然,对于此问题可使用部分程序软件使其计算过程程序化,以达输入部分参数,瞬间即可得其结果之效,从而提高工作效率。  相似文献   

This paper reports on the application of an eddy current sensor with an active compensation for changes in sensor temperature to simultaneous monitoring oil film thickness and temperature in a tilting pad thrust bearing. Sensor design, calibration procedure, sensitivity and accuracy are described. Test equipment along with sensor mounting is also presented. Tests were run at different rotational speeds and bearing loads as well as different supplied oil flow rates to evaluate sensor performance in various operating conditions. During the tests film thickness and temperature were simultaneously measured. Temperatures were compared with data from thermocouples installed in the pads and thermistors mounted in the collar. Tests have shown that the sensor can successfully be used to reliably monitor the conditions within the bearing.  相似文献   

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