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Aortoesophageal fistula is a rare complication after thoracic aortic aneurysm repair. Six previously reported cases of aortoesophageal fistula management have been uniformly fatal. We present our successful management and review the literature of this topic.  相似文献   

This report describes repair of an aortoesophageal fistula caused by a previously placed thoracic aortic graft. The diagnosis was made by esophagoscopy. The repair consisted of femoral-to-femoral cardiopulmonary bypass, excision of the old graft, placement of a new graft, esophagectomy, cervical esophagostomy, gastrostomy, and later reconstruction by cervical esophagogastrostomy.  相似文献   

There have previously been only rare reported survivors of an aortoesophageal fistula resulting from a traumatic pseudoaneurysm. We report a case of a young man with a dramatic presentation who was successfully managed by immediate operative repair. A prosthetic graft was sewn within the sac of the aneurysm, with the aneurysm wall being used to protect the graft, and the esophagus was resected. Staged reconstruction of the esophagus was subsequently performed successfully. The patient is now alive and well 2 1/2 years later.  相似文献   

Squamous cell carcinoma of the tonsil has a relatively poor prognosis. Aggressive surgery, radiation therapy and combinations of irradiation and surgery have been employed but there exists some controversy about the efficacy of these treatment modalities. The purpose of this paper is to compare the efficacy of treatment between the surgery followed by radiation therapy and the preoperative radiation therapy followed by surgical resection. The medical records of 33 patients treated for squamous cell carcinoma of the tonsil at the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Korea University Hospital between 1989-1993 were reviewed retrospectively. None of the patients were stage I, but stage II, III, and IV were four, five, and 24 patients, respectively. There were 30 males and three females. The most common histopathology was moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma (20/33). The 13 patients treated initially with surgery had an overall three-year survival rate of 38.5%, and the rate for the 20 patients treated initially with radiation was 40%. The main pattern of treatment failure was a local recurrence and neck metastases, and pathologic differentiation thought to be an important prognostic factor. Complications are fewer in patients treated initially with surgery (23.1%) than patients initially treated with radiation (50.0%). There is no difference in the efficacy between the two therapeutic groups.  相似文献   

Horse spleen ferritin, injected into the blood of the octopus, leaves the capillaries via pericyte junctions and windows. One hour after the administration, ferritin has entered the optic gland main cells; three hours later, it is accumulated in dense-bodies. The evidence for resorption supports earlier papers reporting that the ultrastructure of the organ is unusual for an endocrine gland.  相似文献   

The peak systolic pressure ratio PRV/PLV of the right and left ventricle after correction of the outflow tract (OFT) in Tetralogy of Fallot (TF) yields reliable dates about the efficiency of the outflowtract correction and the probability of survival. In 110 patients (2 to 57 years) the ratio after correction PRV/PLV was measured and compared with different methods of reconstruction of the OFT. Infundibulectomy (54) pericard-patch insertion across the pulmonary valve ring (43) and a valve bearing Hancock-Conduit (13) were used. To calculate the statistical differences the U-test according to Wilcoxon, Whitney, Mann was applied on the 95% level. Moreover the pulmonary insufficiency (PI) was evaluated in 60 patients within 15 to 60 days, after correction with a videodensitometric method. There is no PI after use of a valve bearing Hancock-Conduit. In severe TF a valve bearing Hancock-Conduit is hemodynamically superior to a pericard-patchreconstruction of OFT to relief right ventricular hypertension, particularly if hypoplasia of pulmonary vessels and pulmonary vascular disease after shunt-operation is present.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a disease caused by an inherited genetic defect. While pulmonary and pancreatic abnormalities predominate the clinical spectrum, other organ involvement is common, including liver. The severity of liver disease does not appear to be related to the severity of exocrine pancreatic or lung function. We discuss anaesthesia in four CF patients undergoing liver transplantation. METHODS: We studied haemodynamic and oxygenation modifications during anaesthesia in four patients affected by CF with end-stage liver disease and mild to moderate pulmonary abnormalities. The patients received pancreatic enzyme prior to transplantation and two had insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. All patients were treated with broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy. After a waiting time ranging one week to three months, all patients were successfully transplanted. General anaesthesia was induced with fentanyl, thiopental and pancuronium, and maintained with isoflurane supplemented by fentanyl in O2:air. Haemodynamic and oxygenation evaluations were made during the main phases of the transplant. After the intubation and at the end of the procedure all patients received a broncho-alveolar toilet through fiberoptic bronchoscopy. RESULTS: During anaesthesia for liver transplantation, PaO2 increased proportionally to the decreasing of Qs/Qt. In postoperative follow-up, Fev1 and FVC improved from preoperative time in all patients. In conclusion, even if cystic fibrosis is a multisystem disease, liver transplantation can be offered to CF patients with endstage liver disease and mild to moderate pulmonary function abnormalities. The four patients are still alive, enjoying good health. The improved respiratory function and quality of life of these children is remarkable.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify whether the central extracellular fluid volume status following hypo- and hypervolaemia can be measured by the initial distribution volume of glucose or by the extravascular lung water. These two estimates were compared with the initial distribution volume of sucrose which has been used as an indicator for the measurement of the extracellular fluid volume. The above three estimates were determined by the administration of glucose, chilled saline and sucrose solutions, before and after haemorrhage (30 mL kg-1), and subsequent fluid load (lactated Ringer's solution 90 mL kg-1). The distribution volumes of glucose and sucrose decreased after haemorrhage and increased after fluid load compared with normovolaemic values, and a linear correlation was obtained between these two distribution volumes (r = 0.93, P < 0.001, n = 36). However, the extravascular lung water remained statistically unchanged throughout the procedure, despite a weak linear correlation with the sucrose distribution volume (r = 0.38, n = 33, P < 0.05). These results indicate that the initial distribution volume of glucose is more useful as an indicator of the central extracellular fluid volume status than the extravascular lung water.  相似文献   

Rectal excision for non-malignant conditions using a posterior sagittal approach is described in three patients. The technique allows excellent exposure of the rectum, meticulous haemostasis, minimal risk of pelvic nerve injury and accurate reconstruction of the pelvic floor without the need for drainage.  相似文献   

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