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当前,全球各国日益重视数据资源开发利用,美国、欧盟、韩国等经济体探索通过开放数据倡议、数据经纪人、数据空间、个人数据管理(Mydata)、数据信托等模式,释放公共数据、企业数据以及个人数据价值.相比之下,虽然我国数据资源储量日益提升,在数据资源开发利用方面形成了很多特色化探索,但仍面临公共数据供给不足、企业数据流通效率不高、个人数据创新应用不够等问题.因此,我国应借鉴发达国家经验做法,从数据供给、数据流通、数据应用等方面入手,提高我国数据资源开发利用水平.  相似文献   

大数据技术削弱了互联网的匿名性和碎片化特征,新应用新软件的海量使用和对个人数据的肆意收集导致个体的隐蔽性不复存在,个人自由和家庭生活受到严重干扰,亟需构建我国个人数据保护法律制度。旨在采用法学、管理学、计算机科学等多学科交叉的理论研究法和组合思维法,剖析美国个人数据保护最新立法趋势;采用调研分析法,研究个人数据保护的新型法律风险,并在此基础上提出我国个人数据保护的立法建议。  相似文献   

信息技术的发展使个人数据量迅速增长,个人数据管理问题日益突出。对个人数据管理相关概念进行了阐述,从技术方面对个人数据管理与企业数据管理进行了比较,提出了以主体为中心的个人数据管理系统框架。从数据模型、数据集成、数据存储、数据查询、安全与隐私保护、评价技术、系统实现几个方面,综述分析了已有研究工作,提出了基于图的个人数据空间模型、自适应的个人数据集成方法、多级的数据存储策略和基于用户记忆规律的数据查询处理策略,并对该领域未来研究工作进行了展望。  相似文献   

信息时代,对于个人来讲,数据可能是信用卡或账户信息。对于企业来讲,数据可能是客户资料或产品机密。对于政府来讲,数据可能是关系到国家生存和发展的机密文件。电子数据意味着资源、财富和机密,它承载了政府、企业或个人的重要信息。电子数据之于国家、企业和个人的重要性不言而喻。  相似文献   

互联网时代,个人数据信息安全成为重要议题。将数据与信托概念融合,或许是一个好的解决方案。本研究分为两部分。首先构建八角色五阶段的数据信托运行机制流程,然后聚焦监管部门,尝试利用层次分析法,以数据源质量、数据录入方式、产品化技术手段、业务处理流程和管理制度四项标准给每个数据产品进行评分,构建数据产品质量量化评估模型。  相似文献   

王丹 《互联网周刊》2021,(19):58-60
大数据时代的到来,让一些本无价值的数据信息能够发挥出较大的作用,因此各行各业在实际工作开展中,基于大数据时代发展的优势,加强了对各种数据信息的收集和分析,同时也让各种数据信息规范、合理、有效的运用成为人们所关注的焦点.文章基于此展开分析,先简要阐述了大数据背景下个人支付数据信息利用的现状,并基于个人支付数据信息利用中存在的不足,分别从法律建设、行业规范、工具建设、宣传教育以及机制建设等五个层面提出优化个人支付数据信息利用的策略,期待能够对相关从业人员有所启发.  相似文献   

文章以数据产权问题的由来为切入点,针对实践分析数据产权治理的三大困境,提出数据产权的法制化治理路径,构建开放型的数据产权谱系,为数据产权治理奠定基础;在治理原则上,协调财产权体系的整体性与数据产权的独特性;在治理内容上,提出建立新型数据产权保护机制,分别从个人、企业、政府角度对数据所有权、数据使用权、数据收益权进行权利构建。  相似文献   

正除了操作系统外,硬盘中还有很多自己用了很久的软件。因此想要更顺手地使用新电脑(或新硬盘),我们还要将这些软件迁移到新电脑上。为了在新电脑上可以更顺手地使用,硬盘中需要迁移的软件数据主要有两大类:第一类是包含大量私人数据的软件,比如QQ(个人聊天记录文件)、Foxmail(个人邮件)、输入法(个人字库)、迅雷(已经下载和未完下载数据)等,我们需要迁移的主要是其中的个人数据。这样即使在新硬盘上重装,我们通过导入这些  相似文献   

笔者主要阐述了大数据时代软件产品个人信息安全问题,结合当下大数据时代软件产品交流内涵、网络基本特征、个人信息安全问题,以提升大数据时代软件产品个人安全的主要方法为依据,从非结构信息化特征、定位功能特征、资源有效共享特征、用户个人信息保护是难题、网民个人信息保护意识不足、保护用户个人信息隐私,建立规范使用机制、建立安全保证法律条文,完善阶梯式惩罚机制、提升个人信息保护意识以及维护网络安全等方面进行深入探讨和分析,其目的在于提高大数据时代个人信息安全的运作效率。  相似文献   

辉煌 《个人电脑》2010,16(2):98-102
您的个人数据是否曾经丢失、误删除,或损坏过? 很少有什么事能比丢失宝贵的数据更令人抓狂的,但我们都经历过。有时候,数据丢失是无意中造成的,也许您认为已经备份过,然后错误地删除了假期拍摄的照片。  相似文献   

This article considers the emergence of big data and how it poses considerable difficulties for the European Data Protection framework's key enabling concept: the notion of personal data. The article starts by outlining the fact that there is an emerging body of opinion which suggests that some of these problems might best be addressed by adopting a risk-management-based model of personal data. This, it is argued, is suggestive of the emergence of a possible fusion between the disciplines of data protection law and risk management. The article contends, however, that there are several complications associated with the adoption of risk-management-based regulatory strategies, which have to date not been meaningfully explored in the legal and regulatory literature pertaining to data protection. Consequently, these are issues in need of address. Whilst not intending to counsel against the adoption of risk-management-based regulatory strategies, the aim of this article is to begin bridging the metaphorical ‘gap’ between legal, regulatory, and risk research and management discourses, to stoke a much-needed debate in this topical area. To this end, the article highlights several areas which are in need of further consideration, and where there will likely be possibilities for future inter-disciplinary research.  相似文献   

This paper analyses two judgments from the European Court of Justice. Both were delivered soon after the new Data Protection Regulation became applicable. The argumentation in the judgments provides timely clarification on certain key concepts in European data protection law. As the analysis will show, the ECJ continues its broad interpretation of the parties responsible for data processing. The judgments are generally compatible with the Court’s previous case law, which seeks to fill any potential gaps in the protection of individuals’ privacy rights. Hence, the aims of data protection rules are predominately interpreted by the Court within a fundamental rights framework. Even though the cases have certain significant differences, the conclusions to be drawn are similar: the argumentation of the Court is focused on data protection throughout. Moreover, the Court emphasises strong protection of personal data in all kinds of situations, even those where other rights could also be relevant.  相似文献   

This article considers the notion of individual control of personal data as envisaged by the European data protection framework and makes the argument that it is a poorly-understood and under-developed concept, but that our understanding of it may be improved by way of analyses and comparisons with the doctrine of moral rights, an important constituent element of intellectual property law. The article starts by examining the concept of personal data itself, and why an enhanced level of individual control over personal data is thought to be a desirable regulatory objective. Following this, the article examines the scholarly literature pertaining to individual control of personal data, as well as a range of relevant EU policy documents. Having done so, the article argues that the notion of control is muddled and confused from both theoretical and practical perspectives. Following this, the article considers the doctrine of moral rights, and through an exploration of its theoretical and practical elements highlights why it may be of assistance in terms of enhancing our understanding of individual control in the data protection context.  相似文献   

This article commences by describing public registers. Examples of such registers in use in Ireland are set out. The advantages of allowing the public access to public registers are discussed, as are the negative consequences that can arise from the provision of access. In particular, privacy issues arising from the provision of access are explored. The extent to which the provision of electronic access to public registers may give rise to special concern is raised. The making available to the public of planning related information in Ireland is used as a case study in exploring these issues. Examples of personal information used in the Irish planning process are set out and the legislative provisions governing access are described. Statutory protection available for privacy of such information contained in both planning law and data protection law are evaluated and suggestions are made with respect to achieving an appropriate balance between access and privacy of personal information in public registers.  相似文献   

通过从数据安全管理组织架构、部门和岗位设置、管理制度和规范、防护技术解决方案等层面对保险企业的客户数据安全管理进行说明,从中聚焦保险行业客户数据管理和保护,突出控制要点和未来工作重点,进而阐明客户数据在保险企业的安全管理和保护思路。  相似文献   

随着计算机科学技术和计算机网络的飞速发展,网络信息安全和个人数据的隐私保护越来越受到人们的重视。数据安全保护技术的研究目的在于保护人们的数据安全,通过数据存储以及数据加密等技术方法,实现增强数据的安全性、可靠性和可用性。同时,平衡数据安全保护所消耗的时间资源和空间资源。  相似文献   

现有的个人数据保护系统在授权后直接将数据的真实地址提供给第三方服务,因此,即使中断了第三方服务,但访问过的地址仍被其持有,对此提出了匿名地址分享方案来解决上述问题.数据真实地址不向第三方服务直接提供,而是由资源服务加密后按授权结果进行处理.通过以太坊在Solidity语言环境下创建合约来对数据进行保护,验证试验证明了方...  相似文献   

We are living in an inter-connected, global digital society where the services of different operating systems are universal in nature, but many Internet activities are still being tackled by national laws and regulations. A long-existing question is which law is applicable in cases of Internet activities because the online world does not have any physical boundaries. How the European Union (EU) approaches this duality has become a concern for data protection laws. By analysing some recent Court of Justice of the European Union case laws, this article seeks to discover how the EU data protection law tackles disputes involving transnational issues online, which includes its extra-territorial application and cross-border data transfers. The article also indicates that there is an enormous gap between legislation and practice.  相似文献   

伴随大数据时代个人信息保护领域风险管理理论的广泛应用,数据保护影响评估已经成为推动个人数据保护的重要制度。运用文献研究、实证分析的方法,以2016年欧盟《一般数据保护条例》(GDPR)对数据保护影响评估的规定为样本,深入分析数据保护影响评估的理论背景、兴起与演变、含义、适用范围等内容,以期搭建规范、明确的影响评估制度,加强个人信息保护。数据保护影响评估内容不限于隐私风险评估,还包括数据安全、数据质量、非歧视等内容;对于容易带来高风险的数据处理行为,应设定数据保护影响评估为强制性义务;评估过程应听取利益相关者的意见,反映其利益需求;加强外部监督并适度公开评估报告。  相似文献   

数据中心的信息内容涉及到个人的隐私以及学校的信息秘密,因此数据中心的安全问题极其重要.分析了数据中心的安全风险及威胁,从安全防护区域和安全防护层次两个角度综合考虑构建安全防护体系,运用安全检测和安全评估等技术手段进行持续改进,以控制新出现的安全风险与威胁,实现数据中心安全的动态防护.  相似文献   

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