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To control the chemically active boron (B) in 9CrMoCoB within a narrow target range, thermodynamic calculations using FactSage 7.2 and equilibrium reaction experiments were conducted between slag and steel. First, equilibrium reaction experiments between 9CrMoCoB and slag of 55%CaF2–20%CaO–3%MgO–22%Al2O3x%B2O3 (x ≤ 3) were conducted to supplement and optimize the Henrian activity coefficient γ (lgγ = A/T + C, where A and C are constants) of B2O3 in the solution phase of FToxid-OXYL in FactSage 7.2. Second, the equilibrium reactions between 9CrMoCoB steel and slag of 55%CaF2–20%CaO–3%MgO–22%Al2O3x%SiO2y%B2O3 (x ≤ 3, y ≤ 3) were calculated by using FactSage 7.2 to study the effects of B2O3, SiO2, and O2 in the atmosphere on the contents of B, Si, and O in steel. Then, equilibrium reaction experiments were conducted to validate the calculated results. Finally, suitable slag was designed, and electroslag remelting (ESR) experiments were conducted for verification. Results showed that A = −6582 and C = 0 in the Henrian activity coefficient equation were suitable to the slag of 55%CaF2–20%CaO–3%MgO–22%Al2O3x%SiO2y%B2O3 (x ≤ 3, y ≤ 3), and the appropriate slag for ESR remelting the 9CrMoCoB steel was 55%CaF2–20%CaO–3%MgO–22%Al2O3–1%SiO2–1%B2O3. The volume percent of O2 had a stronger influence on the Si content, compared with B content. The volume percent of O2 should be less than 0.05% to produce the qualified 9CrMoCoB ingot when using the designed proper slag.  相似文献   

Computational methods are described for effecting complete ligand field calculations, inclusive of spin-orbit coupling, on the strong-field {(cN)Sl'SaSl'L;l'b} basis. Plotter routines which subsequently execute complet e energy diagrams of Tanabe-Sugano type are presented. The procedures operate for all dN configurations, N = 1, 2, …, 9, and make full use of the point group symmetry of the system, G?SO(3). The relations employed for calculation of the matrix elements are listed and methods to obtain all required coefficients are given. The resulting diagrams are required for the interpretation of spectra and paramagnetic properties of dN systems.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the general problem of computer vision. That is, given a colored input picture, design a system which segments the objects in the scene and interprets them appropriately. During the past few years, we have been engaged in the development of a modular, data-driven computer vision system to achieve this goal. The details have appeared elsewhere, so here we have primarily emphasized the mechanism for updating the hypothesized region interpretations. This is achieved by means of a relaxation labeling process which has continuous access to a scene model describing the picture under consideration.  相似文献   

The interpretation of fuzziness   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
By analyzing related issues in psychology and linguistics, two basic types of fuzziness can be attributed to similarity and relativity, respectively. In both cases, it is possible to interpret grade of membership as the proportion of positive evidence, so as to treat fuzziness and randomness uniformly.  相似文献   

Summary This paper investigates some problems which change their status from being unsolvable to solvable when varying the values of parameters. Let EMPTY(n, k) be the problem to decide for all rational probabilistic acceptors B with at most n states and k input symbols and for all rational numbers , whether the accepted language L(B,) is empty. It turns out that EMPTY(2, k) is solvable for all k, while EMPTY (9,9) and EMPTY (65,2) are not. Some problems of the theory of -rational power series are shown to be unsolvable, too, even for small values of the problemparameters.  相似文献   

A computer program is described for implementing and fitting Gaussian statistical models of proton binding or metal binding (at constant pH) to complex mixtures of binding sites, such as humic substances. Both unimodal and bimodal continuous ligand distribution models are incorporated, providing fitting capability for data corresponding to either one or two classes of binding sites. Turbo Pascal source code is given along with an example of program usage.  相似文献   

A machine model, which consists essentially of a finite state control and an array of counters with first-in-last-out access, is formulated and it is proved that, under certain restrictions, the class of languages accepted is identical to the class of developmental languages without interactions.  相似文献   

We present an object oriented algorithm, written in the Java programming language, which performs a Monte Carlo calculation of the evaporation-fission process taking place inside an excited nucleus. We show that this nuclear physics problem is very suited for the object oriented programming by constructing two simple objects: one that handles all nuclear properties and another that takes care of the nuclear reaction. The MCEF code was used to calculate important results for nuclear reactions, and here we show examples of possible uses for this code.  相似文献   

Gradient calculations for dynamic recurrent neural networks: asurvey   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Surveys learning algorithms for recurrent neural networks with hidden units and puts the various techniques into a common framework. The authors discuss fixed point learning algorithms, namely recurrent backpropagation and deterministic Boltzmann machines, and nonfixed point algorithms, namely backpropagation through time, Elman's history cutoff, and Jordan's output feedback architecture. Forward propagation, an on-line technique that uses adjoint equations, and variations thereof, are also discussed. In many cases, the unified presentation leads to generalizations of various sorts. The author discusses advantages and disadvantages of temporally continuous neural networks in contrast to clocked ones continues with some "tricks of the trade" for training, using, and simulating continuous time and recurrent neural networks. The author presents some simulations, and at the end, addresses issues of computational complexity and learning speed.  相似文献   

SusyMath is a Mathematica package for quantum superfield calculations. It defines a standard form to translate the correction to the effective action corresponding to a given supergraph into a Mathematica expression, which is then evaluated and simplified. Several functions for manipulations of these expressions are provided, and the package also has the ability to save the outcomes of its calculations in form.

Program summary

Title of program: SusyMathCatalogue identifier:ADYQ_v1_0Program summary URL:http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/ADYQ_v1_0Program obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen's University of Belfast, N. Ireland, also at http://fma.if.usp.br/~alysson/SusyMathLicensing provisions: LGPL, CPC non-profit use licenseProgramming language: MathematicaPlatform: Any platform supporting Mathematica 4.0 or higherComputer tested on: PC (Athlon64 X2 +3800); 1 GB RAMOperating system under which the program has been tested: Linux (Debian 4.0); XOrg 7.0.22; Mathematica 5.2No. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.:42 472No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.:471 596Distribution format:tar.gzNature of the problem: Evaluate quantum corrections to the effective action of supersymmetric field theories, formulated in the superfield formalism, both in three- and four-spacetime dimensions.Solution method: A set of procedures for integration by parts, application of the algebra of covariant derivatives and Grassman integration, along with several auxiliary functions, is introduced.Restrictions: At the moment, the background field method is not implemented, but the system is designed to be further generalized.Running time: Depends on the complexity of the problem. From seconds for simpler one-loop diagrams to several hours for simple two-loop graphs.  相似文献   

DSS evaluation may be either ex-post or ex-ante. In the former, evaluation focuses on determining the actual result of DSS implementation. In the latter, emphasis is on predicting the likely impact of DSS alternatives on a given task set or on estimating relationships between DSS characteristics and task set(s) performance. If a firm can, ex-ante, effectively estimate or predict the performance of varying DSS on arrays of tasks or task sets, then it can avoid costly DSS selection errors and gain competitive and strategic advantages. We outline a methodoloy for developing such information using the induced-value methodology of experimental economics. An example experiment is detailed and initial results are presented relating to one general DSS hypothesis and one implication derived from a specific theory of DSS portfolio selection.  相似文献   

The use of hand gestures provides an attractive alternative to cumbersome interface devices for human-computer interaction (HCI). In particular, visual interpretation of hand gestures can help in achieving the ease and naturalness desired for HCI. This has motivated a very active research area concerned with computer vision-based analysis and interpretation of hand gestures. We survey the literature on visual interpretation of hand gestures in the context of its role in HCI. This discussion is organized on the basis of the method used for modeling, analyzing, and recognizing gestures. Important differences in the gesture interpretation approaches arise depending on whether a 3D model of the human hand or an image appearance model of the human hand is used. 3D hand models offer a way of more elaborate modeling of hand gestures but lead to computational hurdles that have not been overcome given the real-time requirements of HCI. Appearance-based models lead to computationally efficient “purposive” approaches that work well under constrained situations but seem to lack the generality desirable for HCI. We also discuss implemented gestural systems as well as other potential applications of vision-based gesture recognition. Although the current progress is encouraging, further theoretical as well as computational advances are needed before gestures can be widely used for HCI. We discuss directions of future research in gesture recognition, including its integration with other natural modes of human-computer interaction  相似文献   

In this work we report the Gibbs energy model parameters of equilibrium phases of Fe–Ta system obtained by the Calphad approach. In order to assist the Gibbs energy modeling new constitutional and enthalpy increment data were obtained by experiments. Further, the energy of formation of intermediate phases and the energy of mixing of bcc solid solution were calculated by ab initio method. These results were combined with selected experimental data from the literature in order to optimize the model parameters of the Gibbs energy functions. Calculated phase diagram and the thermochemical properties are in good agreement with the experimental results.  相似文献   

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