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The commonly used transmutation rate of minor actinides in nuclear reactors is decomposed into four components, overall fission rate, Pu production rate, MA production rate, and element production rate. The physical meanings of these factors are described. The transmutation rates of minor actinides in two types of highly-moderated PWRs, a MOX fueled Na cooled fast reactor, and a metal fueled Pb cooled fast reactor are interpreted using the four components. The metal fueled Pb cooled fast reactor can incinerate minor actinides most (79kg/GWth/year), and this amount is about 4 times larger than the thermal reactors. The thermal reactors have large relative overall fission rates for 241Am and have a potential for the incineration of 241Am.  相似文献   

This paper shows that lead-cooled and sodium-cooled fast reactors (LFRs and SFRs) can preferentially consume minor actinides without burning plutonium, both in homogeneous and in heterogeneous mode. The former approach consists of admixing about 5% of minor actinides (MAs) into uranium–plutonium fuels in the core and using a limited number of thermalising pins consisting of UZrH1.6. These are needed to keep the negative Doppler feedback larger than the positive coolant reactivity coefficient. Our Monte Carlo burn-up calculations showed that a 600 MWe LFR self-breeder without blankets can burn an average of around 67 kg annually of MAs with a reactivity swing of only about −0.7$ per year. The reactivity swing of a corresponding 600 MWe SFR is more than three times larger due to the poorer breeding and half the critical mass in comparison to the LFR. However, when axial and radial blankets loaded with 10% MAs are added, the SFR burns 25% more MAs (131 kg/yr) and breeds 30% more Pu (150 kg/yr) than an equally sized LFR. When only the blankets are loaded with MAs, the SFR breeds 30% more Pu (198 kg/yr) and still burns about 60 kg a year of MAs. However, in terms of severe accident behaviour, the LFR, with its superior natural coolant circulation and larger heat capacity, has definite advantages.  相似文献   

The accelerator-driven subcritical system(ADS)with a hard neutron energy spectrum was used to study transmutation of minor actinides(MAs). The aim of the study was to improve the efficiency of MA transmutation while ensuring that variations in the effective multiplication factor(k_(eff)) remained within safe margins during reactor operation. All calculations were completed using code COUPLE3.0. The subcritical reactor was operated at a thermal power level of 800 MW, and a mixture of mononitrides of MAs and plutonium(Pu) was used as fuel.Zirconium nitride(ZrN) was used as an inert matrix in the fuel elements. The initial mass composition in terms of weight percentages in the heavy metal component(IHM)was 30.6% Pu/IHM and 69.4% MA/IHM. To verify the feasibility of this MA loading scheme, variations in k_(eff), the amplification factor of the core, maximum power density and the content of MAs and Pu were calculated over six refueling cycles. Each cycle was of 600 days duration, and therefore, there were 3600 effective full power days.Results demonstrated that the effective transmutation support ratio of MAs was approximately 28, and the ADS was able to efficiently transmute MAs. The changes in other physical parameters were also within their normal ranges.It is concluded that the proposed MA transmutation scheme for an ADS core is reasonable.  相似文献   

Ingestion radiotoxicity hazard index of inert matrix spent fuels are investigated after burning minor actinide (MA) isotopes in LWRs and compared with the hazard index of MOX and MA burning MOX (MOX+MA) spent fuels. As U-free fuels, ROX: (PuO2+ZrO2) and TOX: (PuO2+ThO2), are considered, in which MA's are added as oxides. The radiotoxicity hazard index of ROX+MA spent fuel is less than that of TOX+MA and MOX+MA spent fuels due to the lower density of actinides in spent fuel. Some of cooling years the toxic yield of ROX+MA spent fuel is even less than that of MOX spent fuel, if the initial loaded MA in ROX is about 0.5 at %.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of transmutation for long-lived fission products (LLFP) in light water reactors (LWR), i.e. both BWR and PWR, considering the large capture cross-section of FPs in thermal region was evaluated. Calculation results of iodine and technetium transmutation in BWR and PWR suggested an effective use of BWR as compared to PWR. To obtain transmutation fraction [TF] of 30 to 40%, the irradiation period needed for 99Tc transmutation was estimated as 10 to 15 years, and the period for 129I transmutation was estimated as 30 to 40 years, respectively. The evaluations bring a new concept of multi-recycle LLFP transmutation using LWRTR (LWR for transmutation).  相似文献   

The solving of ecological problems of future nuclear power is connected with the solving of long-lived radioactive waste utilization problems. It concerns primarily plutonium and minor actinides (MAs), accumulated in the spent fuel of nuclear reactors. One of the ways this can be solved is to use a fast reactor with uranium-free or inert matrix fuel (IMF). The physics of this type of reactor was widely investigated during last year for BN-800 reactors. The solution of the most important problems was: a decrease in non-uniformity of power distribution and an increase of the Doppler effect. The next stage of such core investigations is an evaluation of self-protection to beyond design accidents. Preliminary results show a high safety level of BN-800 reactors with IMF in the event of unprotected loss of coolant flow (ULOF) accident.  相似文献   

This paper aims to demonstrate the recent possibilities to account for correlation and relativistic effects in studying the electronic structure and energy spectra of actinide ions. The fine structure of lowest term 7F of tetravalent curium (Cm4+) is considered as an example, as part of an ongoing project to understand the unexpected ground-state properties of this peculiar ion. The calculations were performed in multiconfiguration Hartree-Fock (including relativistic effects in the Breit-Pauli approach) and multiconfuguration Dirac-Fock approximations. The results obtained demonstrate that, whilst core-valence and core-core correlations are essential to assess correctly the Cm4+ term energy, their role in the determination of the fine structure is much less important compared to that of valence-valence correlations.  相似文献   

The paper shows the impact of recycling LWR-MOX fuel in a fast burner reactor on the plutonium (Pu) and minor actinide (MA) inventories and on the related radio activities. Reprocessing of the targets for multiple recycling will become increasingly difficult as the burn up increases. Multiple recycling of Pu + MA in fast reactors is a feasible option which has to be studied very carefully: the Pu (except the isotopes Pu-238 and Pu-240), Am and Np levels decrease as a function of the recycle number, while the Cm-244 level accumulates and gradually transforms into Cm-245. Long cooling times (10 + 2 years) are necessary with aqueous processing.The paper discusses the problems associated with multiple reprocessing of highly active fuel types and particularly the impact of Pu-238, Am-241 and Cm-244 on the fuel cycle operations. The calculations were performed with the zero-dimensional ORIGEN-2 code. The validity of the results depends on that of the code and its cross section library. The time span to reduce the initial inventory of Pu + MA by a factor of 10, amounts to 255 years when average burn ups are limited to 150 GWd t−1.  相似文献   

This paper shows the impact of recycling light water reactor (LWR) mixed oxide (MOX) fuel in a fast burner reactor on the plutonium (Pu) and minor actinide (MA) inventories and on the related radioactivities. Reprocessing of the targets for multiple recycling will become increasingly difficult as the burnup increases. Multiple recycling of Pu + MA in fast reactors is a feasible option which has to be studied very carefully: the Pu (except the isotopes Pu-238 and Pu-240), Am and Np levels decrease as a function of the recycle number, while the Cm-244 level accumulates and gradually transforms into Cm-245. Long cooling times (10 + 2 years) are necessary with aqueous processing. The paper discusses the problems associated with multiple reprocessing of highly active fuel types and particularly the impact of Pu-238, Am-241 and Cm-244 on the fuel cycle operations. The calculations were performed with the zero-dimensional ORIGEN-2 code. The validity of the results depends on that of the code and its cross-section library. The time span to reduce the initial inventory of Pu + MA by a factor of 10 amounts to 255 years when average burnups are limited to 150 GW · d t−1 (tonne).  相似文献   

A CANDU reactor fueled with a mixed fuel made of thoria (ThO2) and nuclear waste actinides has been investigated. The mixed fuel composition has been varied in radial direction to achieve a uniform power distribution and fuel burn-up in the fuel bundle.  相似文献   

The Tohoku Region Pacific Coast Earthquake and subsequent severe accident (SA) in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station caused unprecedented disaster in Japan. Before this accident, considerable researches on SAs had been carried out in Japan. However, unfortunately, such researches could not prevent the accident due to the unexpected huge Tsunami. However, the researches on SAs become more and more important in order to make clear the causes of the accident in Fukushima and improve the safety of nuclear power plants in Japan. In view of this, review on researches on thermal hydraulics in SAs in light water reactors was carried out. Important thermal-hydraulic phenomena in SAs were identified. Research activities on each phenomenon were surveyed mainly based on the articles published in Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology of Atomic Energy Society of Japan.  相似文献   

The radioactive isotope ~(60)Co is used in many applications and is typically produced in heavy water reactors. As most of the commercial reactors in operation are pressurized light water reactors(PWRs), the world supply of high level radioactive cobalt would be greatly increased if~(60)Co could be produced in them. Currently,~(60)Co production in PWRs has not been extensively studied;for the ~(59)Co(n, c)~(60)Co reaction, the positioning of ~(59)Co rods in the reactor determines the rate of production. This article primarily uses the models of~(60)Co production in Canadian CANDU power reactors and American boiling water reactors; based on relevant data from the pressurized water Daya Bay nuclear power plant, a PWR core model is constructed with the Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code; this model suggests changes to existing fuel assemblies to enhance ~(60)Co production. In addition, the plug rods are replaced with ~(59)Co rods in the improved fuel assemblies in the simulation model to calculate critical parameters including the effective multiplication factor,neutron flux density, and distribution of energy deposition.By considering different numbers of ~(59)Co rods, the simulation indicates that different layout schemes have different impact levels, but the impact is not large. As a whole, the components with four~(59)Co rods have a small impact, andthe parameters of the reactor remain almost unchanged when four ~(59)Co rods replace the secondary neutron source.Therefore, in theory, the use of a PWR to produce ~(60)Co is feasible.  相似文献   

As an issue of sustainable development in the world, energy sustainability using nuclear energy may be possible using several different ways such as increasing breeding capability of the reactors and optimizing the fuel utilization using spent fuel after reprocessing as well as exploring additional nuclear resources from sea water. In this present study the characteristics of light and heavy water cooled reactors for different moderator ratios in equilibrium states have been investigated. The moderator to fuel ratio (MFR) is varied from 0.1 to 4.0. Four fuel cycle schemes are evaluated in order to investigate the effect of heavy metal (HM) recycling. A calculation method for determining the required uranium enrichment for criticality of the systems has been developed by coupling the equilibrium fuel cycle burn-up calculation and cell calculation of SRAC 2000 code using nuclear data library from the JENDL 3.2. The results show a thermal spectrum peak appears for light water coolant and no thermal peak for heavy water coolant along the MFR (0.1 ? MFR ? 4.0). The plutonium quality can be reduced effectively by increasing the MFR and number of recycled HM. Considering the effect of increasing number of recycled HM; it is also effective to reduce the uranium utilization and to increase the conversion ratio. trans-Plutonium production such as americium (Am) and curium (Cm) productions are smaller for heavy water coolant than light water coolant. The light water coolant shows the feasibility of breeding when HM is recycled with reducing the MFR. Wider feasible area of breeding has been obtained when light water coolant is replaced by heavy water coolant.  相似文献   

The paper describes the activities underway in NRC on the subject of LWR piping integrity as of the summer and fall of 1983. The paper is necessarily vague on certain topics of policy because they are either under review or are under development. Particularly in the area of BWR pipe cracking, events are very rapid so that positions and actions described in this paper may well be obsolete by the time it is published. Nevertheless, this paper is useful to show the intentions of NRC in the area of research for LWR piping, and it is also useful to document the status of the regulations on piping for which the research is being performed.  相似文献   

Fuel cladding is one of the key components in a fission reactor that confines radioactive materials inside a fuel tube. During reactor operation, however, cladding is sometimes breached, and radioactive materials leak from the fuel pellet into the coolant water through the breach. The primary coolant water is therefore monitored so that any leak is quickly detected; coolant water is periodically sampled, and the concentration of radioactive iodine 131 (I-131), for example, is measured. Depending on the measured leakage concentration, the faulty fuel assembly with leaking rod is removed from the reactor and replaced immediately or at the next refueling. In the present study, an effort has been made to develop a methodology to optimize the management for replacement of faulty fuel assemblies due to cladding failures using measured leakage concentration. A model numerical equation is proposed to describe the time evolution of an increase in I-131 concentration due to cladding failures and is then solved using the Monte Carlo method as a function of sampling rate. Our results indicate that, to achieve rationalized management of failed fuels, higher resolution to detect a small amount of I-131 is not necessarily required, but more frequent sampling is favorable.  相似文献   

The present paper aims to contribute from a neutronic aspect to activities for new cladding material development for light water reactors (LWRs) that can reduce the risk of hydrogen gas explosion. Iron (Fe), nickel (Ni), titanium (Ti), niobium (Nb) and vanadium (V) are selected as possible component elements to cover a variety of new cladding materials for LWRs. The effect of larger thermal absorption cross sections of these elements than those of zirconium (Zr), together with those of silicon carbide (SiC), on the neutron economy in LWRs is evaluated by performing pin cell burnup calculations for a conventional pressurized water reactor (PWR), a low-moderation high-burnup LWR (LM-LWR) and a high-moderation high-burnup LWR (HM-LWR). As can be anticipated from the thermal cross sections, SiC has excellent neutron economy. The materials other than SiC largely decrease discharge burnup for all three types of LWRs in comparison with Zircaloy-4. Among such elements of larger thermal absorption cross section, Nb has neutron economical advantage over the other materials except SiC in softer neutron spectrum reactors such as HM-LWR in which the atomic number ratio of hydrogen to heavy metal is 6. In conventional LWRs, stainless steel of low Ni contents has the neutron economic advantage as well as Nb for cladding material. The results of the calculations are summarized for the purpose to provide reference data for new cladding material development studies, in terms of the relation between fuel enrichment and cladding thickness from the viewpoint to achieve the same discharge burnup as the Zircaloy cladding.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the results of previous analyses of containment venting at US light water reactors. The focus of the paper is on the risk aspects of containment venting as a severe accident mitigation strategy; therefore, past risk analyses of venting are critically reviewed and conclusions are drawn where possible concerning the risk and efficacy of this strategy. Because the accident mitigation issues vary from one reactor and containment type to another, the paper examines five containment types separately.  相似文献   

The Burn-Up enlargement is one of the most important issues in the nuclear reactor core fuel management. In recent years some reactor design companies have focused on the reactor cycle length enlargement in next generation of pressurized water reactors. An increased cycle length results in an increased fuel burn-up which directly leads to low electricity costs and more efficiency. One of the promising issues is to change the chemical state of fuel that is on the agenda of the Mitsubishi Company as US-APWR nuclear power plant designer. In the present study, the neutronic as well as thermal-hydraulic analysis of some commercial ceramic fuels such as UN, UC, and UN15 instead of conventional UO2 have been studied. The sub-channel analysis approach has been selected for these investigations. In this regard, a US-APWR fuel assembly was modelled using MCNPX2.6 Monte Carlo code by considering the periodic boundary condition in X–Y directions. It was found that the use of UC and UN15 instead of UO2 has a deep effect on the reactor cycle length such that the power plant operational time was increased by a factor of 1.5. The COBRA-EN code with modified MATPRO subroutine has been used in thermal-hydraulic tasks. Since the thermal conductivity of these selected fuels is six times greater than UO2, the thermal-hydraulic analysis of candidate fuels was led to outstanding results. It was found that the fuel centerline temperature in UN15 and UC cases are about half of UO2 one, which is drastically beneficial. In summary the thermal power of next generation of pressurized water reactors could be increased considerably by using the candidate ceramic fuels instead of conventional UO2 one.  相似文献   

The problems associated to the segregations located at the inner surface and subsurface of heavy shell forgings used in nuclear light water reactors are presented. The effect of A segregation on cold or reheat cracking HAZ has conducted fabricators to use severe welding procedures with high preheat temperature and refining HAZ grain size sequences. For shells and rings, the hollow ingot as developed by CLI, with a good control of the location of the center line of segregation, is an excellent answer to these problems. The use of core shell forgings issued from this type of hollow ingots, free of segregation at the inner surface and subsurface area, contributes, by reducing the irradiation embrittlement effect, to increase the safety factor relatively to the risk of failure of the reactor.  相似文献   

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