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In this paper, we propose a reliable extrinsic equivalent circuit of a high-performance high electron-mobility transistor (HEMT) to determine both the [S]-parameters and noise parameters in the millimeter-wave range from characterizations performed below 40 GHz. In the case of the conventional equivalent circuits, only three extrinsic elements have to be determined instead of (at least) eight. We show the validity of the proposed extrinsic equivalent circuit by [S]-parameters and noise figure measurements up to the W-band (75-110 GHz). The proposed equivalent circuit is reliable and is very well suited for the design of low-noise integrated circuits for millimeter waves  相似文献   

提出了一种肖特基二极管的毫米波等效电路模型参数提取方法。该方法利用开路测试结构确定焊盘电容,并结合短路测试结构确定馈线电感;基于直流I-V特性曲线和小信号S参数分别提取了寄生电阻并进行了对比分析;给出了本征元件随偏置电压的变化曲线。在频率高达40 GHz的范围内,截止和导通状态下S参数的模拟与测试数据吻合良好,验证了提取方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Jinye Wang  Jun Liu  Zhenxin Zhao 《半导体学报》2024,45(5):052302-1-052302-8
An accurate and novel small-signal equivalent circuit model for GaN high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs) is proposed, which considers a dual-field-plate (FP) made up of a gate-FP and a source-FP. The equivalent circuit of the overall model is composed of parasitic elements, intrinsic transistors, gate-FP, and source-FP networks. The equivalent circuit of the gate-FP is identical to that of the intrinsic transistor. In order to simplify the complexity of the model, a series combination of a resistor and a capacitor is employed to represent the source-FP. The analytical extraction procedure of the model parameters is presented based on the proposed equivalent circuit. The verification is carried out on a 4 × 250 μm GaN HEMT device with a gate-FP and a source-FP in a 0.45 μm technology. Compared with the classic model, the proposed novel small-signal model shows closer agreement with measured S-parameters in the range of 1.0 to 18.0 GHz.  相似文献   

It is the aim of this paper to show that the present Information about the response of vhf triodes to signals and to noise can be represented is an equivalent circuit consisting of an equivalent noise emf in series with the input and of an independent equivalent noise current generator with an admittance in parallel to it connected between grid and cathode.  相似文献   

A three-port equivalent circuit model of microstrip transducers used for the generation and detection of magnetostatic forward volume waves (MSFVW) is derived from fundamental physical considerations. In this circuit model, each microstrip MSFVW transducer is modeled as a three-port circuit incorporating a frequency-dependent series reactance, a frequency-dependent lossless transformer, and a lossy transmission line. Circuit parameters are determined in closed form by the use of solutions of pertinent boundary-value problems. The effects of parasitics, for example, capacities of bonding pads, are easily taken into account. Some typical transducer configurations are analyzed numerically. The three-port model developed is in excellent agreement with experiments. The model can be applied directly to nonuniform arrays of microstrips weighted by varying the separation between strip centers and the widths of successive strips or reversing the current direction of some groups of strips  相似文献   

It has been suggested that an inductive element should be added to Watkins RC equivalent circuit for the microwave noise current fluctuations at the potential minimum of a diode, and that this added element gives closer agreement with more recent work which shows a pronounced peak in noise current near the plasma resonance,a = frac{1}{2}. This paper presents an approximate analytical argument for the inclusion of an inductive element, based on the density-function method of analysis, which predicts the proper value for the inductance and yields a curve of reduction factor vs frequency in agreement with more detailed theories. The value of the inductance is such as to resonate with the capacitance of the potential minimum ata = frac{1}{2}. A discussion of the linearity of the potential minimum and of the idealized potential-minimum model is also included.  相似文献   

This paper presents parametric analysis for low noise High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT) devices suitable for mm-wave radar, satellite communication, and radiometric applications. Preliminary computations reveal that pseudomorphic HEMT devices using InGaAs/GaAs heterojunction structures offer significant improvements in power added efficiency, noise figure, gain, reliability, and input power requirements compared to standard HEMT's. A Pseudomorphic HEMT device is capable of providing a room temperature noise fiqure of 3.5dB and small signal gain of 3dB at 95 GHz, approximately.  相似文献   

The equivalent circuit of a receiving antenna consists of a current generator and two admittances: one for the load, and one for the antenna. The short-circuit current, Ig - receiving property - may be expressed in terms of the transmitting properties of the antenna. The article gives a derivation for the value of Ig. It is assumed, to simplify matters, that the antenna is located in free space, and that its feeding line is a monomode waveguide (a coaxial cable, for example). The extension to multimode lines, or to spatial regions containing linear media (possibly anisotropic, and/or non-reciprocal) is fairly straightforward  相似文献   

In this paper we present an analytical, fast, accurate and robust technique for the determination of the circuit model elements of HEMTs in the microwave range. By this method the values of the equivalent circuit parameters of the device under test are extracted using three measured scattering (S) parameter sets without any optimization. We also investigated the influence of the reverse transfer conductance Re(Y12) on the modelling by means of a gate drain resistance Rdg. The validity of this method was verified upon a set of pseudomorphic HEMTs having different gate widths tested on wafer at several bias and temperature conditions. Very good agreement between the simulated and measured S-parameters has been obtained. The procedure has been implemented in Agilent VEE language as a fully automated tool to allow an accurate, fast and complete device characterization requiring no operator supervision.  相似文献   

在毫米波被动探测与制导的实际威胁下,为提高地面目标在未来战场的生存能力,进行了目标的毫米波隐身技术研究,鉴于被动隐身存在的不足,基于目标和背景辐射特性,提出了一种新的主动隐身方法。对该隐身方法的形成机理进行了理论分析,并进行了建模计算,获得了末敏弹典型带宽下不同背景所需的干扰功率面密度,最后通过外场试验对目标主动隐身特性进行了测试,试验数据说明经过主动干扰之后,能大大降低目标与背景的辐射差异,进一步验证了隐身技术可行性。  相似文献   

地球静止轨道微波辐射计利用大气吸收频段对温湿度廓线探测,辐射计在轨采用冷空作为低温定标源。当反射器指向冷空获取宇宙背景辐射亮温时,太阳或其他星体会进入冷空观测视场,由于其亮温远远高于冷空辐射亮温2.73 K,一旦进入会严重影响冷空观测值。为充分有效利用辐射计观测数据,本文主要分析最大影响源太阳对冷空观测亮温的影响,初步给出一种静止轨道微波辐射计冷定标方案,使冷空观测亮温与背景标准值的最大偏差降低至0.04 K,同时也分析了月球和卫星本体等因素对冷空观测亮温的影响。  相似文献   

A hybrid MMSE‐based precoder and combiner design with low complexity is studied in this paper for both the downlink and uplink multiuser millimeter wave MIMO systems. At first, according to the underlying channel knowledge, the phases of the RF precoder and combiner are manipulated by using the MMSE criterion. On the basis of the MMSE‐based analog precoder design, the MMSE‐based digital baseband precoder can be readily derived. Thus, this method combines the advantage of using the MMSE precoding and phase extraction technique to obtain a reasonable solution. The proposed hybrid precoding design will be examined in both the uplink and downlink multiuser MIMO systems. Numerical results are presented to show that the proposed MMSE‐based hybrid precoding design is capable of attaining superior performance in terms of both the spectral efficiency and energy efficiency over the existing designs. Moreover, we will show that the MMSE‐based design can be readily extended to the multiuser millimeter wave MISO systems when only statistical channel state information is available.  相似文献   

To explain the current dependences of the mean-square value of low-frequency (LF) noise current in green InGaN light emitting diodes (LEDs), a double stage low-frequency noise equivalent circuit of the LED is proposed. It is shown that the nonmonotonic dependence of the LF noise on the injection current in the LED can be explained by the effect of two LF noise generators: a noise current generator, which is localized near the heterojunction and is determined by tunnel-recombination processes at the interface, and a generator determined by recombination processes in the active region of the structure.  相似文献   

高效平面印刷毫米波段整流电路设计与实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用微带线设计了一种Ka波段毫米波整流电路.整流电路由输入阻抗匹配网络、整流二极管及输出直通滤波器构成,输入端口为50 Ω微带线,便于实验及与天线集成.利用等效电路模型理论分析了肖特基二极管在Ka波段的整流特性,设计并加工电路.实验测得,在32.5 GHz工作频率和20 dBm输入功率下,整流电路在350 Ω负载上获得57%的毫米波直流(MMW-DC)转换效率;在输入功率大于8 dBm时,整流效率均大于30%.该整流电路采用传统的印制电路板(Printed Cireuit Board,PCB)制作工艺,具有造价低和易集成等优点,且整流效率高,可应用到毫米波无线输能系统中.  相似文献   

Relative intensity noise (RIN) and the frequency/phase noise spectrum (FNS) equivalent circuit of a multimode semiconductor laser diode are derived from multimode rate equations with the inclusion of noise Langevin sources. FNS is an important parameter in optical communication systems, and its circuit model is presented, for the first time, in this paper. Both circuit models for RIN and FNS are integrated in one circuit. RIN and FNS are calculated as functions of frequency, output power, and mode number. It is shown that the RIN of the main mode is increased in the multimode lasers with higher mode numbers. Furthermore, we show that RIN and FNS are enhanced for higher output power. The dependency of a multimode laser diode linewidth on output power is also analyzed using the model.  相似文献   

A new nonlinear transmission line is constructed from the ladder connections of the equivalent tank circuit of undamped spiking of lasers which is a nonconservative oscillatory system. The computer experiments reveal that solitary waves propagate on the line showing soliton-like nature.  相似文献   

This paper describes the outcome of a study into the feasibility of a reliability circuit simulator for ICs in general and the critical parameters involved in particular. The necessary conditions are formulated that have to be fulfilled before any construction of the reliability simulator is meaningful or can be done at all. It has been found that failure mechanisms in the wear-out regime meet these conditions. Next, a general approach is given to make a simulator. This approach is actually derived from circuit simulator activities on hot carrier degradation and electromigration, respectively. Finally, the different groups of parameters are defined.  相似文献   

An investigation of the equivalent π circuit representation for the transverse slit in the wall of a transverse electromagnetic (TEM) parallel-plate waveguide is presented. For the narrow slit, approximate analytic expressions for the equivalent circuit parameters are given in terms of the centerline representation and, for the arbitrarily width slit, the equivalent circuit parameters are considered by the method of moments in terms of both the centerline representation and edge representation, and various characteristics of the equivalent π admittance circuit representation are discussed. A critical look is taken at the validity of the previous model of th E-plane gap coupling between two rectangular microstrip patch antennas, and the improved model is considered for the narrow slit (gap) width case  相似文献   

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