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Sea-ice and Sea Surface Temperature in offshore seas are important terms for operational monitoring and forecasting marine environment in China. The software system of regional marine environmental application designed by author is used for realtime operational monitoring sea-ice, SST, oceanic current and colours and characters of land surface. This software system processes quantitative AVHRR data from NOAA satellite to calculate calibration coefficient, solar angle correction, earth location parameter and atmospheric attenuation correction, then SST field will be produced through calculation using special SST model, and top-quality of colour composite imagery of satellite with variable spacial resolution (1, 2 or 5km) will be produced via image processing. Inside front covor Figure 1 is colour enhanced imagery with 5km resolution of NOAA satellite in offshore seas  相似文献   

This paper considers problems of the mathematical simulation of gas turbine enginesand power plants.A program complex is presented which is capable of automatizing solutions ofmany problems concerning the theromo-gas-dynamic calculation of the engine flow passage at thestages of design,development and service.A universal mathematical model is provided which real-izes all calculation for engines of different structure schemes (including test-bench) under differentregimes.This program complex includes modules WHICGBH.It can solve problems of optimiza-tion,identification and diagnostics.Software is realized on the computer ES and PC(IBM PC). Kazan Aviation Institute K.Marx Str.10 Kazan 420111 Elousi,USSR  相似文献   


This paper discusses the problem of assessing visibility in lighted streets find some inadequacies of existing lighting installations.

Two investigations are reported : the first on the effect on brightness and ‘ patchiness ’ of the spacing of lighting installations on roads of different widths. The second compares two cut-off and non-cutoff lighting installations in terms of visibility and glare.  相似文献   

In 1979, the Changchun Jingyuetan Remote Sensing Study and Test Site (RSSTS)began its work, and it was formally established in 1985. The RSSTS is subordinated the Changchun Branch of Chinese Academy of Sciences and is supported by the Changchun Institute of Geography and Changchun Institute of Optics and Fine Machnics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. It is under the management of the Resource & Environment Bureau of Chinese Academy of Sciences and it is the study base of remote sensing basis and application tests in China. The RSSTS is situated in the Jingyuetan scenic spot of the suburbs of Changchun City, Jilin Province. It is located at 43°40′—43°50′N and 125°18′-125°18′E.  相似文献   

诸昌钤副教授多年从事微机应用研究方面的教学与科研,尤其对于微处理机接口技术的研究更为深入,建树新颖,见解独特,实用价值高。现在他应本刊邀请,为广大读者讲解微处理机接口技术,以适微型机开发应用之需,请予以关注。  相似文献   

A general methodology for empirical investigaiion is described which consists of: (i) the selection of a system on the object of investigation with respect to the purpose and constraints of investigation, (ii) the gathering of data for the system and organizing them in the form of activity arrays, (iii) the processing of the data through which certain time-invariant properties representing the data are determined, (iv) the interpretation of these time-invariant data representations from the standpoint of the purpose of investigation.

It is shown that each activity array yields many different representations. A procedure through which the various representations can be obtained is described that consists of: (1) the selection of a mask specifying a pattern for sampling the data, (2) the sampling procedure through which certain types of time-invariant relations are determined for the given mask, (3) the simplification of the time-invariant relations, if necessary or desirable.

A basis for the objective comparison of possible representations and ascertainment of the representation with the highest possible degree of determinism, subject to given constraints, is developed.

The procedure is applicable to both well defined and fuzzy variables of any scale. No classification into input and output variables is required, although it is not prohibited.  相似文献   

“Norwegian Wood”——Beatles乐队于1965年开始吟唱这首歌曲,20多年后在善于复制的亚洲日本人写了同名小说。再之后,“挪威的森林”又成为伍佰最知名的歌曲之一,但如果去挪威仅仅是为了看森林,那你真是被忽悠得不浅。  相似文献   

通常英国的后期制作公司是只有几个人组成的小公司,这些公司既没有很大的规模,也没有充足的资源来制作一部完事的动画电影,而英国首部CG动画电影《战鸽快飞》仅用了14个月的制作周期和低于业内估价一半的资金成功完成,这部在好莱坞看来不可能完成的电影,在英国政府及国际企业对创意产业的关注和支持下,创造了一个勇敢向前的CG英雄!  相似文献   

说起NewWebPick,相信会有很多人对这本设计类的电子杂志颇有印象,2004年在网络上出现了这本集多种设计形式于一体的电子杂志,一时间被大家相互推荐纷纷下载,到现在NewWebPick已经推出了6期,这本以Flash为平台制作的电子杂志,  相似文献   

This paper presents a new attack on a block cipher, which is stronger than all previously considered attacks. This “chosen-key attack” is a generalization of the well accepted chosen-text attack. We give an example of a block cipher which is strong under a chosen-text attack, but immediately vulnerable to a chosen-key attack. A general chosen-key attack breaks an n bit key cipher in 2 n/2 operations. A black-box argument shows that this is the best possible for general attacks.  相似文献   

There are abundant water power resources in the Yalong River which are suitable for the large hydroelectric engineering. But a reliability study should be made for the valley which liable to frequent earthquakes. The color infrared aerophotos, multi-spectral photography and thermal infrared scanning had been specially done besides MSS image, processing. Researches on remote sensing applications to engineering geology, hydrogeology, deformation of neo-tectonics, Iandslide, mud-rock flow, ecological environment and geographical information system had been carried out by more than 20 research units.  相似文献   

自2001年Apple推出首款iPod一直到现在,其间未逢真正的对手。现如今,全世界各地都有着iPod的忠实“粉丝”。由于iPod系列外观设计独特,独具时尚魅力,炫酷的外表更是抓住了大多数人的心。在iPodmini诞生之前的三代iPod产品无疑已经取得了非常巨大的成功,但是Apple再接再厉,又推出了举世闻名的iPodmini,mini版的iPod以其漂亮的外型打动了更多MM的芳心。iPodmini的外壳采用经过阳极氧化处理的铝质材料,并且其外观颜色也不仅仅局限于苹果一贯的乳白色,而是拥有五种不同的颜色,因此与前三代iPod相比,iPodmini显得更加的坚固,活泼,可爱。甚至就连英国女王伊莉莎白二世也同样难以抗拒iPodmini的魅力,赶起时髦买了一台外形靓丽6GB容量价格不菲的银色iPodmini。由此可见iPodmini的魅力之一斑。  相似文献   

做学生是很难的一件事,那么那些有天分的大学生们是如何处理他们学校所分配的任务呢?更重要的是,是否有所分级呢?看看我们的专家如何看待这个问题的吧……[编者按]  相似文献   

介绍包钢连铸机基础自动化系统的配置特点 ;网络通信 ;工艺控制特点 ;二级计算机系统配置 ,应用软件结构和功能 ,工艺模型特点。  相似文献   

随着互连网的发展,电子邮件成为当今越来越常用的工具之一,发送电子邮件方便、便宜。下面向您介绍电子邮件使用的几项小技巧。  相似文献   

说明性语义是逻辑程序研究的重要内容,也是其作为说明性程序的基本特征。近年来由于人们对带否定前提的一般逻辑程序设计的关注,以及逻辑程序与非单调推理的结合,逻辑程序的语义研究出现了许多新结果。本文以早期的Clark语义和最小模型语义为起点,介绍这些新发展的部分内容,主要包括Clark语义的Fitting 3-值扩充,理想模型语义、稳定模型语义、良基模型语义以及它们之间的关系,并在此基研上进一步讨论了说明性语义在逻辑程序设计中的地位和作用。  相似文献   

本文论述如何在软件的开发中巧妙地、正确地使用宏替换函数,从而提高程序的可扩充性、灵活性,优化程序,降低程序的冗余度,提高应用软件的通用性。  相似文献   

软件开发过程及其模型(Ⅰ)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
软件过程模型是软件过程的一种模型,它是软件开发的指导思想和全局性框架。软件过程模型的提出和发展反映了人们对软件过程的某种认识观,体现了人们对软件开发过程认识的提高和飞跃。软件过程模型对软件开发的作用不论怎么强调也不算过分。然而,问题是:迄今为止,软件过程的本质是什么尚不清楚;现有的众多模型,包括已被证明具有重大影响的模型,无一称得上是完善的、普遍适用的。论题“软件开发过程及其模型”分析、讨论各种重要的过程模型的发展、哲学基础、形式概念、本质特征、适用性及其优缺点。本文是论题的第一部分,以瀑布模型和快速原型模型为中心。其它模型将在第二部分中讨论。  相似文献   

系统科学与复杂性(Ⅰ)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李夏  戴汝为 《自动化学报》1998,24(2):200-207
以从无生命系统研制到有生命系统研究的转变,从工程技术领域到社会科学、生命科学领域的跳跃为主线,将系统科学中的有关研究与Santa Fe Institute所进行的有关复杂性的工作进行对比和综述.强调了我国学者的观点:复杂性是开放的复杂巨系统的特征,研究复杂性离不开系统;人机结合的大成智慧工程是开放的复杂巨系统研究的标志.  相似文献   

The technique of aerial photography has been used in the surveying and Mapping for more than fifty years. Along with the development of space technolongy, the satellite images are more and more widely applied to solve the survey problems. Recent years, the surveying and mapping community has conducted more deeply investigation into the remote sensing and carried out extensive applications.  相似文献   

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