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为提高无线通信的频谱效率,提出一种MIMO-MRC(multiple-input multiple-output-maximal ratio combining)跨层方案。是物理层的自适应调制(adaptive modulation,AM)和数据链路层的自动重传(automatic repeat request,ARQ)协作,发射端利用估计信道信息反馈,自适应调节调制模式,选择最优发射权矢量和自动重传发射数据。分析了估计误差对MIMO-MRC跨层系统的影响,给出了MIMO-MRC系统在信道估计存在误差时的频谱效率和中断概率的闭合表达式。通过仿真实验证明,对比SISO(single-input single-output)跨层系统和A lamouti's跨层系统,MIMO-MRC跨层系统的性能有明显提高,可获得约3 d B的分集增益。  相似文献   

王飞  朱光喜 《电讯技术》2007,47(6):35-39
设计了一种适用于正交频分复用(OFDM)的跨层自适应算法。此算法结合自适应调制(AM)和有限自动重传请求(ARQ)技术,能够根据不同的信道状态在物理层和数据链路层联合进行性能优化,可以在保证上层吞吐量一定的条件下提供更小的丢包率。仿真结果表明,通过跨层结构设计的系统和传统的分层结构设计的系统相比有一定的性能增益,在进行高速传输时此增益更为显著。  相似文献   

本文将结合链路层自动重传请求(ARQ)与物理层自适应调制(AM)的跨层优化设计应用于MIMO系统中。导出了在Rayleigh信道中,MIMO系统中跨层设计的平均频谱利用率的计算公式。仿真验证结果表明这种跨层设计在提高MIMO系统的频谱利用率上的可行性,且随着ARQ中最大重传次数的变化,对频谱利用率的提高也不同。  相似文献   

通常链路自适应技术均是基于分层的思想来设计的,往往使得局部性能最优化,但系统的整体性能却未达到最优。文章在LTE(长期演进)网络架构基础上,针对物理层的AMC(自适应调制编码)和MAC(介质访问控制)层的HARQ(混合自动请求重传)两种自适应技术提出一种跨层设计方案。分析了跨层耦合参数与系统性能之间的关系,并给出了详细的推导过程和具体的表达式。然后给出了平均时延和平均误包率约束条件下的跨层优化问题。仿真结果表明,该跨层设计能进一步提高系统的平均频谱效率;在给定业务QoS(服务质量)需求下,可以根据信道质量来选择最佳的最大重传次数和AMC方式,使得系统的平均频谱效率最大化。  相似文献   

为了提高无线系统数据速率,目前广泛地采用物理层自适应调制编码(AMC)和链路层自动重发请求(ARQ)协议相结合的跨层设计,这种设计方法能大大提高系统频谱利用率。本文在瑞利衰落信道模型下,在给定包时延和丢包率的情况下,推导出了联合AMC和ARQ的跨层设计频谱利用率的公式。同时也与纯AMC和纯ARQ的情况作了比较。  相似文献   

王胜男  衡伟 《广东通信技术》2007,27(7):12-16,20
本文讨论了MIMOOFDM系统中一种基于自适应编码调制的的跨层传输技术。该技术结合传统物理层自适应编码调制和数据链路层自动请求重发,利用信道估计参数和数据链路层的误包率计算自适应编码调制门限,在系统给定时延和误包率约束的基础上最大程度地提高频谱利用率。仿真结果表明,编码系统具有很强的差错控制作用,相比传统物理层自适应编码调制系统和未编码系统都提高了频率利用率;当频率利用率为1时,相比于未编码系统,编码带来的增益为4dB。同时这种强差错控制作用也使得改变系统最大重传次数对切换门限的影响变小,因此跨层自适应编码调制相比传统物理层自适应带来的频谱效率的提高变小,这就使得实际系统能以较小的时延代价换取足够的频谱利用率增益。  相似文献   

一种无线视频传输的跨层自适应不平等保护方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
无线网络的异构性给多媒体业务带来了很大的挑战,跨层设计因此成为研究的热点。该文提出一种针对视频传输的跨层自适应保护方法,根据信道变化自适应选择应用层、链路层和物理层最优的编码和传输策略组合,对视频码流中具有不同重要性的数据进行不平等保护。仿真结果证明,该文提出的跨层保护方法能够在信道条件比较差的情况下提供更好的视频传输质量。  相似文献   

该文针对瑞利衰落信道中采用Chase合并混合自动重传请求(CC-HARQ)协议的多跳中继网络提出一种基于跨层设计的能量效率优化策略。为实现能量效率的最大化,基于对数域线性阈值的平均误帧率模型,推导出多跳CC-HARQ系统能量效率的闭合表达式,进而设计了最优发送帧长策略和最优发送功率分配方案,其次,针对发送帧长和发送功率分析了两者的联合优化方案。仿真结果验证了理论分析的正确性和可行性,仿真对比实验表明所提跨层优化设计方案可以有效提升实际多跳网络的能量效率性能。  相似文献   

罗善国  唐开 《数字通信》2010,37(2):58-61
0 引言 随着无线业务向多媒体方向的发展,诸多的新技术如雨后春笋般涌现,其中物理层的自适应调制(adaptive modulation, AM)由于能非常有效地提高频谱利用率以及系统吞吐量,得到了业界极大的关注。  相似文献   

肖博  习勇  韩君妹 《电讯技术》2016,56(10):1159-1164
在瑞利衰落信道中,为改善采用Chase合并混合自动重传请求( CC-HARQ)协议的多跳中继网络的频谱效率性能,考虑发送帧长和发送功率的跨层优化,研究了提升其频谱效率的跨层优化策略。不同于传统的中断概率分析,通过利用对数域线性阈值的平均误帧率估计方法,给出了多跳CC-HARQ协议频谱效率的精确表达式,在发送功率固定时设计了最优发送帧长策略,在发送帧长固定时设计了最优发送功率分配方案,进一步提出了跨层的联合优化方案。仿真结果验证了所设计优化方案在理论上的正确性和有效性,同时在仿真中可以观察到采用跨层的优化策略后,多跳 CC-HARQ中继网络的频谱效率获得了显著的提升,其中跨层的联合优化方案比传统的固定帧长等功率策略在频谱效率上提升了0.014 b/s·Hz-1。  相似文献   

本文采用可变速率和功率的MQAM调制方式研究时变情况下多输入多输出(MIMO)系统的性能,推导出了在速率离散分阶的情况下的功率和速率的分配公式.对不同的速率量化算法的仿真实验表明,在不知道信道矩阵概率密度函数的情况下,本文采用的速率量化算法可以有效的提高系统的频谱利用率,同时大大的减小了计算的复杂性.  相似文献   

王磊  郝士琦  赵青松  张岱 《激光与红外》2017,47(11):1405-1410
针对大气激光通信中由大气湍流引起的系统性能下降问题,研究了基于物理层自适应调制编码(AMC)和数据链路层混合自动请求重传(HARQ)的大气激光通信跨层系统性能。在建立了大气湍流信道瞬时信噪比模型的基础上,建立了大气激光通信AMC-HARQ系统模型,并推导了系统误包率和频带利用率公式,最后在双伽马信道模型下进行了仿真分析。仿真结果表明,大气激光通信AMC-HARQ系统能够在保证一定误包性能的条件下,大大提高系统频带利用率,提高单一应用AMC时的系统误包性能。随着重传次数增加,误包率和频带利用率均提高,但频带利用率增幅随重传次数增加而减小。  相似文献   

To maximize throughput and to satisfy users' requirements in cognitive radios, a cross-layer optimization problem combining adaptive modulation and power control at the physical layer and truncated automatic repeat request at the medium access control layer is proposed. Simulation results show the combination of power control, adaptive modulation, and truncated automatic repeat request can regulate transmitter powers and increase the total throughput effectively.  相似文献   

In this article, a cross-layer design (CLD) scheme for multiple-input and multiple-output system with the dual constraints of imperfect feedback and average packet error rate (PER) is presented, which is based on the combination of the adaptive modulation and the automatic repeat request protocols. The design performance is also evaluated over wireless Rayleigh fading channel. With the constraint of target PER and average PER, the optimum switching thresholds (STs) for attaining maximum spectral efficiency (SE) are developed. An effective iterative algorithm for finding the optimal STs is proposed via Lagrange multiplier optimisation. With different thresholds available, the analytical expressions of the average SE and PER are provided for the performance evaluation. To avoid the performance loss caused by the conventional single estimate, multiple outdated estimates (MOE) method, which utilises multiple previous channel estimation information, is presented for CLD to improve the system performance. It is shown that numerical simulations for average PER and SE are in consistent with the theoretical analysis and that the developed CLD with average PER constraint can meet the target PER requirement and show better performance in comparison with the conventional CLD with instantaneous PER constraint. Especially, the CLD based on the MOE method can obviously increase the system SE and reduce the impact of feedback delay greatly.  相似文献   

徐峰  岳殿武 《电子学报》2009,37(7):1434-1439
 提出了一种新的跨层设计方案,即选择中继重传方案(SN-RT,selective-node-based retransmission scheme).它把物理层中的协作分集技术和数据链路层中的自动请求重传(ARQ)协议有效地结合起来.在重传过程中,依据中继与目的节点间链路的瞬时信噪比选择一个最佳中继,联合源节点进行Alamouti空时编码.在Rayleigh衰落环境和MPSK调制下,给出了确切的吞吐量表达式.结果显示,相比于固定中继重传方案(FN-RT,fixed-node-based retransmission scheme),SN-RT跨层方案能明显进一步提升系统吞吐量.  相似文献   

Non‐binary type‐II hybrid ARQ (HARQ), which combines shortened Reed–Solomon (RS) code with ARQ, is proposed. Its throughput is obtained by extending Lin and Yu's analysis of binary type‐II HARQ. The reliability and average delay are also obtained. The analytical results show that non‐binary HARQ outperforms its binary counterpart in throughput, reliability and average delay when proper RS codes are selected. Non‐binary HARQs are applied adaptively in a cellular phone system with uniformly distributed mobile terminals (MTs). MTs switch adaptively between two different hybrid schemes according to the average SNR of the received signals. The adaptive parameters include the size of the modulation constellation, the error‐correction coding and their joint adaptation. Numerical results show that the adaptive scheme always outperforms its non‐adaptive counterparts, and the adaptive modulation scheme is superior to adaptive coding and the joint adaptation scheme when the implementation complexity is a limiting factor. Robustness analysis shows that introducing a mixed modulation scheme in addition to QPSK and 8PSK in the adaptive modulation scheme is unnecessary, and HARQ with adaptive modulation is insensitive to deviations from the optimal threshold, thus facilitating its implementation. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Link adaptation is an effective tool to overcome fading effects in wireless links. However, time-varying adaptive transmission rate leads to queueing delay, and moreover, in practise, imperfect channel state information (CSI) is available for the transmitter to adapt its transmission rate and power. This article aims to consider practical constraints to enhance the link adaptation scheme. We reformulate and optimise buffer delay constrained throughput of a wireless link based on outdated noisy CSI. Discrete power adaptation is proposed, in which a limited number of feedback bits (just the index of transmission power level) is required, while the performance is improved compared to the constant power and is close to continuous adaptive power. A unified scheme is set-up, where constant, discrete or continuous adaptive power transmission is utilised considering average or instantaneous bit error rate constraints based on imperfect CSI. The effectiveness of our designs is evaluated by numerical evaluations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a cross-layer design framework combining adaptive modulation and coding (AMC) with hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ) based on rate-compatible low-density parity-check codes (RC-LDPC) in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) fading channels with estimation errors. First, we propose a new puncturing pattern for RC-LDPC codes and demonstrate that the new puncturing pattern performs similar to the random puncturing but is easier to apply. Then, we apply RC-LDPC codes with the new puncturing pattern to the cross-layer design combing AMC with ARQ over MIMO fading channels and derive the expressions for the throughput of the system. The effect of channel estimation errors on the system throughput is also investigated. Numerical results show that the joint design of AMC and ARQ based on RC-LDPC codes can achieve considerable spectral efficiency gain.  相似文献   

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