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State-of-the-art MR techniques that rely on echo planar imaging (EPI), such as real-time fMRI, are limited in their applicability by both subject motion and B0 field inhomogeneities. The goal of this work is to demonstrate that in principle it is possible to accurately predict the B0 field inhomogeneities that occur during echo planar imaging in the presence of large scale head motion and apply this knowledge for distortion correction. 相似文献2.
Manoj Shrestha Pavel Hok Ulrike Nöth Bianca Lienerth Ralf Deichmann 《Magma (New York, N.Y.)》2018,31(5):585-597
The purpose of this work was to optimize the acquisition of diffusion-weighted (DW) single-refocused spin-echo (srSE) data without intrinsic eddy-current compensation (ECC) for an improved performance of ECC postprocessing. The rationale is that srSE sequences without ECC may yield shorter echo times (TE) and thus higher signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) than srSE or twice-refocused spin-echo (trSE) schemes with intrinsic ECC.Materials and methods
The proposed method employs dummy scans with DW gradients to drive eddy currents into a steady state before data acquisition. Parameters of the ECC postprocessing algorithm were also optimized. Simulations were performed to obtain minimum TE values for the proposed sequence and sequences with intrinsic ECC. Experimentally, the proposed method was compared with standard DW-trSE imaging, both in vitro and in vivo.Results
Simulations showed substantially shorter TE for the proposed method than for methods with intrinsic ECC when using shortened echo readouts. Data of the proposed method showed a marked increase in SNR. A dummy scan duration of at least 1.5 s improved performance of the ECC postprocessing algorithm.Conclusion
Changes proposed for the DW-srSE sequence and for the parameter setting of the postprocessing ECC algorithm considerably reduced eddy-current artifacts and provided a higher SNR.3.
To reduce acquisition time and increase signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the wavelet-encoding gradient-echo (GE-WE) sequence used in small field of view dynamic magnetic resonance imaging. 相似文献4.
P. Latta V. Jellúš L. Budinský V. Mlynárik I. Tkáč R. Luypaert 《Magma (New York, N.Y.)》1998,7(1):21-27
NMR signal phase variation caused by macroscopic motion of an object during application of the diffusion gradient is a well-known
effect in diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) using the standard pulsed gradient spin-echo sequence (PGSE). This phase error
causes severe ghost artifacts in the output image when phase encoding techniques, such as two dimensional Fourier transform
(2DFT) imaging, are used. One possible way to eliminate the motion effects is the navigator echo technique. The method is
based on estimating the phase error from the navigator echo and using it for the correction of the image echo. The phase errors
(zero and first order) for the phase correction of the image echo are usually evaluated from the navigator echo after Fourier
transform (FT) in the readout direction, correcting for both translation and rotation. We present here a simple algorithm
which wnables evaluation and correction in the time domain of phase errors induced by motion. This approach has the advantage
of improved correction of motional artifacts and minimized sensitivity to noise and inaccurate setting up of the experiment. 相似文献
This study presents an improved point-spread-function (PSF) mapping-based distortion correction method and accelerated PSF acquisition for distortion correction in EPI without loss of quality or reliability compared to full encoding.Materials and methods
To correct geometric distortions accurately, the PSF in the EPI phase-encoding coordinates (EPI-PSF) was measured and used as a kernel for distortion correction. FOV reduction was applied in the PSF mapping dimension for highly accelerated PSF acquisition. A novel approach for fold-over artifact correction in this reduced dimension is introduced. Conventional gradient-echo EPI and corresponding full PSF reference data were acquired in phantoms and in human brain at 7 T. The distortion corrected EPI data with the proposed acceleration were compared to result with full encoding. Previously published interpolation methods based on shift maps, non-uniform Fourier transformation and a b-spline interpolation were compared with the proposed method.Results
The results demonstrate that the proposed method corrects geometric distortions in EPI with high accuracy and quality despite the high acceleration. In contrast to partial parallel imaging acceleration, no noise enhancement is introduced.Conclusion
The proposed EPI-PSF-based distortion correction improves correction of EPI and accelerates PSF reference data acquisition and computation. 相似文献6.
An improved PSF mapping method for EPI distortion correction in human brain at ultra high field (7T)
To further improve the quality and robustness of the point-spread function (PSF) mapping method for fully automatic and accurate correction of geometric distortions in EPI at ultra high field such as 7 Tesla with high fidelity. 相似文献7.
Jochen Rick Oliver Speck Simon Maier Oliver Tüscher Olaf Dössel Jürgen Hennig Maxim Zaitsev 《Magma (New York, N.Y.)》2010,23(3):165-176
Most functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiments use gradient-echo echo planar imaging (GE EPI) to detect the blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) effect. This technique may fail in the presence of anatomy-related susceptibility-induced field gradients in the human head. In this work, we present a novel 3D compensation method in combination with a template-based correction that can be optimized over particular regions of interest to recover susceptibility-induced signal loss without acquisition time penalty. 相似文献8.
Next day load curve forecasting using hybrid correction method 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This work presents an approach for short-term load forecast problem, based on hybrid correction method. Conventional artificial neural network based short-term load forecasting techniques have limitations especially when weather changes are seasonal. Hence, we propose a load correction method by using a fuzzy logic approach in which a fuzzy logic, based on similar days, corrects the neural network output to obtain the next day forecasted load. An Euclidean norm with weighted factors is used for the selection of similar days. The load correction method for the generation of new similar days is also proposed. The neural network has an advantage of dealing with the nonlinear parts of the forecasted load curves, whereas, the fuzzy rules are constructed based on the expert knowledge. Therefore, by combining these two methods, the test results show that the proposed forecasting method could provide a considerable improvement of the forecasting accuracy especially as it shows how to reduce neural network forecast error over the test period by 23% through the application of a fuzzy logic correction. The suitability of the proposed approach is illustrated through an application to actual load data of the Okinawa Electric Power Company in Japan. 相似文献
Sune H. Keller Søren Holm Adam E. Hansen Bernhard Sattler Flemming Andersen Thomas L. Klausen Liselotte Højgaard Andreas Kjær Thomas Beyer 《Magma (New York, N.Y.)》2013,26(1):173-181
Integrated whole-body PET/MRI tomographs have become available. PET/MR imaging has the potential to supplement, or even replace combined PET/CT imaging in selected clinical indications. However, this is true only if methodological pitfalls and image artifacts arising from novel MR-based attenuation correction (MR-AC) are fully understood.Results
Here we present PET/MR image artifacts following routine MR-AC, as most frequently observed in clinical operations of an integrated whole-body PET/MRI system.Conclusion
A clinical adoption of integrated PET/MRI should entail the joint image display and interpretation of MR data, MR-based attenuation maps and uncorrected plus attenuation-corrected PET images in order to recognize potential pitfalls from MR-AC and to ensure clinically accurate image interpretation. 相似文献10.
陶丽楠 《国外电子测量技术》2011,30(12):18-21
随着系统级芯片SoC的集成度越来越高,所需的测试数据量呈指数倍增长,针对测试数据量大这一关键问题,提出了一种有效的基于参考向量和纠错码编码的压缩方案,该方案对测试数据进行三步处理:对测试向量进行分块处理;按照特定的团划分方式选出参考向量;利用纠错码和测试数据相容性的特点对测试数据进行编码.提出的编码具有更短的码字,解压... 相似文献
A method of RF inhomogeneity correction in MR imaging 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A direct postprocessing method for correcting RF inhomogeneity in MR imaging is proposed. First, two images with different
flip-angles of ψ and 2ψ are obtained. Next, the spatial distribution maps of the sensitivity of the surface coil and theB
1 field intensity are produced by employing those images. Finally, the correction of the MR image is achieved, dividing the
original image by distribution maps of the coil sensitivity and theB
1 field intensity. The method was applied to image obtained by a gradient echo sequence and the corrected image is presented. 相似文献
本文介绍三电平有源功率因数校正的关键控制方法.首先,给出基于正弦脉冲宽度调制(SPWM)的三电平有源功率因数校正的控制原理,介绍电流环路和电压环路的设计过程.然后,为了让PI调节更精确,给出一种占空比前馈的控制方法.最后,介绍这些控制方法在数字信号处理器(DSP)中的实现过程.本文推荐的有源功率因数校正的控制方法简单可... 相似文献
Tomio Chiba Mitsuyasu Kido Junzou Kawakami Katsuhiko Yoneda Tadao Kawai Kotaro Hirasawa 《Electrical Engineering in Japan》1994,114(5):31-43
Control and protection equipment in power systems requires higher sensitivity and operational reliability to meet today's changing power system requirements. The voltage-measuring deviation requirement for advanced voltage and var control equipment is less than 0.1 percent under conditions of harmonic distortion in the voltage waveform and power-system frequency variation. Studies on digital signal processing suitable for electric power systems showed that these requirements are satisfied using fast sampling and very fast 32-bit floating point operations by a Digital Signal Processor (DSP). This paper describes the design philosophy of a high-precision power system voltage-measuring method using fast sampled data. In addition, total voltage-measuring deviation characteristics under a combination of the techniques are described along with digital filter characteristics, frequency-measuring deviation characteristics, frequency variation versus gain-compensation characteristics of a digital filter, and peak value operating principles. 相似文献
为改善控制延时对有源滤波器(APF)补偿效果的影响,本文从分析数字化有源滤波器产生延时的原因出发,建立了APF控制系统的传递函数模型。用MATLAB对该传递函数进行频域特性分析可以发现,延时不但造成了输出参考电流相位的滞后,而且还对其幅值产生了影响;同时,由于延时的存在,系统电压的量测精度对参考电流的影响也是不可忽略的。在以上分析结果的基础上,本文提出了一种从参考电流的幅值和相位入手,对控制系统延时进行补偿的策略,并且兼顾系统电压量测精度对参考电流的影响。现场实验充分验证了该补偿策略的正确性和易用性。 相似文献
各种类型的角反射器是SAR辐射定标常用参考目标,其辐射特性在高分辨率应用时将不再保持恒定。本文分析了高分辨率SAR系统中宽频带对常用参考目标RCS的调制效应及其对辐射定标中能量提取的影响,在此基础上提出了针对这类参考目标的辐射特性校正方法,补偿了调制效应。通过仿真量化了调制效应对能量提取算法的影响,并利用校正算法对地基SAR实验数据处理,验证了该方法的有效性。 相似文献
The author presents a bad-data identification procedure for linear programming (LP) power system static state estimation. LP state estimators minimize the weighted sum of the absolute values of the measurement residuals. The proposed procedure first detects the bad data using the measurement residuals of those measurements rejected by the LP estimator. Then the bad measurement is identified and eliminated by estimating the measurement errors of the zero residual measurements. The residuals obtained from this second estimation step are made use of for this purpose. In order to minimize the computational burden during the elimination cycles, a fast way of eliminating measurements through weight changing is also presented. The performance of the proposed procedure is tested and the results are presented, using AEP's 14, 30, 57 and 118 相似文献
Kunihiro Hamaba Naoto Yokoyama Masakazu Kato Yoshiki Takabayashi 《Electrical Engineering in Japan》1992,112(2):101-109
A technique of calculating the frequency bias of an electric power system from frequency fluctuation data and total output power is described. An evaluation method for testing the calculations by the new method is developed. The results are in good agreement with estimates based on generator speed regulation but the method gives an excessively high figure for the load frequency bias. 相似文献